Restructured Electrical Power Systems (Power Engineering, 13) - PDF Free Download (2025)

Restructured Electrical Power Systems

POWERENGINEERING Series Editor H. Lee Willis .4BBElectric Systems TechnologyInstitute Raleigh, North Carolina

1. PowerDistribution PlanningReferenceBook, H. Lee Willis 2. TransmissionNetworkProtection: Theoryand Practice, Y. G. Paithankar 3. Electrical Insulation in PowerSystems,N. H. Malik, A. A. AI-Arainy, and M. I. Qureshi and Testing, Paul Gill 4. Electrical PowerEquipmentMaintenance 5. Protective Relaying: Principles and Applications, SecondEdition, J. Lewis Blackburn 6. Understanding Electric Utilities and De-Regulation,Lordn Philipson and H. LeeWillis 7. Electrical PowerCableEngineering,William A. Thue 8. Electric Systems,Dynamics,and Stability with Artificial Intelligence Applications, JamesA. Momoh and Mohamed E. EI-Hawary 9. Insulation Coordination for PowerSystems,AndrewR. Hileman 10. Distributed PowerGeneration: Planning and Evaluation, H. Lee Willis and Walter G. Scott 11. Electric PowerSystemApplications of Optimization, JamesA. Momoh 12. Aging PowerDelivery Infrastructures, H. Lee Willis, GregoryV. Welch, and Randall R. Schdeber 13. RestructuredElectrical PowerSystems:Operation, Trading, and Volatility, Mohammad Shahidehpourand MuwaffaqAlomoush


Restructured Electrical Power Systems Operation, Trading, and Volatility MohammadShahidehpour Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, Illinois

Muwaffaq Alomoush Yarmouk University Irbid, Jordan





ISBN: 0-8247-0620-X This bookis printed on acid-free paper. Headquarters Marcel Dekker,Inc. 270 Madison Avenue, NewYork, NY10016 tel: 212-696-9000;fax: 212-685-4540 Eastern HemisphereDistribution Marcel Dekker AG Hutgasse4, Postfach 812, CH-4001Basel, Switzerland tel: 41-61-261-8482;fax: 41-61-261-8896 World Wide Web httlS:// The publisher offers discounts on this bookwhenordered in bulk quantities. For moreinformation, write to Special Sales/Professional Marketingat the headquartersaddress above. Copyright© 2001 b~ Marcel Dekker,Inc. All Rights Reserved. Neither this book nor any part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,microfilming, and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Currentprinting (last digit): 1098765432 1 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

SERIES INTRODUCTION Powerengineering is the oldest and most traditional of the various areas within electrical engineering, yet no other facet of modem technology is currently undergoing a more dramatic revolution in both technology and industry structure. Worldwide,deregulation, privatization and restructuring have transformed the business and operating context within which the electric power industry must operate. While these govemmentand societally mandatedrules have in no way changed the basic physical laws that define howelectricity behaves, they have dramatically changed the waythat the electric industry mustfunction to attain its business and customer-service goals. The sheer number and scale of these changes have made it a challenge for anyone involved - utility executive, regulator, utility planner, system operator or electricity trader - to grasp firmly howthe modemelectric industry operates. Thus, this newest addition to Marcel Dekker’s Power Engineering Series, Restructured Electrical Power Systems: Operation, Trading and Volatility, is particularly appropriate. Professors Shahidehpour and Alomoushhave created a comprehensive yet accessible reference that covers both the frameworkwithin which modemelectric production, transportation and trading systems operate, and the intricacies of the analytical, engineering, and business operations that must function within that framework. Modempower industry operation is particularly difficult to understand because of the dichotomybetween electricity’s business and physical manifestations. Fromthe business perspective, electric poweris a fungible commodity, something that can be traded much like oil, wheat, or coffee, and for whichfutures markets and hedging systems can and do exist. But in its physical manifestation, electricity is quite unlike all other traded commodities.Perhaps the fundamentaldifference is that it cannot be stored to any significant degree. This greatly affects howit must be managedas a business asset, and greatly constrains how its present and future market prices do or don’t interact, as comparedto other commodities. In large part due to its "storage-less" nature, III



electricity can be transported only in a real-time basis, and in a manner heavily constrained by myriad physical laws that are complicatedin their interactions but nearly instantaneous in their impact. This meansthat transportation and delivery more totally define product quality than in other industries, and also meansthat in a practical sense electricity is not entirely fungible in manysituations. The net effect of all of these differences is that modem electricity trading and wholesale transportation systems are quite different from anything seen previously, either in the electric industry or in any other industry. For this reason, this volumeis all the more remarkable, both for the clarity of its presentation and for the comprehensive wayin which the authors explain howevery facet of the industry interacts with and impacts the whole. Professors Shahidehpour and Alomoushhave created an excellent reference for the experienced powerengineer or executive whoneeds a solid background on modemwholesale power exchange and grid operation. In addition, their bookis also a very goodtutorial for the student whodesires to learn the intricacies behind what is literally the fastest movingcommoditybeing traded anywherein the world. Like all the books in Marcel Dekker’s Power Engineering Series Elements of Restructured Electrical Power Systems provides modem powertechnologyin a context of proven, practical application; useful as a reference book as well as for self-study and advancedclassroom use. The series covers the entire field of power engineering, in all of its specialties and subgenres, and aims at providing practicing power engineers with the knowledge and techniques they need to meet the electric industry’s challengesin the 21 st century. H. LeeWillis

PREFACE The electric powerindustry is in the midst of a major restructuring process in whichelectricity would be traded as a commodity.Electricity is a $200billion per year market, which makesit the largest commodity market in the United States. This book discusses topics that are the critical ingredients in understanding electric power industry restructuring. The California energy shortages and rolling blackouts in 2000-2001have further reinforced the need for a book on this subject whichwouldhelp the reader understandthe transition from the electricity of the past to the electricity of the future. For many decades, electric utilities monopolized the way they generated, transmitted, controlled, and distributed electricity to customers in their service territories. In that monopoly,each utility managedthe three main componentsof electric power systems, i.e., generation, transmission and distribution. In the restructured system, the main tasks of these three components remain the same as before; however, to comply with FERCOrders, new types of unbundling, coordination and rules are established to guarantee competition and nondiscriminatoryopen access to all users in the interconnedtion.~ The UnitedStates restructured its electric powermarketsthe last few years of the twentieth century in order to foster the competition. Reform has focused on transforming the wholesale market for electricity into a competitive market at the national level, and importancehas been placed on providinga competitiveretail marketat the state level.

Interconnection in the United States refers to any one of the three large transmission systems. The Eastern Interconnection covers most of the area east of the Rocky Mountains in the United States and Canada. The Western Interconnection covers an area that is mostly west of the RockyMountainsin the United States and Canada, as well as a small portion of Mexico. ERCOT lnterconnection covers muchof Texas.



Ultimately, small customers such as householdswill be able to select their energy providers in much the same way that they now choose a long-distance telephonecarrier. In response to the electric industry restructuring, new phenomena, new circumstances, new risks, and new tools have emerged. Someof these new topics have risen for the lack of experience with newborn issues, while others have embarked as a necessity for the proposed structures. Althoughthe newelectric powerstructure requires newtools and approaches for decision-making and improving the efficiency of the power network, it is evident that applying theorems and modelsof other commodities to electricity markets could frequently mislead market participants in the restructured electricity industry. In this market, energy trading tools wouldhelp buyers and sellers sign up freely for a range of energy resources, various types of electricity products and different energy alternatives in geographical regions, while they take into consideration special circumstances of energy markets that differ from other commoditypractices. The primary objectives of this book are to present a backgroundon electricity restructuring, to provide insight on new trends in power systems operation and control, and to highlight advanced topics in electricity markets. These topics are covered in various chapters by illustrative examplesand graphical representations that will help readers acquire ample knowledge on the respective subjects. This book is suitable for readers from different disciplines, including college students and instructors, electricity traders, hedgers, regulators, vendors, manufacturers, consulting companies,electric utilities, and researchers. Readers will find answers to several questions including: Whyis a restructuring necessary? Whatare the componentsof restructuring? How is the new structure different from the old monopoly?What are the outcomesof restructuring? Howis the restructuring implemented?What are the new trends in restructuring? What are the new tools in restructuring? Howare interchange transactions analyzed and approved? Howis an optimal decision made in the energy market? Howwould the communicationlinks work in the restructured electric power industry? Whatare the characteristics of energy markets in the United States and across the globe?



OUTLINE OF THE BOOK Chapter1 provides an introduction to the electric utility industry and its functions. This chapter is a general review of restructuring for power engineers and includes introductory information for non-electrical engineering majors with an interest in utility restructuring. The chapter reviews key issues in restructuring and different restructuring models including stranded costs, market operations, transmission pricing, congestion management, PoolCo model, bilateral contracts and the hybrid model. Chapter 2 provides a discussion on major U.S. market models, Independent System Operators (ISOs) in the United States and major ISO functions as related to the FERCOrder 888. These models include California, Pennsylvania-NewJersey-Maryland (PJM) interconnection, NewYork Power Pool (NYPP), Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT),NewEngland ISO and Midwest ISO. The chapter discusses some of the shortcomings and advantages of these models, presents comparisons amongmodels, and reviews topics such as horizontal and vertical market power, stranded costs, tics, market clearing prices, Contracts for Differences and transmission pricing. Chapter 3 introduces the OpenAccess Same-TimeInformation System (OASIS), presents a comprehensive review of OASIS, discusses the FERC Order No. 889 and elaborates on exploring OASIS as an electronic information system. OASISallows users to instantly receive data on the current transmission networkoperating status, capacity of a transmission provider (transmission availability), request of transmission services, available transmission capability, and transmission pricing. This chapter discusses requirements of transmission providers, types of information on OASISsuch as the availability of transmission services, hourly transfer capacities between control areas, hourly firm and nonfirm powerscheduledat various points, current outages information, load flow data, current requests for transmission service, and secondary information regarding capacity rights that customers wish to resell. In addition, the chapter discusses howthe information is posted on OASIS, what are the required interfaces for this posting, which part of



information is secure and which part is public, howOASISenables any transmission customer to communicate through requests to buy and responsesto sell available transmissioncapabilities, and howutilities use OASISto share operating data regarding transmission availability, generation capability, system loads, interchange, area-control error, frequency and operating reserves. The chapter will also discuss whether or not OASIShas a data link to other systems. Chapter 4 presents the tagging system and discusses the major contributions of the NERC’sPolicy 3. The chapter illustrates the Constrained Path Method (CPM)and shows the philosophy behind the transition from the old tagging system to the newsystem and functional requirements of a software used by market participants to meet the minimumNERCPolicy 3 requirements. In addition, the chapter shows procedures for canceling and curtailing interchange transactions. It explains howtags are created and submitted, and types of information contained in the tag. The functional specifications are presented that explain obligations and duties of all parties to an interchange transaction, required data to represent a transaction and specific mechanismsfor exchangingthe data electronically. The chapter helps readers understand the three main services in electronic tagging-Tag Agent Service, Tag Authority Service, and Tag Approval Service-and their interdependency. It explains howtags are initiated, authorized and approved.In addition, the chapter illustrates some of the tagging concepts using graphical representation and provides examples that help readers grasp the entire picture of interchange transactions. Finally, the chapter elaborates on implementation, curtailment, and cancellation of interchange transactions. Chapter 5 presents various characteristics of electric energy trading and focuses on key issues of trading systems. A description of successful trading tools is presented and qualifying factors of a successful trading system are addressed. The chapter concentrates on main derivative instruments such as futures, forwards and options. Different categories of traders, trading hubs, price volatility and green power trading are discussed. Electricity contract specifications of the NewYork Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) and Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT)are presented and the presentations are supported by pertinent examples for energy trading.



Chapter 6 provides more information on possible hedging mechanisms in the restructured electric powerindustry. It presents basics of hedging tools in electricity markets, newderivatives that are created especially for electricity markets, types of risks, and motivationsthat lead to more risks in electricity markets. In addition, the Midwestcrisis that happened in June 1998-the unforgettable mark in the U.S. electric industries - is presented to show whyhedging strategies are important in electricity markets. It gives a detailed overviewof sources that lead different market players to suffer from financial price risk, gives an overview of how players of energy markets mayuse electricity financial derivatives to hedge different risks, and shows shortcomings in the electricity derivatives pricing model. Thechapter also discusses major challenges to electricity derivatives, which include implementingreliable forward curves, inadequacyof existing price indices, basis risk, and inadequacy of traditional pricing models. Forwardprice curves and counterparty risk are presented, followed by a discussion on howCalifornia deals with counterparty risk. Also illustrated in the chapter is howthe Greeksare used to analyze exposures of a portfolio or a position. The chapter presents a discussion on hedging tools for weather-related risks, and shows numerousexamplesfor using different hedging tools such as swap transaction, caps, floors, swaption, swing contracts, and weather-related derivatives. Manyexamplesare presented regarding these issues. Chapter 7 discusses electricity pricing and its impact on electricity market operations. The chapter presents electricity price volatility and means of measuring volatility in electricity market prices. Various indexes and price hubs in the United States are introduced and a case study for California is presented. The chapter discusses basic risks in electricity pricing and presents different models for pricing. The construction of forward curves for long-term pricing is discussed and a detailed discussion for short-term electricity pricing is presented. The chapter comparesthe characteristics of electricity price forecasting with those of load forecasting in powersystems. Theapplication of artificial neural networks in short-term electricity pricing is discussed and practical case studies are presented. Chapter 8 presents issues related to RTO.In order to promoteefficiency in wholesale electricity markets and to guarantee that electricity



consumerspay the lowest price possible for reliable service, the FERC recently has improved its regulations by proposing the formation of RTOs.In addition to improvinggrid reliability and correcting the nondiscriminatory practices, FERC’s objective is to improve market performance, and to create light-handed regulations. The chapter will familiarize readers with RTOsand will discuss issues on mimimum characteristics and minimumfunctions of an RTO. The sources of engineering and economic inefficiencies, which are present in the operation, planning and expansion of regional transmission grids include: difficulty in calculating ATCvalues, parallel path flows, limited scope of available information and the use of non-marketapproaches to managing transmission congestion, planning and investing in new transmission facilities, pancaking of transmission access charges, absence of clear transmission rights, absence of secondary markets in transmission service, and possible disincentives created by the level and structure of transmission rates. Chapter9 presents a reviewof certain electric utility marketsoutside the United States. Although the number of case studies is limited, it provides an interesting perspective for challenges faced by electricity restructuring across the globe. Amongthe models discussed in this chapter are the Nordic PowerExchange, Australia National Electricity Market, restructuring of electricity in Canadaand electricity industry models in England and Wales. In each case, the chapter reviews the specific characteristics of the case and provides a comparisonwith the restructuring modelsin the United States. The chapter provides several numerical examples to help readers examine the model more thoroughly. Appendices Appendix A provides readers with a comprehensive glossary of terms and definitions for restructured electric powersystems. The glossary includes definitions of terms in generation, transmission, distribution, trading, risk management,hedging strategies, interchange transactions (tagging), ancillary services, OASIS, entities restructuring, and many others. Appendix B represents a sample of electricity contract specifications. Part B1 of this appendix discusses NYMEX and Part B2 is on Palo Verde and California/Oregon Border (COB)futures and options contract specifications. Parts B3-B6cover CBOT electricity market specifications.



In addition, various definitions and pertinent discussions are provided as footnotes throughout the book, to help readers relate to the subject more closely. The brackets within the text refer to references providedat the end of the book. Mohammad Shahidehpour MuwaffaqAlomoush

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to acknowledgethe assistance provided by Dr. Hatim Yaminof ABBCorporation in North Carolina who provided the many discussions and industry perspectives on the subject of restructuring. Hewas instrumental in editing and drafting the bookas it progressed. Several individuals .have either reviewed the book or provided ideas for writing various chapters of this book. Among themare Dr. Badrul Chowdhury(University of Missouri-Rolla), Dr. Robert Schlueter (Michigan State University), Dr. Bruce Wollenberg (University of Minnesota), Dr. Sasan Mokhtari (Open Access Technologies), Mr. Thomas Wiedman (Commonwealth Edison Company), Dr. Parvis Sigari (KemaConsulting), Dr. Khaled AbdulRahman(Oracle Corporation), Dr. Ali Keyhani(Ohio State University), Dr. Yaoyu Wang(Illinois Institute of Technology), Dr. Muhammad Marwali (ABB), Dr. Eddie Dehdashti (California ISO) and Mr. Zuyi (Illinois Institute of Technology).Dr. Shahidehpourwouldlike to thank Dr. Robert Carlson and his staff at the Rice Campusof Illinois Institute of Technology, who provided him with ample office space during his sabbatical leave to write the book. Dr. Shahidehpourwould also like to thank Dr. Darsh Wasan,Vice President of International Affairs at Illinois Institute of Technology, for recommendingthe initial manuscript to Marcel Dekker, Inc. Dr. Alomoush would like to acknowledge the financial support provided by Yarmouk University during his stay in the United States. Muchof the task of writing the chapters of this bookcould not have been accomplishedwithout that support. The authors would like to acknowledgethe editorial support provided by the staff at Marcel Dekker, Inc. whoworkedtirelessly to meet the deadline for publishing this book. Most importantly, the authors would like to recognize the unconditional support provided by their respective families throughout the process of writing this book. MayGodbless all of them. Mohammad Shahidehpour MuwaffaqAlomoush Xlll



PREFACE .........................................................................................


OVERVIEWOF KEY ISSUES IN ELECTRIC UTILITIES RESTRUCTURING ............................................................ 1.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................... 1.2 RESTRUCTURING MODELS ................................ 1.2.1 PoolCo Model .................................................. 1.2.2 Bilateral Contracts (Direct Access)Model...... 1.2.3 Hybrid Model ................................................... 1.3 INDEPENDENT SYSTEMOPERATOR (ISO) ...... 1.3.1Background ...................................................... 1.3.2TheRole oflSO............................................... 1.4 POWER EXCHANGE (PX).................................... 1.4.1 MarketClearingPrice (MCP) .......................... 1.5 MARKET OPERATIONS ....................................... 1.5.1 Day-Ahead and Hour-Ahead Markets.............. 1.5.2ElasticandInelasticMarkets ........................... 1.6 MARKET POWER .................................................. 1.7 STRANDED COSTS ............................................... 1.8 TRANSMISSION PRICING .................................... 1.8.1Contract PathMethod ...................................... 1.8.2TheMW-Mile Method ..................................... 1.9 CONGESTION PRICING ........................................ 1.9.1 Congestion PricingMethods ............................ 1.9.2Transmission Rights......................................... 1.10 MANAGEMENT OF INTER-ZONAL/INTRAZONAL CONGESTION .........................................

1 1 5 7 10 11 12 12 15 22 26 26 26 28 38 45 45 46 50 53 56 57 57


Contents 1.10.1Solution Procedure ........................................... 1.10.2 Formulation of Inter-Zonal Congestion Subproblem ...................................................... 1.10.3 Formulation of Intra-Zonal Congestion Subproblem ......................................................

ELECTRIC UTILITY MARKETSIN THE UNITED STATES 2.1 CALWORNIA MARKETS ...................................... 2.1.1 ISO .................................................................... 2.1.2 Generation ........................................................ 2.1.3 Power Exchange ............................................... 2.1.4 Scheduling Coordinator ................................... 2.1.5 UDCs, RetailersandCustomers ....................... 2.1.6 Day-Ahead and Hour-Ahead Markets.............. 2.1.7 BlockForwards Market .................................... 2.1.8 TransmissionCongestionContracts (TCCs).... 2.1.9Comments ......................................................... 2.2 NEW YORK MARKET ........................................... 2.2.1 Summary .......................................................... 2.2.2 Market Operations ............................................ 2.2.3 Comments ............................. ¯ ............................ 2.3 PJMINTERCONNECTION .................................... 2.4 ERCOT ISO.............................................................. 2.5 NEW ENGLAND ISO............................................. 2.6 MIDWEST ISO........................................................ 2.6.1 MISO’s Functions ............................................ Management .............................. 2.6.2 Transmission Transmission System Security ......................... 2.6.3 Management .................................. 2,6.4 Congestion 2.6.5 AncillaryServicesCoordination ...................... 2.6.6 Maintenance ScheduleCoordination............... 2.7 SUMMARY OF FUNCTIONS OF U.S. ISOs .........

58 61 62

75 75 77 78 78 79 83 83 99 101 103 103 103 105 109 109 112 116 121 122 123 123 124 125 125 126



OASIS: OPEN ACCESS SAME-TIME INFORMATION 129 SYSTEM .............................................................................. 3.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................... 3.1.1What is OASIS? ............................................... 3.2 FERC ORDER 889................................................... 3.3 STRUCTURE OFOASIS ........................................ 3.3.1HistoricalBackground ...................................... 3.3.2 Functionality and Architecture of OASIS ........ 3.4 IMPLEMENTATION OF OASISPHASES............ 3.4.1 Phase 1 .............................................................. 3.4.2 Phase 1-A......................................................... 3.4.3 Phase 2 .............................................................. 3.5 POSTING OFINFORMATION .............................. 3.5.1 Typesof Information Available on OASIS...... 3.5.2 InformationRequirements of OASIS ............... 3.5.3 Users of OASIS ................................................ 3.6 TRANSFER CAPABILITY ONOASIS.................. ........................................................ 3.6.1 Definitions 3.6.2 Transfer Capability Issues................................ 3.6.3 ATC Calculation ............................................... 3.6.4 TTC Calculation ............................................... 3.6.5 TRM Calculation .............................................. 3.6.6 CBM Calculation .............................................. 3.7 TRANSMISSION SERVICES ................................. 3.8 METHODOLOGIES TO CALCULATE ATC ........ 3.9 EXPERIENCES WITH OASIS IN SOME RESTRUCTURING MODELS ................................ 3.9.1PJM OASIS ...................................................... 3.9.2ERCOT OASIS ................................................


129 131 133 134 134 137 143 144 145 146 146 146 149 151 158 158 159 160 161 163 164 165 169 179 179 181

TAGGING ELECTRICITY TRANSACTIONS Transaction Information System ..........................................


4.1INTRODUCTION ....................................................




4.2 DEFINITION OFTAGGING .................................. 4.3 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND ON TAGGING.... 4.4 HOWDOES A TAGGINGPROCESSWORK?..... 4.4.1¯ ElectronicTagging Services............................. 4.4.2 Sequence of Tagging Process........................... 4.4.3Transaction Scheduling .................................... 4.5 IDENTIFYING TAGS ............................................. 4.6 DATA ELEMENTS OFA TAG .............................. 4.7 COMMUNICATION DURING FAILURE RECOVERY ...........................................

186 187 189 191 196 198 199 202 211 212

4.8 TRANSACTION STATES ...................................... 4.9 IMPLEMENTATION, CURTAILMENT, AND CANCELLATION OF TRANSACTIONS .............. 215 Implementation of Interchange Transactions... 215 Curtailment and Cancellation of Transactions. 219 ELECTRIC ENERGY TRADING ...................................... 5.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................... 5.2 ESSENCE OF ELECTRIC ENERGYTRADING... 5.3 ENERGY TRADING FRAMEWORK: THEQUALIFYING FACTORS .............................. 5.4 DERIVATIVE INSTRUMENTSOF ENERGY TRADING ............................................... 5.4.1 Forward Contracts ............................................ 5.4.2 Futures Contracts ............................................. 5.4.3 Options ............................................................. 5.4.4 Swaps ............................................................... 5.4.5 Applications of Derivatives in Electric Energy Trading ............................................................. 5.5 PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT .............................. 5.5.1 Effect of Positions on Risk Management ......... 5.6 ENERGY TRADING HUBS ................................... 5.7 BROKERS IN ELECTRICITY TRADING .............

221 222 223 226 228 230 234 237 249 250 266 268 271 273



5.8 GREEN POWER TRADING ...................................


HEDGING TOOLS FOR MANAGINGRISKS IN ELECTRICITY MARKETS ................................................


6.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................... 6.2 RISK ......................................................................... 6.3 DEFINITION OFHEDGE ....................................... 6.4 SOURCES OF ELECTRICITY MARKETRISKS. 6.4.1Supply Shortage ............................................... 6.4.2Defaults ............................................................ 6.4.3 Transmission Constraints ................................. 6.4.4 PriceInformation .............................................. 6.4.5 Lackof Experience ........................................... 6.5 VALUE-at-RISK (VaR)........................................... 6.6 COUNTERPARTY RISK (The Midwest Case) ...... 6.6.1 WhatDidHappenin the Midwest? .................. 6.6.2 Factor Contributingto CounterpartyRisk ........ Counterparty Risk........................... 6.6.3 Managing andCounterparty Risk.......................... 6.6.4 CalPX Lessons Learned in Risk Management ............. 6.6.5 6.7TIlEGREEKS .......................................................... 6.8 RISK EVALUATIONIN ELECTRICITY TRADING ................................................................ 6.8.1 SwapTransaction as a HedgingInstrument ..... 6.8.2 Additional Hedging Tools................................ 6.9 HEDGING WEATHER RISKS............................... ...................................................... 6.9.1 Background 6.9.2 Weather Hedging Tools................................... .......................................................... 6.9.3 Examples 6.10CONCLUSIONS ......................................................

278 281 282 284 284 284 285 285 285 286 288 290 291 292 293 295 297 300 304 308 310 312 325 328 332




ELECTRICITY PRICING Volatility,Risk,andForecasting ......................................... 7.1INTRODUCTION .................................................... 7.2 ELECTRICITY PRICEVOLATILITY ................... 7.2.1Factorsin Volatility......................................... 7.2.2Measuring Volatility........................................ 7.3 ELECTRICITY PRICEINDEXES .......................... 7.3.1 Case Study: Volatility of Prices in California.. 7.3.2BasisRisk......................................................... 7.4 CHALLENGES TO ELECTRICITYPRICING ...... 7.4.1PricingModels ................................................. 7.4.2ReliableForward Curves.................................. 7.5

CONSTRUCTIONOF FORWARDPRICE CURVES .................................................................. 7.5.1 TimeFramefor Price Curves........................... 7.5.2 Typesof ForwardPrice Curves........................

7.6 SHORT-TERM PRICEFORECASTING ................ 7.6.1 FactorsImpacting ElectricityPrice .................. 7.6.2 Forecasting Methods ........................................ 7.6.3 Analyzing Forecasting Errors........................... 7.6.4 PracticalDataStudy ......................................... DataPre-Processing ......................... of TrainingVectors.............................. Impactof Adaptive Forecasting....................... 7.7CONCLUSIONS ......................................................

RTO: REGIONAL TRANSMISSION ORGANIZATION.. 8.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................... HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES FOR 8.2 ESTABLISHING RTOS .......................................... 8.3 FERC NOPR ONRTO ............................................. 8.4 FERC’S FINAL RULE ONRTO............................. 8.4.1 Organization of an RTO ................................... 8.5 MINIMUMCHARACTERISTICSOF AN RTO ....

337 338 339 342 345 349 352 354 357 357 358 359 359 359 363 363 365 366 367 368 371 373 374

377 377 379 381 383 384 385


Contents 8.6 MINIMUM FUNCTIONS OF ANRTO.................. 8.7 BENEFITS OFRTO ................................................

390 394

ELECTRIC UTILITY MARKETSOUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES ...............................................................



NORD POOL (THE NORDIC POWER EXCHANGE) ........................................................... 9.1.1 Congestion Management .................................. 9.1.2 Bilateral Contracts ............................................ 9.1.3 Marketplacefor Electric PowerOptions.......... 9.2 AUSTRALIA NATIONAL ELECTRICITY MARKET ................................................................. 9.3 RESTRUCTURING IN CANADA .......................... 9.3.1Power Poolof Alberta...................................... 9.3.2 The Independent Electricity MarketOperator (IMO) ............................................................... 9.4 ELECTRICITY INDUSTRY IN ENGLAND AND WALES ...........................................................

APPENDIX A.ACRONYMS .........................................................

397 402 405 407 409 422 422 433 438


APPENDIX B. A SAMPLE OF ELECTRICITY CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................


BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................




CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW OF KEY ISSUES IN ELECTRIC UTILITIES RESTRUCTURING Summary: Electric power restructuring offers a major change to the vertically integrated utility monopoly.The change manifests the main part of engineers’ efforts to reshape the three componentsof today’s vertically integrated monopoly:generation, distribution and transmission. In a restructured environment, the main tasks of these three components will remain the same as before, however, to complywith FERCorders, newtypes of unbundling, coordination and rules are to be established to guarantee competition and non-discriminatory open access to all users. This chapter will find answersto several questions including, whyis the restructuring needed? Howis the restructuring implemented? Topics such as major components of restructuring models, market power, stranded costs, transmission congestion contracts, contracts for differences and transmission pricing will be touched in this chapter. In this chapter, wefocus on restructuring process in the Unites States and a few other countries, discuss someof the proposals in detail and present comparisons between proposals. We present these subjects in a simplified manner to enable readers with different backgrounds to acquire ampleknowledgeas related to electric industry restructuring and to provide a general idea on howrestructuring is being implemented.

1.1 INTRODUCTION For manydecades, vertically integrated electric utilities monopolized the waythey controlled, sold and distributed electricity to customersin their service territories. In this monopoly,each utility managedthree main components of the system: generation, transmission and



distribution. Analogousto perceived competitions in airline, telephone, and natural gas industries whichdemonstratedthat vertically integrated monopolies could not provide services as efficiently as competitive firms, the electric power industry plans to improve its efficiency by providing a more reliable energy at least cost to customers. A competition is guaranteed by establishing a restructured environmentin which customers could choose to buy from different suppliers ~ and changesuppliers as they wish in order to pay market-basedrates. To implementcompetition, vertically 2 integrated utilities are required to unbundle their retail services into generation, transmission and distribution; generation utilities will no longer have a monopoly,small businesses will be free to sign contract for buying power from cheaper sources, and utilities will be obligated to deliver or wheel power over existing lines for a fee that is the sameas the cost (non-discriminatory) delivering the utility’s ownpower without power production costs. The vertically integrated system is steadily restructuring to a more marketbased system in whichcompetition will replace the role of regulation in setting the price of electric power. As in the case of restructuring in airlines and long-distance communication,it is expected that the electric powerrestructuring will fulfill a mainobjective, that is, to significantly reducethe cost of power charged to small businesses and consumers. The cost of electricity generation will be reduced by driving prices through market forces and more competition; this task will be accomplished by creating an open access environment that will allow consumers to choose a provider (customer choice) for electric energy. In this environmentcustomers will have the option of choosing the level of service reliability whichwill provide greater incentives for short and long term efficiencies than is provided by economicregulation. The competitive forces will improve economicefficiency by further expandingthe geographic horizon in the operation of the interconnectedgeneration and transmission systems. Individuals working on restructuring would agree on a basic principle that access to transmission services should accornmodate Supply is the processof buying electricityin bulkandsellingit to customers. Verticalintegrationis. an arrangement wherethe samecompany ownsall the different aspectsof making, sellinganddeliveringa productor a service.

Overviewof KeyIssues


consumerchoice and supply competition. Restructuring in electricity industry will create newbusiness opportunities wherenew firms selling new products and services will appear, consumerswill have alternatives in buying electricity services, and newtechnologies such as metering and telecommunicationdevices will develop. In this regard, on April 24, 1996 the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission(FERC)3 issued the Final Rule 888 requiring all public utilities that own,control or operate facilities for transmitting electric energy in interstate commerceto file open access non-discriminatory tariffs 4. This rule caused public utilities to functionally unbundle wholesale generation and transmission services. In addition, FERC issued Rule 889 for the development of an electronic communication system called, Open Access Same-time Information System (OASIS). These Rules gave birth to new classes of entities such as PoolCowhich manages information, independent of power generators, retailers and users, and does not own any power facilities. PoolCo, rather than producing electricity, managesinformati6n in a competitive market and examines services necessary to ensure least cost reliable system 5. operations [Fed99] "HowshouMthe transmission system be restructured in order to meet objectives?" are debated amongproposals issued for an open access and competitive environment. The two approaches considered are the Bilateral Model and the PoolCo Model. A Hybrid Model is also suggested that combines the best features of two schemes. The first approach represents a market where most electricity transactions take place under specific contracts between generators and distributors, marketers or final customers. A centralized spot market dealing with short-term power transactions manages the second approach. These models rely upon an Independent System Operator (ISO) to coordinate transmission functions on a fair and equal basis, managethe flow of 6powerover the transmission system, and ensure reliability and security of the overall system. A set of acronymsis provided in AppendixA. A schedule of rates or charges for transmission. Bracketsrefer to references given at the end of the book. Reliability of a system is interpreted in terms of adequacy and security, where an adequate amount of capacity resources should be available to meet peak demand



Manyfeatures of this newbomenvironment are being debated. For example, a competition requires that no single firm or small group of firms be able to dominate the market (market powerT). Another issue is whether small businesses will be asked to pay billions of dollars in uneconomicutility companycosts through stranded costS surcharges, which are sometimesconsidered as past business mistakes. Manynew concepts have appeared to facilitate the waywe deal with restructuring. ISO, Power Exchange (PX), Scheduling Coordinators, Bilateral Contracts, Fixed Transmission Rights, Transmission CongestionContracts, Locational MarginalPrices, Inter-zonal and IntraZonal, Congestion Credits, Congestion Charges, Bidding Process, Simultaneous Feasibility, Auctions, Capacity rights, Market Power, Stranded Costs, Hour-Ahead Market, Day-Ahead Market, Real-time Market, Market Clearing Price and many other terms are created in different places for different proposals. Someof these concepts are commonto all models, someare not, and frequently same concepts are nameddifferently in existing proposals. In this chapter, we review the key issues in restructuring and focus mainly on the restructured markets in the United States. Westart with reviewing different restructuring proposals and their components,and analyze their markets. Weprovide a historical background on the ISO functions and review two important componentsin restructuring, namely, Schedule Coordinator (SC) and Power Exchange (PX). Wereview topics such as market power, stranded costs, Transmission Congestion Contracts, Contracts for Differences and transmission pricing. At the end we present concepts for analyzing these markets such as congestion management. (adequacy)andthe systemshouldbe able to withstandchangesor contingencies (security)ona dailyandhourlybasis. Market Power is definedas owning the ability bya seller, or groupof sellers to drive price overa competitive level, controltotal outputor excludecompetitorsfroma relevantmarket for a significantperiodof time.Laterwewill discussthis issuein more detail. Strandedcostsare the costsof uneconomic commitments or investments that utilities havemadeundertraditional monopoly regulation,suchas investments in inefficient powerplants, whichare unlikely to be recoveredthroughelectric rates set in competitive markets. Laterwewill discussthis issuein detail.


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Three major modelsare being discussed as alternatives to the current vertically integrated monopoly.The three modelsare: ¯ ¯ ¯

PoolCo Model Bilateral Contracts Model Hybrid Model

Elementsof a certain electric powerindustry define the nature of competition and models or institutions that support the competition process. In adopting a model, the following issues are being debated regularly: ¯ ¯ ¯

Whowill maintain the control of transmission grid? Whattypes of transactions are allowed? Whatlevel of competition does a system warrant?

A PoolCois defined as a centralized marketplace that clears 9 the market for buyers and sellers whereelectric powersellers/buyers submit bids and prices into the pool for the amounts of energy that they are willing to sell/buy. TheISOor similar entities (e.g. PX)will forecast the demandfor the following day and receive bids that will satisfy the demandat the lowest cost and prices for electricity on the basis of the most.expensivegenerator in operation (marginal generator). On the other hand, in the second model, bilateral trades are negotiable and terms and conditions of contracts are set by traders without interference with system operators. The main characteristic of the first model is the establishment of independently ownedwholesale power pools served by interconnected transmission systems. This pool becomesa centralized clearing market for trading electricity which would implement competition by forcing distribution utilities to purchase their powerfrom the PoolCoinstead of trading with generating companies. These companies sell power at a market clearing price (MCP)defined by the PoolCo, instead of a price 9 Clearing is the situationwhen all suppliersare willingto provideandall customers are willingto purchase powerat the market price.



whichis basedon generation cost (as is the case in a vertically integrated monopoly).MCPcould be defined differently, but the most widely used definition is "the price of highest selected bid". Thefinal price for spot market power may exceed MCPto account for charges that the ISO ~° could obligate customers to pay for the associated ancillary services and to cover ISO’s overhead costs. Someproponents of this structure claim that such auction wouldinduce suppliers to bid their true marginal costs. The lower power costs made possible by the competitive generation market would then be passed on to customers by the distribution utility. Initially, mostPoolCoproposals did not permit direct power sales from generators to retail customers, but in reality, all customers either directly or through the distribution companies would purchase powerfrom the pool. Thesecond model, ~vhich is based on bilateral contracts, mayalso be referred to as Direct Access Model. As the nameimplies, customers are free to contract directly (bilaterally) with powergenerating companies. By establishing an appropriate access and pricing standards, customers transfer purchased power as restricted to the power transmission and distribution over utility wires. Under this model, a single centrally dispatchedregional powerpool is not obligatory as under the first model. Even though the three proposals seem different in approach to guarantee competition, several features are common to all three. Someof these features are competition amonggeneration providers, continued regulation of monopolyin transmission and distribution functions, and establishment of a vertically integrated entity responsible for operating ~0 Ancillaryservices are definedas services whichare required to supportthe transmission of capacityandenergyfromresourcesto loadswhilekeepinga reliable operationof the transmission systemof a transmissionproviderin accordance with Good UtilityPractice.AGood UtilityPracticeis anyof the practices,methods andacts engaged in or approved bya significantportionof the electric utility industryduring the relevanttimeperiod,or anyof practices,methods andacts which,in the exerciseof reasonablejudgment in light of the facts known at the timethe decisionwasmade, couldhavebeenexpectedto accomplishthe desiredresult at a reasonablecost consistentwithgoodbusinesspractices,reliability, safety andexpedition.AGood UtilityPracticeis notintendedto be limitedto the optimum practice,method, or act to the exclusionof all others, but rather to be acceptablepractices,methods, or acts generallyaccepted in the region.

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the transmission grid and maintaining the security of powersystem. The role of this vertically integrated entity could differ frommodelto model. 1.2.1 PoolCo Model. The PoolCo model is comprised of competitive power providers as obligatory members of an independently owned regional power pool, vertically integrated distribution companies, vertically integrated transmission companiesand a single and separate entity responsible for: establishing bidding procedures, scheduling and dispatching generation resources, acquiring necessary ancillary services to assure system reliability, administering the settlements process and ensuring non-discriminatory access to the transmission grid. PoolCodoes not own any generation or transmission components and centrally dispatchesall generating units within the service jurisdiction of the pool. PoolCocontrols the maintenance of transmission grid and encourages an efficient operation by assessing non-discriminatory fees to generators and distributors to cover its operating expenses. In a PoolCo,sellers and buyers submittheir bids to inject powerinto and out of the pool. Sellers competefor the right to inject powerinto the grid, not for specific customers.If a powerprovider bids too high, it may not be able to sell power. Onthe other hand, buyers competefor buying powerand if their bids are too low, they maynot be getting any power. In this market, low cost generators wouldessentially be rewarded. Power pools would implement the economic dispatch and produce a single (spot) price for electricity, giving participants a clear signal for consumption and investment decisions. Winning bidders are paid the spot price~ that is equal to the highest bid of the winners. Since the spot price mayexceed the actual running of selected bidders, bidders are encouraged to expand their market share which will force high cost generators to exit the market. Marketdynamicswill drive the spot price to a competitivelevel that is equal to the marginalcost of most efficient firms.

Thespot market is wheremarket generators are paidfor the electricitythat theyhave soldto the poolandmarketcustomers are charged for their electricityconsumption.



To give the reader an idea on how price signals could play an important role in a restructured environment, weconsider the following example. Example 1.1:Impact of Price Signals on DemandConsumption Figures 1.1 and 1.2 showthe idea of price signals and their impacton consumption behavior. Let’s assume that an Industrial Customer (IndustCo) consumption pattern in a vertically integrated electric industry, in a certain day, wouldlook like that shownin Figure l. 1. In this figure, the price of electricity in C/KWh is fixed, and the IndustCo has no incentives to change its consumption pattern. While in a competition-based market, whenthe lndustCo receives a real time price signal, it could changeits consumptionpattern in response to the price (See Figure 1.2). In Figure 1.2, the IndustCoreduces its usage at times high prices. As the price jumps from 6C/KWh at 5 a.m. to 8C/KWh at 9 a.m. the IndustCo starts decreasing its consumption. As the price continues to increase from 8C/KWh at 9 a.m. to 16C/KWh at 6 p.m. the IndustCo continues decreasing its consumption. When the price decreasesafter 6 p.m. the IndustCoincreases its usageof electricity. The consumption response to price could reduce the need for maintaining expensive generating facilities that are rarely used, and enhancethe real-time reliability by not letting the consumptionto exceed supply. The ISO in a PoolCois independent of transmission and generation owners for operating the transmission grid. Competitive. generators submit bids to the ISO on a day-ahead basis specifying the amount of energy available, price and delivery points, while distribution companies do the same for loads. The ISO, based on submitted bids, forecasts that short run regional energy demandand dispatches generation in the region to balance generation with load and maintainreliability.

Overviewof Key Issues



Demand in MW

February 24, 2000

9 8 Cost-bas~d Price 6

4 6






I !








9 1o 11 J2 13 14 IJ 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Figure1.1 Behaviorof a Demand in a Vertically IntegratedPowerMarket

Price [C/KWhl

Demand in


February 24, 2000 18

9 Customer Demand



4 2 l





5 7


9 tO

11 12 13

14 IJ




19 20 2l 22 23 24


Figure1.2 Responseof a Demand to Price Signals

Althoughbuyers and sellers in a PoolCoare preventedfrom making individual contracts for power,participants mayhold optional financial instrumentscalled Contracts~forDifferences (CFDs).Thesecontracts are long-term price hedging bilateral contracts between generators and distributionutilities or retail customers.Thesecontractsallow a physical dispatch of individual generating units by their owners and allow



consumersto establish long-term prices. Whenused, a power seller is paid a fixed amountover time that is a combinationof short-term market price and an adjustment for the difference. CFDsare established as a mechanism to stabilize power costs to customers and revenues for generators. These contracts are suggested due to the fact that the spot price set by PoolCofluctuates over a wide range and is difficult to forecast over long periods. Using CFDs, any differences between the spot price and the contract price would be offset by cash paymentsby generators to customers; in other words, by holding these contracts, customers gain protection against unexpected spot price increases and generators could obtain a greater revenue stability. An exampleof CFDs is as follows: a buyer (load) and a seller (generator) agree on a price $5/MWh.WhenPoolCo’s price (MCP)drops to $4/MWh,the buyer pays $4 to the PoolCoand $1 (difference) to the seller. WhenMCPincreases to $6/MWh, the buyer pays $6 to the PoolCoand is paid $1 by the seller. Even though CFDsare claimed to support bilateral contracts, various parties are interested in trading available services directly basedon their ownterms and conditions and not through a PoolCo. 1.2.2 Bilateral Contracts (Direct Access) Model. The Bilateral Contracts model has two main characteristics that would distinguish it from the PoolComodel. These two characteristics are: the ISO’s role is more limited; and buyers and sellers could negotiate directly it/the marketplace. In this model, small customers’ aggregation is essential to ensure that they wouldbenefit from competition. This model permits direct contracts between customers and generators without entering into pooling arrangements. By establishing non-discriminatory access and pricing rules for transmission and distribution systems, direct sales of powerover a utility’s transmission and distribution systems are guaranteed. Wholesalesuppliers would pay transmission charges to a transmission companyto acquire access to the transmission grid and pays similar charges to a distribution companyto acquire access tothe local distribution grid. In this model,a distribution companymay function as an aggregator for a large number of retail customers in supplying a long-term capacity. Also, the generation portion of a former integrated utility mayfunction as a supplier or other independent generating companies, and transmission system would serve

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as a commoncarrier to contracted parties that would permit mutual benefits and customers choice. Anytwo contracted parties would agree on contract terms such as price, quantity and locations, and generation providers would inform the ISO on howits hourly generators would be dispatched. The ISO wouldmakesure that sufficient resources are available to finalize the transactions and maintain the systemreliability. To maintain reliability in real time, the suppliers would supply incremental and decrementalenergy bids to prevent transmission flow congestion. Here, a cost-based transmission pricing would provide a non-discriminatory access to transmission and distribution systems. As long as the power network is not constrained, this pricing scheme is perfect, but as constraints arise, pricing procedures would be necessary. To predict possible constraints, load flow modelsare used by considering various generating units and transmission lines. In addition to predicting constraints, these models could determine power flow contributions of individual generators to constrained flows as well as transfer capabilities of transmission and distribution systems. The users whovalue scarce facilities ~2 the most are those whoacquire it, whereuse is cost-based and wouldmotivate users to value it high through their bids. System users who lose in the bidding process would have to find other power providers to supplytheir loads or modifytheir load profiles. 1.2.3 Hybrid Model. The hybrid model combines various features of the previous two models. The hybrid model differs from the PoolCo modelas utilizing the PXis not obligatory and customers are allowedto sign bilateral contracts and choose suppliers from the pool. The pool wouldserve all participants (buyers and sellers) whochoose not to sign bilateral contracts. The Califomia model is an example of the hybrid model. This structure has advantages over a mandatory pool as it provides end-users with the maximum flexibility to purchase from either the pool or directly from suppliers. A customer whowould choose a PX option with CFDscould acquire the economic equivalent of bilateral contracts. System components that are expectedto be of high demand to marketparticipantand havepossibilityto be overloaded.



As in the PoolCocase, if generators opt to competethrough the pool, they would submit competitive bids to the PX. All bilateral contracts would be scheduled to meet their loads unless they would constrain transmission lines. Loadsnot provided bilaterally would be supplied by an economicdispatch of generating units through bids in the pool. The existence of the pool can efficiently identify individual customer’s energy requirements and simplify the balancing process of energy supply. The hybrid model would enable market participants to choose between the two options based on provided prices and services. The hybrid model is very costly to set up because of separate entities required for operating the PXand the transmission system. In the following, we learn more about the functions of an ISO in a restructured powersystem.




1.3.1 Background. In the past, during the cost-of-service regulatory operation, system operators preserved the system reliability by ensuring that generation and load were matched on moment-to-momentbasis as load could not be predicted with certainty. Vertically integrated utilities operated their own system, performed the economic dispatch of generation and managedsales to and purchases from other control areas. In a vertically integrated monopoly, utilities created regional centrally dispatched power pools to coordinate the operation and planning of generation and transmission amongtheir membersin order to improve operating efficieneies by selecting the least-cost mix of generating and transmission capacity, coordinating maintenanceof units, and sharing operating reserve requirements and thus lowering the cost to end-use electricity customers. The centrally dispatched power pools are classified as: ¯

Tight power poolS: they have customarily functioned as control areas t3 for their members, perform functions such as unit Acontrolarea is an electrical system,bounded by interconnectionmeteringand telemetry.Onsecond-to-second basis, it regulates,via automatic generationcontrol

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commitment,dispatch and transaction scheduling services. Examples of this kind of pools are New York Power Pool (NYPP), New England Power Pool (NEPOOL), Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland (PJM) Interconnection, Colorado Power Pool and Texas Municipal Power Pool. Loose power pools: they have generally had more limited roles, and in contrast to tight pools, have a low ~level of coordination in operation and planning. The most significant role of these pools has provided support in emergencyconditions. Membersof these pools could coordinate and work together to form principles and practices for interconnected operation and form standards for adequacy of regional power supply. Loose power pools did not provide control area services. Affiliate powerpools: in this kind of pools, generated powerwhich was owned by the various companies was dispatched as a single utility. Pools have had extensive agreementson governingthe cost of generation services and use of transmission systems. During the last few years, competition in the generation sector has increased due to a growth in the numberof power suppliers, while the open access to transmission system was more limited. Limitations came as vertically integrated utilities favored their owngeneration when transmission was congested, and limitation arose by preventing other utilities or suppliers full access to transmission system. Powerpools controlling access to regional transmission systemsmadeit difficult for non-members to use pool members’ transmission facilities by establishing complexoperating rules and financial arrangements. Also, restrictive membership and governance of pools were practiced occasionally in a waythat large utilities prevented changes in policies and rules of the pool whichled to closing pool membershipto outsiders. Unfair industry practices generally impactedthe growth of a competitive generation market and were motive forces for the FERCto order (AGC), generationwithinits boundaries,andschedulesinterchangebackandforth acrossthe inter-tiesto match its system loadwhilecontributing to frequency regulation of the interconnection.



transmission owners to provide other parties an open access to transmission grids. However,in some instances transmission customers were not entitled to services that transmission owners had for themselves. On the other hand, FERChad to review requests on a caseby-case basis which might have taken more time and led to improper timing of permissionto use the grid. A competitive generation market and retail direct access necessitated an independentoperational control of the grid. However,the independent operation of the grid was not guaranteed without an independent entity, the so-called Independent System Operator (ISO). An ISOis independent of individual market participants such as transmission owners, generators, distribution companiesand end-users. The basic purpose of an ISOis to ensure a fair and non-discriminatory access to transmission services and ancillary services, maintain the real-time operation of the systemandfacilitate its reliability requirements. FERCOrder 888 required transmission owners to provide a comparable service to other customers who did not own any transmission facilities. The owners were required to treat their own wholesalesand purchases of energy over their owntransmission facilities under same transmission tariffs they apply to others. After this order, each transmission ownerfiled a pro forma tariff to implementthe Order 888 by specifying terms and conditions of transmission services applicable to all customers. Separating transmission ownershipfrom transmission control is seen as the best application of the pro formatariff. Thefirst separation started in California (1994) wheretwo utilities proposedestablishing a regional companyto control someor all generators and all transmission facilities. This idea developed to the ISOconcept in whichthe transmission system is independently operated. The concept of the ISOis being recognized by manyregions in the United States; especially after the approval from the FERCthat a properly structured ISOis an effective non-discriminatory way to comply with the Order 888. FERCencourages the development of ISO that ensures all market participants within their physical limitations access the transmission system. A good ISO implementation guarantees independent transmission system operation to ensure that utilities do not favor their affiliates in transacting power.In addition,

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FERCOrder 889 requires all market participants to obtain pertinent transmission information from the OpenAccess Same-time Information System (OASIS). 1.3.2 The Role of ISO. The primary objective of the ISO is not dispatching or re-dispatching generation, but matchingelectricity supply with demandas necessary to ensure reliability. ISO should control generation to the extent necessary to maintain reliability and optimize transmission efficiency. It is claimed in some places that an ISO operating as a control area wouldbe an extension of vertically integrated utility monopolies.On the other hand, bilateral contracts are scheduled through the control area and communicatedto the ISO. The ISO would continually evaluate the condition of transmission system and either approveor deny requests for transmission service. In its Order No. 888, FERCdeveloped eleven principles as guidelines to the electric industry restructuring to form a properly constituted ISO, through which public utilities could comply with FERC’snon-discriminatory transmission tariff requirements. The eleven principles for ISOsare~4: (1) The ISO’s governance should be structured in a fair and nondiscriminatory manner. (2) An ISOand its employeesshould have no financial interest in the economicperformance of any power market participant. An ISO shouldadopt and enforce strict conflict of interest standards. (3) An ISO should provide open access to the transmission system and all services under its control at non-pancakedrates pursuant to a single, unbundled,grid-widetariff that applies to all eligible users in a non-discriminatory manner. (4) An ISOshould have the primary responsibility in ensuring shortterm reliability of grid operations. Its role in this responsibility should be well defined and complywith applicable standards set by NERC and the regional reliability council. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, "Promoting Wholesale Competition ThroughOpenAccess Non:discriminatory Transmission Service by Public Utilities," Order No. 888, Washington, DC,April 24, 1996.


Chapter1 (5) An ISO should have control over the operation of interconnected transmissionfacilities within its region. (6) An ISO should identify constraints on the system and be able take operational actions to relieve those constraints within the trading rules established by the governing body. These rules should promoteefficient trading. (7) An ISO should have appropriate incentives for efficient managementand administration and should procure services needed for such management and administration in an open market. (8) An ISO’s transmission and ancillary services pricing policies should promotethe efficient use of and investment in generation, transmission, and consumption. An ISO or a Regional Transmission Group (RTG) of which the ISO is a member should conduct such studies as may be necessary to identify operational problemsor appropriate expansions. (9) An ISO should make transmission system information publicly available on a timely basis via an electronic information network consistent with the Commission’s requirements. (10) An ISO should develop mechanismsto coordinate its activities with neighboringcontrol areas. (11) An ISO should establish an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)process to resolve disputes in the first instance.

An ISO is mainly responsible for maintaining system integrity by acquiring resources necessary to removetransmission violations, balance the system in second-to-second manner and maintain system frequency at an acceptable level to retain stability. Accordingto the FERC Order 888, the ISOis authorized to maintain transmission system reliability in real-time. To comply with the FERCOrder 888, each ISO may take one of the followingstructures:

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The first structure is mainly concerned with maintaining the transmission reliability by operating the powermarket to the extent that the ISO wouldschedule transfers in a constrained transmission system. Anexampleof this proposal is the MidwestISO. The second proposal for an ISOincludes a PXthat is integral to the ISO’s operation. In someproposals such as those of the UKand the PJM interconnection, the PXwouldfunction within the same organization and under the control of the ISO; the ISOis responsible for dispatching all generators and wouldset the price of energy at each hour based on the highest price bid15 in the market. In its Order 888, FERCalso defined six ancillary services that must be provided by or madeavailable through transmission providers. These ancillary services include: (1) Scheduling, Control and Dispatch Services (2) Reactive Supply and Voltage Control (3) Regulation and Frequency ResponseServices (4) Energy Imbalance Service (5) Operating Reserve, Spinning and SupplementalReserve Services (6) TransmissionConstraint Mitigation As Order 888 implies, transmission customers may self-provide these services or buy themthrough one of the following methods: (i) Providers of these services advertise their availability via the OASISor commercial exchanges (ii) The ISO provides these services transmission users.

in real-time

and charges

Anessential task of the ISOin all restructuring modelsis the service of mitigating transmission constraints. This managementprocess Thismethod has traditionallyhada shortcoming in the sensethat somesuppliersare ableto game the market byraisingbidsongenerators that consistently set the market price.



includes billing and accounting procedures for the cost of mitigating constraints and paying those participants who provide mitigation services. Also, the ISOwill ensure that proper economicsignals are sent to all parties, whichin turn, will encourageefficient use and motivate investment in resources capable of alleviating constraints. Transmission users whoare looking to schedule transactions crossing constrained paths must either possess capacity rights on these paths, reschedule their transactions, or purchasesupply or interruptible load on the load side of constrainedlines to mitigate constraints, In emergency conditions, the system reliability is an absolute responsibility of ISO. In emergencysituations, the ISOhas the authority to commitand dispatch someor all system resources or components.The ISOhas the ability to call for increase or decrease in generation and to curtail loads to maintainsystemsecurity. To makethese services available, the ISO contracts with service providers so that the services are available under the ISO’s request. Whena service provider is called by the ISO, the provider is paid extra to cover its operating costs. Capacity resources are contracted seasonally by the ISO and providers send their bids to an auction operated by the ISO. The ISO chooses successful providers based on a least-cost bid basis. Whendetermining the winners, the ISOtakes into account factors such as time and locational constraints and the expecteduse of resources. If the ISO finds that spot market services are less expensive than contracted ones, the ISOexperiences its authority by acquiring these services from the energyspot market. The following exampleillustrates reserves.

the role of ISOin providing operating

Example1.2: (Operating Reserves) Assumethat a hydroelectric generator, which has a 30 MW capacity and can be brought up and running in 4 minuets, offers its 30 MW capacity in the operating reserve market. It submits a reserve price offer of $2.5/MWfor each hour of the entire next day, along with an energy offer price of $42.5/MWh. Also, assumethat there are two customers, C] and C2, that can cut back quickly their usage of electricity. C~can cut up to 15 MW in 5 minuets, so it decides to submit a bid to the operating

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reserve market of 15 MWat $1.5/MWfor each hour of the entire next day and a maximum energy bid price of $55/MWh.C2 can cut up to 10 MW in 5 minuets, so it decides to submit a bid to the operating reserve market of 10 MWat $2/MWfor each hour of the entire next day and a maximumenergy bid price of $70/MWh. The ISOanticipates that it will need a large operating reserve, say 55 MW,so it accepts the generator’s offer and the customers’ bids. Assume that the MCPof the operating reserves is $2.5/MW/h.Each winning participant in the operating reserve market will be paid the MCPto stand by in case of contingency. The generator will be paid $1800 (or $2.5/MW/h×30 MWx24h), C~ will be paid $900 (or $2.5/MW/h× 15MWx 24h), and C2 will be paid $600 (or $2.5/MW/hx10 MW× 24 h). In the next day, say at 1:00 p.m., let’s assume that supply and demandequilibrium is initially established at 230 MW(in the spot market). The spot market price of electricity at this point is $35/MWh. The net supply curve of all generating units is as shownin Figure 1.3. The supply segment of $20/MWh is offered by a single generating unit that has a capacity of 50 MW.As shownin Figure 1.3, the unit (supply segment)that is dispatchedlast (in the spot market) is producing 30 MW of its total capacity of 50 MW,andhas available capacity of 20 MW. Nowsuppose the generating unit that is producing 50 MWat $20/MWh tripped out due to severe weather conditions at 1:10 p.m. which disconnected the line joining this generating unit to the system. The supply curve after the unit outage is shownin Figure 1.4. At 1:10 p.m., demandis still 230 MW,and the supply has a shortage of 50 MW.At this point, the ISO has to replace the sudden loss of capacity in the remainder of the hour (from 1:10-2:00 p.m.), before more capacity can be dispatched in the spot market. So the ISOhas to reduce the demandif possible or/and provide the required powerfrom operating reserves.


Chapter 1


At l :00 p.m ( 230 A~:, $3J/M~h












I 80



1.3. a Supplyand Demand Curvesof Initial Situation

MW ~




1.3.b Total Productionand Productionof each GeneratingUnit of the lnitial Situation

Figure1.3 Initial Situation

Overview of Key Issues


At l:lOp.m.



( 230 M~, $3.SlM~h)

















supply shortage = 50 MW

1. 4.a Supply and Demand Curves after the Unit Outage

MW Generation 2.~0



2~0 2oo

1.4.b Total Productionand Productionof each GeneratingUnit after the Outage Figure 1.4 Situation after the Unit Outage



The ISO dispatches the 30 MW generator (see Figure 1.5), and the generator is paid $42.5/MWh.To restore the balance, the ISO also dispatches off 15 MW from C1 and 5 MW from C2 (See Figure 1.6). The ISO pays $20/MWh(or $55/MWh-$35/MWh)to C~ and $35/MWh(or $70/MWh-$35/MWh) to C2 for the electricity that it has dispatched off. The paymentsto the three participants (generator, C1 and C2) continue until replacementenergy can be provided from the spot market. In some models, additional tasks are assigned to the ISO such as metering, bookkeeping, billing and settlement functions. The ISO collects metering data from meteredbuses, calibrates meters and verifies metered data through tools such as state estimators; parallel metering maybe done by other entities in real-time to support the ISO in the process. After all contracts have taken place in real-time, the ISOposts system conditions including injections and withdrawals at each node of the system for each hour. It is the responsibility of the ISOto maintain all metering and settlement data generated within its control area and between control areas. Complyingwith the FERCOrder 889, the ISO is responsible to post data and information flow on the OASISwhere the ISO provides metering data and clearing information. Market participants will makebenefits from this posted information to trade in the clearing market. At the end of each settlement period, the ISO charges any market entity holding a net negative balance for the period and pays any entity holding a net positive balance.



Even though short-term and long-term financial energy transactions could be in bilateral forms in the electricity industry where contracted parties agree individually for certain terms such as price, availability and quality of products, industry restructuring proposals have concludedthe necessity of creating a new marketplace to trade energy and other services in a competitive manner. This marketplace is termed Power Exchange (PX) or, as sometimes called, spot price pool. This marketplace permits different participants to sell and buy energy and other services in a competitive waybased on quantity bids and prices.

Overview of Key Issues


Price [Y~41lCh]

( 2]O MW, $42.~/MW~

At l:14 p.nt







~ 30



MW operating from ge~rator

1 80






/ ¯ uppl, v shortage = 20 MW

1.5.a Supply and DemandCurves after the ISO dispatches the 30 MWgenerator

MW G¢~ra~on


230 210


$2$/MWIt 100 $15/MWh 40 $10/MWI~

1.5.b Total Productionand Productionof each GeneratingUnit after the ISO dispatches the 30 MWgenerator Figure 1.5 Situation after Using Available Operating Reserves




20 MWdrop in demand from operating reserves of th~ demand

1.6.a Supplyand Demand Curvesafter the ISOdispatchesoff the 20 MW






40 W


1.6. b Total ProductionandProductionof eachGeneratingUnitafter the ISO dispatchesoff the 20 MW Figure1.6 Situation after Dropof C1andC2Demand

Overview of Key Issues


Participants include utilities, power marketers, ~6 brokers, 17 load aggregators, ~8 retailers, ~9 2° large industrial customers and cogenerators. PX is a new independent, non-government and non-profit entity which accepts schedules for loads and generation resources. It provides a competitive marketplace by running an electronic auction where market participants buy and sell electricity and can do business quickly and easily. Through an electronic auction, PX establishes an MCPfor each hour of the following day for trades between buyers (demands) and sellers (supplies). In this marketplace, PX does not deal with small consumers. Add to that, PX manages settlement and credit arrangements for scheduling and balancing of loads and generation resources. As a main objective in its work, PX guarantees an equal and nondiscriminatory access and competitive opportunity to all participants. It is claimed that participants entering the PX get more cost-effectiveness by

16 Marketer: Anagent for generation facilities. It markets poweron behalf of the generators,mayarrangetransmissionor ancillary services as needed,consideredas an intermediarybetweenthe buyerand the seller, and expectedto reduce prices for customers.It is claimed that marketersmayare able to provide risk management servicesevenfor retail customers. ~7 Broker:Anagent for other entities in negotiatingcontracts to purchaseand/or buy electric energyand other services without owningany transmission or generation facilities, and at the sametime does not take ownershipof the energypurchasedor soldfor its agents. is LoadAggregator:Anymarketer, broker, public agency, city, county, or special district, that combines the loads of multipleend-usecustomersin facilitating the sale and purchaseof electric energy,transmission,and other services on behalf of these customers.Loadaggregators will be municipalor private entities that organize customersin order to obtain morefavorablecontracts fromretailers or marketers. Loadaggregators are specialized in bringing buyers together, mayarrange for additional services, and negotiate contract termswith retailers and energyservice companies for their clients. 19Retailers: Anelectric service providerthat canbe aggregators,brokers,and marketers whoenters into a direct access transactionwithan end-usecustomer.Theycompeteon the basis of price andservicesto reachandsell (market)onlyelectricity or electricity andother services (e.g. energyefficiency and/orload management and others). :0 Cogenerator:Anentity that ownsa generation unit that produceselectricity and anotherformof useful thermalenergysuchas heat or steamto be usedfor industrial, commercial,heating or cooling purposes, and cogeneration is the simultaneous productionof bothusable heat or steamand electricity froma common fuel source.



removing the complexities of arranging generation, transmission and energy purchases. In general, the PXincludes a day-ahead market and an hour-ahead market. Here wediscuss these markets in general, and later weelaborate on them whenwe discuss somemarket models in the United States. 1.4.1 Market Clearing Price (MCP). PX accepts supply and demandbids to determine a MCPfor each of the 24 periods in the trading day. Computersaggregate all valid (approved) supply bids and demandbids into an energy supply curve and an energy demandcurve. MCP is determinedat the intersection of the two curves and all trades are executed at the MCP,in other words, the MCPis the balance price at the market equilibrium for the aggregated supply and demandgraphs. Figure 1.7 shows the determination of MCPsfor certain hours whendemand (Di) varies. Generators are encouragedto bid according to their operating costs because bidding lower would lead to financial losses if MCPis lower than the operating cost and bidding higher could cause units to run less frequentlyor not run at all.



1.5.1 Day-Ahead and Hour-Ahead Markets. In the day-ahead market and for each hour of the 24-hour scheduling day, sellers bid a schedule of supply at various prices, buyers bid a schedule of demandat various prices, and MCPis determined for each hour. Then, sellers specify the resources for the sold power, and buyers specify the delivery points for the purchased power. PX schedules supply and demandwith the ISO for delivery. Supply and demandare adjusted to account for congestion and ancillary services and then PXfinalizes the schedules.


Overview of Key Issues

Price [$/MWh]



........................................ .a_!_!!_me at time T~ attimeT,\


Figure 1.7 Process



of Determining


MCPin PoolCo

The hour-ahead market is similar to day-ahead, except trades are for 1 hour, and the available transfer capability (ATC)2~ is reduced to Source: The NERCEngineering Committee(EC) and Operating Committee(OC) Glossary of TermsTask Force (GOTTF), (a) Available Transfer Capability (ATC):A measureof the transfer capability remainingin the physical transmissionnetworkfor further commercial activity over and abovealready committeduses. ATCis defined as the Total Transfer Capability (TTC),less the TransmissionReliability Margin(TRM),less the of existing transmissioncommitments (whichincludes retail customerservice) and the Capacity Benefit Margin(CBM). (b) Total Transfer Capability (TTC): The mountof electric powerthat can transferred over the interconnectedtransmissionnetworkin a reliable manner basedon certain conditions. (c) TransmissionReliability Margin(TRM):The amountof transmission transfer capability necessaryto ensure that the interconnectedtransmissionnetworkis secure under a reasonable range of uncertainties in systemconditions. See AvailableTransferCapability. (d) CapacityBenefit Margin(CBM):Theamountof transmissiontransfer capability reserved by load serving entities to ensure access to generation from interconnectedsystems’to meetgenerationreliability requirements.Reservationof CBM by a load servingentity allowsthat entity to reduceits installed generating capacity below that which may otherwise have been necessary without interconnections to meetits generationreliability requirements.



include day-aheadtrades, and bids are not iterative in this market. Once the MCPis determined in the PX, market participants submit additional data to the PX. The data would include individual schedules by generating unit, take out point for demand, adjustment bids for congestion management and ancillary service bids. After this stage, the ISOand the PXknowthe injection points of individual generating units to the transmission system. A schedule may include imports and/or exports. To account for transmission losses 22, generator’s schedules are adjusted where real losses are only knownafter all metered data are processed.

1.5.2 Elastic andInelastic Markets.Aninelastic 2s marketdoes not provide sufficient signals or incentives to a consumerto adjust its demandin response to the price, i.e., the consumerdoes not have any motivation to adjust its demandfor electrical energy to adapt to market conditions. In a market that has a demand,MCPfor energy is determined by the price structure of supply offers. The concept of inelastic demand is directly related to the concept of firm load, whichformedthe basis of the electricity industry for manydecades before the introduction of open access and energy markets. Customersuse the concept of elastic demand whenthey are exposed to and aware of the price of energy and arrange their affairs in such a fashion as to reduce their demandas the price of the next available offer exceedsa certain level. The following exampleillustrates howthe elasticity of demandin a market has some serious impacts on the energy market and the power system itself, and demonstrateshowthe pool price cap24 (price ceiling) energy markets with inelastic and elastic demandmayplay important role. Theexamplealso illustrates the needfor capacity reserves. 22 In the Californiamodel,lossesare equalto generated powerin MW multipliedbyone minusthe GeneratorMeterMultipliers (GMM). GMMs are published for each generatorlocationandscheduling point bythe ISOprior to biddingin the day-ahead market. 23Measure of the pricesensitivityto the demand. 24Price capis a ceiling or a maximum tradingprice for energywhichis imposed on marketparticipants(by the poolor by the ISO)when certainfailures in the supply demand balanceare encountered.


Overview of Key Issues

Example 1.3: (Impact of elastic

and inelastic


Tables 1.1 and 1.2 give the aggregated demand and aggregated supply (for two cases) for an electrical system at a given instant in time. Figure 1.8 shows the amount of electrical load and two different energy supply offers made into the market. As we see from the figure, supply curves show elasticity, i.e., there are different price offers for energy for each of the supply curves, while the demand (vertical line in the figure) remains inelastic, i.e. demand for energy is the same, regardless of the price of energy (or the inelastic demand shows no price sensitivity). That means the demand in this case is a price taker. In Figure 1.8, MCPis $35/MWh for supply curve 1 and $27.5/MWh for supply curve 2. This implies that price is determined by the structure of supply offers.

Table 1.1 Aggregated Price[$/Ml4Zh] 0.00 45.0


Aggregated Demand[MW] 150.0 150.0

Table 1.2 Aggregated Supply C~el Price [$~Wh.] Supply in [MW] 0.000 0.0 9.99 0.0 10.00 20.0 14.99 20.0 15. O0 40.0 19.99 40.0 20. O0 90.0 24.99 95.0 25.00 95.0 29.99 115.0 30.00 115.0 34.99 130.0 35.00 130.0 39.99 130.0 40. O0 140.0

C~e2 Price [$/7~IWh] Supply in [Iv[W] 0.000 0.0 Z49 0.0 7.50 30.0 12.49 30.0 50. 0 12. 50 14.99 50.0 15.00 80.0 17.49 80.0 17.50 100.0 22.49 100.0 22.50 110.0 27.49 110.0 27.50 125.0 32.49 125.0 32.50 140.0 40. O0 140. 0



Price[$/lt,IWh_] Demand Curve


30 Supply Curve 1 20 15

" ~’~’~SupplyCurve

10 5 20






140 Supply~Demand in MW

Figure1.8 AggregatedCurvesof Elastic Supplyand Inelastic Demand

Now,let’s look at another situation, wheredemandis price sensitive. Table 1.3 gives the total demand at certain hour. A graphical representation of demandand supply curves is shownin Figure 1.9. The supply curve is the sameas that of case 1 in Table 1.2 and Figure 1.8. In Figure 1.9, the market displays elastic demand,where the load responds directly to the price of supply offers, i.e., the demandvaries with the price of offer. The intersection of demandand supply curves in Figure 1,9 indicates that the current operating point of the market is different from that of Figure 1.8. This operating point defines the current MCPas well as the current level of electrical load.


Overview of Key Issues

Table 1.3 Elastic


Demand in [MW] 120.0 120.0 110.0 110.0 105.0 105.0 90.0 90.0 65.0

Price [$/MWh] 0.000 14.99 15.00 19.99 20.00 32.49 32.50 39.99 40.00

Pri~e [$/MWh] 45


Supply Curve


2O 15 10 DemandCurve

5 0


Figure 1.9 Elastic




Supply and Elastic




Supply~Demand inMW

DemandAggregated Curves



A market that has an inelastic demandoperates normally as long as the supply offers exceed the current demand. Whenthe available offers exceed the demand, an intersection exists between demandand supply curves and MCPcan be determined. However, if an imbalance occurs between supply and demand, problems may arise. An imbalance can be due to unanticipated increase in demand,which could be due to weather, and plannedor forced outage(s) in supply or/and transmission facilities. Figure 1.10 gives an exampleof a situation wherean imbalance exists. Assumethat the inelastic demandincreases from 120 to 145 MW due to colder than expected weather. The situation illustrated in Figure 1.10 shows no intersection between supply and demand curves. Such a situation mayresult in a price spark (a sudden change). In this case, price cap (ceiling) can be imposedby the pool or the ISOto limit the increase in energy prices. The price tends to increase to high levels because unusual measures need to be taken to restore the balance between supply and demand. The balance is usually restored by either shedding loads which sets MCPat the price cap or, alternatively, by obtaining additional supply sources which could be offered at this maximum price or close to it.

Price [$/MWh]

Supply Shortfall

Initial OperatingPoint



Supply Curve

20 15 10

Demand Curve

5 0







140 Supply~Demand in MW

Figure1.10 Inelastic Demand with a SupplyShortfall

Overviewof KeyIssues


Theprice cap is entirely an arbitrary value, whichcan be set as high or as low as is agreed upon. The price cap could have deep effects on MCPwithout reflecting the true market situation in terms of the availability or unavailability of supplyor the willingness of the marketto pay a high price for energy. To the contrary, the problemof restoring the balance betweensupply and demandis mucheasier when the demandis elastic. To show that, let’s look at another situation. Figure 1.11 showstwo supply curves: one is the initial supply curve (case 1), and the other is for the supply with forced outage of a generation unit that was providing up to 30 MW at $20/MWh.Assume that the demand is as shown in Figure 1.11. The result of the outage is that .the price of energywouldincrease. Theprice is $30/MWhfor pre-outage case (see PI) and $35/MWhfor the postoutage case (see P2). Becausethe demandis elastic, the increase in price would cause the demand to decrease and a new balance point is established that wouldreflect the customers’ need for energy and their desire to manageenergy costs. Figure 1.11 also indicates what a postoutage MCPwill be if the demandis inelastic at the pre-outage level (see point P3, at an inelastic demandof 105 MW).Wenote that the elasticity in demandwould slow downthe rise in price, and the price cap could be unneededwhenthe market demonstrates demandelasticity. Wenotice from this examplethat elasticity in demandis beneficial in keeping the MCPlower. Elasticity could avoid imposing price caps which would not represent any economic meaning or incentives to market participants. Elasticity also has an impact on the amount of reserves that a power system would require maintaining system’s reliability, by reducingor cancelingthe needfor capacity reserves. Theissue of transmissionlosses is an importantissue as it affects the production of dispatched generating units and the economicoperation of the system. Thefollowingexampleillustrates the effect of losses.



Price [$/MWh] Pre-contingency Supply Curve

45 40 35

Post-contingency Supply Curve



20 15




5 0








I~1~ ~[ A unit providing 30MWat $20/MWh


Figure1.11 Elastic Demand with a ForcedOutageof a GenerationUnit

Example1.4: (Impactof losses) For the systemshownin Figure1.12, let’s assumethat Plos~= bl C~=10,C2=12.5, D=40, and b1=0.005, whereb~ is a loss coefficient. Fromthis figure we have: eI : Ploss + e2 =ble/ + P2


eo, :P1


Co, : D-P2 : D-(P1 -blP/ ) = D-(PG, -blP~t (c

Overviewof KeyIssues






e loss

$ CdMWh

$ CdMYeh D Figure1.12 Systemof Example1.4

(1) Let’s study three alternatives to serve the load: (i) Since the generator at bus 1 is cheaper than that at bus 2, one maythink it wouldbe better (more economical)if all energy is provided from generator 1 (only G1 is dispatched). For this option G~should generate Ptoss + D, i.e.,

P6I =OO05Pd 1 +40. Solving this equation yields,

PG1 = 55.278MW and P~oss=15.278 MW.The cost to serve the load is $552.278/h(or 55.278 xl0).

(ii) Nowsuppose that the load is served by G2 (only G2 is dispatched). In this case, there is no transmission loss, because D is on the same bus as G~. G~will produce all the demand, i.e., 40 MW for a total cost of $500/h. (or 12.5x40). Note that even though this generator seems more expensivethan G~, the cost of this dispatch is lower than that of part (i) because of transmission losses. When transmission losses are ignored, G~will be cheaper to serve the load. (iii) Let’s see what is the optimal response of both generators to serve the load (both G~and G2are dispatched). Let refer to the total cost of serving the load. T is given by: T=C 1 PGI +C2 PG2 =CI. PGI +C2[D-(PGI -blPdl)]




dT dPG1--~= C1 +C2[ 0-(1-2bIPG~)] = C~-C2(1-2b~Pol (e) ) ~or--


= 0, we have


PG1 -

1-(C 2) ~/C

, and substituting this into (c), weget

2b 1

2) PO~ :D-(I-(C1/C2) 2b]

bl[l-(Cl/C2)] 2b~

Whenvalues of C1, C2and b1 are substituted, weget: PG~ =

1-a o/12.5) - 20MW, 2(0. oo5)

PG2 = 40-(20-0.005

(20) 2) = 22 MW

P~oss= O. 005(20) 2 = 2MW The cost m serve the load under the optimal dispatch is: 10×20+12.5x22= $475/h. Note that the cost in this optimal dispatch is less than any of the twocosts in parts (i) and(ii). (2) Loss Factor: Loss Factor at bus i (LFi) points out that if kWis injected at bus j, (1- LFi ) will arrive to bus i. To show the implication of loss factors, let’s consider the following two situations:

Case1: Bus2 is the reference bus WhenP1=20 MWis injected at bus 1, Ploss = 2 MW,and 18 MWamves at bus 2. WhenP1=20.001 MWis injected at bus 1, Ploss. = 2.0002, and 18.0008 MWarrives at bus 2. The difference due to a 1 kWchange is 18.0008-18 = 0.0008 MW or 0.8 kW. That means 0.8 kW(80 %of the 1 kW) arrives

Overviewof KeyIssues the load bus and 0.2 kW(20 %of the 1 kW)is dissipated loss whenan extra 1 kWis injected at bus 1. Here, the loss factor at bus 1 (LF0 equals 20%. On the other hand, if 1 kW is injected at the referencebus, the loss is 0, andthe loss factor at the reference bus (LF2) is 0%. The loss price at bus 1 equal to LF~x (price at reference bus), which $[(LF~xCE]/MWh or $[0.2C2]/MWh and the loss price at bus (the reference bus) is equal to LF2x (price at reference bus), which is $0/MWh.See Figure 1.13.a.

Case 2: Bus 1 is the reference bus WhenP2=22MW is injected at bus 2, P~oss = 2 MW,and P~ is 20 MW.WhenP2=22.001 MWis injected at bus 2, Pioss = 0.00125, and P1 is 19.99875 MWwhich is calculated as follows: P2 PG2 = D-(PG~ -bl Gt) 22.001 = 40-(PGI -blPdl PGI = 19.99875MW The difference in P~ due to a 1 kWchange in P2 is 19.9987520 = - 0.00125 MWor -1.25 kW. That means when 1 kWis injected at bus 2, the powerat bus 1 decrease by 1.25 kW,i.e., an injection of an extra 1 kWat bus 2 reduces the losses by 0.25 kW(or 25% of the 1 kW). Or we can look at this situation as: injecting 1 kWat bus 2 gives 1.25 kWat bus 1. Wesay that the loss factor at bus 2 (LF2) equals -25%.In this case, the loss factor at the reference bus (LF1) is 0%. Theloss price at bus 1 (the reference bus) is equal to LFt× (price reference bus), whichis $0/MWh,and the loss price at bus is equal to LF2x (price at reference bus), which $[LF2xC~]/MWh or $-0.25CI/MWh.See Figure 1.13.b.



Chapter1 f~J=20 %





$ C2/M~h Loss price

Loss price= LFI x C2

$ O/M~h

(a) Case

LF2=0 % GI



LF2=-25 %


$ C~/MWh 1 Loss price = $0 ~h


$ D


Loss price = LF~xC~

(b) Case Figure1.13 LossFactorsandLoss Prices



Oneof the mainanti-competitive practices or difficulties that may prevent competition in the electric power industry, especially in generation, is marketpower.Whenan ownerof a generationfacility in a restructuredindustry is able to exert significant influences (monopoly) on pricing or availability of electricity, wesay that marketpowerexists, and if so it prevents both competition and customer choice. Market powermaybe defined as owningthe ability by a seller, or a group of sellers, to drive price over a competitivelevel, control the total output or exclude competitors from a relevant marketfor a significant period of time. Other than price, any entity that exercises marketpowerwould reduce competition in power production, service quality and

Overviewof Key Issues


technological innovation. The net result of practicing market poweris a transfer of wealth from buyers to sellers or a misallocation of resources. Marketpoweris exercised either intentionally or accidentally. For example in the generation sector, market power can be exercised by having an excessive amount of generation in the relevant market (intentionally), by transmission constraints that could limit the transfer capability in a certain area (accidentally), or by running certain generating units during certain periods of time for purposes of maintaining reliability while other units could have been less expensive (accidentally). In the constrained transmission case, someunits are restricted to provide powerwhile dominantproviders can drive prices up by determining whichunits to run and whichunits to keep back from the market. Another exampleis the case whenhourly metering is unavailable for customers, where customers could reduce their consumptionas prices go up such as in peak periods. In this case, generating unit ownersdrive market prices up for energy and capacity to their ownbenefit. In the transmission sector, transmission ownerscould exercise market power by providing transmission information to affiliated generating companies and withholding it from other competitors. There are two types of market power: 1-Vertical MarketPower: It arises from a single-firm’s or affiliate’s ownership of two or more steps in a production and market delivery process whereone of the steps provides the firm with a control of a bottleneck in the process. The bottleneck facility is a point on the system, such as a transmission line, through whichelectricity must pass to get to its intended buyers. A control of a bottleneck process enables the firm to give preference to itself or its affiliate over competitive firms. This concept is applicable to electricity restructuring in the United States wheremost utilities are vertically integrated in the sense that they own or control generation, transmission, and distribution facilities to deliver electricity to enduser customers in their service territories. Possible vertical market power misapplication arises from the ability of a firm to abuse its control of transmissionand distribution facilities, to which, all retail providers must have access, to the advantage of its owngeneration and retail sales of electricity. A successful developmentof a well-



planned and fully functional ISO mayresolve vertical market power problems. 2- Horizontal MarketPower:It is the ability of a dominantfirm or group of firms to control production to restrict output and thereby raise prices. It arises from a firm’s local control or ownershipconcentration of a single process step in productive assets within a defined market area. If such concentration is sufficient with respect to certain other market conditions, the firm can influence the supply-demand equilibrium, and hence prices, simply by withholding production. This type of market powercan not be resolved by the ISO. Concentration in a market measures the market dominance (degree of monopoly experienced by a firm in a competitive market) using market share data, i.e., howmanyfirms exist in the market, and what are their relative sizes determinethe marketdominance.

Example1.5: (Measuring Market Power) Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) of market power is a measure concentration that also reflects the numberof participants (or firms) and the inequality of their market shares. HHIis a weighted sum of market shares of all participants in the market. It is defined as the sumof the squares of market shares of all participants. It is given by the following equation: N

whereN is numberof participants and Si is i t~ participant’s marketshare t~ in per unit or in %.Si is calculated by dividing the contributionof the i participant by the total contribution of all existing participants. The market share is either expressed in per unit (in this case the maximum value of HHIis 1.0) or in percent (in this case the maximum value HHIis 10,000). For example, a market with just one participant would have an HHIof 10,000 in percent basis and 1.0 in per unit basis. As another example, a market with two participants of equal size (Y) would

Overviewof KeyIssues


have an HHIof 5,000 in percent basis and 0.5 in per unit basis. This value is calculated as: In percentbasis." HHI =(-y--~xlOO) 2 +(

xlOO)2 =(50)2 +(50)2 =500

In per unit basis." Y 2+ Y )2 HHI = (-~--~ ) (-~--~

=(0.5)2+(0.5)2 =0.5

Table 1.4 gives a case for a power market which has 10 power generation companies(participants). Table 1.5 gives another case, where generation capacities of participants in case 1 are redistributed. Wenote that HHIvalues of both cases are different. Since HHIvalue in case 2 is less than that of case 1, case 2 meansless monopolyin the market when the maximum capacity is the only consideration.

Table 1.4 Case1 of a PowerMarketwith I0 PowerGenerationParticipants Participant No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Participant Name GenCol GenCo~ GenCo3 GenCo4 GenCoj Powe~Co 1PPI 1PP2 1PP3 1PP~ Total

Generation Market Share Caloaci~ in MW in Per unit 14000 0.280 9700 O.194 8000 O.160 4300 O. 086 3.$00 O. 070 3200 O. 064 2500 O.050 2000 O.040 1800 O. 036 1000 0.020 50,000 1.000

Market Share in % 28. 000 19.400 16. 000 8. 600 7. 000 6,400 5. 000 4. 000 3. 600 2.000 100.000

HH1 (loer uniO O. 078400 O. 03 7636 O. 025600 O. 007396 O. 004900 0,004096 O. 002500 O. 001600 O. 001296 0.000400 0.163824

HHI (%) 784. O0 376.36 256. O0 73. 96 49. O0 40,96 25. O0 16. O0 12. 96 4.00 1638.24



Table 1.5 Case2 of a PowerMarketwith 10 PowerGenerationParticipants Participant No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0

Participant Name GenCol GenCo2 GenCo3 GenCo4 GenCo5 Power~?o 1PP1 1PP2 1PP3 1PP4 Total

Generation Market Share in Capacity in MI4r Per unit 8600 O. 1720 8000 O. 1600 8000 O. 1600 6300 0.1260 4800 O. 0960 5500 0.1100 3500 O. 0700 2500 O. 0500 1800 O. 0360 1000 O. 0200 50,000 1.0000

Market Share in % 1Z200 16. 000 16. 000 12.600 9. 600 11.000 Z 000 5. 000 3. 600 2. 000 100.000

HHI 0(per uni O. 029584 O. 025600 O. 025600 0.015876 O. 009216 0.012100 O. 004900 O. 002500 O. 00l 296 O. 000400 0.127072

HHI (%) 295.84 256. O0 256. O0 158.76 92.16 121.00 49. O0 25. O0 12.96 4. O0 270.72

Example1.6: (Howis MarketPower Exercised?) (A) Exercising MarketPowerwhena PowerSupply has a Large Market Share ,Figure 1.14 showsa 3-bus systemwith three generating companies, one at each bus. The three generating companies are GenColwith a maximumcapacity of 120 MW,GenCo2with a maximum capacity of 250 MW,and GenCo3with a maximum capacity of 630 MW.


2 GenCoz

12 OMW@$8/MWh 0- 120MW


250 MW @ $14/MWh 0- 250MW








330 MW @ $23/MWh 0- 630 MW

Figure1.14 ExercisingMarketPowerwhena PowerSupplyhas Large MarketShare


Overviewof Key Issues TheHHIfor this situation is 3

)2sO HI~I =~’,S: -C12° ~2-.~-Na" +(Toaa ~+:6so~2.Taaa. 1

=O.0144+O.0625+O.3969=O. 4738(in per unit basis) or, 3 g~I

= ~S/

=(~xlO0) 12o







= 144+ 625+ 3969= 4 738(in percentbasis) Note that GenCo3owns the maximumshare of the total generation capacity (=630MW/1000MW=63%). By ignoring the limitation transmission lines, GenCo3monopolizes the market, because L3 needs much more than the total capacity of the other cheaper resources (GenCol can generate up to 120 MWat $8/MWhand GenCo2 can generate up to 250 MWat $14/MWh).It means when GenCo3wants to exercise its marketpower, it can ask for any price for its electric power productionto fulfill L3’sneed. (B) Exercising Market PowerwhenTransmission System is Congested Figure 1.15 shows a 3-bus system with three generating companies, one at each bus. The three generating companies are GenCol with a maximumcapacity of 250 MW,GenCo2 with a maximumcapacity of 350 MW,and GenCo3 with a maximumcapacity of 400 MW.The HHI for this situationis 3 1

_(2so~2: ~so~2 --/--b-~- +-7-~-)2 +( 7~oo = O.0625+ O. 1225+O. 1600= 0.345Onper unit basis) or,



3 ~ 400 ×100)2 2 +(~xlO0)2 +t/-6-~ HHI=Z Si 2 =( l~O00XlO0) 1

= 625+ 1225+ 1600= 3450(in percentbasis)

In this case GenCol, GenCo2and GenCo3own, respectively, 25%, 35%,and 40%of the total generation capacity. Transmission line limits are imposedon the system in this case, as shownin Figure 1.15. Even though the cheapest resources (GenCol and GenCo2) have a total capacity of 600 MW,which is adequate to cover the 600 MWrequired by L3, the limitations of the transmission lines do not permit L3 to use GenC01and GenC02.This situation maylead to exercising market power by GenCo3by imposing a higher than competitive price.


1 ’

GenCo~ 100 MW @__$.20/MWh ~ ’OOMW~, O-250MW




~L~=~OO~ ~e~Co~ ~ ~oo~ @$30/lvlg~

GenCo2 MW



= O-


1-3 2-3


0 - 400 MW

Figure 1.15 Exercising MarketPowerwhenTransmissionis Congested

Overviewof KeyIssues




A major and a debatable issue associated with the electric utility restructuring is the issue of stranded costs; howto be determined, howto be recovered and whopays for recovery. Stranded cost is a terminology created under restructuring process. Multiplicity of definitions and interpretations of stranded costs confused people working on restructuring, but in general this term refers to the difference between costs that are expected to be recovered under the rate regulation and those recoverable in a competitivemarket. In a vertically integrated monopoly,utilities are used to cover their costs of doing business in rates charged to customers. Costs include operating costs and invested capital costs, whereutilities cover these costs and considerable returns on their capitals through rates imposedon customers. But when restructuring is proposed to open market-based competition, and due to the fact that market-basedprices are uncertain and sometimesless than vertically integrated rates, financial obligations of vertically integrated utilities may become unrecoverable in a competitive market and the level of revenue earned by a utility mayno longer be adequate to cover its costs. If market prices are lower than vertically integrated rates, as manyexpect, utilities could be faced with investmentsthat are unrecoverablein the competitivemarket. Stranded costs still need a more clear definition (what costs should be strandable? what costs are unrecoverable?and to what extent (totally or partially) should be recovered?)and quantification. Onthe other hand, the duration of recovery or whowill pay for recovery is not clear yet and varies from modelto modelin the United States. In this regard, the big question is whether different participants should pay for uneconomical previous investments.




FERCrecognized that transmission grid is the key issue to competition, and issued guidelines to price the transmission. The guidelines are summarized such that the transmission pricing would: (i) meet traditional revenue requirementsof transmission owners



(ii) reflect comparability: i.e. a transmission ownerwouldcharge itself on the samebasis that it wouldcharge others for the sameservice (iii) promoteeconomicefficiency (iv) promotefairness (v) be practical Even though transmission costs are small as compared to power production expenses and represent a small percent of major investorownedutilities’ operating expenses, a transmission system is the most important key to competition because it wouldprovide price signals that can create efficiencies in the power generation market. The true price signals are used as criteria for adding transmission capacity, generation capacity, or future loads. Adding transmission capacity to relieve transmission constraints could allow high-cost generation to be replaced by less expensivegeneration, whichwouldresult in additional savings to consumers.

1.8.1 Contract Path Method.It has been used between transacted parties to price transmission where power flows are assumed to flow over a predefined path(s). Despite its ease, this technique wasclaimed be a bad implementation of true transmission pricing as power flows would very seldom correspond to predefined paths. Physically, electrons could flow in a network over parallel paths 25 (loop flows) owned several utilities that maynot be on the contract path. As a result, transmission ownersmaynot be compensatedfor the actual use of their 6 of transmission rates facilities. Addedto parallel flows, the pancakin~ is another shortcomingof this method. As a solution to the pancaking effect, zonal pricing schemes have been proposed by most ISOs. Using a zonal scheme, the ISO-controiled 25Theparallel pathflows(or loopflows)refer to the unscheduled transmission flows that occuron adjoiningtransmissionsystemswhenpoweris transferred in an interconnected electricalsystem. 26When a contractpathcrossesa boundary definingtransmission ownership, additional transmission chargeswouldbe addedto a transaction,whichin turn mightincrease the priceof the transaction.

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transmission system is divided into zones and a transmission user would pay rates based on energy prices in zones where power is injected or withdrawn. Whenthe zonal approach is used, rates are calculated regardless of paths between the two zones or howmanyother zones are crossed. Several ISOs are using a MW-Mile approach to price transmission. The MW-Mile rate is basically based on the distance between transacted parties (from the generating source to the load) and flow in each line resulted from the transaction. This approachtakes into account parallel power flows and eliminates the previous problem that transmission owners were not compensatedfor using their facilities. This approach does not give credit for counter-flows on transmission lines. The method is complicated because every change in transmission lines or transmission equipmentrequires a recalculation of flows and charges in all lines. Example1.7 (Concept of Contract Path) Figure 1.16 illustrates a 4-bus system with a load of 4,500 MW at bus 4, and a generator at each of buses 1,2, and 3. The system has two 2line corridors: one betweenbuses 1 and 2, and the other betweenbuses I and 3. Also it has two 3-line corridors: one between buses 3 and 4, and the other between buses 2 and 4. Each single transmission line has a rating and impedanceas shownin Table 1.6 (assumethat resistance = 0). Assumethat generators have long term contracts to supply L4 as given in Table 1.7, wherethese generators obtained transmission services along the contract paths given in Table 1.7 and shownin Figure I. 17. Actual flows due to each generator contract and to all contracts are shown in Figure 1.18. Wenote that actual flows do not follow the contract paths. Even though some of the lines were originally not included in the contract paths (such as the doubleline 1-3), they carry non-zero flow. Moreover, some lines carry more than the contractual flows, while others carry less than the contractual values. Theflow along the non-contactedpath is called loop flow. It is defined as the difference betweenscheduled contract flow and actual flow on a transmission line.


Chapter 1 1


L .......

Figure 1.16 A 4-bus System Used to Illustrate the Conceptof Contract Path Table 1.6 Line Data Corridor 1-2 1-3 2-4


Line Reactance 1-2 1.0 1-2 1.0 1-3 2.0 1-3 2.0 2-4 1.5 2-4 1.5 2.4 1.5 3-4 1.5 3-4 1.5 3-4 1.5


(IVlW) 1,500 1,500 375 375 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500

Table 1.7 Contract Data Contract Parties G1-)L4 Ge")L4 G3 ")L4

Value in MW 1,500 1,500 1,500

Contract Path 1 --)2 --)4 2 --)4 3 --)

Transmission Service Obtained 1,500 1,500 1, 500

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’ 1,500MW


Figure1.17 Transmission Services



~ $ OOM~V

600 MW

A. Flowsof GI

; "-kl, 5oo~ov 4

C. Flowsof G~


B. Flowsof G2

1, 500 MW




2,100 MW

; "k4,500 MW

D. Net Flowsof all Generators

Figure1,18 CorridorFlows



1.8.2 The MW-Mile Method.Weillustrate

this methodby an

example. Example 1.8: (MW-MileCharges) Figure 1.19 illustrates a 3-bus system and a situation of five transactions between generating units and loads. Table 1.8 shows the system data. Let variable L~j refer to a load that exists at bus n and supplied by generator j. Assumethat a load of 150 MWexists at bus 2 which is supplied by generator 1 (L:,~=60 MW) and generator 3 (L:,3=90 MW).Also another load of 600 MW exists at bus 3, which is supplied by the three generators, 240 from generator 1, 200 MW from Generator 2, and 160 MWfrom generator 3 (or L3,~=240 MW,L3,:=200 MW, L3,3 = 160. MW).



PG2=2OOMW ~ Lzl = 60MW ~ Lzs = 90MW

pGI=3OOMW . ~

3 =240MW ~ Ls.l

28Z5~ PG~=250


~ Ls,~=2OOMW ~ L~,~=I6OMW

Figure1.19 3-bus Systemwith Five Transactions

Table 1.8 SystemDataof the Example Line

Resistance riO]





0.0 0.0

0.10 0.40

10.0 40.0

1-3 2-3

Reactance [.0]

Length [Mile]

R [S/Mile]

5.o 23.0 10.0


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Weassumethe system is lossless and we use dc-load flow equations. Furthermore, bus 3 is the reference bus (6 3 =0.0) and Pi is the net injection (net generation - net load) at bus i. For this system, we find voltage angles as follows:



2 P2


I~]=[13.3333-3.33331-1IPI 1 1 [5.8333 L-3.3333 5.8333 A LP2.J= 66.~666L3.3333

13.3333~LP 2 ~ (a)

o.o,oolf,,, 1


Let Xmnrefer to the reactance of a line connecting buses m and n, and fro,, refer to the flow frommto n. Then, (b)

finn=~6 m -6 n Xm~

After finding voltage angles, we calculate line flows using Equation b. Thenet line flows are shownin Figure 1.19. If


is the loading of line m-ndue to transaction j,


is the

length of line m-nin miles, and Rm-,, is the required revenue per unit length of line m-n (S/mile), the MW-Mile method uses the following equation to find charges for line m-ncorrespondingto transaction j (i.e. Cm-n,j


fm-n,j Cm-n’J=

where Zm_n is the required Zm_n = Din_n ¯Rmn

Dm-n fm-n

Rm-n fm-n,j


= fm-n

revenue of line

m-n in $, i.e.,



Line flows due to each transaction are shownin Figures 1.20-1.22 and detailed in Table 1.9. Note that the total flow in each line given in Table 1.9 is equal to the total flow in each line given in Figure 1.19. Table 1.9 shows MW-Mile charges for each transaction’s contributions to line flows as well as the total charges paid by each transaction for its contributions. The table also shows charges paid by all transactions in eachline.

Figure1.20 Transactionsof PG~



100 ~




Figure1.21 Transactionof PG2andLs,2


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160MIV ~ "~" 160MW

b. PG~and

a. PGsand

Figure1.22 Transactionsof PG3

Table1.9 Impactof eachTransactionon LineFlows Transaction j







(1 -)3)


f~-3a (2-)3)


(1 -)2)









60MW : PGI -)Lzl


240MW: PG~ -)L~,~









200MW: PG2 -)L3.2









90MW: PG3 -)Lzj









160MW: PG3 -)L3,~












0.0 12.5 MW



0.0 $1,700


62.5 MW


Thecondition whereoverloads in transmissionlines or transformers occur is called congestion. Congestioncould prevent system operators fromdispatching additional powerfroma specific generator. Congestion could be causedfor various reasons, such as transmissionline outages, generator outages, changes in energy demandand uncoordinated transactions. Congestion mayresult in preventing new contracts, infeasibility in existing andnewcontracts, additionaloutages, monopoly of prices in some regions of power systems and damagesto system



components. Congestion maybe prevented to some extent (preventive actions) by meansof reservations, rights and congestion pricing. Also, congestion can be corrected by applying controls (corrective actions) such as phase shifters, tap transformers, reactive power control, redispatch of generation and curtailment of loads. A fast relief of congestion may be possible by removing congested lines to prevent severe damagesto the system. Before the latter solution takes place, its consequences on existed contracts ought to be studied. To manage transmission congestion, we mayinitially establish rules for managing the market condition and preventing congestion from developing. FERChas set guidelines for a workable market approach to mange congestion, whichare: (1) The approach should establish clear and tradeable rights for transmission usage, (2) The approach should promote efficient regional dispatch, (3) The approach should support the emergence of secondary marketsfor transmission rights, (4) The approach should provide market participants with the opportunity to hedgelocational differences in energy prices, (5) Congestion pricing method should seek to ensure that the generators that are dispatched in the presence of transmission constraints are those that can serve systemloads at least cost, and (6) The method should ensure that the transmission capacity is used by market participants whovalue that use most highly. As such, FERCdeclares that some approaches appear to have more advantages than others. Even though LMPscan be costly and difficult to implement, especially by entities that have not previously operated as tight power pools, FERCsuggests that markets that are based on LMP and financial rights for firm transmission service will provide an efficient congestion managementframework, and this is due to the following facts: i-

LMPassigns congestion charges directly to transmission customersin a fashion that agrees with each customer’s actual

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use of the system and the actual dispatch that its transactions causc.


LMPfacilitates the creation of financial transmission rights, which enable customers to pay knowntransmission rates and to hedgeagainst congestion charges.


Financial rights entitles their holders to receive a share of congestion revenues, and consequentlythe availability of such rights congestion pricing resolve the problem of the overrecovery of transmissioncosts.

Physical transmission rights schemeis another altemative to LMPs scheme, where these rights are tradable in a secondary market. FERC suggests that the ISO mayissue these transmission rights initially through an auction or allocation process, and market participants then should showownership of sufficient rights in a constrained interface before they will be permitted to schedule firm service over the interface. It is said by FERCthat this approach considerably reduces the role of ISO in congestion management.FERCsees that while the approach of trading physical transmission rights in a secondary market mayprove to be practical in regions wherecongestion is minor or infrequent, it may not be practical in other regibns where congestion is moreof a chronic problem. As wementionedbefore, the IS0 has the right to order redispatch for reliability purposes, but for congestion management,the ISO should initially depend on market mechanisms to the maximumextent practicable, and at times whenmarkets fail to provide the IS0 with the options it needs to mitigate congestion, the IS0 must have the authority to curtail one or more transmission service transactions that are contributing to the congestion. Although the act of curtailing a transaction maysometimesrequire the redispatch of generation, FERCis not requiring the IS0 to redispatch any generators exclusively for congestion managementpurposes. To solve the congestion problem, several alternatives could be considered such as re-dispatching existing generators or dispatching generators outside the congested area to supply power. The latter alternative is referred to as out-of-merit dispatch. In both alternatives, congestion has costs based on differences in energy prices between



locations. In a vertically integrated monopoly,congestion costs were either ignored or hidden as bundledinto the transmission charges that in turn were considered as a shortcoming in previous transmission pricing schemes. It was considered a shortcoming because it did not provide a true price signal for efficient allocation of transmission resources or allocated congestion costs to transmission customers who were not causing the congestion. 1.9.1 Congestion Pricing Methods. All new restructuring proposals are taking congestion costs into account by developing appropriate approaches to measure congestion costs and allocate these costs to transmission systemusers in a fair waythat reflects actual use of the transmission system. These approach evolved in three basic methods based on: 1- Costs of out-of-merit dispatch: This is appropriate to systemswith less significant transmission congestion problems. In this approach, congestion costs are allocated to each load on the transmission system based on its load ratio share (i.e., individual load expressedas a percent of total load). 2- Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs): This technique is based the cost of supplying energy to the next increment of load at a specific location on the transmission grid. It determines the price that buyers would pay for energy in a competitive market at specific locations and measures congestion costs by considering the difference in LMPsbetween two locations. In this approach LMPsare calculated at all nodes of the transmission system based on bids provided to the PX. 3- Usage charges of inter-zonal lines: In this approach, the ISO region is divided into congestion zones based on the historical behavior of constrained transmission paths. Violations of transmission lines between zones (inter-zonal lines) are severe while in the congestion zone transmission constraints are small. All transmission users whouse the inter-zonal pay usage charges. These charges will be determined from bids submitted voluntarily by market participants to decrease or increase (adjust) power generation. Adjustmentbids reflect a participant’s willingness to

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increase or decrease power generation at a specified cost. An exampleof this approachis the case of California.

1.9.2 TransmissionRights. These rights are used to guarantee an efficient use of transmission system capacity and to allocate transmission capacity to users whovalue it the most. Theserights are tradable rights referred to as the right to use transmission capacity and represent a claim on the physical usage of the transmission system. Moreover,these rights enable utilities to purchase existing transmission rights more cheaply than expanding the system, thereby avoiding unneeded investments. Efficient usage of the transmission can be improvedby willingness to offer capacity reservations to those whovalue themmore. Anotherform of these rights is the concept of financial rights (some times called Fixed Transmission Right), which is equivalent to the physical rights. This formis proposedbecauseit is easier for trading and less costly becausethe usage of a transmission system neednot be tied to ownership rights. A financial right is defined for two points on the transmission grid: injection and withdrawalpoints. Aholder of this right either pays or is paid a monetary value based on difference in energy LMPsbetween the two locations. The initial allocation of these rights will go to transmission customers with existing transmission contracts and to transmission ownerson the basis of their need to serve the native load. The ISO also runs a centralized auction for rights (sale and purchase)after a certain period of time. Holdersof these rights are free to trade their rights in secondarymarketsas bilateral contracts. Theconcept of tradable transmission rights is still a newconcept and needs moretime and experiments to show its effectiveness. Later we will discuss this conceptin detail.

1.10 MANAGEMENT OF INTER-ZONAL/INTRAZONAL CONGESTION Transmission network plays a major role in the open access restructured power market. It is perceived that phase-shifters and tap transformers play vital preventive and corrective roles in congestion management.These control devices help the ISO mitigate congestion



without re-dispatching generation awayfrom preferred schedules. In this market, transmission congestion problems could be handled more easily whenan inter-zonal/intra-zonal scheme is implemented. A congestion problem formulation should take into consideration interactions between intra-zonal and inter-zonal flows and their effects on powersystem. In this section, we discuss a procedure for minimizing the number of adjustments of preferred schedules to alleviate congestion and apply control schemes to minimize interactions between zones while taking contingency-constrainedlimits into consideration. Existing approaches to manage congestion are based on issuing orders by the ISOto various parties to re-schedule their contracts, redispatch generators, cancel some of the contracts that will lead to congestion, use various control devices, or shed loads. Other solutions are based on finding new contracts that re-direct flows on congested lines. Phase shifters, tap transformers and FACTS devices mayplay an important role in a restructured environment where line flows can be controlled to relieve congestion and real powerlosses can be minimized. If phase shifters and tap changing transformers are well-coordinated, trading possibility or feasibility margin will be expandedby permitting more contracts to be held and improving system performance while the ISO finds itself in no need to re-dispatch preferred schedules. The contingency-constrained limits can be taken into consideration either during preferred schedule adjustments to mitigate congestion or after adjusting preferred schedules. In this section, we consider an efficient transmission congestion management, which will be implemented by the ISO. The procedure which includes contingency limits during congestion mitigation, minimize the numberof adjustments, ~nd increase the efficiency of the system by eliminating interactions between inter-zonal and intra-zonal subproblems and between each intra-zonal subproblemand other intrazonal subproblems.

1.10.1 Solution Procedure. Once the ISO receives preferred schedules from the PX, it performs contingency analysis by identifying the worst contingency for modeling in the congestion management.To rank the severity of different contingencies, the ISO may use a PerformanceIndex (PI) to list and rank different contingencies. PI is

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scalar function of the networkvariables such as voltage magnitude, real and reactive power flows. PI has essentially two functions, namely, differentiation betweencritical and non-critical outages, and prediction of relative severity of critical outages. Thereare available criteria in the literature to decide howmanycases on the contingency list ought to be chosen for additional studies. A few critical contingencies at the top of the list will have the major impact on system security and should be used by the ISO during congestion management. After contingencyanalysis, the ISOwouldcheck schedules for interzonal and intra-zonal congestion and try to minimizethe total congestion cost by possibly movingSCs27 (submit balanced schedules to the ISO), awayfrom their preferred schedules while keeping each SC’s portfolio in balance, i.e. generation balances load. The solution procedure is composedof three stages, which are contingency analysis, inter-zonal congestion management and intra-zonal congestion management. Economically, these price-quantity values represent what each SC is willing to pay to or receive from the ISO to removecongestion. Each schedule coordinator may trade transactions with others before submitting preferred schedules to the ISO; these parties maytrade power again whenpreferred schedules are returned to them for revision. The preferred schedules submitted to the ISO by SC and PX are optimal schedules determined by the market clearing price, and schedules submitted by schedule coordinators are basically bilateral contracts that take into considerationthe benefits of contracted parties. In this process, adjustment bids (incremental and decremental) represent the economic reformation on which the ISO will base its decisions to relieve congestion. Adjustmentbids include suggested deviations from preferred loads and generation schedules provided by SCs. At each bus, ranges of powerdeviations along with deviations in price are submitted to the ISO. Incremental bids maybe different from decremental bids for adjusting the preferred schedule.

Scheduling Coordinator: Anentity createdin Californiamodelandcertified by FERC andthe CaliforniaISOthat coordinates withthe ISOonbehalfof generators,supply aggregators(wholesalemarketers),retailers, and customersto schedulethe distributionof electricity,andsubmitto the ISO,onhourlybasis,balanced schedules of generationto be injectedinto the transmission grid, andpowerto be withdrawn fromthe grid.



The ISO uses incremental/decremental (inc/dec) bids to relieve congestion. Since inter-zonal congestion is more frequent than intrazonal congestion with system-wideeffects, the ISOfirst solves interzonal congestionwhile ignoring intra-zonal constraints. In the inter-zonal congestion management, primary controls are zonal real power generation and loads at both ends of congested inter-zonal lines. Instead of changing preferred schedules in these zones, the ISO starts by adjusting generations and loads at buses directly connected or in proximity of these inter-zonal lines. If these controls do not accomplish the task, it is perceived that other controls awayfrom these lines will probably not be able to mitigate inter-zonal congestion either. Then the ISO looks for other control devices (such as phase shifters, taptransformers and FACT devices) close to inter-zonal lines, however, this option requires an AC-OPFmodel for inter-zonal congestion management. If the inter-zonal congestion is not solvable based on available control options, the ISO will pass on a signal to different schedule coordinators to take action such as changing preferred schedules, providing adjustment bids for generations or loads whichwere not provided or any other action that wouldsolve the inter-zonal problem such as finding new contracts that would cause counter-flows in interzonal lines for eliminating overloads or reducing flows in congested lines. The solution of this problemwouldprovide inter-zonal line flows and adjusted generation and loads in all zones that could mitigate interzonal congestion. Theadjusted quantities are to be passed on to the intrazonal subproblem. Oncethe inter-zonal congestion is solved, the ISO movesto intrazonal congestion whereit uses inter-zonal flows as equality constraints. This assumption is to guarantee that inter-zonal line flows will not violate limits again and the solution will not swing between the two optimization subproblems. Another option for considering interactions between the two subproblems is by assuming inter-zonal line flows as constant loads or generations (depending on the direction of flows in inter-zonal lines) at buses connectedto inter-zonal lines. If generator or load at any bus in a zone is not involved in congestion managementand do not submit inc/dec bids, then its minimumand maximum limits will be set to preferred schedules. Since small adjustments in variables could mitigate congestion, control devices such as phase shifters and tap transformers mayplay an important role in alleviating congestion. These

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control devices should be checkedfirst here to see if they wouldremove congestion without any adjustments in preferred schedules or schedules adjusted by the solution of inter-zonal congestion. The ISOchecks the first zonefor inter-zonal solution, if congestionis detected, it solves that congestion and then goes to the next zone and so on until all congested zones are done. If congestion in any zone is unsolvable, the ISOpasses a signal to different parties to adjust preferred schedules. However,since the intention in each zone is to maintain preferred schedules, the ISO wouldtry to solve congestion in each zone using less expensive options such as tap transformers and phase shiffers, and if necessary, wouldsolve the problem using expensive options such as powergeneration and loads close to congestedintra-zonal lines. If no congestion is detected in any zone or on inter-zonal lines, then the submitted preferred schedules are accepted as final real time schedules. 1.10.2

Formulation of Inter-Zonal Congestion Subproblem.The objective of the inter-zonal subproblem is represented by a modifieddc load flow for adjusting preferred schedules, wherethe ISOminimizesthe net cost of re-dispatch as determinedby the " SC’s submitted incremental/decremental price bids. In this case, the objective is equivalent to the net power generation cost used in a conventional OPF. For each deviation from the associated preferred schedule, a price function is provided, i.e., adjusting a generation (inc/dec) at a certain point mayhave a different price than that of other generators. Also, adjusting a load (dec) may present a price different from that generation or other load. Theseprices mayrepresent a linear or nonlinear function of deviations, and price coefficients associated with deviations from preferred schedules reflect the SCs desire to be economically compensatedfor any increase or reduction in their preferred schedules. If a SC does not provide the ISOwith inc/dec bids, the ISOwill use inc/dec bids of other SCs for congestion management,and the SC whodid not submit inc/dec bids would be automatically forced to pay congestion charges calculated according to other inc/dec bids. The formulation of this subproblemis given as follows:



Objective ¯ Modifieddc powerflow to adjust preferred schedules ¯ Minimize the net cost of re-dispatch as determined by incremental/decrementalprice bids ¯ Objective is equivalent to the net power generation cost used in a conventional OPF Control variables ¯ SC’s powergeneration in all congestion zones. For each generator a set of generation quantities with associated adjustments for incremental/decrementalbids are submitted by SCs ¯ SCs’ curtailable (adjustable) loads. For each load, a set of load quantities with associated adjustments for deeremental .bids are submitted by SCs. These adjustments are implicit bids for transmission across congestedlines Constraints ¯ Limits on control variables ¯ Nodal active power flow balance equations ¯ Inter-zonal line flow inequality constraints ¯ Market separation between SCs

1.10.3 Formulation of Intra-Zonal Congestion Subproblem.At each congested zone, the ISO will use a modified AC-OPF to adjust preferred schedules. The main goal is to minimize the absolute MW of re-dispatch by taking into account the net cost of redispatch as determined by the SC’s submitted incremental/decremental price bids. This objective is equivalent to the MW security re-dispatch with incremental and decremental cost-based MW weighting factors to ensure that less expensive generators are incrementeAfirst and more expensive generators are decremented first during the adjustment process. For loads, mostexpensiveloads will be decrementedfirst. In each zone, congestion managementis performed separately while inter-zonal constraints are preserved. The formulation mayassume that loads in each zone(at each bus) can contribute to the congestion relief. any generator or load at any zonal bus is not involved in congestion managementand would not submit inc/dec bids, then its minimumand

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maximum limits are set to preferred schedule values. The formulation of this subproblemis given as follows: Objective Modified AC-OPF to adjust preferred schedules ¯ Minimizethe MW re-dispatch by taking into account the net cost of re-dispatch as determined by the SC’s submitted incremental/decrementalprice bids ¯ The objective is equivalent to the MW security re-dispatch with incremental/decrementalcost-based weighting factors to ensure that less expensive generators are incremented first and more expensive generators are decrementedfirst during the adjustment process. For loads, the mostexpensiveones will be decrementedfirst Control variables ¯ SCs’ powergeneration in congested zones. For each generator a set of generation quantities with associated adjustments for incremental/decrementalbids are submitted by SCs ¯ SCs’ curtailable (adjustable) loads in the congested zone. For each load, a set of load quantities with associated adjustments for decremental bids are submitted by SCs ¯ Reactive powercontrols including: - Bus voltages - Reactive powerinjection - Phase shifters - Tap-transformers Constraints ¯ Limits on control variables ¯ Nodalactive and reactive powerflow balance equations ¯ Intra-zonal MVA,MW,and MVAR line flow limits (inequality constraints) ¯ Active power flow inequality constraints of inter-zonal lines connectedto the congested zone ¯ Voltagelimits ¯ Stability limits ¯ Contingencyimposedlimits


Chapter I

Equalityconstraints representthe net injection of real andreactive powerat each bus in the zone. Inequality constraints reflect real power flowsbetweenbuses,andstability andthermallimits defineline limits. If the MVA flow limit on lines are of interest, then the MVA inequality constraintis included. The effect of phase-shifters and tap-transformers maybe seen as injections of active powerand reactive powerat two ends of a line betweennodeswherephase-shifters and tap transformersare connected. Phase-shifters and tap-transformers could also be included in the formulationby modifyingthe networkadmittancematrix. During the intra-zonal congestion management,inter-zonal line flows to the zone under study are modeled as constant loads or generations(dependingon the direction of flowsin inter-zonal lines) busesconnectedto inter-zonal lines. This modelinghas twoadvantages: (1) It disregardsinter-zonalline constraintsthat shouldbe addedto intrazonal constraints, and(2) It cancelsinteractions betweeninter-zonal and intra-zonal congestion subproblemswhile solving the intra-zonal congestion subproblem.Theschedules which will be adjusted in the intra-zonal subproblems are the schedulesobtainedfromthe inter-zonal congestion subproblem. In the intra-zonal congestion management,the incremental cost coefficient of a generatorat a certain nodein a zoneis the sameas the incrementalbid price. Thedecrementalcost coefficient of a generatorat a certain nodein a zoneis anti-symmetricwith the decrementalbid price with respect to the average of decremental bids in that zone. This assumption is for economical consideration, where less expensive generators wouldbe incrementedfirst to relieve congestion, and more expensive generators would be decremented first whengeneration reduction is needed. For example, if we have two generators with decrementalprice bids of $10/MWh for generator G,~ and $16/MWh for generator GB then the average decremental price bid is (lO+16)/2=$13/MWh.The decremental cost coefficients of these generators are $16/MWh for GA(or 2×13- 10) and $10/MWh (or 2x13 16) for GB.Thesameargumentis madefor load reduction wheremore expensiveloads in a zoneare adjusted (decremented)first, whereload incrementis not considered.

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For the case that we have more than one provider at each bus or more than one demand,in other words, we have more than one SC at one bus, we would index different providers at different locations in each zone. For that reason, weset three different indices in our formulation that wouldrefer to SC, zone and bus. Example1.9 (a) Inter-zonal congestion management Figure 1.23 shows a simple 2-bus, 2-zone system in a certain hour, with two scheduling coordinators (SCs), where G~.l, Gl,2, refer generation of SCl in zone l(bus 1) and zone 2 (bus 2), respectively, D~,~and D1,2refer to load of SCIin zone land zone 2, respectively. Also, G2,~, G2,2, refer to generation of SC2in zone 1 and zone 2, respectively, and D2,~and D2,2refer to load of SCl in zone 1 and zone 2, respectively. The figure showsthe preferred (initial) schedules of both SCs. Submitted incremental and decremental bids are given next to each generation in this figure. Incremental/deceremental bids of any SC represent its implicit bids for congestedpaths.


j GJ,~ = 500 MW ~

( l



= 400MW GJ,2 = O MW ~’~


~ ~

Flow limit

= 600~UV ’ Actual Flow = 700 MW

:...~~J D~,2 .." = IO01vIW Ga,~ = 400MIV @ $30/MWh Scheduled


:...~ G~ =OMW ~,) @ $60AtWh


""’. :.Zone2

." D~ = 300MW

Flow = 300MW

Figure1.23 PreferredSchedules(before Congestion Management)of Example1.19



As shownfrom Figure 1.23, preferred schedules would result in a 100 MW violation on the inter-zonal line between zone 1 and zone 2. SC~ produces 500 MWin zone 1, where 100 MWgoes to its demandin this zone, and the rest (400 MW) crosses the inter-zonal line. Also, SC2 produces 400 MWin zone 1, where 100 MW goes to its demandin this zone, and the rest (300 MW) crosses the inter-zonal line. For both SCs the flow from 1 to 2 would be 700 MW. SC~places an implicit bid of $10/MWh,and SC2places an implicit bid of $30/MWh for the congested line between the two zones. Since the bid of SC2is higher than that of SC~,usage of the congestedpath will be allocated to SC2first, then to SC~. That meansscheduled flow of 300 MW of SC2will not be altered, while the scheduled flow of SC~will be decreaseduntil the line limit is not violated, i.e., scheduledflow of 400 MWfor SCI will be decreased to 300 MW to makethe actual total flow of both SCs equal to 600 MW.The solution after this step is shownin Figure 1.24. To makethe required decrease in the inter-zonal path, G1,1 reduces its output from 500 MWto 400 MW,and G~,z increases its output from 0 MW to 100 MW.After this step, note that GI,I 4- GI,2 = D~,I + D~,2and G2,~+ G2,2= D2,1+ D2,2¯ This is a separation of markets, i.e. an increase (a decrease) in a certain SC’s portfolio is compensated a decrease (an increase) from the same SC.

Scheduled Flow = 300 MW G1,1 = 400 MW ~ @ $10/MWh W

, = I00 MW ADt,

:"*" Zone I ~


~ =400MW




= 600 MW " Actual Flow = 600 MW



~,~ = 400 MW D .


, Flow limit ~

k @sso/a,tw~, --

G~r = IOOMW~ ~ $20/MWh W

~ :.

=OMW k )

". ~


@ seo/a4wh --

iZone2 :


Scheduled Flow = 300 M~

Figure1.24 AdjustedSchedules(after Inter-zonal Congestion ManagemenO


Overviewof Key Issues Congestion charges:

SCxis the marginaluser of the congestedinter-zonal line. Therefore, SCI sets the price of the congested line at $10/MWh. The congestion charges for one hour are calculated as follows: SC1 pays: 300 MWhx $10/MWh = $3,000 SC2 pays: 300 MWhx $10/MWh = $3,000 Total = $6,000 The ISO receives $6,000 congestion charges from both SCs and then allocates the moneyto the transmission owner(s) and/or transmission right holder(s) on the path. (b) Intra-zonal congestion management: Let’s assume that the 2-bus system shownin Figure 1.25 represents a certain congestion zone, and the values shownin the figure represent the schedules after the inter-zonal congestion management.Wenotice that the intra-zonal line connectingbuses 1 and 2 is congested.

G1,1 = 500 MW

Gt,2 = 0 MW

! I ’, Bus l I : ~

@ $30/MWh

Flow limit

= 600 MW J,

IBus 2 ’,


Actual Flow = 700 MW

@ $60/MWh

Figure1.25 Schedulesinside a Zonebefore Intra-zonal Congestion Management



The generator that has the highest decrementalbid at bus 1 is G2,1, so this generator will be decrementedfirst. Also, the generator that has the lowest decremental bid at bus 2 is Gin, so this generator will be incrementedfirst. Weneed to decrease the flow in the intra-zonal line by 100 MW,so G:,~ is decreased by 100 MWand G1,2 is increased by 100 MW.The solution is shownin Figure 1.26. Intra-zonal congestion settlement: whichbelongs to SC2decreased its output by 1 O0MW. Paymentby SC2to the ISOfor G2,1 is G2,1

100 MWhx $30/MWh = $3,000 Gm which belongs to SCl increased its output by 100 MW. Paymentby ISOto SCI for Gl,~ is 100 MWhx $20/MWh = $2,000

G~,~ = 500 MW

! I

’, "" @ $30/~h

G~,~ =10 0 MW

! Flow limil

= 600 MW


2 ’,


@ $60/~h

Figure1.26 Schedulesinside a Zoneafter Intra-zonal Congestion Management

Overviewof KeyIssues


Total balance of the ISO = $3,000 - $2,000 = $1,000 (The ISO has a net of $1,000). The balance (l,000) is located as a zonal uplift to SCs according to their load in and exports from the zone: SC~gets : $1,000 x 500 MW/900MW=$555.56 = $444.44 SC.~ gets : $1,000 x 400 MW/900 MW

Example 1.10 Figure 1.27 shows a simple 5-bus, 3-zone, and 2-SC system. Variables Gk,j and Dk~refer, respectively, to generation and load of SCk at bus j, where k=l,2 and j-1,2,...,5. Preferred schedules and incremental/decremental bids are given in Table 1.10. As we mentioned before, incremental/decrementalbids of any SCrepresent an implicit bid for congestedpaths.



Zone I


Flow limit = 200 MW




[’low limit = 200 MW

/ ~






Flow Ibnit I OO M~



GLs -

Nowli~it=300~ Reactance = 0.02 ~



Zone 2 4

Reactance = 0.02 ~

Reactance ~ 0.01 ~




Figure1.27 SystemStructure and Data



Chapter I


Table 1. I0 Preferred Schedules and Inc/Dec Bids SC


Pref. Sch. MW 160 0 0 0 160 240 0 0 0 240

G1,1 GI,3 GIj G~,5 DI,5 Gz~ Gz3



GZ5 D~s

Inc/Dec $1MWh 8 23 13 38 14 38 20 33 -

Minimum MW 0 0 0 0 160 0 0 0 0 240

Maximum MW 500 500 500 500 160 500 500 500 500 240

The preferred schedules and flows (with line constraints ignored) are shown in Figure 1.28.

Gt,,t = 0 MW I


Flowlimit=2~OOMW Actual Flow= 80 MW

/ ¯




¯ |ll ~ 2



F~w li~ = 100 ~ A~




G~,~= o ~


Flowlimit = 400 ~ ~ctu~tow = 300~


D~,z =~o~

I I ~


Actual Flow= 0 ~


Figure 1.28 Preferred Schedules and Associated Line Flows

Overviewof KeyIssues


(a) Inter-zonal congestion management As shownfrom Figure 1.28, preferred schedules would result in 120 MWviolation on the inter-zonal line between zones 1 and zone 3 (between buses 1 and 3). The solution of the inter-zonal congestion problem is shown in Figure 1.29. After the inter-zonal congestion management,Gu + G1,3 + GI,4 +GI,s = DI,5 and G2,1+ G2,3 + G2,4 +G2,5 = D2,s (separation of markets). Marginalcost of each SCat each bus is shownin Table 1.11. The inc/dec price of SCI at bus 1 is $8/MWh, while the marginal cost of SC1at this bus is $7/MWh. To interpret this difference, westart from the solution shownin Figure 1.29 and assumethat SC1has a load at bus 1 and this load is increased from 0 to 1 MW.The optimal response for this load increase will be." GI,4 increases its output from 60 MW to 61 MWat $13/MWh,G2,1 increases its output from 200 MWto 201 MWat $11/MWh,and G2,4 decreases its output from 40 to 39 MWat $20/MWh. The cost of this change is MC u = 1×13 + 1×14 - 1×20=$7/MWh.

Figure1.29 Solution of the Inter-zonal CongestionProblem


Chapter1 Table 1.11 MarginalCost of eachSCat eachBus SC SCI


Bus 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Inc/DecPr~e 8 23 13 38 14 38 20 33

MC ~ $/MWh MCI, j = 7 MCI,2 = 13 MCI,3 = 23 MCI, 4 = 13 MCj,5 = 23 MC2,~= 14 MC2,2= 20 MC2,3= 30 MC2,4 = 20 MC:,5 = 30

Now,to calculate the marginal cost of SC2,let’s assumethat SC2has a load at bus 1 and this load is increased from 0 to 1 MW.The optimal response for this change is that G2,1 will increase its output form 200 MWto 201 MWat $14/MWh,or MC2,~=$14/MWh (or lx14). To showhowMC1,2=$13/MWh is calculated and interpreted, let SC1 have a load at bus 2 and this load is increased from 0 MW to 1 MW.For this change, GI,4 will change its output from 60 MWto 61 MWat $13/MWh which means that MC1,2=$13/MWh (or 1 x 13). The congestion charges for one hour are calculated as follows: SC 1 has 160 MWload in zone 3 at a marginal cost of $23/MWh,has a generation of 0 MWin zone 1 (at bus 1, at MCI,I=$7/MWh) , has generation of 60 MW in zone 2 (at bus 4, at MC~,4=$13/MWh), and has generation of 100 MWin zone 3 (at bus 3, at MC~,3=$23/MWh). This implies that: SCl pays to the ISO: 160x23- 0 x 7 -60x13 - 100 x 23 = $600 SC 2 has a 240 MW load in zone 3 at a marginal cost of $30/MWh, has a generation of 200 MW in zone 1, has a generation of 40 MWin zone 2, and has a generation of 0 MW in zone 3. This implies that: SC~pays to the ISO: 240x30-200x 14 - 40 x20 = Total = $3,600

Overviewof KeyIssues


Total paymentto ISO = $4,200 (or $600 +$3,600). The ISO receives $4,200 congestion charges from both SCs and allocate the moneyto transmission owners and/or transmission right holders. (b) Intra-zonal congestion management Note that in Figure 1.29, a violation of 100 MW exists on the intrazonal line connectingbuses 3 and 5 in zone 3. To relieve this congestion, G~a decreases its output from 100 MWto 0 MWat $23/MWh,while G2,s increases its production from 0 to 100 MWat $33/MWh.The situation after this step is shownin Figure1.30.

Figure1.30 Solution of the Intra-zonal CongestionProblem



Intra-zonal Congestion Payments: GI,~, which belongs to SC~, decreases its output from 100 MW to 0 MWat $23/MWh,which implies that SC~ pays the ISO to replace its reduced generation in zone 3. G2,s whichbelongs to SC2, increases its output from 0 MWto 100 MWat $33/MWh,which implies that SC2 is paid by the ISOfor additional generation over its inter-zonal schedule in zone 3. Thepaymentsare calculated as: SC~-->ISO: Payment= Reduction in Gl,s x Decrementalcost of G~.~ = i00 x 23 = $2,300 ISO-> SC2: Payment= Increase in G2.~ x Incremental cost of G~z = 100 × 33 = $3,300 Net paymentto the ISO = $2,300-$3,300 = - $1,000 The$1,000 will be allocated to SCsas a zonal uplift based on their load in zone3. SC~’->ISO: Payment= $1,000 x D~,5 / (D~,5+ D2,5) = $1,000 x 160/400

= $400 SC2--> ISO: Payment = $1,000 x D2,5 = 100 x 33

= $600

(D1,5+ D2,5)

CHAPTER 2 ELECTRIC UTILITY MARKETSIN THE UNITED STATES Summary:In this chapter, major market models as related to the ISO in the United States will be presented; these modelsinclude California, Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland (PJM) interconnection, NewYork ISO, Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT),NewEngland ISO and Midwest ISO (MISO). Wediscuss some of the shortcomings and advantages of these models and focus on restructuring process in the Unites States, discuss some of the proposals in a detailed mannerand present comparisons between proposals. 12.1



WhatmadeCalifornia distinguished in electricity restructuring was the fact that it wasthe first state in the UnitedStates to offer large-scale retail choices and a competitive generation market. The California ISO [Web01,Web02]was created in 1996, and has the second largest control area in the U.S. and the fifth largest in the world. TheCalifornia ISOis a non-profit association which performs functions similar to those of a tight power pool. The ISO uses a computerized center to send commands through long and high-voltage lines that deliver electricity in California and between Mexicoand neighboring states. Atthe timethat this bookwasgoingto be printed,manydrastic changeswerebeing proposedto the Californiamarkets.However, the authorsdecidedto includethe Californiamodelin this bookas the historicalperspectiveof the Californiamarkets playsa majorrole in the restructuring of many othermarkets discussed in this book.



The ISO’s main task is to ensure that the power grid is safe and reliable and there is a competitive market for electricity in California. Oneof the objectives for establishing the ISO is to bring less costly electricity to Californians by enabling themto shop and select the power source and creating open competition in the electric power industry. To implementthe ISO, the three investor-ownedutilities (IOUs),i.e., Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison, and San Diego Gas & Electric were required by the state legislation to release the control of their transmission lines to the ISO to maketransmission open to all power marketers for delivering power over the state’s transmission system. In the restructured power systems of California, the status of ownershipis not changedby the state legislation and transmission lines are still ownedas before. Even though it offers many commonentities, restructuring in California is viewedas being totally different from other restructuring proposals in other countries or even those in the United States. The California model was proposed to fit specific needs such as meshed characteristics of the network, frequent transmission congestion, variety of generation resources and implementationof bilateral contracts. One major aspect of the California proposal is that the commitmentof generating units and plants remains to be the responsibility of owners and not the market. The main players that compose the California market structure include the ISO (provides grid dispatch and transmission access services), and Scheduling Coordinators (SCs which submit balanced schedules to the ISO), PowerExchange(PX which creates a spot market for electricity, schedules and settles trades in its markets), Utility Distribution Companies(UDCswhich distribute or deliver electricity), Retail Marketers that include Electricity Service Providers (ESPs which provide competitive energy services), Customers (which acquire and consumeelectricity) and Generators (which generate electricity). A PX considered as an SCbut with limited capabilities, as discussed in this chapter. In the California market, major Investor-OwnedUtilities (IOUs) must bid their generation through the PX(obligatory). The transmission grid is ownedby IOUsbut operated by the ISO. This proposal has three markets, which are Day-AheadMarket, Hour-AheadMarket and Real-time (Balancing) Market. In these markets,


ElectricUtility Markets

energy, supplementary energy and ancillary services are traded. Ancillary services include spinning and non-spinning reserves, replacementreserves, regulation, and reactive powerand black start capability. Interactions amongdifferent entities in California are shown in Figure2.1.

O~tion~ AncillaryServicesBids

ISO ¯ Security ¯ Balancing ¯ AncillaryServicesSpotMarket


i BalancedSchedules EnergyBids, LoadBids, BilateralContracts Payments


Investor-Owned Utilities ¯ Generators ¯ Retailers (UDC)


Power Exchange (EnergySpot Market) [ [ Scheduling Coordinators I / O~tion~

tail Custo

~1 [ Energy Bids, Bdat~ralContracts

* Municipalities

Figure2.1 Interactionsbetweenthe CaliforniaISOand other Entities

2.1.1 ISO. The primarycomponentthat is considered as the nerve of the California marketis the ISO.TheISO,concernedwith the reliability of the transmissiongrid, balances the operationof transmissiongrid in real-time. The real-time market is operated by the ISO which uses ancillary services bids andsupplementalenergy bids submittedthrough PXandSCs. TheISOalso determinesthe real-time marketprice after the fact (ex-post price) basedon actual metereddata. The ISO guarantees a non-discriminatory open access to transmissionfor all users, manages the reliability of transmissionsystem, acquires ancillary services as required, approvesday-aheadandhourahead schedules, maintains the real-time balancing of load and



generation and settles real-time imbalances, maintains the frequency in the electric power system and conducts congestion management protocols for the transmission system. The ISO also stands as the operator of control-area operators whichbalances inter-tie schedules with actual flows across inter-ties. The ISObalances the system demandwith the poweroutput of local generating units, plus purchases from external electric powersystems, minustl~e energy sold to external systems.

2.1.2 Generation.The second component is the generation sector.

Non-investor-owned and independent power producers 2 (or generating companies) could either bid their power into the PX or schedule it through another SC. Generating companiescould bid ancillary services through the PXor another SC into the ISO, and as stated in this model, are obligated to respond to instructions issued by the ISOand SCs.

2.1.3 PowerExchange. The third component is the PX [Web02, Web31].The PXrepresents the energy spot market where day-ahead and hour-ahead market clearing prices are determined. The PXis a non-profit corporation that is open to all suppliers, provides an efficient and competitive auction and facilitates short-term pool electricity transactions. The PXperforms competitive trading in the forward day3ahead and hour-aheadmarkets (auctions). In these auctions, participants of the PX submit demand and generation bids based on prices and quantities, and the PXdetermines the MCPat whichenergy is traded, as discussed in Chapter 1. As an SC, the PXsubmits balanced demandand supply schedules for successful bidders to the ISO, and performs settlement 4 functions with the ISO as well as the PX participants such as UDCs,marketers and Independent PowerProducer(IPP): Non-verticallyintegratedenergyproducerthat generates power for purchase byan electricutility at wholesale prices.Theutility then resells this powerto end-usecustomers.IPPsusuallydo not ownanytransmission lines. Participantsincludebuyersandsellers as wholesale powermarketers, financialtraders, loadaggregators, largeenergyconsumers andCaliforniamunicipal utilities as wellas in-stateandout-of-state utilities. Process of financialsettlement for energytrading.

ElectricUtility Markets


aggregators (non-utility retailers) and other SCs. In addition to these functions, the PX submits ancillary service bids to the ISO for maintainingthe systemreliability, adjustmentbids (i.e., Dec/inc bids are used to relieve or eliminate congestion on transmission grid) and supplemental energy bids, which are used by the ISO to match loads and resources on a real-time basis. In the California model, the PXacts as an SC and arranges for the delivery of participants’ poweranywhereon the ISO’s grid, buys or sells ancillary services on participants’ behalf, provides up-to-date information about MCPsand facilitates an electricity market in which participants can sell their excess power. Also, out-of-state powercan be purchased or sold at the PX at any scheduling points where the ISOcontrolled grid connects with neighboring state grids. PXfacilitates delivery of energy from the ISOgrid to participating entities, whetherit is producedin or outside California. Whatis interesting is that participants with bilateral contracts can still participate in the PXand makemore profits. If the MCPof PXis less than the cost of producingpowerby a seller, the seller can increase its profits by buying power through the PX and reselling it to its customer at the seller’s contract price. Likewise, a buyer who has contracted for more powerthan its load maysell the excess powerat any time into the PXat MCP.If selling powerinto the PXat the market price is moreprofitable than using it, participants mayopt to cut their power usagein order to sell their excesscapacity.

2.1.4 SchedulingCoordinator. The fourth component is the group of SCs. The concept of SC is seen as adding a new dimension to competition in power markets by arranging trading between generators and customers. SC plays as intermediary between the ISO, retailers and customers. Each SC submits balanced schedules and provides settlementready data to the ISO. Each SC maintains a year-round, 24-hour scheduling center and provides non-emergencyoperating instructions to generators and retailers. Each SC provides the ISO with its customers’



demand, supply schedule and transmission use s, and the ISO runs the information thorough a computer program t’o check for transmission congestions. If no congestion exists, the ISOwill send an approval signal to the SC, otherwise, the SCwill be advised to sell, buy or trade powerto resolve the situation. In this process, the ISO mayprovide suggested alternatives to the SCfor removingthe congestion. Although some analysts see the job of SC as a newkind of monopoly by imposing market power, experiencing gaming and discrimination against certain customers, SCplays a critical role in restructured power systems. In California, for example, SCsare the only market players for generation dispatch and responsible (through adjustment bids) for means that congestion is resolved. This is different from restructuring proposals in NewYork, PJMand NewEngland where the ISO resolves congestion. Moreover, SCs may negotiate bilateral contract with or between its participants, aggregate contracts .between market participants, act as an ESP, deliver services and sign direct retail access contracts with consumers. SCs may also own, contract for or broker generation, and bundle generation and load. WhatmakesSCspowerfulin this modelis the fact that only SCs(the PX is also considered an SC) would schedule power in the ISOcontrolled system. In the day-ahead and hour-ahead markets, SC’s schedule at each hour must balance the power injected into the system and the power extracted from the system. The ISO is not allowed to adjust individual schedules of SCs’ participants (generators or consumers), only SCshave this power, with one exception in the case of extreme emergency(such as severe outages) whenthe ISO is authorized to changegeneration or/and load to secure the system. Additional issues are highlighted as follows: Major Differences between SC and PX." Even though the PXis seen as an SC, it has a limited role and trading functionality as compared to other SCs. Hence, customers would have an opportunity to comparethe PXand SC for better deals and appropriate terms. This will create more competition between different SCs. The PXwould

Transmission use wouldshowthe amountof energy the SCbelieves its participants would need for the next day and generators that would supply the energy.

ElectricUtility Markets


accept day-ahead and hour-ahead energy bids and loads and, based on these bids, create a competitive energy market for low cost transactions. An SCwouldhave the ability to negotiate with its own generators and client loads and interact with other SCs. SCsdisclose resulting schedulesto their ownparticipants and are not obligated to pass on any information to other participants, whichconcludes that SCs could discriminate against someparticipants. This fact is in contrast to the PX which publishes MCPs based on nondiscriminatory auction results and notifies its participants of these results. The non-discriminatory is guaranteed in the PXby matching the lowest incremental generation bid with the highest incremental demandbid, while the SC can price discriminate by matching the next highest willingness to pay for demandwith a slightly lower generation price. If an SCimposesprice discrimination, it could lead to prices which would be higher than a uniform MCPdetermined by the PX. In the day-ahead market, SC participants could trade energy for reducing congestion and lowering power costs, while PXtraders cannot respond to congestion through bids or trades. This maylead market participants to avoid the PXto prevent possible curtailments in the future. Anotherproblemthat limits competition in California and brings additional economical burden on the PX is that the PX must accept the expensive power from California’s investor-owned utilities, while SCsare not obligedto do so. Interaction between the ISO and SCs in Congestion Management:At times whenthe use of transmission system is at peak, lines in the ISO controlled area could be congested especially wheninter-state trading exists. This situation would necessitate the ISOto operate and removeany violations from the system to maintain reliability, protect system componentsfrom damage, limit monopolyand finally keepfeasibility of all transactions. Toease dealing with this matter, the system would be divided into congestion zones where in each zone(i.e., intra-zonal lines) the congestionis of low possibility with small and limited effect in the proximity of congested components. The tie lines connecting these zones (i.e., inter-zonal lines) would have a high possibility of congestion with a system-wideeffect (see Chapter 1).


Chapter2 The ISO has different procedures for inter-zonal and intra-zonal congestion, and SCs have a major role in these procedures. To managetransmission congestion, changes in generation and loads are required, and these changes are implementedby the ISObased on the data passed by SCs to the ISO. Whenmore generation is scheduled for transmission than what can be transmitted by a component, generation on one side of the constrained component must be reduced while generation on the other side of the constrained componentmust be increased. Adjustable or curtailable loads can 6. play a similar role in the congestion management process Different SCsinteract with the ISOby representing their participants (generators and loads) in day-ahead, hour-ahead and real-time markets. The role of SCs is to offer schedules and bids for their participants in these markets for the purpose of congestion mitigation. In these markets, the ISOissues congestion information, completes SC’s trades and re-dispatch resources based on SC’s congestion bids. The objective of the ISO in this process is the congestion relief not gaining the minimumcost. In both day-ahead and hour-ahead markets, the ISO accepts schedules and bids from SCsthat wouldreflect acceptable dispatch adjustments. In the realtime market, the ISO can use bids provided by SCs to adjust the congestion. Interaction between the ISO and SCs in Ancillary Services: In addition to the previously mentioned schedules, each SC could submit schedules and bids for ancillary services and bids to provide power in the real-time market. For every balanced energy schedule, each SC could submit accompaniedancillary services (all or part) that matchenergy bids. The services provided by the SCare tradable which include spinning and non-spinning reserves, reservation capacity and automatic generation control for regulation. SCs may offer ancillary services to the bid-basedancillary services auction run by the ISO. If SCs choose not to self-provide services in their regions, they mayask the ISO to provide them from its auction.

6 Curtailment:A mandatory andtemporaryreductionin load whenthere is a risk imposed onsystemcomponents withthe possibilityof severeconditions.

ElectricUtility Markets


Secondarymarketsfor ancillary services can facilitate self-provision services. 2.1.5 UDCs, Retailers and Customers. The fourth component is the group of UDCssuch as PG&E, SCE and SDG&Ewhich provide distribution services to all electric customersand retailers within their service territories. Distribution services provided by UDCsare composed of metering of delivered energy and billing. Billing would account for consumed electricity and the use of transmission and distribution systems. WhenUDCspurchase bulk power for their customers, it should be obtained from the PX(the only option). In addition, UDCsmayoffer bundled energy tariffs to retailers in their territories. Bundledtariffs include meter reading and usage measurementservices to other energy service providers. The fifth componentis the group of retailers or energy service providers (ESP). Retailers maymarket and purchase power for retail customers and serve as demandaggregators for retail loads. Retailers charge retail customers for energy and contracted services, use SCs (including the PX) to schedule generation and load and pay for the received energy and ancillary services. Finally, the last componentis the customers sector (commercial, industrial, residential, andagricultural). 2.1.6 Day-Ahead and Hour-Ahead Markets. As mentioned before, the PXmanagesday-ahead and hour-ahead markets. In the day-ahead market, participants would bid supply and demandfor the next day’s 24 hours. This market starts at 6:00 a.m. and closes at 1:00 p.m. of the day ahead of the trading day. Whenthe market closes, the ISOannouncesthe final day-aheadschedules. In this market, a participant maytrade and schedule for the next-day delivery, each trade would be subject to mutual paymentagreements between the PX and its market participants, and settlements would be based on schedules provided within three days after each trading day. Oncethe participants submit bids to the PX, the PXverifies them by ensuring that the content of a bid, such as the bid format, complieswith



the PXrequirements. For verified bids, the PXdetermines MCPbased on participants’ supply/demandbids for each hour of the 24-hour scheduling day, as shownin Figure 1.7. Participants’ bids, initially submitted into the day-ahead market auction, are consideredas portfolio bids, i.e., will not be referred to any particular unit or physical scheduling planet. The portfolio bids accepted by the PXwill then be split into generation unit schedules and submitted to the ISO along with adjustment bids and ancillary service bids. Adjustmentbids are used for congestion considerations. After this stage and based on all unit-specific supply bids and location-specific demandbids, the ISO determines whether there are any transmission congestions, and in the case of congestion, the ISO uses adjustment bids to submit an adjusted schedule to SCs (including PX). This process would create adjusted schedules and transmission usage, and the PX and other SCs either revise their schedules or accept the adjusted schedules and any charges calculated by the ISO. The schedules are then passed on to the ISOas final schedules. In the hour-ahead market, participants perform a similar bidding process as the day-ahead market, where the hour-ahead market begins two hours before the hour of operation. This market provides a meansfor participants to buy and sell so as to adjust their day-aheadcommitments based on information closer to the transaction hour schedules for minimizingreal-time imbalances. In this market, bids are unit specific and MCPis determined the same way as the day-ahead market. Once the market is closed, the PXwoulddeclare the price and traded quantities to participants. Balanced s~hedules submitted by SCs (including the PX) to the ISO wouldtake into account any associated transmission losses, wherelosses are calculated based on generator meter multipliers whichare calculated and posted by the ISO. The componentsof each SC’s portfolio include self-committed schedules for generation, load, import/export and energy trades with other SCs, and mayinclude the schedule of each generator or load entity. SCsincluding the PXeither self-provide ancillary services or ask the ISO to obtain them. In addition, they maysubmit bids for ancillary services. The ISOwill select proper providers based on economicalbid-


ElectricUtility Markets based calculations. points.

The following example illustrates

some of these

Example2.1: (California Market) This examplewill illustrate Generation/Load Bidding in Day-AheadMarket, Calculations of MCP, Adjustment Bids, Congestion ManagementUsing Adjustment Bids, Generation/Load Bidding in Hour-AheadMarket, Supplemental Energy Bids, and Settlement Procedure and Calculations of Average Price for Actual Consumption and Production Situation: For this example,assumea four-participant market, i.e., two generation companies(GenCo~and GenCoi0which represent two sellers, and two distribution companies (DisCol and DisCoid) which represent buyers. The four participants are competing in a two-zone, lossless system. The two zones are connected through a transfer path with a capacity of 80 MW.The system along with demand values and generation limits are shownin Figure 2.2. The exampleillustrates the situation in a certain hour.

GenCo.,: O- I OOMW

GenCoz: O- 90 MW

Limit 80 MW


DisCo~: 7O M~ DisCo~." 8O MW

Zone I

Zone 2

Figure2.2 Illustration of Example 2.1




Bidding in Day-AheadMarket:

Assumethe bids providedby buyersare as shownin Table2.1 and Table 2.2. The bid curves for both DisCos are shownin Figure 2.3. The AggregatedDemand of DisCo~andDisCo~is shownin Table 2.3, andits curveis shownin Figure2.4.

Table 2.1 DisCozbids Price [S/MWh] 0 40

Table 2.2 DisConbids



70.0 70. 0

0 22.5 30.0 35.0 37.5 40

. Demand 80.0 80.0 65.0 65.0 60.0 60.0

Table 2.3 AggregatedDemands of DisCozand DisCou Price

Demandof DisCo1

Demandof DisCou

Aggregated Demand

0.00 22.5 30.0 35.0 37.5 40.0

70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0

80.0 80.0 65.0 65.0 60.0 60.0

150.0 ]50.0 135.0 135.0 130.0 130.0


Electric Utility Markets


DisCott Curve

Price [$MWh]

DisCot Curve

~ 45 35 25 15

15 5 20

40 60

80 100


Demat~ inMW




80 100


Demand in MW

Figure 2.3 Bid Curves of DisCo1and DisCon

Price [$MWh]


5 20




100 120 140 ~ Demand in MW

Figure 2.4 Aggregated DemandCurve

For the two GenCos, the bidding data and the associated shownin Tables 2.4 and 2.5, and Figure 2.5, respectively.

curves are


Chapter2 Table 2.4 GenColbids Price

Table2.5 GenCoilbids




[$/Mw~] 0.00 19.99 20. O0 40. O0

15.0 15.0 90. 0 90. 0

0.00 19.99 20.00 35.00 40.00

Price SMWh]

Pricej SMWhI 45








[$/MW~] 0.0 0.0 40.0 60.0 100.0



I 40

60 80 100





40 60 80 I00 120


Suppl mMW

Figure 2.5 Supply of GenColand GenCon

The aggregated bids and aggregated curves for both participants are shown in Table 2.6 and Figure 2.6. As shown in Figure 2.7, by combining both aggregated curves in one graph, the market clearing price and marketclearing quantity are: Market Clearing Price = $27.50/MWh Market Clearing Quantity = 140 MW The distribution of market clearing quantity amongparticipants is shown in Table 2.7. Whenthe ISO applies this distribution of load and generation, the distribution causes the path connecting the two zones to be congested, as shownin Figure 2.8, where the line connecting both zones carries 10 MWabove the limit. To resolve congestion, the ISO should use adjustmentbids.


Electric Utility Markets

Price SMWh] 45’ 35 25 15 5 0








~upply in MW


Figure 2. 6 Aggregated Supply Curve

Table 2. 6 Aggregated GenCotand GenCotlbids Price

Supply of GenCo~ Supply of GenCo# Aggregated Supply

0.00 19.99 20.00 35.00 40.00

15.0 15.0 90.0 90.0 90.0

0.0 0.0 40.0 60.0 80.0

15.0 15.0 130.0 150.0 190.0

Prwe SA4Wh] 45’ 35 25 15 5 20








Figure 2. 7 Market Clearing Process

Demand~Supply in MW


Chapter2 Table2, 7 D&tributionof MarketClearingQuantityamongParticipants Participant DisCo1 OisColl Total

Demand 70.0 70.0 140.0

Participant GenCol GenCo~l Total

Supply 90.0 50.0 140.0

GenCo2: 50 MW

GenCol: 90 ~ Flow = 90 MW Limit = 80 MW



DisCo~: 70 MW


DisCo#: 70MW

Zone 2

Figure2,8 Congestionin the Inter-zonalPath


Congestion Management:

Since the entire production of GenColis scheduled, this GenCocan not increase its output beyond 90 MW (its maximum limit), so GenColonly has a decremental bid. Since GenCon’smaximum limit is 80 and only 50 MWscheduled, this GenComay have both incremental and decremental bids. Let’s fix the demandas scheduled so DisCos would not provide adjustment bids. Assumethe adjustment bids for all participants are as shownin Table 2.8.

ElectricUtility Markets


Table2. 8 AdjustmentBids Participant GenCo~ GenCo~

MW 50.0 20.0

Dec 26.0 26. 0

30. 0

Because the path flow violation is 10 MW(from 1 to 2), GenCo~ decreases its output by 10 MW at $26.0/MWh,and GenCo~increases its output by 10 MWat $30.0/MWh. Schedulesafter day-aheadand adjustments are as follows: Generation: GenCoi : 90 - 10 = 80 MW GenCoii: 50 +10 = 60 MW Total 140 MW Demand DisCo~ : 70 MW(unchanged) DisCo~ : 70 MW.(unchanged) Total 140 MW The most expensive incremental bid and the cheapest decremental bid selected in each zone to remove the congestion determine the zonal prices. The schedules of the day-ahead after adjustments along with zonal prices in $/MWhare shownin Figure 2.9. The prices are the shaded numbers in the figure. The decremental bid of GenCoi is $26/MWhwhich is the price in zone 1, and the incremental bid of GenCo2is $30/MWh which is the price in zone 2.



$ 26/ MWh

$30/MWh GenCo2: 60 MW

GenCo~: 80 MW Flow= 80 MW Limitffi 80MtV



DisCo~: 70 MW DisCozu ~ 70 MW Zone2

Figure2.9 Schedulesafter Day-Ahead and ZonalPrices


Biddin~ in Hour-AheadMarket:

Assumethe bids providedby buyersare as shownin Tables 2.9 and2.10. The bid curves for both DisCos are shown in Figure 2.10. The AggregatedDemandof DisCo~ and DisCo~ is shownin Table 2.11, and its curve is shownin Figure 2.11. For GenCo2,the bidding data andthe associated curve are shownin Tables2.12, andFigure2.12, respectively. The aggregatedbids andaggregatedcurve for the supply is the sameas those of GenCo2.

Table2.9 DisColBids Price [$/MWh] 0 40

Demand ~wJ 5.0 5.0

Table 2.10 DisCouBids Price [$/MWh] 0 27.50 35.00 4O.00

Demand 15.0 15.0 5.0 5.0

Electric Utility Markets


Table 2.11 Aggregated Demandsof DisCo1 and DisCon Price

Demand of


Demand of




SAIw~ 0.00 27.5 35.0 40.0

Price SMWh] ~ 45

5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0

15.0 15.0 5.0 5.0

20.0 20.0 10.0 10.0









5 0

20 40

60 80 100




40 60 80 100 120

Figure 2.10 Bid Curves of DisCo1 and DisCo~

Price ~ SMWh] ’~ 45

25 15 5 20 40 60 80

100 120

Demand mMW

Figure 2.11 Aggregated DemandCurve

Demand in MW



Table 2.12 GenCou Bids Price [$/MWk] 0.00 27.5 32.5 40.0

Supply [MW] 0.0 0.0 20.0 20.0

35 25

5 20

40 60

80 100 120


Figure 2.12 Supply of GenCou


40 60



80 100 120




Combining both aggregated curves in one graph (as shown in Figure 2.13), we obtain the market clearing price and market clearing quantity as~

Market Clearing Price = $32.5/MWh Market Clearing Quantity = 13.33 MW 5 MW of the 13.33 MWgoes to DisCo~ and the rest (8.33 MW)goes DisCo~i. ¯


The hour-ahead schedule is computed as the day-ahead schedule plus adjustment to relieve congestion plus adjustment due to hour-ahead bidding. The net hour-ahead schedules are given in Table 2.13, and shownin Figure 2.14.


ElectricUtility Markets

GenCo2: 73.33 MW

GenCo~: 80 MW


Flow = 80 MW


DisCo~: 7.$ MW


Limit ffi 80 MV¢"

DisCo~: 83.33 MW


Zone 2

Figure2.14 Schedulesafter Hour-Ahead

Note that the flow in the line connecting both zones is 80 MW (the maximum limit), and no need for adjusting schedules again to relieve congestion,becauseit doesnot exist. Weshowedfinal schedule of each participant in Table2.13. Now,in real time, let’s assumethat each load deviates fromthe final schedule. The final schedules, actual meteredamounts,and deviations of loads are shownin Table2.14. Table 2.13 Schedulesafter Hour-Ahead Bidding Participant GenCol GenCo~t DisCot DisCoz~

DA Schedule 90. O0 50.00 70. O0 70.00

Table 2.14 Final Schedules, Participant DisCo~ DisCo~

Adjustment - I O. O0 +10.00 O. O0 0.00

HA Adjustment O. O0 + 13.33 + 5. O0 + 8.33

Metered Data, and Deviations

Final Schedule. 75. O0 78.33

Metered Amount 72. 50 85.83 Net Deviation

Net 80. O0 73.33 75. O0 78.33

of Loads

Deviate’on 2.50 + 8.50 + 6.00



In real time, the load is 6 MW over scheduled amount, which means that imbalance exists in the system, which in turn causes underfrequency occurrence. The ISOis required to restore the frequency by providing extra generation that balances the 6 MW.Note that the DisCo~’s metered value is less than its final scheduled value, which means that DisCo~ would sell an imbalance of 2.5 MW.Also, the DisCo~’s metered value is more than its final scheduled value, which means that DisCo~ wouid buy an imbalance of 8.5 MW.The net imbalance of 6 MWwould be provided by a generator and managedby the ISO. The ISO may use different categories of energy resources available for real-time imbalance. One option is to use supplemental energy bids, wheregenerators submit supplemental energy bids for realtime energy before each operating hour begins. Supplemental energy bids can be for incremental energy in which generators would be required to increase their scheduled generation. Or, supplementalenergy bids can be for decremental energy in which generators would be required to decrease their scheduled generation by buying back energy. In our example,an increase in generation wouldbe required. Let’s assume that GenCo~ and GenCon provided the ISO with supplemental bids shown in Table 2.15. Since incremental energy is required, the ISO would not use GenCo~because this would cause the inter-zonal path to be congested, so the ISO would ask GenConto increase its output by 6 MW (the net deviation) at $38.0/MWh (i.e., at incrementalprice).

Table 2.15 Supplemental Energy Bids of GenCos Participant GenCol GenColt

Value I O.O0 10. O0

Inc. Price 37.0 38. 0

Dec. Price 20.0 25. 0


ElectricUtility Markets SettlementProcedure DisCo~: Day-AheadSchedule Adjustmentto relieve congestion Hour-Aheadadjustment Imbalance Actual Consumption Total

at at at at

$30/MWh $30/MWh $32.5/MWh $38/MWh -

$ 2,100.000 (Buy) $ 0.000 $ 162.500 (Buy) $ 95.000 (Sell) $ 2,167.500 (Buy)

at at at at

$30/MWh $30/MWh $32.5/MWh $38/MWh

$2,100.000 (Buy) $ O. 000 $ 270.725 (BUY) $ 323.000 (Buy) $ 2,693. 725 (BUY)

GenCOl: Day-AheadSchedule 90.OO MW at Adjustmenttorelievecongestion -IO.OOMW at Hour-Aheadadjustment O.OOMW at Imbalance O.OOMW at Total 80.00 MW Actual e~od~ction

$26/MWh $26/MWh $32.5/MWh $38/MWh

$2,340.000 (Sell) $ 260.000 (buy) $ 0.000 $ 0.000 $ 2,080.000 (Sell)

GenColl: Day-AheadSchedule Adjustmentto relieve cangestion Hour-Aheadadjustment Imbalance Actual Production Total

$30/MWh $30/lvlWh $32.5/MWh $38/Ml/gh

$1,500.000 (Sell) $ 300.000 (Sell) $ 433.225 (Sell) $ 228.000 (Buy) $ 2,461.225 (Sell)

70.OO MW 0.00 MW 5.00 MW -2.50 MW 62.50MW

DisCo~: Day-AheadSchedule 70.OO MW Adjustmentto reBevecongestion: 0.00 MW Hour-Aheadadjustment 8.33MW Imbalance 8.50 MW Actual Consumption Total 86.83 MW

50.OO MW IO.OO MW 13.33MW 6.00 M~ 79.33MW

at at at at

Net MW of DisCos Net MW of GenCos

72.50 MW + 86.83 MW = 159.33 MW 80.00 MW + 79.33 MW = 159.33 MW

Net paymentbuyDisCos Net paymentto GenCos

$2,167.500+ $2,856.225= $4,861.225 $2,080.000+ $2,461.225= $4,541.225

The net paymentmadeby DisCosis larger than the net paymentmadeto GenCos. The difference of $320 (or $4,861.225 - $4,541.225) congestion charges, whichgoes to the ownerof the path connectingthe two zones. The moneyflow is shown in Figure 2.15. Note that the congestion charges are equal to flow in the path (aider congestion management)times the difference of energy prices between the two zones, i.e., charges= 80 x (30-26)=$320.



GenCo~ $ 4861.225 ~." Path Owner

~ $ 2,46

...... GenCo=~

Figure 2.15 MoneyFlow


Calculations of AveragePrice for Consumptionand Production:

DisCoi: Average Price for .Actual Consumption = 2,167.500/62.50 = $34.68/MWh DisCou: Average Price for Actual Consumption = 2,693.725/86.83 = $31.022/MWh DisCoi: Average Price for Actual Production = 2,040.000/80.00 $25.50/MWh


DisCon: Average Price for Actual Production = 2,461.225/79.33 ¯ $31.025/MWh


In other words, DisCo~ would pay $34.68/MWh for the actual consumption of 62.50 MW,and DisCou pay $31.022/MWhfor the actual consumption of 86.83 MW.GenCoi would collect $25.5/MWhfor the actual production of 80.00 MW,and GenCoucollect $31.025/MWhfor the actual production of 79.33 MW.

ElectricUtility Markets


2.1.7 Block Forwards Market6. For the first year of its day-ahead market operation, the California PowerExchange(CalPX) served as the world’s largest totally open market with trading averaging 517,842 MWh daily at an average price of $24.44/MWh.CalPX’s market participants were asking the CalPXto offer forward contracts to include on-peak blocksof energyat fixed prices. On March 31, 1999, the CalPX announced a new product to be introduced during April and May1999. The new product was the Block Forwardscontracts which would improve the overall efficiency of the Califomia’s electricity market. The efficiency would be improved by offering longer term trading instruments to help market participants, especially large purchasers, hedge hourly price risk by reducing their exposure to potential price volatilities during peak demandperiods. Following the FERCapproval of CalPX’splans for this market, on June 3, 1999, the CalPXannounced that it would open its Block Forwards Marketon June 10, 1999. The market offers monthlyon-peak electricity contracts for delivery beginning in July and for the following five months. Each forward block consists of 16 on-peak hours, from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily, for each day of a month, excluding Sundays and certain holidays. Contracts are available for each of the following six months, which includes muchof the summerwhen electrical demandand prices are highest and most volatile in California. The Block Forwards Market provides CalPX’s participants a mechanismto trade standardized monthly block contracts on a forward basis. The contract is an excellent instrument to hedge against hourly price variations for purchases and sales in the day-aheadmarket. In its order, FERCcommentedon the Block Forwards Market, "Wefind that the proposed Block Forwards Market will provide flexibility to buyers and sellers to lock in prices monthsin advance of the actual delivery date. This will allow participants to managetheir financial risk in the energy market of the.CalPX." The CalPXannouncedthat a total of 2,175 contracts were matched during the first six days of electricity trading in the CalPX’sBlock SeeChapter 5 for moredetails.



Forwards Market, and market showedincreasing volumesand interest by market participants in the next few days of operation. This volumeof trade increased in a short period as market participants used this new product to lock in energy prices for on-peak hours during months when higher demandof electricity increases prices in the spot electricity markets. Each Block Forwards contract represents a megawattof electricity delivered over 16 on-peak hours for each day of the month, except for Sundaysand certain holidays, whichis equivalent to a contract of 400 to 416 MWhof energy over the monthly period. Block Forwards Market participants can trade energy contracts for delivery up to six months ahead of the current month. On September 24, 1999, the CalPX announcedthat it would develop the CalPX’s Block Forwards Market for up to 12 months beyondthe current trading monthfor both the Northern California energy delivery zone (NP 15) and the Southern California energy delivery zone (SP 15). Beginning October 1, 1999, the Block Forwards Market would accept bids for energy sales and purchases in each of the following 12 months to assist market participants in transacting contracts for energy for longer terms. The expansion to 12 months would offer CalPX’s participants summerprice managementwith physical delivery and encourage other energy traders to participate in forwards contracts trading, whichin turn increase market size and mutual commercialgains of participants. The forwards market offers energy buyers and sellers an opportunity to avoid their exposure to the volatility of energy prices during peak energy use periods, and at the same time keeps the beneficial characteristics that the CalPXhas, which are the market liquidity and price discovery. Scheduling of energy delivery in the Block Forwards Market can be done through the CalPX’sday-ahead market or the bilateral market, and it wouldnot require that BlockForwardsMarkettraders participate in the CalPX’s Day-AheadMarket. To expand the Block Forwards Market outside of California, the CalPX announced - on September 28, 1999 - that it would plan to expand its market by involving monthly energy contracts - starting in March2000 - for delivery at the MeadSubstation (energy-trading hub)

ElectricUtility Markets


in southem Nevada. By doing that, the CalPX would provide energy traders in the western region the benefits of CalPX’sservices and open marketplace with price discovery for all. In addition, the Meadmonthly energy contract wouldserve as the CalPX’sfirst trading product outside the California energy marketplace, whichwouldalso help create efficient marketsfor the entire West.

Example2.2: (Block ForwardsMarket) A GenCo sold a July 1999 CalPX Trading Services (CTS) forward contract for 50 MW at SP 15. This contract would require the GenCoto makea delivery of 50 MW per hour from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. (16 hours day), Mondaythrough Saturday (6 days a week), excluding holidays SP 15 for the monthof July 1999. Figure 2.16 illustrates the delivery days and the delivery hours. 50MW (16h/day) (27day)= 21,600 MWh in the whole month


Transmission Congestion Contracts (TCCs). To motivate an efficient expansion of transmission capacity in the California’s competitive market, Transmission Congestion Contracts (TCCs)were proposed to deal with congestion in a transmission grid. Whencongestion occurs on a transmission line, a difference in generation prices wouldexist at two ends (locations) of the line. In other words, any lower cost powergenerated at the end of a congestedline that can be transferred through the limited available capacity to the other end could be sold at higher prices. The additional revenuesrepresented by the difference between prices at the two ends are defined as congestion rentals. If a spot price pool does not exist, these revenues represent an unexpectedgain to generators that wouldsell powerthrough the limited capacity line. To price the transmission in California, the contract networks approachis proposedthat wouldredistribute congestion rentals to TCCholders which in tum wouldcreate additional incentives for the expansionof transmission system.



12 p.m. 6:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m. Hour

M__W l








13 15

17 19 21 23






Figure 2.16 Delivery Daysand Defivery Hoursin a Block ForwardsMarket

In this approach, TCCholders wouldbe entitled to receive a portion of any congestion rentals collected by the ISO based upon spot price differentials. A TCCwould be defined between two points on a transmission system in terms of quantity and direction of power flow. A TCCholder is entitled to a paymentequal to the difference in spot prices (adjusted for transmission losses) at the two points on the system, times the quantity of TCCcontract flows that could not be completed as a result of transmission congestion. For example, the holder of a contract for transferring x MW from point a to point b could receive a monetary compensationequal to x (Price b -Pricea). If congestion does not exist, prices at the two locations wouldbe equal, whichwould not entitle the holder for any payment. In other words, if there is congestion, the monetary compensation would guarantee that a TCCholder would get the quantity of power specified in TCCat the TCCdelivery point for a net cost equal to the price at whichpower would have been sold in the absence of congestion. TCCcan be traded and granted to new investors in a grid. Whenthe possibility of congestion increases, these contracts would becomemore valuable, which in turn could motivate an efficient expansion of transmission capacity, as new TCCswould exceed the cost of transmissioncapacity addition.

ElectricUtility Markets


2.1.9 Comments.In summary, the Califomia market offers some advantages such as: (1) Californians have more than one choice between the PXand bilateral contracts, and the quality of supply is supported, (2) Prices of energy, transmission and ancillary services are set competitively by markets, (3) Transmission efficiency maydevelop offering transmission pricing signals, (4) Ownersof generating units wouldhave an advantage in the sense that commitment of units is their responsibility and (5) Onlythe participants whocause congestion would be charged. In addition to difficulties in operation and high expensesin setting it up, this market has somedrawbackssuch as: (1) The definition of zonal boundaries is not clear enough, (2) It is hard to consider physical limitations of resources whenthe same resources are bid in different markets, (3) a conflict with the unit commitment schedule could occur the ISO adjusts the schedules to mitigate congestion and (4) the CalPX must accept the expensive power from Califorma’s investor-owned utilities, which could limit the competition in California where participants could run from the PXto other SCs and bring up additional burdens on PXcosts.



2.2.1 Summary. The eight members (TPs) of the New York Power Pool (NYPP)[Webl0] decided to break downthe pool and proposed form a substitute represented by an ISOand other institutions such as the PXto complywith FERCrules, maintain reliability in a competitive environment and facilitate a competitive wholesale electricity market. The ISO[Webl0], as an independententity of any market participants, is responsible for bulk powersystem operations, including coordination of maintenance outage schedules and provision of transmission services on a comparableand non-discriminatory basis. The ISOwill also administer and maintain an OASISfor the NewYork State Bulk Power System. What distinguishes NYPPis the highly meshed characteristics and frequent congestion, and what distinguish this model is its clearing energy and ancillary service markets at the same time which is an advantageous feature over other proposals where separation of markets



is implemented. Participantschoosingbilateral contracts are requiredto submitdecrementalprice bids for congestion purposes. The NewYork restructuring proposal combines the features of bilateral transactions(as those in the California model)andcompetitive energy (as pool models in Australia and UK). In this model, (Figure 2.17) buyersand sellers wouldbid into the PXon energy andancillary services such as reserve and regulation. TPs8 ownsand operates the transmission network, OASISis used as a posting system for transmission access and LSEs9 are responsible for supplying retail customersandsubmitload forecasts to the ISO.To hedgefluctuations in the price of transmission,TCCsare used as financial instruments.

OptionalEnergy,Capacityand ~c’~-’~y Services Bids TCCs Payments

ISO [ ~1Balancing 0 UnitCommitment ~1 Security Cll System Dispatch Cll Conge~on Management andAncillary. Services SpotMarket q I~ Energy



~ad, Capacity AncillaryServicesBid.,

OptionalEnergy,Capacity ~----d"~llaryServicesBi~lrl Power Exchange ] TCCsPayments Optional ~ ’I Investor-Owned Utilities ¯ Generators

~ Optiona~lLoadBids ICCs Payments~

Retail Customers

Retailers ¯ LSE ¯ Municipalities

LoadBids, Paymentsll Capacity& ACBids PowerMarketers & DCCompanies

Figure2.17Interactionsof the NewYorkISOwith other Entities

Atransmission provider (TP)is defined as anypublicutility thatowns,operates, controls facilitiesusedforthetransmission of electricenergy in interstate commerce. LoadServingEntities(LSEs)arewholesale buyersresponsible for supplying energy, capacity, and/or ancillary services to retailcustomers.

ElectricUtility Markets


2.2.2 MarketOperations. Participants of this market either trade through the PXor schedule transactions in a bilateral form, and in both cases they can bid on ancillary services. The bids submitted to the PXare adjustable bids, whichinclude: Physical Constraints: Ramprates, minimumup and downtimes Price bids: energy, start-up and amounts.

The centralized market has two time frames: day-ahead and realtime. In the day-ahead market all LSE, in addition to LSEsthat are planning to obtain their powerfrombilateral transactions, pass to the ISO a load forecast. LSEshave two options for committing units: either commitbilaterally or ask the ISOto commitresources on their behalf. If the ISOoption is selected, the ISOuses generator bids in the day-ahead market which include start-up costs, ramp rates, minimumloading requirements, and energy bid prices, and the LSEswould be responsible for the start-up and minimum load costs associated with those units. For the first option, whenLSEs commit units bilaterally, they are not responsible for the costs of units committedby the ISO, provided that their actual load is on schedule or lower than the day-aheadload forecast provided to the ISO. A real-time (balancing) market is operated by the ISO using centralized five-minute security constrained optimal dispatch, where buyers and sellers can participate in this market up to 90 minutes ahead with flexible bids or submit bilateral schedules for energy as well as someancillary services. Energy imbalances relative to the day-ahead schedule will be settled based on actual locational energy prices in this market. Thus, there will be two sets of locational prices in day-ahead and real-time markets. The NY-ISOuses a Security Constrained Unit Commitment(SCUC) software for scheduling day-ahead and hour-ahead to dispatch energy, load, reserves and regulation taking into account networkconstraints and scheduled outages. The same software is used to calculate Locational Based Marginal Prices (LBMPs)and ancillary services prices. LBMPs are used to calculate the price of supplying loads in different regions of



the system, to settle energy markets and to calculate congestion costs paid by transacted bilateral contracts. The NY-ISOis responsible for resource maintenance scheduling. Each transmission provider would supply the ISO with outage schedules for its own system. The ISO would determine if a particular set of maintenance schedules supplied by transmission providers would negatively affect the reliable operation of the system. The ISO would have the authority to advise them in case the provided schedule is not workable,and in return transmission providers could revise the schedules °. and re-submit them to the IS@ Restructuring developed a non-profit PXcalled the NewYork Power Exchange(NYPE)to facilitate the majority of commercialtransactions. Trades in NYPE include energy, capacity and ancillary services. Market participants mayestablish other power exchanges with the approval of and consistent with protocols of the ISOor regulators. The ISO’s role in commercial transactions would be minimizedwhenmost transactions in day-ahead and real-time markets are scheduled through NYPE.It is also expected that NYPEwould provide additional commercial services such as facilitating forward marketsto its members. By paying a Transmission Service Charge (TSC) to cover transmission providers’ revenue requirements, customers including those who are wheeling through or out will have access to the entire transmission grid. Wheel-throughor wheel-out customers will pay TSCto TPs in territories where energy would leave the state. TSC, which is collected by the ISO, or directly by TPs, is based on TPs’ revenue requirements. The market structure in NYis voluntary with a centralized unit commitmentand economic dispatch. It is voluntary in the sense that buyers and sellers opt to enter either bilateral contracts or the centralized market. Customers can buy energy through: Participating in the centralized market: Market customers would be charged the transmission usage charge which has two components, i.e., TSC,and LBMP. to See: "Maintenance Scheduling in RestructuredPowerSystems,"by Shahidehpour andMarwali;publishedby Kluwer Publishers,Boston,2000.

ElectricUtility Markets


Scheduling bilateral transactions: A customer will be charged the transmission usage charge which has the following components: TSC, losses, Congestion Charges (or TCC)and contract price for energy. In bilateral contracts, customers could schedule injections and withdrawalsof energy at specified locations, and whenbilateral transaction would lead to constrained situation 1~, higher-priced generation within the constrained area will be dispatched. The outof-merit dispatch due to a constrained situation could lead to differences in energy prices at various locations or buses. The difference in prices betweenany two locations represents congestion charges and marginal losses. This difference represents the economics in scheduling the constrained line between the two locations. To self-supply losses, bilateral contractors wouldinject power in excess of withdrawals. Anywholesalebuyer or seller wouldbe eligible to participate in this market. Marketparticipants wouldbe able to use transmission facilities of transmission providers without pancaking. Under a statewide transmission tariff, the ISOwill publish economicand efficient price signals at the presence of transmission constraints based on locational pricing of energy, transmission and, if possible, ancillary services. To send appropriate market signals to participants, LBMPsare announced and madeavailable on day-aheadand real-time basis. The monetary congestion charges between any two locations would be equal to the difference between the LBMPsmultiplied by. the transacted MWh.The congestion charges collected by the ISO will be credited to TCCholders. Similar to that of the California model, TCCs are financial instruments that could hedge congestion costs by entitling the owner to receive the congestion componentof the difference in LBMPsbetween the two locations where the TCCis specified (in direction and MW value). If the congestion componentof the difference in LBMPsis negative, the TCCowner is forced to pay the difference (negative congestion rent). By holding TCC,a participant wouldacquire price certainty on the congestion cost of its intended transaction. TCCs could stabilize transmission charges and are considered as buying Constrained situationmeansthat sufficientlow-priceenergycannot be transmitted intoa constrained areato meetits demand.



financial equivalent of a firm transmission right in advance. A participant can purchase a TCCfor a MW quantity corresponding to its intended transaction either from the primary sale of TCCsor in secondary markets, where TCCsare sold periodically. The revenues of selling TCCsare collected and paid to ownersof transmission assets to be credited against the TSCof TPs. The proposed structure guarantees that a TP will not recover more than its transmission revenue requirement. As mentionedbefore, buyers and sellers can either opt to participate in the centralized market by submitting bids to purchase or sell energy, or alternatively schedule bilateral transactions. The ISO uses the submitted bids to calculate LBMPs while taking into consideration the maximum limits of transmission components. All sellers (suppliers) the energy market will be paid the applicable LBMP for the energy sold and purchasers pay the applicable LBMP.In NY, suppliers would consist of generators, marketers with resources under contract, price-responsive interruptible loads, and could include utility-affiliated generation. Locational installed capacity requirements would be established by the ISObased on a statewide reserve requirement. The ISO’s locational requirements would be established annually and will apply to all LSEs .serving retail loads in the NewYork State. Each LSEwouldbe required to procure installed capacity commitments sufficient to meet its locational needs for the next year. This requirement would ensure the long-term reliability by requiring that sufficient resources be secured in advance to meet projected peak loads. The process is intended to provide clear market signals so that market participants can make decisions with regard to the future supply of electricity or investmentin assets. Ancillary services are either procured by the ISO (market-based pricing) or providedas self supplied transactions. Theseservices pertain to regulation, frequency response, energy imbalance service, operating reserve - spinning and non-synchronized (supplemental) - and storm watch. Other ancillary services are based on vertically integrated pricing (not market-based) such as reactive supply and voltage control and scheduling, system control, and dispatch services. Black start ancillary service mayor maynot be market-basedpriced. Participants whichopt to self-supply ancillary services must place resources of ancillary service

ElectricUtility Markets


under the control of ISOso that the ISO could coordinate the provision of services for the entire system.

2.2.3 Comments. As in the case of the California model, the NY model has some powerful advantages and some shortcomings. This model’s main advantages include: (1) NewYork customers have more choices, (2) All marketparticipants are represented in the ISO, (3) Prices of energy, transmission and ancillary services are set competitively by markets, (3) Transmissionpricing wouldsignal Transmissionefficiency, (4) TCCensures that congestion charges are paid by parties whichwould cause congestion, and at the same time, offers certainty in prices, (5) Marketsof energy and ancillary services are cleared simultaneously and there is no need to separate these markets as in California and (6) SCUC calculates generation schedules, LBMPsfor congestion and ancillary services, simultaneously. On the other hand, this model has a shortcoming, which is common with the California model, concerning the difficulty and high expenses for setting it up. Other shortcomings are: (1) Secondary markets for TCCsare cumbersome, and (2) Prices are not predictable by market participants because they are based on LBMPs. 2.3


The Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland (PJM) interconnection [Web04]is responsible for operation in major parts of the following six states: Pennsylvania, NewJersey, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia and District of Columbia. The main responsibilities of the PJMISO are maintaining the reliability of the transmission grid, operating the energy spot market, transmission planning, unit commitment,operating realtime (balancing) market and settlement and billing functions. In this structure, transmission owner, or a designated party on behalf of transmission owner,operates the local control center in coordination with PJM, transmission access is done through the OASISand LSEs are responsible for supplying retail customers. The transmission network is ownedby manyentities but operated by PJM and two types of services are provided, which are Network



TransmissionService (NTS)andPoint-to-Point Service. NTSis used for serving networkcustomerswithin the PJMcontrol area. Theinteractions betweendifferent marketparticipants are shownin Figure2.18. Twomarketsare defined in this proposal: day-aheadmarket, which stands as energyspot market,andreal-time (balancing) market,which operated by PJM.In the day-aheadmarket, Locational MarginalPrices (LMPs)are calculated for all buses of the system and used by the PJM for congestion management.Energybids are submitted to the ISO by generatorsandmarketerswhichinclude start-up costs, no-load costs and energy prices. Loadbids are submitted to the ISOby retailers which represent LSEs.Bilateral contracts data are also providedto the ISOby generators, retailers andmarketers,whichmayinclude transactions with parties from outside PJMcontrol area boundaries. Fixed transmission Rights (FTRs)are used for hedgingcongestion charges.

IOptional Energybids, Ancillary Services ~ ~ Bilateral Contracts ~ Payments


EnergySpot Market~1 Real-timeMarket Ancillary Services O Security ConstrainedUC Congestion Management: HourlyLMPs Reliability&. Security Coordination of Transraission Planning




Optional Load Bids RequestBilateral Contracts Payments

Payments Optional n e-~fi~Bi d s Load Bids Request Bilateral Contracts





~1 R~tailers

[ Power Marketers


Figure2.18 Interactionsof the PJMISOwith other Entities

ElectricUtility Markets

tl I

The energy spot market operations would involve three tasks which are pre-scheduling operation, scheduling operation and dispatching: ¯

The pre-scheduling operation would take place in the thirty-day period leading up to the operating day. In order to schedule and dispatch the system, PJMcontrol area would maintain the data and information related to transmission and generation facilities. In addition, the ISO would be responsible for answering to capacity resource outage requests, maintaining a system that would collect outage data, performing studies on operating reserves and seasonal forecasted adequacy. The PJMmembers would also have certain responsibilities for the pre-schedulingtime frame.


The PJMISO scheduling operation and dispatching would include the day ahead and hourly processes. The day ahead scheduling would happen on the day prior to the operating day, and the hourly scheduling would happen within the 60-minute leading to the operating hour. Ona least-cost basis, the ISOwouldmanageto serve the hourly energy and reserve requirements of the control area. The ISO wouldschedule generation resources on a least-cost basis using prices and operating characteristics submitted by the market participants (sellers). A security-constrained economicdispatch used for this purpose. For each hour, generating units would be dispatched up to the level that wouldbe required to serve all energy purchases and the P,IM control area requirements. The chosen schedulesshould take into accountthe security of the control area on a fair basis for all participants.

The powergeneration required to serve all energy purchases and the PJMcontrol area’s requirements is provided by one of three types of resources: self-scheduled by membergenerators, resources that are bid into the spot market by members (either separate generation or aggregated) and bilateral transactions. Whenthe hourly net generation is less than the hourly load, a membermaypurchase generation from the spot market. Market participants would submit bids into the spot market before 12:00 noon of the business day prior to the operating day. Participants bid based on either individual units or aggregated generation. WhenISO approves offers, unit commitmentwould be used to analyze the offers.



Participants might withdrawtheir offers before the ISOnotifies themof the bid acceptance and before 4:00 p.m., and if any offer is improperly withdrawn, the participant owning the offer is obligated to pay nondelivery charges. After 12:00 noon the day before the operating day, the ISOwould evaluate the offers and notifies the membersof the status of their offers, either acceptanceor rejection. PJMidentifies two kinds of bilateral contracts, i.e. internal and external contracts. Twocontracted parties could be located within the PJMcontrol area, or one contracted party could possibly cross the control area boundary. The physical impact on the PJMcontrol area operations is more important to the ISO than the financial terms of bilateral contracts. Bilateral contractors should submit all required data for approval to the ISO. The PJMunit commitmentuses marginal scheduler software, which is based on a hybrid dynamic programmingtechnique. The objective function is based on bid prices and takes into consideration constraints related to the system and units. As permitted by the ISO, and to respond to variations in system conditions during the operating period, a member mayadjust self-scheduled resources under its dispatch control on an hour-to-hour basis. In this case, the ISOshould be notified no later than 60 minutesprior to the hour of adjustment. Each memberof PJM provides some type of ancillary services including operating reserves. Other types of ancillary services are covered by service charges imposed on system users. Whenthe ISO finishes the generation scheduling process, it wouldcheck the scheduled generation for supplying the required reserve capacity. Generationunits that exist within the PJMmetered electrical boundaries of control area would supply regulation, where LSEs would offer the regulating requirement as 1.1%of the forecast peak load during on-peak periods and 1.1 %of the forecast valley period.



As one of the ten Regional Reliability Councils of NERC,the Electric Reliability Council ofTexas (ERCOT)[Web07] used to have two security centers located in the North and the South of Texas to

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monitor regional security. On August 21, 1996, the ISO in ERCOT was created. ERCOT has a generating capability of about 56 GWand serves about 85%of Texas’s electrical load. The Public Utility Commissionof Texas (PUCT) approved the filing that orders the ISO, with the responsibility of monitoring the security of the ERCOT’sbulk power system, to administer of the ERCOT OASISand coordinate transmission planning in ERCOT. As a result of current restructuring and changesin the electric power industry corresponding to nondiscriminatory access and competition, ERCOT recognized that what was needed to guarantee a nondiscriminatory access in the market place, was a security center independentof utilities and any participants. The ERCOT ISOstarted the operation of a security center in the Septemberof 1996, and membersof ERCOTinclude nine cooperatives and river authorities, six municipalities owninggeneration or transmission, four investor-owned ¯utilities, four independentpowerproducers, 26 powermarketers and nine transmission dependentutilities. The new Board of the ERCOTISO is composed of three members from each of the following six market groups: (1) Investor-OwnedUtilities: Include a publicly held company,fitting the Public Utility RegulatoryAct (PURA) definition of a "public utility" that owns345 KVinterconnected transmission facilities or morethan 500 pole miles of transmission facilities in ERCOT. (2) Municipally OwnedUtilities and River Authorities: Include a municipally ownedutility or river authority in ERCOT that ownsor controls transmissionfacilities anddispatchablegeneratingfacilities of at least 25 MW,or ownsmore than 200 pole miles of transmission facilities. (3) Cooperatives and River Authorities: Include a cooperatively owned electric utility or river authority in ERCOT that ownsor controls transmission facilities and dispatchable generation of at least 25 MW, or ownsat least 200 pole miles of transmissionfacilities. (4) Transmission DependentUtilities: Include a utility in ERCOT that purchases morethan 25 percent of its energy requirements.


(5) Independent Power Producers: Include a non-utility controls generation in ERCOT.


that owns or

(6) Power Marketers: Include a power marketer, as defined in PURA, whichhas registered with the Public Utility Commission of Texas.

In ERCOT, the ISO does not represent a PoolCofunction and is not concernedwith or responsible for any activities as those of power pool such as generation dispatch, matchingof buyers and sellers, or providing ancillary services. The ISO does not have any direct control of transmission networkor generation facilities, whereasthis control is the responsibility of the ERCOT control areas. The ISO’s three primary areas of responsibility include: Security Operations, Transmission Access/Market Information and Coordinated Regional Transmission Planning and Engineering Support. Even though the first priority of the ERCOT ISO is to maintain the system security, the ERCOT ISOhas the authority and responsibilities toward the system, which include other functions such as real-time system monitoring (control area load, spinning reserve, scheduled and actual net interchange, critical transmission component loading and system frequency), response to system contingencies (line loading relief, load shedding, schedule curtailment, re-dispatch, and ordering emergency energy schedules), administration of OASIS(including calculation, posting and updating of ATC~),transmission tariff administration, transmission reservation approval, ancillary service verification and energy transaction scheduling, direct dispatch for transmission congestion, transaction accounting, administration of loss compensation and coordination of regional transmission planning for future planned transactions. In ERCOT,the wholesale transmission service may be either planned or unplanned. Whena transmission service is required from designated resources to a specified load and ,longer than 30 days in duration, the service is called a planned service. Otherwise, it is an unplannedservice, in whichthe transmission use is between a specified load and specified resource, 30 days or less in duration and is available SeeChapter3.

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subject to the availability of transmission capacity over that required for plannedservice. Whenunplanned transactions apply for transmission use, they would take time orders (time stamped), where the approval of service is based on a first come,first served basis. Later, if unplannedtransactions are to be re-dispatched for transmission relief purposes or other reliability reasons, curtailments will take place on a last-in basis. Transmission customers after this step (whenre-dispatch is needed) either opt to pay re-dispatch cost or cancel the transaction. The annual capital expense plus operation and maintenance expense for each transmission owner are charged to loads based on their use of the system for their planned resources. This cost is allocated to LSEs based on two factors: the size of the load and the electrical distance between the load and its planned resources. For unplannedtransmission service, a scheduling fee will be paid to the ISO per MWh.Unplanned transactions are charged for transmission losses based on a matrix calculated from a load flow calculation between commercial zones, where zones are geographic divisions of ERCOT used to distinguish the locations of loads and generators. After the ISO calculates ATCfor uncommitted capability of the transmission system between two points or "zones" that can be used for unplanned transactions, ATCand TTCvalues are posted through OASIS. ATCvalues are announcedfor each set of zone pairs at every hour of the next week, on-peak and off-peak values per day for the following 23 days, and on-peak and off-peak values per monthfor the next 12 months. If requested transfers are within the most currently evaluated ATC,they will be approvedby the ISO, and if it exceeds the most current ATC,the transaction will be rejected. Anyrequest of an unplannedtransaction will be identified of terms of zones of the desired transaction (zone of delivery (generation) and zoneof receipt (served load)). In order to maintain the reliability of the transmission system or relieve transmission line overloads, market participants, under the guidance of the ISO, take actions such as (re-dispatch) cancellation curtailment of unplanned transactions, rescheduling of planned transactions, engaging in an unplannedtransaction to replace or offset planned transactions or rescheduling maintenance of transmission



facilities. Based on signals indicating violations on transmission components, either from the ISO or a TP, re-dispatched would be done by market participants taking into consideration existing and approved transactions. Unplannedtransactions are the first line of defense that would be used in the re-dispatch process to relieve constrained components, in which the ISO rejects, cancels or curtails unplanned transactions for relieving the constraints. As mentioned before, curtailment will fall initially on the most recently approvedschedule requests that are contributing to the problem. The ISOwouldcheck other acceptable and practicable options such as rescheduling of planned transactions, replacing planned transactions with new unplanned transactions and/or rescheduling the maintenance of transmission facilities. If the constraint still persists, the ISOwouldask certain transmission customers to reschedule the use of their planned resources in a mannerthat wouldrelieve the constraint. If a constraint could not be mitigated by rescheduling planned resources, the ISO might force transmission customers to take energy from unplanned resources that would remove the constraint, or order transmission providers to reschedule any maintenance of transmission facilities whose outage could contribute to the constraint. The ISOwouldallocate the extra cost (including additional maintenance cost incurred by the transmission provider) caused by an ordered unplanned transaction to all planned transmission service customers in proportion to their share of the transmission cost of service. In this process, the ISOwouldpost the redispatch and curtailment information on OASIS.



As a voluntary association, the NewEngland Power Pool (NEPOOL) was established in 1971 [Web05]to assure two objectives: maintaining reliability and achieving economy.NEPOOL was originally limited to customer-serving electric utilities, but later it included non-utility generators, power marketers and brokers. The NEPOOLoperation increased the overall reliability of the system and provided saving~ to utilities and customers. NewEngland ISO now has a service contract with NEPOOLto operate the bulk power system and to administer the wholesale

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marketplace. To comply with FERCrules [Web06], NewEngland ISO also hosts an OASISfor TPs in NewEngland. The ISO operates as a single control area, where NEPOOL has a control center to centrally dispatch the bulk power system economically using the most economical generating and transmission equipment available to supply the electric load in the region at any giventime. The organization of ISOis composedof two major areas: ¯

System Operattonsand Reliability: responsible for the daily dispatch of electricity resources assuring the reliability of the bulk power system, and the administration of the open access transmission tariff, short-term and long-term demand forecasting and reliability planning.


Market Operations: directs residual wholesale electricity marketplace to ensure faimess to all market participants and full competition that could lead to the lowest price for electricity, provides customer services and training support and performs the settlement function in the marketplaceby ensuring that sellers in the spot market are paid by purchasers, and tracks bilateral contracts betweenmarket participants.

The market of the NewEngland ISO is described as residual wholesale electricity market, where residual means that a market participant whoproduceselectricity in excess of the demandcan sell the excess into the wholesale market to be used by other participants. The market is a day-ahead-hourly marketplace, where wholesale electricity suppliers and generators would bid their resources into the market the day before, and submit separate bids for each resource and for each hour of the day. ISOorders bids from the lowest to the highest for balancing the expected hourly demandforecast for that hour and each hour in the next day. The ISO then would determine the least cost dispatch sequencefor the next day that wouldreflect the actual bids. Generators will then be dispatched to matchthe actual load occurring on the system. The highest bid resource that was dispatched to meet the actual load wouldset the MCPfor electricity. This is the price that wouldbe paid to

¯ 118


all suppliers by buyers whopurchase power from the residual market. The suppliers would be encouragedto bid the most competitive prices to compete for dispatch in the wholesale market. Whena bidder bids too high, someof the generators wouldpresumablynot be dispatched and the bidder might not earn any revenues. The NewEngland ISO proposed seven markets to be run under the ISO directions. These markets are one energy market, four ancillary service markets and two capacity markets. The ancillary service markets are: ¯ ten minute spinning reserve (TMSR)market, ten minute non-spinning reserve (TMNSR) market, ¯ ten minute operating reserve (TMOR)market and ¯ automatic generation control (AGC)market.

The capacity markets are: ¯ operable capability market and ¯ installed capability market. The energy and capacity markets are residual markets and the other markets are full requirements markets. In a residual market, only the difference between a participant’s energy resources and its energy obligations is traded in the ISO market. In other words, a market participant whowouldproduce electricity in excess of demandcould sell the excess in the wholesale market. In a full requirements market, all products are traded through the ISO. Different from other restructuring proposals for a multi-settlement system, the NEPOOL energy market has proposed a single-settlement system. In this system, the ISO of NEPOOL uses day-ahead bids for scheduling, but prices of winning bidders are determined in an ex-post fashion, that is based on real-time dispatch. In this process, bids and schedules are submitted in day-ahead, and the ISO would use bids, forecasts, operating and transmission constraints, and bilateral schedules to schedule units for the next day. on a minimum-cost basis. The ISOmay

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accept bid and/or schedule changes until an hour before real time. Then the ISOwould calculate real-time spot prices (shadowprices) from the actual real-time dispatch optimization problem, taking into account bids and forecasts for next hours. The calculated real-time spot prices are the prices used for settlements, where generators are paid and loads are charged. Onthe other hand, in a multi-settlement system, bids submitted in day-aheadare used as a basis for scheduling and settlements for dayahead transactions, and ex-post price is only used for deviations from the day-ahead schedule. In the energy market, participant’s excess energy, after supplying its energy obligations, is traded in the ISOenergy market. Hourly bids in $/MWh are submitted on a day-ahead basis for each hour of the next day and the ISOthen, for the accepted bids and on minimum total cost basis, would schedule generating units that would run on the following day. Later, on an hourly basis, the energy market is settled and all winning transactions would be priced at the ex-post energy MCP.In the absence of congestion, all suppliers obtain the same energy price which is the real-time spot price, whereeach provider gets a monetaryvalue equal to the product of the MWh sold and the MCP,and each buyer is charged the product of the MWhpurchased and the MCP.If transmission congestion exists, providers wouldbe paid for an out-of-merit 13 order dispatch to mitigate the congestion based on their bids. Basing energy prices on ex-post MCPwould motivate suppliers to drive the spot price by taking proper actions after posting the day-ahead schedules by the ISO. In the TMSRmarket, TMSRis bought or sold through the ISO where hourly bids in $/MWfor the next day are submitted to the ISO and, as in the case of the energymarket, the hourly marketis settled after the fact (ex-post). By taking into consideration bid prices, lost opportunity costs 14, and production cost changes, the ISOwould use the dispatched units to select the least-cost combination of resources to Out-of-merit dispatch,as usedin this book,refersto resourcesdispatched bythe ISO that donot receivethe MCP. Theseunits receivetheir bid pricesfor eachmegawatt hourusedbythe ISO. ~4Lost Opportunity Costis equalto the TMSR (MW) timesthe differencebetween the MCP and the energybid price of the TMSR (MW).



provide the required TMSR for that hour. Hydro units and dispatchable loads are the only entities that could bid into this market whenthe market begins its operation. The ISOmayselect fossil-fueled generators (even thoughthey cannot bid into the market) to participate in the market based on lost opportunity costs and production cost changes. The resources chosen to provide this service would be paid the energy MCPfor the provided MWh,in addition to lost opportunity cost, production cost changes, and the product of the bid and the MWprovided. The ISO would calculate the total cost to provide TMSRand proportionally chargethat total to loads. In the second ancillary services market - the TMNSR market - all TMNSR would be bought or sold through the ISO, where hourly bids in $/MW for the next day are submitted to the ISO, and as the first market, the hourly market is settled at the ex-post price (after the fact), and selected resources are paid the product of the MCPand the MW provided as reserved capacity. The ISOwould calculate the total cost to provide TMNSR and charge that total to loads, proportionally. In the third ancillary services market - the TMOR market - the same procedure is followed as in the other markets, where all TMOR would be bought or sold through the ISO as hourly bids in $/MWfor the next day are submitted. Here, the markets for all hours are settled at the ex-post price, selected resources would be paid the product of the MCPand the MWprovided, and the total cost of providing TMOR would be charged proportionally to loads. In the AGCmarket, AGCis measured in Regs~5 and bought or sold through the ISOsuch that hourly bids for the next day are submitted and the markets are settled hourly at the ex-post price. The ISOwouldselect winninggenerating units to provide least-cost energy (based on bids, lost opportunity costs and production cost changes). Winningresources are paid the MCP(according to the amount of time on AGC)times the number of regs plus a payment for the AGCservice actually provided plus any lost opportunity costs. The total cost of providing AGCis charged proportionally to loads. 15ARegis a commodity by whichAGC is defined.It representsthe responseof a unit constrainedby the AGC range.

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In the first capacity market (operable capability market), the participant’s excess operablecapability resources after supplyingits load plus operating reserve is traded in the ISOoperable capability market. The hourly bids in $/MW for the next day wouldbe submitted to the ISO and each of hourly markets wouldbe settled at the ex-post price. TheISO would calculate the MCPfor each hour based on participants’ bids with excess operable capacity. In this market, participants with insufficient operable capability would pay the MCPfor each MWto other participants with excess operable capability whobid less than or equal to the MCP. In the installed capability market, and on the last day of the month, the participant’s excess installed capability resources wouldbe traded in the ISO’s installed capability market. On a monthly basis, bids are submitted in $/MW-month.The ISO would calculate the MCPbased on the bids of those participants with excess installed capacity. In this market, participants with an insufficient installed capability wouldpay the MCPfor each MW-month to other participants with excess installed capacity whobid less than or equal to the MCP. To manage transmission congestion, NEPOOLhas proposed a uniform uplift charge to cover the cost of mitigating the transmission congestion. Whentransmission congestion exists on transmission paths, the ISO wouldselect generating units in an out-of-merit order to solve the minimumcost security-constrained optimization problem and remove the congestion accordingly.



The Midwest ISO (MISO) [Web08] was formed in February 12, 1996 and organized by a group of Midwesttransmission owners within NERC reliability regions, including the East Central Area Reliability Coordination Agreement (ECAR), Mid-AmericaInterconnected Network (MAIN) and Mid-Continent Area Power Pool (MAPP), which form large portion of the North American grid. MISOoversees more than 50,000 miles of transmission lines, encompassingmore than 78,000 MW of electric generation and serving a territory covering an area over



200,000 square miles ~6. MISOwas initially created as a voluntary organization of electric transmission ownersin the Midwestto fulfill the need for transmission independence and to meet FERCrequirements to insure that Midwest’scustomers benefit from competition. In addition, the recommendationsof EPRIregarding preferred suites of standards for electric utility use wouldbe used throughout MISO.

2.6.1 MlSO’sFunctions. MISOdiffers

from other ISOs since it operates as a single transmission control area that encompassesmany individual generation control areas. The MISO’spurposeis to assure that all transmission customers would receive non-discriminatory, equal access to the transmission system under its jurisdiction and functional control. In addition to open access to transmission, the MISO’sprincipal 17, objectives are to provide solution to transmission pricing problems resolve loop (parallel path) flows problems, keep and improve power system reliability and security, and coordinate the planning of the transmission system. According to MISO,individual transmission owners would continue to perform the automatic generation control (AGC)functions for their generation control areas and switching operations under the direction of MISO. MISOwould perform the following functions: transmission management, transmission system security, congestion management, ancillary service coordination, transmission and generation planning, accounting and billing, and inadvertent interchange accounting. MISO would be the designated NERCsecurity coordinator with the following functions: planning for next day operations, including security analysis and identifying special operating procedures that might be needed; analyzing current day operating conditions; and implementingthe NERC TLRprocedure or local procedures to mitigate overloads on the transmission control area.

~6 Documents are ~7Pancaking of rates is an example of pricingproblems.

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2.6.2 Transmission Management. MISO maximizes revenues associated with transmission services in order to efficiently utilize the transmission system. Transmission managementincludes the following functions: ¯

Operations Scheduling: transaction schedules, transaction service, unit commitment,maintenance schedules, area load forecast, and MISOverification.


Generation Redispatch for Transmission Service Request: In the event of insufficient available transfer capability, MISOwould be able to execute the optimal powerflow to determine the feasibility and the cost of redispatch to honor the transmission service request.


MISO OASIS: The MISO OASIS node would include secure interfaces separating the public Internet users of the OASISand the private MISOIntranet users of the OASIS.MISOwould determine TTC/ATC for the short-term (up to two weeks in hourly increments) and for the long term (beyond two weeks in daily increments). ATC calculations would include provision for the following: Firm transactions, Non-firm transactions, On-Peak periods, Off-Peak periods. Point-to-Point Transmission Service. MISOwould managefirm and non-firm point-to-point transmission service scheduling at designated Point(s)-of-Receipt and Point(s)-of-Delivery. receives, validates, processes, and schedulesall transaction requests. The rates to be charged for the various Transmission Services are solely administered by MISO.MISOhas the authority to curtail transmission service and to allocate losses and ancillary services. MISOpasses through (on a monthly basis) the transmission owner’s revenues, associated with transmission services, to the transmission owners.

2.6.3 Transmission System Security. MISO is responsible for the reliability of.the MISOtransmission system. Generation control area operators are responsible for the reliability of their owngeneration control areas..MISO is responsible for establishing and implementing



operating procedures for normal and emergencyconditions. MISOwould have the ability to require generation redispatch in order to deal with potential or existing emergencysituations. MISOhas the authority to order the shedding of firm load and instituting voltage reduction procedures. MISOcoordinates the implementationof any reserve sharing agreementsamongor betweengeneration control areas. MISOaggregates load forecasts provided by each generation control area and all load serving entities. Operating load forecasts are required for the near term (next day), short term (up to two weeks), and long (beyondtwo weeks). Load forecasts are for security analysis studies and reporting. MISOperforms a contingency analysis application (typically every 30 minutes) to investigate the impactof losing critical transmission system and generation facilities. MISOconsiders the effects of cascading outages. The membergeneration control areas are responsible for maintaining the MISO-scheduled voltages. Voltage schedules are produced on a periodic basis, typically every hour for the upcoming hour. MISOruns a stability analysis application to anticipate the potential for transmission system voltage collapse and loss of generator synchronization. It would investigate the potential for control area separation from the interconnection together with appropriate emergency procedures. 2.6.4 Congestion Management. MISO calculates the required 17 ~8 PTDFs and OTDFs to determine the effect of transactions on constrained transmission facilities. The need for any transaction curtailment is also communicated to the affected parties. As the security coordinator, MISO administers the NERCTLR procedure. Under security threat conditions MISOwill have the authority to immediately order the generation control areas to redispatch generation, or reconfigure transmission, or reduce load to mitigate the critical condition until interchange transactions can be reduced utilizing the TLR procedures, or other methods,to return the transmission control area to a securestate. 17Power TransferDistributionFactors 18Outage TransferDistributionFactors

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2.6.5 Ancillary Services Coordination. Ancillary services include, scheduling, system control, and dispatch, reactive supply and voltage control, regulation and frequency response, energy imbalance, operating reserve. MISOwouldfulfill its requirement by acting as the transmission customer’s agent to secure ancillary services from the generation control area operators. MISOwould ensure that every scheduledtransaction is supported by the required ancillary services and would deny any transaction scheduling request where the required ancillary services have not been arranged. Ancillary services offers for service would be posted on the MISOOASISnode, 2.6.6 Maintenance Schedule Coordination. MISO approves the scheduling of maintenanceof transmission facilities makingup the transmission system and coordinates with generation owners, as appropriate, the scheduling of maintenance on generation facilities. Planned transmission maintenance requests would be submitted for approval at least two weeks in advance of an outage and MISOassesses the requests with respect to ATCs,ancillary services, and the security of the transmission system. Within two business days of receiving a request, MISOeither approves or denies the request. Rejections are accompanied with suggested time frames in which maintenance would be acceptable. MISOhas the authority to revoke any previously approved planned transmission maintenance outages in the event of circumstances that compromisethe integrity and reliability of the transmission system. MISOcoordinates the maintenance of generating units as appropriate to the extent such generator maintenanceaffects transmission capability or reliability.






The following table shows summarizedfunctions of different ISOs [Web01,04, 05, 07, 08, 10, 11].

California ISO ¯ MaintainsSystemreliability, security and stability ¯ Controlsdispatchof generationand transmission ¯ Performsbalancingfunction ¯ Schedulesfeasibility validation ¯ Administers transmissiontariff ¯ Administers inter-zonal andintra-zonal congestion management ¯ Incurs unbundledancillary services from ancillary servicesspot market ¯ Performssettlementsfor grid access, congestion,ancillaryservices ¯ Providesreal timecontrolof all ancillary services

New York Power Pool ISO ¯ Standsas control area operator ¯ Maintains the reliability andsecurityof the powersystem ¯ Performssecurity-constrainedunit commitment ¯ Calculates LBMPs ¯ Administersday- and hour-aheadmarket ¯ Administersancillary services market ¯ Providestransmissionservice andancillary servicesto eligible customers ¯ Coordinatesmaintenanceschedulingof the transmissionsystemandgeneratingunits ¯ Coordinatesschedulesfor generatingunits undercontractto provideinstalled capacity to the powersystem ¯ Facilitates the financial settlementoflSO and PowerExchangetransactions ¯ Requirescustomersentering into service agreements underthe tariff to maintain appropriatelevels of installed and operatingcapacity.


Electric Utility Markets

ERCOT ISO ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

New England

¯ Control area operator Controls bulk transmission system operation ¯ Dispatchesall generationsubject to participant self scheduling ¯ Administer market operatiom: energy market, ancillary services marketsand capacity markets ¯ Administersmarket settlement rules and regional transmissiontariff

Security of the ERCOT system Marketfacilitation Noload and generation balance Coordinationof transmission planning Respometo system contingencies Administration of loss compemationand transmissiontariff Direct dispatch for transmission congestion Administer OASIS(including ATC) Providea forumfor coordinatedregional transmission planning Developoperating and reliability guides

PJM ISO ¯ Operates the PJMcontrol area ¯ Managesand administer the competitive energy market ¯ Maintaimsecurity and reliability ¯ Coordinatestransmission planning, spot market and balancing ¯ Performssecurity-constrained unit commitment ¯ Calculates LMPs ¯ Manages FTRsauction ¯ Direct and coordinatethe operationof’the designatedtransmissionfacilities ¯ Administerthe transmissiontariff, including determinationof available transfer capability ¯ Performingsystem impactstudies ¯ Scheduletransmission service ¯ Curtailing transmissionservice ¯ Coordinateregional transmission planning ¯ Support the administration and implementationof an agreementto establish necessaryreserve levels and sharing of such reserves



MISO ¯ Maintaining and improving powersystem reliability and security ¯ Planning coordinationof the transmission system ¯ Determiningshort-term and long-term ATCvalues ¯ Processingtransmissionservice requests and schedulingof transmissionancillary services ¯ Coordination of generation and transmission maintenance ¯ Implementingpricing policy ¯ Re-dispatchinggeneration for transmission congestion or system security ¯ Collection and distribution of transmission

CHAPTER 3 OASIS: OPEN ACCESS SAME-TIME INFORMATION SYSTEM Summary: This chapter gives a historical background on and shows 1. It also describes the functionality and architecture of OASIS interactions of transmission providers and transmission customers with OASIS.In addition, the chapter showshowrequests to sell and purchase transmission services are conducted through OASIS. Major types of information posted on OASISwouldinclude available transfer capability (ATC)and total transfer capability (TTC),ancillary service offerings prices, transmission service products and prices, transmission service requests and responses, facility status information, transmission service schedules, and transmission-related communications. ATCvalues are key to competitive electricity markets as they are indices that determine whether particular proposed transactions of electric powercan or cannot be approvedor occur. In this chapter, wedefine and explain the concepts of TTC,ATCand the related terms in detail. The chapter includes a few examples of OASISnetwork implementation in various regions of the United States. The presented examples show howthe OASISinformation could differ from place to place while somebasic information is shared by various OASISimplementations. 3.1


In October 1992, the National Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct) was established whichoffered manychanges in gas and electric utility OASIS includescomputer systemsandassociatedcommunications facilities that public utilities are requiredto providefor the purpose of making availableto all transmission userscomparable interactionswiththe transmission services(TS)information. 129



industries. This act also guided FERCto issue, on March29, 1995, its Notice Of Proposed Rulemaking, which became known as Mega-NOPR, regarding the promotion of wholesale competition through open access nondiscriminatory transmission services by public utilities. The MegaNOPRoutlined rules and procedures necessary to promote wholesale competition, and was accompaniedby a notice of technical conference and request for commentson Real-Time Information Networks (RINs). Since Mega-NOPRwas released, many conference discussions, technical working group (WG) and committee meetings took place throughout that year which were ended on December13, 1995 by issuing a related NOPRon Real-time Information Networks and Standards of Conduct2. The latest NOPR mainly discussed the technical aspects of the design and operation of RINs. Here, many participants and analysts pointed out that RINs alone would not be adequate to eliminate the traditional advantagesthat a utility’s wholesalemarketingaffiliate would have in scheduling and purchasing transmission capacity. They further asked in their commentsfor providing additional safeguards. In response to Mega-NOPR,the other NOPRand individuals’ comments, FERCOrder No. 888 and FERCOrder No. 889 were issued on April 24, 1996. The two Orders were issued with intent to bring about a competition to the wholesale electricity market, accelerate the market competition, lower electricity prices and create more choices for consumers. FERCOrder 888 required transmission providers (TPs) file Open Access Pro-Forma Transmission Tariffs. FERCOrder 889 required transmission providers to create an OASISbulletin board on the Internet, and required transmission providers to functionally separate their transmission employeesfrom wholesale energy sales and purchase employees. Amongthe requirements of FERCOrders was the open competition, which could be fulfilled by posting the available information on the Internet. Generally speaking, the available information includes open and uniformtariffs and standard contracts, transmission service products and prices, application forms for requested services, transmission system studies, standards of conduct for transmission provider employees, and transmission capacity information. It was recognized by FERCthat the 2 OASIS wasformerlycalled RINs.



access to transmission networkin an electricity competitive environment would necessitate an equal and same-time access to information on transmission availability and price. FERCrecommendedto makethis informationavailable to marketparticipants in a readily available format. In response to the FERC’spolicy on open transmission access, the electric power industry developed the OASISas an Internet-based information network. It is perceived that, by providing open and comparableinformation to all potential users of a transmission system, the network would constitute part of the foundation for competition in the wholesale electricity supply. OASISis an electronic Internet-based communication system which is required by FERCto be used by all transmission providers in the U.S. as a near-instantaneous transmission reservation system. With this communication system, competing wholesale utilities, including TPs’ owngeneration operations, will have the ability to monitor simultaneously the transmission availability and costs. This system wouldprovide the on-line transmission information to allow instantaneous reservations and, at the same time, minimize any favoritismgivento a TP’saffiliated entities.

3.1.1 Whatis OASIS? OASISpermits posting, viewing, uploading, and downloading of transmission transfer capability in standardized protocols. The data posted on OASISshould clearly identify what service is available, whichrequests were accepted, denied, interrupted or curtailed, permitting business decisions to be madesolely from the OASIS-derivedinformation [Sav97]. OASISpermits its users to reserve capacity on a transmission system, purchaseancillary services, resell transmission service to others, and purchaseancillary services from third party suppliers [Tsi97, Tsi98]. Users can rely on OASISto obtain information related to transmission system, request services over the transmission system, and provide a process for requesting transmission service. OASISwould enable any transmission customer (TC)3 or its designated agent4 to communicate requests for trading the available transmissioncapability. 3A transmissioncustomeris

any eligible customerthat can or does execute a transmission serviceagreement or canor doesreceivetransmission service.



Transmission is the key componentto an end-user’s reliability in retail wheeling, so understanding howOASISwouldfunction is a critical componentof the electricity purchasing process. In addition to the fact that OASISstands as a major step toward nondiscriminatory availability of information necessary for transmission access, OASISwould strengthen the accountability of both TPs and TCs through the transparency of standards and publicly available electronic processes. Although the OASISconcept is a clever tool invented and developed by the electric power industry sectors to manage and disseminate information that wouldincrease the competitivebehavior in this industry, there are still someuncertainties in its future and implementation.The initial successes of OASISwere accompanied by serious operating problems, which necessitated additional developments for supporting competitivewholesaleelectricity markets. During the initial implementation of OASIS(which was called the OASISPhase 1) it encountered criticisms initiated by users, especially customers. Users raised issues such as, OASISwould not consider nexthour reservations to support the short-term energy market, and even though this phase permitted the reservation of transmission capacity, it did not afford the mechanismfor scheduling the flow of energy across that capacity. Other problems were raised such as, security tools were inadequate to allow OASISto become a financial-grade system, customers were requesting dynamic interactions between transmission users and transmission providers, and some users requested more standards for graphical displays. Someof challenges for the implementation of OASISincluded the adoption of more user-friendly operations, standardization of terms and graphics at different nodes5 of OASIS,consistency in definitions and business practices across nodes, and other problems which will be discussedlater in this chapter.

Designated agentis anyentity that performs actionsor functionsonbehalfof TPsand TCsrequiredunderTPTariffs. TheOASIS networkis composed of sub-networks called OASIS nodes,in whicheach regionalOASIS is a node.





In addition to Order 888, Order 889 was issued to further implement EPAct.This second order required electric utilities to establish OASIS. Transmission owners would also be allowed by FERCto aggregate and develop a joint OASISfor a larger, more contiguous geographic area. This order described the information to be madeavailable on OASIS, presented standards and protocols for posting such information, and presented procedures that should be followed by utilities to respond to requests for transmission services. Moreover, Order 889 defined strict standards of conduct mandatingthe separation of utilities’ wholesale powermarketing/merchantactivities from their transmission/ reliability operation. Utility personnel involved with wholesale power marketing were required by this order to obtain transmission data through OASIS, like all other competitors. Order 889 has three components:(i) standards of conduct to separate a utility’s transmission operation from the purchaseand sale of wholesale electricity, (ii) basic rules and posting requirements of OASISsystems, and (rio standards and communicationsprotocols for OASISoperation [Oas96a]. FERCOrder 889 would guarantee that transmission ownersand their affiliates do not have a biased or unfair competitive advantagein using transmission facilities to sell power. TheOASISrule wouldapply to any public utility that could offer open access transmission services underthe open access pro forma tariff, including both wholesale and retail transmission customers that are able to receive unbundled retail transmission. TPs are required to: (1) establish or participate in OASISthat would meet certain requirements and (2) comply with prescribed standards of conduct. FERCOrder 889 established standards of conduct to guarantee that employeesof a public utility engaged in transmission system operation would work independent of the other employees who are engaged in utility’s wholesale merchantfunctions 6. In other words, the standards were designed to prevent employees of a public utility or affiliate 6 Wholesale merchant functionis the sale for resale, or purchase for resale, of electric energyin interstatecommerce.



engaged in marketing functions from obtaining a preferential access to the OASIS related information or from engaging in extremely discriminatory business practices. The independenceis required to assure that transmission access is truly open and that employees of the transmission ownerand their affiliates do not get any special benefits or information because of their affiliation and they do not have unfair competitive advantages in using the transmission network. Fairness is ensuredin the sense that public utilities obtain certain information(such as TTCor ATC)on their transmission system for their own wholesale power transactions through OASIS in the same way that their competitors wouldobtain the information [Sav97]. In addition to the fact that marketing employeesmust use the same OASISinformation that wouldbe available to other entities to obtain the transmission information, the information must be post6d immediately on OASISif it is provided to marketing personnel. Any employee transfers betweenaffiliated transmission and marketing entities must be posted as well, as FERCrequires it in its Order. If a TP would offer discounts for transmissionrates or ancillary services to affiliates or fullservice wholesale customers, such discounts must also be offered to all buyers using the same path or any unconstrained path. According to FERCorder, OASISwould becomethe tool for assuring a level playing field for all transmission customers and monitoring transmission owner compliancein the electric powerindustry.

3.3 STRUCTUREOF OASIS 3.3.1 Historical Background. NOPRissued by FERC on March 29, 1995, was accompanied by a notice of technical conference and request of commentsfrom industry on RINs. Based on inputs from the industry, the namewas changed to Transmission Services Information Networks (TSIN) which was also recognized as OASIS. A conference wasthen held in July 1995 to ask the industry to provide its feedbackon how the information networks should be developed and what requirements the networks should have. The conference ended with an agreement to form two working groups (WG), composed representatives from the industry. The two groups were the "WhatWG" and the "How I, VG". On August 10, 1995, FERC announced the



formation of the two working groups. Each working group then prepared and submitted reports to FERCdescribing areas of consensus and differences reached in the group. Consideringthese reports, FERC issued a NOPRon RIN on December13, 1995. The OASISWhat WGwas the working group that handed questions like, what information should be posted on an OASIS node? The conference agreed that NERCwould facilitate the WhatWG.The focus of this group was on questions like, what information and services should TPs make available to TCs and what transactions to buy transmission capacity or transmission service shouMtake place ? The OASIS How WGwas a voluntary, independent and nondiscriminatory industry group that woulddevelop technical standards and communicationprotocols for OASIS,and has facilitated the design, development, and implementation of OASISsince August 1995. The WGhandled questions like, how was OASIS going to be implemented? The conference agreed that the Electric PowerResearch Institute (EPRI) should facilitate the HowWG.The main objective of this group was to set minimumrequirements that would guarantee that the information networks would enable an open access transmission. This working group would deal with issues like, network architecture, information access, information model, security and performance for implementing the network. The OASIS How WGdeveloped a document titled, OASIS Standards and Communication Protocols (S&CP). This document has standards and formats for OASISnodes [Tsi97, Tsi98, Oas96a]. The S&CPdocument,whichwas issued with the final rule, was written by an industry group facilitated by EPRI and issued by FERCin September 1996[Oas96a, Ost96]. Accordingto FERCOrder 889, each utility (or its agent) that wouldown,control, or operate transmission facilities that are subject to the FERC jurisdiction must create or participate in an OASIS. The two WGsworked jointly on the OASISinformation until early 1996 when the What WGwas retired. In April 1997, a new WGwas formed which was called Commercial Practices Working Group (CPWG).This WGwas an independent and a consensus-based group whose members represented industry segments and took on the



responsibility of proposing business solutions for OASISin addition to other aspects of transmission access. The CPWG’s aim was to resolve business practice issues as needed to ensure a nondiscriminatory transmission access and competitive and reliable electricity markets by advising the HowWGon OASIS requirements, in addition to its role on issues related to commercial impacts of reliability standards proposed by NERC.Inside the group, the CPWG’s goal was to reach consensus-based solutions as the group voted in two TCs and TPs blocks, and each resolution required a majority of both blocks to pass. The HowWGsupports FERC’s objectives for OASISby filing a large number of technical standards and protocols used by FERC.The two open and nondiscriminatory forums (i.e., the How WGand the CPWG)operated as a public process to achieve consensus-basedresults to develop OASIS. The OASISHow WGused the resolution of "business practice standards and guides" issued by the CPWG as a feedback for developing the updated technical standards. The CPWG specified the market-based needs (needs of market participants), passed those needs to the How in the form of functional and performance requirements, and the How WGarranged for the required technical standards to support the requirements. During its work, the HowWGestablished the following set of guiding principles to design the OASIS[Tsi97, Tsi98, Cau96]: ¯

The first principle is nondiscriminatory access to informat~on: all customers should have an open access to the required information. It was perceived that this principle would be composedof three parts [Tsi96, Tsi97, Tsi98]: (1) A minimumset of OASISfunctionalities wouldbe available to all customers; (2) Anyadditional functionality or increased performance would be madeavailable to all customers on a nondiscriminatory basis, subject to reasonable fees; (3) All information by responsible parties would be displayed on the same page or the samefile format as that of TP..


The second principle is seamlessness or interoperability: from a customer’s point of view, easy access to information from multiple providers on multiple OASIS nodes would imply seamless interconnections. Froma technical point of view, this seamlessness



implies that all systems are interoperable, from the communications links, to application interfaces, throughthe database access methods. ¯

The third principle is flexibility: OASISnodes should have as much flexibility to use existing communicationssystems, support added functionality, or even be able to use entirely different functions over the long term. Customers should have the flexibility to use commercially available hardware and software that are available from more than one supplier. Both providers and customers should have the flexibility to develop or purchase their own business applications.


The fourth principle is expandability: OASISnodes must be built with continuous expansion in mind. As new functionality and information requirements would emerge, OASISnodes must be capable of being upgraded with a minimumloss to the prior investment.


The fifth principle is customer-driven:it is presumedthat customers wouldbase their applications around commerciallyavailable desktop hardware and software applications, including database managers and spreadsheets. Therefore, the OASISdesign must address key customer requirements, including, user friendliness, performance, security, andreliability.


The sixth principle is affordability: providing a basic OASIS functionality must be possible at a reasonable cost while the stated goals for the network would be met and more advanced systems would be allowed and encouraged.

3.3.2 Functionality and Architecture of OASIS. The main focus of the OASISnetwork is on the dissemination of the ATC information and other required information, processing the transmission service requests, and providing its basic function to support power marketing and energy trading. OASISis constructed such that it would involve simulation techniques and communicationtechnology to act as a user-friendly tool for supporting the operations of energy markets. The OASISinformation, as required by FERC,should be available both online and retrievable throughthe Internet using a set of specified template



files [Tsi97, Tsi98, Ma98, Oas96a ,Oas96b, Fer96b, Pjm97, Tsi96, Eia98, Erc 98]. Figure 3.1 is an illustrative structure of the OASIS functionality [Eia98]. OASISis a network of sub-networks called OASIS nodes. Each OASISnode is a subsystem, represented by a computer system that would provide access to the transmission services information by transmission customers. The OASISnode itself mayconsist of a variety of computing hardware, software, and internal communicationnetworks that comply with FERCrequirements. In each region of the United States, there is an OASISwhich would serve TPs and TCsin the region. Each regional OASISwould operate as an on-line clearinghouse of transmission and ancillary services information for the region. The regional OASIStogether would form a large national OASISnetwork. The OASIS network was suggested as a means of providing a comparable access to transmission services information. The OASIS network is open to all qualified transmission market participants and other authorized users. All OASISnodes would be developed as the Internet sites to assure universal access, where a registration and different levels of access codes wouldbe required to assure the security of the system.


TransmissioaCapacity and Transmi~si~m ProductsDatabase Secured OASISNode


Figure3.1 Illustration of OASISFunction



Public and private Internet networks are used by the OASISnetwork to give users in the United States and around the world an access to the transmission information. Standard Internet tools were proposed to access and exchange the information through OASISto makethe system open to a wide range of users. The OASISnetwork would support. interactions between TPs and TCs. Registered qualified customers may use standard Internet Webbrowsers to access OASISnodes where the OASISnetwork would use security guards to protect data from unauthorized users, and to limit access to the specific information required by the user. It was estimated by FERCthat there would be 20-35 OASISsites (nodes) formedby TPs to represent all public transmission in the U.S., and it was also estimated that four respondents, on average, wouldshare each site, where OASISwould use the Internet as a communication media to permit authorized users, such as TCs, to have access to the information from any location in the world. The Internet was proposedas a communicationmedia due to its high functionality, consistency of interconnected networks and the low cost of services [Cau96]. OASIS would enable TCs, through the Internet, to obtain the available information on ATC,costs and tariffs for transmission capacity, and cost of ancillary services [Cau96]. Each regional OASISwould have computer as the OASISnode Web server. This computeris the central storage and management site for the OASISinformation. The OASISnode would also have a number of Web client computers that function as OASISclients for TPs and TCs. The conceptual structure for the Internet-based OASISnetwork is shownin Figure 3.2. As shownin Figure 3.2, OASISnodes are interconnected through the Internet while any two nodes mayor maynot be directly interconnected. It is the responsibility of Transmission Services Information Providers (TSIPs) to install and operate OASISnodes. Anytransmission providers maydelegate its responsibility to operate an OASISnode to any entity that is capable of meeting OASISrequirements.





T$1N Node


Value Added Provider

Figure 3.2 TheConceptualOASISNetwork



The structural requirements of OASIS,according to FERC,would be related to using the Internet as the mediumto connect all OASIS nodes to authorized users, via the Internet, whoregardless of their physical location, can access the information available on OASIS. As Figure 3.2 shows, each node is connected to one TP or several TPs, and TCs are either directly or indirectly connected to the OASIS node through the Internet. A TCmayopt to use a TSIP as an alternative meansto access the OASISinformation. If a TCwould like to receive the OASISinformation with some value-added services (such as data analysis) or in a faster mannerthan the Internet, the TCmayopt to use private connections provided by TSIPs for fees paid to TSIP for this service. OASISnodes have three basic interfaces: (1) interface between the node and the TC (customer-node interface), (2) interface betweendifferent nodes (node-nodeinterface), (3) interface betweenthe node and the TP (node-provider interface). A TP may use OASISto exchange operational and other information with other TPs using provider-to-provider data links. OASISfunctional requirements, set by the HowWG,only covered customer-node and the node-nodeinterfaces, wherethe node-provider interface was left to the TP and TSIP to determine, because this interface would not affect any other parties, i.e., this interface wouldnot affect the ability of customers to access the TS information. The functional requirements also did not specify the design of internal functionality of each node or the internal structure of the customer’s system, i.e., it is not of importance which hardware, software, or structures are used. The critical issue is that a system or function wouldlook the sameto an outside user and satisfy the specified interface requirements. In addition, OASISfunctional requirements did not cover the provider-to-provider data links, because the information to be exchanged would not be the TS information. Functional requirements of OASISdid not place any restrictions on the internal structure (the type or design) of customer systems, including



howthe TS information is displayed in the customer system. Valueadded TPs mayprovide user interfaces with specifications different from OASISrequirements. In conclusion, specifications for OASISnodes were established to set the minimumrequirements for providing a comparable access to all information and to prevent incompatible systems to develop. TSIPs provide their customers, upon request and on a cost recovery basis, with the use of private networkconnectionsfor additional services. OASISallows the use of single or multiple TPs (a primary TP plus any number of secondary TPs7). Secondary TP should use the node designated by the TP and comply with requirements of the OASIS secondary market information. The number of OASISnodes or the mix of TPs on an OASISnode is not limited. The OASISnetwork architecture requires the Internet compatibility such that all OASISnodes could support the use of Internet tools, Internet directory services, and Internet communication protocols necessary to support access to the required information. To permit customers to access the OASISnodes through Internet links, it is required to connect OASISnodes to the public Internet through a firewall to insure security. In addition, nodes would support private connections to any customerwhoopts, based on its cost paid to TSIP, to have such a connection. The Internet tools used for OASISPhase 1 (the initial implementation of OASIS)are supported such that a smooth migration path from OASISPhase 1 to OASISPhase 2 (an improved implementation of the OASIS)would be ensured.

Secondary TPis anycustomerwhohas obtainedrights to use transmission facilities andoptsto reselltransmission servicesderivedfromthoserights.



CertificateAuthority OASISClient


Private Network]


Figure3.3 Architecture of OASISNode

The architecture of an OASISnode is illustrated in Figure 3.3. Here, the OASISnode is connected to the Internet through a firewall for the security of data. Before accessing the OASISinformation, all users should register and log into an account. The database function is threefold: (1) it stores records of ATCand transaction data, (2) queries searches of those records, and (3) acts as a backupin case of system malfunction. The Energy ManagementSystem (EMS)is connected to the OASISnode to provide accurate ATCcalculations in real time.





OASISis being developed in phases. FERChas charged the electric power industry to continue the development of standards and the identification of necessary changes to FERCregulations related to OASIS. As industry development and recommendations proceed, FERC wouldissue further requirements that wouldadd functions to the current OASISnetwork.



3.4.1 Phase1. The so-called OASISPhase 1 was given to the initial system that was completed and started operating in January 1997. The next version of OASISis OASISPhase 2 which is a revised version of OASIS Phase 1. The Phase 1 OASIS was designed to depend on commerciallyavailable Internet technologies and to removebarriers that prevent authorized customers to have access to the information. OASIS used commonInternet web browsers as a simple approach in Phase 1 which started its commercialoperation with 22 nodes shared among167 TPs. This phase only published transmissioninformation and transmission service transactions. During its implementation, users of Phase 1 faced or raised several issues, concerningthe reliability of powersystems [Tsi98]. Theseissues are summarizedas follows: The first issue was that the contract path method did not match physical flows on a transmission network, which in turn meant that there would be inconsistency between market view and users of the transmission network on one side and the physical view of the systemneededfor reliability on the other side. ¯

The second issue was that the detailed information related to interchange transactions was seen as necessary to adequately monitor power system security, especially when deals included market aggregation of blocks of energy, capacity, and ancillary services amongmultiple parties.


The third issue was that the users wantedOASISto be a tool of next hour reservation and scheduling, however, the understanding of the How WGwas that OASISwas intended to support transmission reservations on a day-aheador long-term basis.


Thefourth issue was inconsistency in user interfaces across different OASISnodes.


The fifth concern was about the uncertainty on security and commercialrisks of the Internet, wherethe question was whether or not the Internet is the best platform for electric energycommerce.


The sixth issue highlighted that the stability limit in addition to thermal and voltage limits should be monitored on a real-time basis



for on-line decisions and should be calculated with an accepted accuracy for short-term presumedscenarios. It was claimed that the old practice of maintaining system reliability using operating guidelines based on off-line stability studies was not an adequate practice in restructured systems[Tsi98, Sav98]. To implement the OASISPhase 1, TPs were given the opportunities to freely determine manybusiness practice implementationdetails based on their understandings of FERCOrders 888 and 889, the OASISS&CP and individual tariffs. This freedomof choice led to inconsistencies in business practices across OASIS nodes, where customers faced differences in practices as they tried to access information and reserve transmission in a familiar way, but found procedures vary from provider to provider. Differences were observed in packaging of ancillary services, application of discounts, use of "sliding windows" of transmission service, and customer confirmation time limits. Among the issues that caused confusion to customers during the implementation of Phase 1 were inconsistencies among TPs in naming transmission services, where the same product might be nameddifferently from one provider to another, and inconsistencies in defining transmission paths [Tsi98].

3.4.2 Phase1-A. FERCOrder 889-A, which was issued in March 1997, was a Rehearing Order on OASISthat required specific changes to OASIS,especially changes related to on-line transmission and ancillary services price negotiation and discounting, unmaskingof identities and prices associated with OASISreservations, and disclosure of discounts given. FERCOrder for Rehearing addressed the standard protocol more definitively and required additional design changes to be considered in Phase 1-A. The industry responded to this order by filing a proposed update to the OASISS&CP.Improvements requested by both FERCand the industry were combinedto be implementedin a new phase of OASIS called Phase l-A, which was an upgraded version of Phase 1 OASIS. The request for proposed developments was filed with FERCon August 11, 1997. Business practice standards and guides were proposed by CPWG and the OASISHowWGwas to implement Phase 1-A to achieve improvedconsistency in the implementation of FERCopen access policy and OASIS.Based on a few monthsof experience, .Phase 1-A was started



to implement immediate and short-term requested by FERCand by the industry.

improvements in OASIS

3.4.3 Phase2. The concept of Phase 2 of OASISwas established as a phase that implementedthe improvementswhich were seen essential, but which could not be finished in Phase 1. Phase 2 was intended to expand the system’s functionality by adding capability to process energy transactions, to managetransmission constraints, and to place next-hour reservations and schedules. FERCOrder 889 requested the industry to provide a report on plans for OASISPhase 2 within seven months of the start of OASISPhase 1. Since someof the issues mentioned in Phase 1 had direct effects on power system reliability, they were seen to be supported by OASISPhase 2 as an improvementto Phase 1. These issues included, (1) to use actual flow based reservations instead of contract path reservations, (2) to promotereal-time stability monitoring, and (3) to support on-line transaction scheduling. Phase 2 business processes included energy interchange transaction scheduling and constraint management. Phase 2 attempted to be more flexible to accommodate various software and functions, makethe system moreuser-friendly, and require posting requests for energy schedules. 3.5



3.5.1 Types of Information Available on OASIS. In general, most of the information available on OASISis provided by TPs for TCs, where TPs are required to either individually or jointly provide an OASIS.Each OASISis required to provide standardized information on the current operating status and transmission capacity of a TP (transmission availability) and transmission pricing and operate compliance with standards and communications protocols established and updated under the FERCsupervision and control. Users of OASIS wouldbe able, using suitable interfaces such as the Internet, to instantly receive the data available on OASIS. Even though some basic information would be posted at every OASISnode, the information could vary amongregional OASISnodes based on restructuring models. As minimumrequirements, the following



information must be provided to TCs on OASIS:Available Transmission Capability, Pricing Information, Specific Service Requests and Responses, Scheduling Information, and Other Transmission-Related Communications [Tsi96]. These topics are discussed as follows: ¯

Available Transmission Capability (ATC): Posting and updating transfer capabilities (TTCand ATC)is the main type of information on OASIS. Since calculating ATCand TTCwouldrequire large-scale computationfacilities, it is unrealistic to update the posting of TTCand ATCfor all paths at all times. For that reason, FERChas issued separate requirements for two types of paths, namely: constrained paths and unconstrained paths. A constrained path is defined as a path for which ATChas been less than or equal to 25%of TTCfor at least one hour in the last 168 hours or is calculated to 25%or less of its associated posted TTC during the next 7 days. Otherwise the path is referred to as an unconstrained path. The ATCinformation, referred to as the available capacity of interconnected transmission networks, should be available to all transmission users through OASISto support additional transmission services. OASISmust provide the ATC,in megawattsand in certain directions, for transmission betweencontrol areas. This information is required for posted paths, i.e., any path in the system that would constrain the commercial usage of a transmission network or any unconstrained path whose information is required by a TC. The posted path would be determined according to FERCOrder 889 and the proformatariff. ATCand TTCmust also be given on hourly, daily and monthlybasis for all constrained paths. For unconstrainedpaths, daily and monthly ATCmust be posted and updated whenever ATCchanges by more than 20%Of TTC. Data and methodologies used to calculate ATCand TTCmust be made available upon request for auditing purposes. Any system planning studies must also be madeavailable. For posted paths, firm and non-firm estimated ATCand TTCare published for a 30-day period by hour for the first 168 hours and then by day. In the case that a TPhas separate charges for on-peakand off-peak in its tariffs,



TP should post on-peak ATCand TTCestimated values, and offpeak ATCand TTCestimated values. ATCand TTCvalues are also posted on a monthly basis for 12 months. Whena transmission service on a constrained path is reserved or ends or whenthe TTC value on that path changes by morethan 10%,a posting for that line should be updated. Pricing Information: Tariff prices for all transmission services, ancillary services, and other related services must be posted, and made available for electronic downloading to customers. TP’s complete tariff in a downloadableformat is posted for potential customers. Information on discounts madeto non-affiliates must be posted within 24 hours of the transaction. Information on discounts madeto affiliates must be posted immediately and offered to all other customers using the same path, unconstrained path, or the same ancillary service. The resale of transmission capacity or third party services mustbe posted on the same location and formatted as transmission provider’s postings. Specific Service Requests and Responses: To process service requests on the OASIS, the FERChas issued requirements for the data to be madeavailable during and after the requests processing. WhenTCs submit requests for transmission service, they should provide data for the amountof transfer in MW, start and end times, and the power-buying/selling area pair. On the other hand, TPs should in turn provide data indicating their responses, i.e., status of service requests whether accepted, in process, scheduled or rejected, and provide curtailment announcements, and any changes to previously approved requests. Also, historical log should be providedfor all transmission services, which include time and date stamp, actions, and modifications in requests and responses. All requests for transmission service must be posted by the date and time received, placed in a queue, and the status provided. Theresult of the request, whether accepted, withdrawnor denied, must also be given and the reason for the denial or interruption, if applicable. The identity of the party requesting transmission capacity can be kept



confidential for up to 30 days. Offers to adjust the utility’s operation to accommodate a denied request must be posted and offered to other similar parties. Whena TCwouldsubmit a request for a transmission service to a TP, the TP should reply to the TCwhenthe service is denied. The reply is done through the OASISand shows the reason of denial and any available alternatives to improve transfer capability. For the case when a transaction is curtailed or interrupted 8, the TPshould publish the action showingthe reason for the action, and any available alternatives. Uponrequest of potential customers, all data used to calculate ATCand TTC for any constrained posted path must be madepublicly and electronically available within 1 weekof its posting. Data are madeavailable at a cost cappedat reproduction of material [Sav97]. Scheduling Information: Transmission service schedules must be posted and available for electronic downloading within seven days of the start of the requested service. Other Transmission-Related Communications: A utility’s OASIScan also include "want ads" for other desired services, such as transmission loss service. The OASIScan also provide a messagingservice (E-mail). In addition, the utility must post employee transfers between the transmission group and any marketing affiliates, and Standards and CommunicationsProtocols can also be included. 3.5.2 Information Requirements of OASIS. These requirements, as outlined in FERCOrder 889, include information requirements and structural requirements. Structural requirements were discussed before in this chapter (see section 3.3). The information requirements for OASIScan be classified in four categories, which are transmission system information, transmission service information, transmission service request and response data and general information. Here, Curtailments are for reliability reasonsandinterruptionsare pursuantto tariff conditions.



¯ Transmission System Information include: - ATC - TTC - systemreliability. ¯ TransmissionService information include: - completetariff - service discounts - ancillary services - current operating and economicconditions. ¯ Transmission Service Request and Response Data Information include: - date and time stamp of transmission service requests - scheduling of powertransfers - service interruptions and curtailments - service parties’ identities - audit log for discretionary actions. ¯ General Information include: - "want ads" for transmission products and services - announcements - value-addedservices. A TCwhooffers to sell transmission capacity that it has purchasedis called a reseller. Secondarymarket information regarding capacity rights that customers (resellers) wish to resell is posted on the OASIS.Through OASIS, a customer would be able to locate power lines with excess capacity and, directly or using a broker, can place a request via OASIS Websites for access to those lines. ThroughOASIS,utilities mayalso share operating data regarding transmission availability, generation



capability, system loads, interchange, area-control error, frequency and operating reserves. This data must be madeavailable to any entity with immediate responsibility for operational security (i.e., other than marketing purposes). The data link to EMSwill accomplish the task of providing this information. In addition, all final transmission studies must be available in an electronic format upon request to potential customers [Sav97]. Studies are made available at a cost capped at reproduction of material. All information of transactions related to OASISmust be dated, time stamped and stored, should be downloadable within 90 days and kept for three years. 3.5.3 Users of OASIS. Any OASIS node involves four types of users: TP, TC, transmission service information provider (TSIP), and value-added transmission service information provider (VTSIP). A TP is a public utility that ownsand controls, or an independent entity that controls, the facilities usedfor the transmissionof electricity. A TCis any agent or principal that exercises a service agreementand/or receives transmission service. TCsinclude established entities, such as TP affiliated or other public utility generators, independent power producers, distribution companies, and newly created entities for the competitive wholesale market, such as marketers/brokers, scheduling coordinators, and load aggregators. In general, categories of customers could be different from region to region. A TSIP is an entity that provides the operation of one or more OASISnodes. A TP or a group of TPs may delegate their responsibility to operate an OASISnode to a TSIP capable of meeting FERCrequirements. A VTSIPis an entity that uses the TS information like a TCand provides value-added information services to its customers. TPs are the main users of OAISISand most TPs that use OASISare FERC-regulatedpublic utilities in U.S., whoare obligated to comply with OASISrequirements. In addition, a considerable number of nonjurisdictional TPs and several Canadianutilities are engaged in OASIS operations. Although, some TPs have developed their ownOASISnodes, the majority has applied the services of commercialinformation system vendors [Tsi97, Tsi98, Eia98]:



TPs are distributed amongall OASISnodes in NERC’sregions. NERCincludes 10 Regional Councils, which are shown on the map of Figure 3.4, and are listed as follows [Web33]: (1)East Central Area Reliability

Coordination Agreement(ECAR)

(2)Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) (3)Florida Reliability Coordinating Council (FRCC) (4)Mid-Atlantic Area Council (MAAC) (5)Mid-America Interconnected Network, Inc. (MAIN) (6)Mid-Continent Area Power Pool (MAPP) (7)Northeast Power Coordinating Council (NPCC) (8)Southeastern Electric Reliability Council (SERC) (9)Southwest Power Pool (SPP) (10) Western Systems Coordinating Council (WSCC) Each NERC’sregion includes at least one OASISnode. The current URLaddresses of all regional OASISnodes are listed on the nationwide OASISManagementWebpage ( Any authorized user can display transmission providers by OASISnodes or access any regional OASIS(node) by clicking on a NERC’sregion on the shown map. The OASISnode(s) in each region, along with associated .transmission providers and provider codes are detailed in Table 3.19

9 Thedata in this table weresummarized fromthe information availablein the national OASIS Website on December 20, 1999.





Figure 3.4 NERC’sRegions



Table 3.1 OASISNodesin NERC Regions Region



APS OASIS Idaho Power Co. OASIS Imperial Irrigation District OASIS LADWP OASIS Northwest OASIS

PacifiCorp OASIS

Puget OASIS Rocky Mountain Area OASIS

Provider Code AZPS IPCO

Arizona Public Service Company Idaho Power Company


ImperialIrrigation District


Los Angeles Department of Water & Power Bonneville Power Administration British Columbia Hydro & Power Authority Montana Power Company Portland General Electric Seattle City Light Snohomish County PUD Washington Water Power Company Deseret Generation & Transmission Cooperative PacifiCorp Puget Sound Energy Basin Electric Power Cooperative



Westem OASIS


Provider Name

ColoradoSprings Utilities Public Service Companyof Colorado Platte River PowerAuthority Tri-State Generation & Transmission Association, Inc. West Plains Energy - Colorado Western Area Power - RMR El Paso Electric Nevada Power Company Power Agencyof California Public Service Companyof NewMexico Salt River Project Sierra Pacific Power Company SacramentoMunicipalUtility District Tucson Electric Power Company Texas New Mexico Power Western Area Power Administration - DSW



Table 3.1 OASISNodes in NERCRegions (continued) Region











Provider Name


Oglethorpe Power Corporation Southern Company Carolina Power & Light Company


Duke Power Company Santee Cooper South Carolina Electric & Gas Company Southeastern Power Administration Virginia Power Yadkin, Inc. Bangor Hydro Electric Company


Boston Edison Company Cambridge Electric Light Company Central Maine Power Central VermontPublic Service Corp. Citizens Utilities Company CommonwealthElectric Company Eastern Utilities Associates (Montaup) Green Mountain Power Corporation Maine Electric Power Company Maine Public Service Company New England Power Company NewEngland Power Pool Northeast Utilities System Companies United Illuminating Vermont Electric Power Company NewBrunswick Power Corporation

Central and South West Services, Inc. Central Louisiana Electric Empire District Electric Company (The) Grand River DamAuthority Kansas City Power & Light Company MidwestEnergy, Inc. Missouri Public Service OklahomaGas & Electric Southwest Power Pool Southwestern Power Administration Southwestern Public Service Company Sunflower Electric Corporation Western Farmers Electric Cooperative Western Resources Inc. WestPlains Energy - Kansas Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia


Chapter 3

Table 3.1 OASIS Nodesin NERCRegions (continued) Region



Transmission Provider OASIS




Provider Name NYCH

Central HudsonGas and Electric


Consolidated Edison Companyof NY Long Island Lighting Company NewYork Power Authority NewYork State Electric & Gas Corporation Niagara MohawkPower Corporation Orange and Rockland Utilities Rochester Gas and Electric Hydro Quebec, TransEnergie


Basin Electric Power Cooperative Central lowa Power Cooperative Cooperative Power Corn Belt Power Cooperative Dairyland Power Cooperative Heartland ConsumersPower District Hutchinson Utilities Commission Lincoln Electric System Manitoba Hydro Electric Board MidAmerican Energy Company Mid-Continent Area Power Pool Minnkota Power Cooperative Minnesota Power Company Missouri Basin Municipal Power Montana-DakotaUtilities Municipal Energy Agencyof Nebraska Muscatine Power and Water NebraskaPublic Power District Northern States Power Company Northwestern Public Service Company OmahaPublic power District Otter Tail Power RochesterPublic Utilities Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency St. Joseph Light & Power United Power Association Western Area Power Administration Alliant AmerenTransmission Services Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc. Central Illinois Light Company City Water, Light and Power Commonwealth Edison Company Entergy Illinois Power Southern Illinois Power Cooperative Tennessee Valley Authority Upper Peninsula Power Company WisconsinElectric Power Wisconsin Public Service Corporation



Table 3.1 OASISNodes in NERCRegions (continued) Region










Provider Name [CodePr°vider Atlantic City Electric Company AE BGE Baltimore Gas and Electric Company DPL Delmarva Power and Light Company GPUEnergy GPUE PECO PECOEnergy Company PPL Pennsylvania Power and Light Company Potomac Electric Power Company(PEPCO) PEPC PJM PJM PSEG Public Service Electric and Gas Company CSW Central and South West Services, Inc. CPST HLPT LCKA MVEC BPUB STEC TUET AEP AP

City Public Service Houston Lighting and Power Company LowerColorado River Authority MagicValley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Public Utilities Board South Texas Electric Coop., Inc. TU Electric American Electric Power Allegheny Power


Big Rivers Electric Corporation Cinergy Corporation Consumers Energy Company Dayton Power & Light Company Detroit Edison Company Duquesne Light Company East Kentucky Power Cooperative FirstEnergy Corp. Hoosier Energy Rural Electric Cooperative Indianapolis Power & Light Company Kentucky Utilities Company Louisville Gas & Electric Company Michigan Electric Coordinated System Northern Indiana Public Service Company Ontario Hydro Ohio Valley Electric Corporation Southern Indiana Gas & Electric Company City of Tallahassee Florida Power & Light Florida PowerCorporation JEA TampaElectric Company






FERCOrder 889, mandatedthe calculation of ATCfor each control area and the posting of these values on OASISto enhance the open access of bulk transmission system by providing a market signal of the capability of a transmission system to deliver energy, which would support competitive bidding in the generation, or energy, market. ATC values posted on OASISare accessible and displayed by market participants [Gra99]. In addition to engineering perspectives, FERChas ordered that bulk electrical control areas must provide to market participants a commerciallyviable network transfer capability for the import, export, and through-put of energy. 3.6.1 Definitions. Before going into definitions, let’s first distinguish between two widely used terms in the electric power industry, which are transfer capability and transmission capacity. Whilevalues of transfer capability are mainly dependent on and determined by the overall combination of system conditions that include several factors such as generation, customer load demand, and transmission system topology, the transmission capacity usually indicates the thermal rating of a certain componentin the transmission network such as a transmission line or a transformer. Whenwe point to transfer capability, we refer to the ability of a networkto reliably transfer electric powerbetweentwo points in the system under certain network conditions. The transfer capability of a transmission path composedof several lines is not directly a function of individual transmissioncapacities of lines in the path. The available transfer capability (ATC)is a terminologythat is used to define and calculate meaningfulmeasuresof transfer capability of an interconnected transmission network [Gis99,Eje98,Ner96]. Transfer capability (in MW)is a direction-specific measure that indicates the ability of interconnected electric systemsto moveor transfer powerin a reliable mannerfrom one area (i.e., an individual electric system, power pool, control area 1°, sub-region, NERC Region, or a portion of any of Control Area is an electric system or systems, boundedby interconnection metering and telemetry, capable of controlling generation to maintain its interchange schedule



these) to another over existing transmission lines (or paths) between those areas under specified system conditions. Since the transfer capability is directional in nature, ATCfrom Area 1 to Area 2 is not equal, in most cases, to ATC from Area 2 to Area 1, i.e., ATCI~2 ~ATC2~1 . 3.6.2 Transfer Capability Issues. Transfer capability is usually calculated based on off-line computer load-flow simulations of the interconnected transmission network under a specific set of assumed operating conditions. Off-line calculations are used due to the fact that a large amountof computationis needed for calculation. The computation of transfer capability is based on linear and nonlinear-based methods, e.g., power flow methods and continuation power flow methods. The nonlinear power flow method is usually time consumingas comparedto continuation powerflow. Recently, new techniques such as sensitivitybased, linear and generalized search methods have been proposed to reduce the computation time [Shb98, Gra99a, Gra99b, Sau97, Sau98, Ner96]. Several factors are considered during computations such as projected customer demands,generation dispatch, system configuration, base case schedule transfers, and the contingencycases that reflect the degree of required system security. Uncertainties facing the operation of interconnected electric power systems are generally due to weather conditions, forced and scheduled transmission outages, generation unavailability, and future location of demandand electricity resources. As time passes, electric powersystems will get more complicated, more participants will be introduced, and uncertainties will grow whichmeansthat the accurate estimation of TTC and ATCgets to be more complicated. That meanswhenprojections for transfer capabilities are madefor longer time horizons, the degree of uncertainty in presumed conditions and the degree of uncertainty in transfer capabilities will grow. If uncertainties are not managed properly, an unreliable operation of electric powersystemscould prevail. Transfer capability computations should consider limits imposedon the system componentssuch as thermal, voltage, and stability limits. In with other Control Areas and contributing to frequencyregulation of the Interconnection.



addition, uncertainties in load forecasts and simultaneous transfers should be taken into consideration. A significant error in load forecasts could result in an increased transmission networkloading, whichin turn could lead to reduction in transfer capability. On the other hand, loop flows through a transmission network or control area maybe caused by transfers between two or more neighboring control areas. Loop flows could cause unpredictable results by either increasing or decreasing the transfer capability. For these reasons, uncertainties should be quantified properly to increase the efficient use and the security of the system and to provide necessary information for system operation and planning. Uncertainties are expressed by specifying margins during ATCcalculations so that whenschedules derived from ATCcalculations are put in place, the transmission system can reliably transfer the energy and serve the system load. Factors such as transmission line and generating unit outages may dramatically affect transfer capability if they are not taken into consideration. In the following, we discuss the calculation of transfer capability that is used in OASIS.

3.6.3 ATCCalculation. NERCdefines ATCas a measure of the transfer capability remaining in the physical transmission network for further commercial activity over and above already committed uses. ATCis an indication of the expected transfer capability remainingon the transmission network.It is the available transfer capability that could be scheduled to the designated path under the conditions considered in calculating ATCvalues. ATCis a market signal that refers to the capability of a system to transport or deliver energyabovethat of already subscribed transmission uses. ATCvalues are used to determine transmission service commitments. The ATCvalue is determined based on other parameters, which are TTC, TRM, and CBM.Mathematically, the ATCvalue between two points is give as [Ner96]: ATC= TTC- TRM- (,~ ETC+ CBM) where,




Available Transfer Capability


Total Transfer Capability betweentwo points


Transmission Reliability Margin


Existing Transmission Commitments including customer services between the same two points


Capacity Benefit Margin


These terms are discussed in the following.

3.6.4 TTCCalculation. TTCis the amount of electric power that can be transferred from one area to another over the interconnected transmission networkin a reliable mannerbased on five pre-contingency and post-contingency conditions [Ner96]. TTCis constrained by thermal limit, voltage magnitude limit, and stability limit (voltage stability limit, transient angle stability limit, and dynamicangle stability limit). Thethermal limit of a certain transmission network component is the limit that would constrain the amount of transfer that the componentcan safely handle without being overloaded. Voltage limits are acceptable operating limits on bus voltage magnitudes across the transmission system. Stability limits are the required limits that ensure interconnected transmission system would survive when disturbances are imposed on the system. The constraining condition of the. transmission network would shift amongthe three limits as the operating conditions change over time. TTCis determined as:

TTC= Min{ ThermalLimit, VoltageLimit, Stability Limit}


Figure 3.5 illustrates howTTCis calculated at each time instant as a minimum of the three limits.



Path Flaw [MW]

Thermal Limit Voltage Limit Stability Limit


Path Flow [MW]




Figure3. 5 Illustration of TTCDetermination

TTCis calculated hourly, daily or monthly based on market requirements. Certain factors should be taken into account in TTC calculations such as the list of contingencies that wouldrepresent most sever disturbances, accuracy of load forecast, unit commitment, and maintenance scheduling. System control devices ~ such as voltage regulators and reactive power control devices would also have a direct impact on TTCvalues. As definitions indicate, TTCand ATCwould always be defined for a pair of areas, i.e., a power-selling area and a power-buyingarea. The definitions also imply that TTCand ATCvalues are time-dependent as



the transmission system conditions would change over time which means that the calculation of TTC,and in turn ATC,would need to be updated continuouslyto reflect changes in system conditions. To calculate a point-to-point TTC, i.e., between a source bus and a sink bus, a possible frameworkfor TTCcalculation is devised as follows [Shb98]: (1) Starting from the current operating point of the base case, the load on the sink bus would gradually be increased, and the corresponding load flow wouldbe calculated while the source bus acts as swing(reference) bus. If any of thermal, voltage or stability constraints is reached, the corresponding power transfer from the source to the sink becomesthe TTCcandidate. (2) Fromthe prepared contingency list, represent one contingency in the system and the resulting load flow. Starting from this flow solution (similar to step 1), wewouldincrease the load on the sink bus while the source bus acts as a swing bus until system constraints are reached, and the corresponding power from the source to the sink would becomea new TTCcandidate. All of the contingenciesin the list should be handledthroughthis step. (3) The final TTCfor the source-sink pair, at the base operation point, is the minimumTTCof all TTCcandidates. 3.6.5 TRMCalculation. Transmission Reliability Margin (TRM) and Capacity Benefit Margin (CBM)are two transmission margins proposed for considering the inherent uncertainty in interconnected power systems. TPs attained different margins based on their adopted calculation methodology. Correspondingly, NERCissued a paper to better define, quantify and apply these two margins, hopingthat different regions will be encouraged to promote a common TRMand CBM calculation methodology[Ner99]. NERCdefines TRMas "The amount of transfer capability necessary to provide a reasonable level of assurance that the interconnected transmission network will be secure. TRMaccounts for the inherent uncertainty in system conditions, its associated effects on ATC



calculation, and the need for operating flexibility to ensure reliable system operation as system conditions change. All transmission system users would benefit from the preservation of TRMby TPs." TRMaccounts for the uncertainty in operating conditions such as those in model parameters (e.g., line impedance) or load forecasting errors. TRMwould be time dependent in evaluating ATC,representing a larger uncertainty for longer terms of the ATCevaluation. Components that should be considered in calculating TRMare: (1) aggregate load forecasting error, (2) load distribution error, (3) variations in facility loadings for balancing load and generation within a control area, (4) uncertainties in forecasting the system topology, (5) allowances for parallel path (loop flow) impacts, (6) allowances for Simultaneous interactions, (7) variations in generation dispatch due to component outages, and (8) variations in short-term operator response/operating reserves. The calculated values of these terms maychange based on the humanexperience and meansof forecasting the system conditions. There are several proposed approaches to calculate TRM.The first one is the Monte Carlo statistical approach, which is based on the repeated computationof TTCusing variations in the base case data. The second approach is a single computation of TTCusing limitations reduced by a fixed percentage. The third approach is based on reducing TTCby a fixed percentage to calculate TRM.The last approach is a probabilistic approach based on statistical forecasting error and other systematic reliability concepts. The second and third approaches would result in a lower ATCvalue. Each TP would set the TRMin accordance with its ownsecurity criterion.

3.6.6 CBM Calculation. CBMis the translation

of generator reserve margininto a transfer capability quantity, determinedby (or for) LSEswithin a host TP. It is the responsibility of TP to determine the needed quantity of CBMby considering the requirements of all TCs entitled to a portion of CBM [Ner99]. NERCdefines CBMas "The amount of firm transfer capability preserved for LSEson the host transmission system where their load is located, to enable the access to generation from interconnected systems to meet generation reliability requirements. Preservation of CBMfor a



LSEallows that entity to reduce its installed generating capacity below what mayotherwise have been necessary without interconnections to meet its generation reliability requirements. The transmission capacity preserved as CBMis intended to be used by LSE only in times of emergencygeneration deficiencies." As the definition implies, beneficiaries of CBMare the LSEsof a host TP. Each LSEwould have a reduced need for installed generating capacity, which in turn could meanlower rates for TCs. An LSEwould get the benefit from CBMby sharing installed capacity reserves with other parties elsewherein the interconnected network.




Transacting participants wouldrequire transmission services for their transactions throughout their electric power marketing and trading activities. They wouldsubmit requests to TPs for these services and each TP in turn woulddeterminewhetheror not each service submitted to it is feasible (i.e., can be provided without threatening the security of its transmission system). Each TP would make its decision based on quantities derived from ATC,and transactions that are found to be threatening the system security, wouldnot be permitted by TP. TPs would use measures related to transfer capability in providing transmission services. There are four maintypes of transmission services provided by TPs, which are differentiated based on two criteria: recallability of service and the time horizon of operation. Recallability refers to whetheror not a service is recallable. It is a TP’s right to interrupt all or part of a transmission service for any reason, including the economics, that is consistent with the FERC policy and the TP’s transmission service tariffs or contract provisions, while curtailabil#y refers to a TP’s right to totally or partially interrupt a transmissionservice due to prevailing constraints that reduce the capability of the transmission networkto provide that transmission service, i.e., transmission service is curtailable only at times whensystem reliability is at risk or emergencyconditions exist.



Timehorizon refers to operating horizon and planning horizon. The non-recallable service in operating horizon is called a non-recallable scheduled (NSCH)service, while it is called non-recallable reserved (NRES)in planning horizon. Likewise, the recallable service operating horizon is called a recallable scheduled (RSCH)service, while it is called recallable reserved (RRES)service in planning horizon. That means the service is scheduled in operating horizon and reserved (for future) in planning horizon. Scheduled transmission service refers to a transfer capability in the operating horizon. In other words, the transfer capability is committedby the TPfor this service and is not available to any other participants, whether or not the participant acquiring this service wouldactually use the service. On the other side, whena TP approves a reserved transmission service for a TC,the TPreserves a part of the transfer capability before the actual powertransfer is scheduled(taken place).

TPsuses curtailability and recallability of the transmission services as a basis to establish the priority of services. The three factors that would determine the priority amongtransmission services are: (l) recallability of the service, (2) time and date stampof the service request, and (3) the time horizon of service. Non-recallable services (NSCH NRES)are usually of higher priority (will be served first) in using transmission network than recallable services (RSCHand RRES).When two non-recallable services are requested with two different time and date stamps (let’s say NSCHat T1 and NSCHat T2, where T2>T1), the service that is requested at an earlier time (NSCH at T1) would have higher priority than the other service that is requested at a later time (NSCHat T2), i.e., priority is on a first come,first served basis. Thesame logic is used for recallable services. Theorder of curtailment is opposite to the priority order. Figure 3.6. Illustrates howservices would be ordered in priority and in curtailment. As the figure shows, NSCH has a higher priority over NRES,and RSCHhas a higher priority over RRES [Ner96]. Non-recallable ATC (NATC)and Recallable ATC(RATC) are two terms related to ATC, which are used to provide a measure of transmission network’s capability for the types of transmission services mentioned before. NATC and RATCare functions of time because their



calculations depend on transmission system conditions. NATCis calculated as TTCless TRM,less NRES(including the Capacity Benefit Margin),or:



Recallable Available Transmission Capability (RATC)is calculated as TTCless the TRM,less RTS, less NRTS(including the Capacity Benefit Margin). RATCmust be considered differently in the planning and operating horizons. In the planning horizon, the only data available would be Recallable and Non-recallable Transmission Service Reservations, whereas in the operating horizon Transmission Schedules are known.





T2 Scheduling time

Time of Service Request T3









Priority Order








Curtailment Order

Figure3.6 Priority~Curtailment Orderof Services



For the operating horizon:

RATC= TTC- a. TRM- RSCH- NSCH(including CBM); 0 < a < 1 (3.4a) For the planning horizon: RATC= TTC- ct. TRM- RSCH- NRES(including CBM) ; 0< a 3 = 9, 000- 3, 000= 6, 000 MW

Case 2: A 900 MWof non-recallable transmission service is acquired fromarea 4 to area 3 to area 1, as shownin Figure 3.13. In this case, the ATCof each path is recalculated to reflect this transmission service. The affected paths are 4-)3 and 3-)1. The bolded numbersin Figure 3.13 are the initial reservations. The final ATCvalue of each path is shownnext to the path. For example, path 3-)1 has a TTCof 2,600 MW and initial reservation of 1,700 MW.With the acquired 900 MWtransmission service, the ATCof this path is recalculated as: A TC3~ 1 = 2, 600-1, 700 - 900 = 0 MW



Figure 3.12 Case 1: TTC, Reservation, and ATCValues




~.~ 9000 ~’~ TTC IR == 3000


Figure 3.13 Case 2



Case 3: A 150 MWof non-recallable transmission service is acquired from area 1 to area 2, as shownin Figure 3.14. Let’s assumethat 50 MW of the 150 MWwas obtained from owner 1 (owner of L~_2.~) and 100 MWof the 150 MWwas obtained from Owner2 (owner of rest of lines in this path). Path 1-)2 is the only affected path. The path ATCvalues are updatedafter this newreservation as shownin Figure 3.14. Line L~.2,~ nowhas an ATCvalue of." A TC1_>2,1 = TTC1._>2,1 - IR1._>2,1 - 50 = 600 - 400- 50 = 150MW. The whole path has a TTCof 2,300 MW(as shownin Figure 3.10, 600 MW for line 1 and 1,700 MW for the rest of lines), and has an initial reservation of 1,200 MW (as shownin Table 3.2, 400 MW for line 1 and 800 MWfor the reset of lines). When 50 MWof the 150 MWwas acquired for line 1, then 100 MW was acquired for the rest of lines. So, the rest of lines in this path will have an ATCvalue of 1,700 - 800 - 100 = 800 MW.

~ ~

ATC = 950


~ ~


"~ 1R = 1200

Figure3.14 Case3

"~’w~ ¯





3.9.1 PJM OASIS. PJM OASIS, which became operational on January 1, 1997, complies with FERCOrder No. 889 requirements. It is the responsibility of PJMOI (Office of the Interconnection) to provide the OASISnode for the transmission network of the PJMcontrol area. PJM OASISmaintains the transmission and the ancillary service information for PJMcontrol area transmission providers and customers, ancillary service providers and customers, and other authorized PJM OASIS users [Pjm97]. Figure 3.15 illustrates the PJM OASIS configuration. In Figure 3.15, PJMOASISis composed of two major components (servers) which are, OASISWebServer and OASISDatabase Server. The OASISWebServer is the OASISnode computer at PJM. It is the server that communicates with PJM OI customers and other OASIS users, and the communicationsare based on the Webserver’s Internet software. The OASISDatabase Server is the computerat the PJMcontrol center that functions as the database server for the information that is displayed and downloaded for the PJMOASISusers. The URLof the PJMOASISnode is Information posted on PJMOASISinclude Transmission Transfer Capability, Operational Data, Study Information, Transmission Service Products and Prices, Ancillary Service Offerings and Prices, Specific Transmission Service Requests and Responses, Transmission Service Schedules, Outage Schedules, and Other Transmission-Related Communications.



Transmission Provider "~x RACLE FormsInterface nd FTP software ~



Transmission Customer "~ Web Interface j




I oasis I




OASlS~ Server


Figure 3.15 Structure

of PJMOASIS [Pjrn97]

OASISacts as an electronic bulletin board for transmission information, where any provider or customer maypost transmission want ads, transmission notices, and other ~ transmission related communications.There is no obligation to respond to these postings. The PJMOASISis also used by providers, customers or the PJMOI to post ~2. transfers

~ Other communicationsinclude the use of OASISas a transmission-related conference space or to provide transmission related messagingservices betweenOASISusers. 12 Notices of transfers of personnel as described in FERCOrder 889, Section 37.4(b)(2) are posted.



3.9.2 ERCOTOASIS. ERCOT OASIS is administered by the ERCOTISO. The ERCOTOASISincludes most of the functionality of the FERCmandatedOASIS,but it excludes the capability to buy and sell transmission capacity, where planned transmission capacity to serve loads, as the Public Utility Commissionof Texas (PUCT)Rules require, is purchased on a yearly basis through applications for planned transmission service. The ERCOT OASISmust be used for scheduling unplanned transactions originating and/or terminating in ERCOT [Erc98]. TheISOacts as a one-stop shop for all market participants to obtain information about the ERCOTtransmission system, access the transmission system and to arrange energy transfers. Using OASIS, market participants are able to gain access to the shop. The OASISis used to [Erc98]: Submitrequests for UnplannedTransactions to the ISO Receive approval of UnplannedTransactions from the ISO Post information required from Transmission Providers View and download information Provide data for energy accounting Post tariffs for Ancillary and TransmissionServices.

In ERCOT,ATCis the calculated uncommitted capability of the transmission system between two points or zones that can be used for unplanned transactions, where zones are divisions of ERCOT used to identify the geographical locations of loads and generators for the purpose of defining ATC.In ERCOT,planned resources are designated each year, and transactions outside these pairings of loads and generators are considered unplanned transactions under PUCTRules. Thecalculation of transfer capability is generally based on computer simulations of the operation of the interconnected transmission network under a specific set of assumedoperating conditions. Each simulation represents a single snapshot of the operation of the interconnected



network based on the projections of manyfactors. The ERCOT would set objectives of the ATCcalculation, whichare [Erc98]: Ensure the security transmission system,

and reliability

of the ERCOTbulk


Allow equal and comparable access transmission system,

to the ERCOTbulk


Post an accurate ATCfor each pair of zones that can be used by the ISO to approve or reject unplanned transaction requests on the OASIS,


Enable the adjustment of posted ATCsas unplannedtransactions are accepted before they are reflected in each control area’s current operating plan, and


Utilize the ERCOTbulk transmission system by making a reasonable effort to approve a transaction whenthe available information indicates that the systemcould support the request.

Both ATCand TTC are posted by the ERCOTISO on the OASIS. The ERCOT ISO has the authority to intervene in any transaction that threatens system reliability, regardless of ATC.The ERCOT ISO may also modify ATCvalues if more current data indicates increase or decrease in transfer limits. Whentransfers requested by users are within the most currently evaluated ATC,they will be approved, and whenthe transfer capability necessary to accommodatethe requested transfer exceeds the most current ATC,the transaction will be rejected, and the user whohas requested the transfer will be informed of the reason for rejection and can request an evaluation of whetherand to what extent the limiting ATCcan be increased by redispatch actions. Whena user requests an unplannedtransaction, he/she should specify the zones associated with the desired transaction (source and sink zones). The specification indicates the location of the source (generation), and the To .ATCZone indicates the location of the customer (load) served, and the source and customer may be the same. The load zone of an unplannedtransaction is defined as the smallest zone that encircles the total loads.



The ERCOT OASISprovides an interface for customers to view the ATCvalues calculated by the ISO. These values can be viewed from the ERCOT Available Transmission Capacity page for a single hour or for several hours, by selecting the appropriate data in the corresponding boxes, such as Hour, Source ATCZone, Destination ATCZone, the minimumATCin MWs,the starting date and hour, the ending date and hour, the time zone a user would like to view the ATCvalues, and the sort order for the ATCvalues to be returned.



Historically, the scheduling of energy transfers has been accomplished on a coordinated basis between control areas. Whena transmission path crosses more than one control area, the adjacent control areas would arrange for the so-called contract path in a sequential fashion. As electrons flow through every line in the transmission system, obeying the laws of physics and not economics, a transaction could result in parallel flows on system componentsthat were not originally included in the contact path [Ner96, Ner99b, Ner00a, Ner00b]. In the beginning, parallel flows were not a serious problem since the numberof transactions was limited; however, as the numberof energy transactions increased dramatically, parallel flows whichwere not included on the contract path created severe operational problems for manytransmission systems. Parallel flows could overload transmission lines and, in somecases, utilities were unable to identify the source of overflows. The first remedyto mitigate overflows was the curtailment of firm and non-firm energy schedules by system operator, which in turn caused moreconfusion for both marketingentities and utilities. Dueto the aforementionedsituations and the newera of restructuring in power systems, it was seen that an internet-based system that could exchange the transaction information amongmarketing entities, system




operators, and security coordinators~ wouldbe necessary. The internetbased system would afford a more suitable approach to analyzing transmission flows and listing transfer capabilities. In addition, an efficient power system operation could lead to reduction in the number of unnecessarycurtailments and the resulting negative impacts on market entities and utility systems[NerOOb].




Tagging or what is knownas Transaction Information System (TIS) is a mechanismfor scheduling the physical transfer of power between control areas. It was initially established as a mechanismto identify every transaction from source to sink in order to manageTransmission Line loading Relief (TLR)in a proper manner.All tags were then entered into the interim Interchange2 Distribution Calculator (iIDC) to analyze the effect of each transaction on constrained flowgates. The concept of flowgates was developed by NERCfor sharing transmission constraints in managing TLR. The difference between branches/interfaces and flowgates is that while monitored branches and interfaces are normally checked for overflows in the base case and various contingencies, flowgates are checkedonly in the base case (for the base case flowgates) or in one contingency identified by the flowgate definition [Mcd98, Ner99b, Ner99c, Ner00a, Ner00b]. Usually an energy transaction would involve more than one operating entity: it originates from an entity, may pass through an intermediate entity and ends in a different entity. The electronic documentation of such transaction is the tagging process. Tagging is defined as the process that would involve the commumcation of information needed to carry out security valuations and scheduling transactions. Taggingis a major step towards electronic scheduling. The tagging documentation would form the coordination of and approval from all the entities involved in a transaction. Taggingis a computerized process, wheretags are transmitted computer-to-computerand point-topoint over the public Interact. Here the necessary data should be SecurityCoordinator is an entity that providesthe securityassessment andemergency operations coordination for a groupof ControlAreas. Interchange is definedas energytransfersthat crosscontrolareaboundaries.

TaggingElectricity Transactions provided completely and in a proper manner for validity Otherwise,it maylead to rejection or delay of tags. 4.3


187 checks.


The interest in a system that would enable an improvedexchange of transaction information was initiated by the NERCInterconnected Operations Subcommittee (IOS) in 1996, when it started to design system called tagging. To secure the energy transaction information, an Excel spreadsheet-based tag entry and retrieval system, which utilized fax and Internet e-mail to transport tags between parties, was tried initially. NERC implementedtagging in July 1997, in whicheach energy transaction was identified and communicatedthrough an electronic Interchange Transaction tag, and its impact on the transmission grid was calculated by the Interchange Distribution Calculator (IDC3). IDC contained a model of the Eastem Interconnection and all tagged transactions. At that time, tagging was spreadsheet-based, which provided system operators with the identity of the source of parallel flows affecting their systems. Using this process, whena transmission line is overloadeddue to transactions, IDCwouldcalculate the effect of energy transactions on the existing transmission system. These calculations are aimed to minimize the need for curtailments and to provide a reasonable and economically unbiased basis to curtail transactions. In certain regions, flow-basedcalculations are madeprior to approvinga transmission reservation, before the transaction is initiated in order to minimize unnecessary curtailments [Mcd98,Ner99b, Ner99c, Ner99d, Ner99e, Ner00a, Ner00b, Ner00c, Ner00d]. Later, in 1998, spreadsheet-based tagging evolved to be an easy-touse Visual Basic based program called NERCtagthat relied on e-mail and operator intervention for data exchange [Ner99f, Ner00b]. Even though the new program was an improved solution to tagging, NERCtag still showed some deficiencies, which required more developments to keep up with the growth of the restructured electric powerindustry. In addition to a considerable operator intervention during the process, one of the main deficiencies in NERCtagwas a slow e-mail process for 3 IDC involves a process by which the effect of energy schedule on transmission grid is calculatedusingpowertransfer distributionfactors.



delivering tags. Alsoentities were concernedthat multiple copies of a tag were issued and, at occasions, tag emails were corrupted or altered. Also, PSEshad problemswith the disposition and the use of a tag. Addto that, the specification of the tag information was not precise; therefore, different entities interpreted the informationdifferently. Technically,the old tagging system had two main drawbacks [Ner00b]: (1) Using e-mail and fax for submitting tags proved to be an inefficient methodwhich could not guarantee that all tags were delivered and correctly entered into ilDC. (2) ilDC was.incapable of recognizing reservation priorities in each transmission segment of a tag. For that reason, all transaction priorities were identified with the lowest priority of segmentson 4. the tag As such, there was a necessity for establishing an electronic and automatedsystem with features like a capability to ensure that tags were sent, received, and approved in a timely, reliable manner, and a capability for data validation. NERCdecided to switch from the old tagging system to a different system to overcomethe shortcomings. In November1998, NERCdirected the development of an electronic tagging system. Subsequently, the NERCTransaction Information System Working Group (TISWG) issued a document called The Electronic Tagging (E-Tag) -Functional Specification. This document specifies the functional requirementsand technical specifications for the implementation of E-Tag. The E-Tag Functional Specification describes information and data exchange needs, services to be provided, and protocols to be used. The document gives vendors the flexibility to choose the type of software or user interfaces to be used, as long as the functional requirements and technical specification are maintainedin the E-Tag products. The NERCissued Policy 3 that defined specifications or requirements of the new tagging system, and the NERCOperating Committee approved the Constrained Path Method (CPM) Resolution 4 FrequentlyAskedQuestionsAboutthe ElectronicTransactionInformationSystem, VersionDate:1/20/99,

TaggingElectricity Transactions


that required changesto the iIDC to take into account varying priorities of each transmission segment. For TLRand CPMto work efficiently, the resolution required and necessitated the no-tag-no-deal concept. The resolution commanded TISWG to build the appropriate specifications for the tagging modeland the submission protocol in order to electronically tag and verify all transactions, including hourly deals. In addition, electronic TIS would stand as a mechanismto terminate a tag as control areas (CAs)cancel or partially curtail the tag. Whenchangeson a tag are in place, reloading would be achieved by submitting a new tag. The NERC Policy 3 requests all entities to provide the necessary information on transactions that wouldpass through every control area. In the case that a transmission path is constrained, security coordinators woulduse this information to decide which transactions should be curtailed first [Ner00b]. The new protocol was an HTTP-basedsystem that replaced the email-based system. The e-mail-based system was an open-ended system, by which the user would send an e-mail without getting a positive confirmation that the other entity had received the e-mail. The other motivation for the transition was that the e-mail transmission could be held within e-mail routers for an extended period of time and delays could occur for hours or even days with terrible consequences for an hourly market. As stated in the NERC Policy 3, positive confirmation of tag receipt would be called within 10 minutes. This requirement could not be guaranteed in the e-mail-based system while the HTTP-based system wouldbe capable of performing the task. The response system as specified wouldinclude basic syntactical checks and the establishment of an initial transaction status [Ner99c,Ner00b].



A TAGGING PROCESS WORK? Functional specifications 5 issued by TISWG of NERC for electronic tagging aimed to guarantee that all tags could be transferred electronically between all market entities and, at the same time, guarantee the receipt of tags. The other objective was to improve the TransactionInformation SystemWorking Group,NorthAmerican Electric Reliability Council.,"ElectronicTagging - FunctionalSpecifications,"Version1.4, April23, 1999,hap://



speed and the efficiency for producing transmitting tags, especially to enhancethe hourly market. The specifications would also be intended to improve the quality and the uniformity of tags to increase their usefulness. Moreover,specifications aimedto guarantee the uniqueness of all tags entering ilDC or IDCand to guarantee that these tags would accurately matchactual transactions. The functional specifications would explain the obligations and duties of all parties to an interchange transaction, required data to represent a transaction, and mechanismsto be used to exchangethe data electronically. Amongthe functional requirements for an electronic tagging system are: syntactical error handling, circulation of the tag to entities involved in the transaction, collection of approvalsfrom all parties, and uploading of approvedtags to IDC. A successful tagging system should take certain factors into consideration, such as specifying which parties in a transaction have responsibility for the data at each step of the exchange, insuring data integrity without duplicating data entry or replicating errors, minimizingthe -number of data transfers between parties, and providing mechanisms to recognize and overcome system failures [Ner00a, Ner00b]. To complywith NERC specifications, all market participants would be free to use any product (soWware)that they would desire or design their own to meet the minimumNERCPolicy 3 requirements. The NERCspecifications cometo managetagging in an efficient way that wouldguarantee consistencies in the waytags are created and submitted, and to increase efficiencies in grid managementfor removing any potential reliability problems. The information contained in the tag would generally be considered confidential, particularly in the hourly market. NERCPolicy 3 would require participants to comply with certain specifications for submitting transaction tags, whereit wouldbe necessary for entities that schedule transactions to use the NERC Interchange Transaction Request Template, specified in Appendix3A of NERCPolicy 3. NERC Policy 3 provides entities with some flexibility for using the Transaction Request Template, while some information is obligatory to be filled out [Ner98].

TaggingElectricity Transactions


6 that In October 1998, NERCintroduced a software called NERCTag replaced the NERC’sExcel spreadsheet-based tagging program. Entities that use NERCTag wouldhave an interface for creating tags and superior E-mail managingcapabilities 7. This software enabled entities to fill out the NERCInterchange Transaction Request Template [Ner99f, Ner00b]. In 1999, NERCintroduced the newest software, called ETAG,to send and receive NERCinterchange transaction tags. This program would use the WorldWideWebto guarantee, in a reliable mannerand in the proper time, that tags are sent, received and approved. 4.4.1 Electronic Tagging Services. Functional requirements for electronic tagging can be understood by discussing its three main services. The three services are the three software components: Tag Agent Services, Tag Authority Service9, and Tag ApprovalServicez°. Tag Agent Service should be utilized by all Purchasing-Selling Entities (PSEs)~. All control areas should utilize both Tag Authority service and Tag Approval Service. All transmission providers should utilize a Tag Approval Service [Ner99b, Ner99e, Ner00a, Ner00b, Ner00c, Ner00d, Wes00]. ¯

Tag Agent Service: As illustrated in Figure 4.1, this service provides the electronic, graphical interface betweenthe PSEand the tagging process, i.e., this service is a software componentfor creating an initial electronic tag and entering the information that would represent an interchange transaction and transfer the information to the appropriate Tag Authority Service. Tag Agent Service is provided either directly by PSEsor indirectly by a third party chosenby PSEsto provide this service as their agent.

NERCTag, http://www.nerc, com/-filez/tag/tagging.html Generates andsubmitsnewtagsto the authorityservice. Receives agentsubmissions andforwardsthemto the appropriateapprovalservices. Lrtdicatesindividual pathapproval. PSEis an entity that is eligibleto purchaseor sell energyor capacityandreserve transmission services.



TagAgent Service

Tagging Process ~

Figure 4.1 An Illustration


of the Tag Agent Service

The first thing a Tag Agent Service does is validate the information. Oncethe validity check is done, the service wouldbuild a tag and pass it on, through the Internet, to the Tag Authority Service associated with the Load Control Area12 (LCA)identified the tag. On the other hand, if the information does not pass the validity check, Tag Agent Service would notify PSEof the failure and provide it with apparent cause of the failure in the form of an error message.The service also stands as a tool for PSEto check the approval or the refusal status of its transactions. In addition, PSEs would use this service to withdraw, cancel, replace, or early terminate any of its transactions. For an existing tag issued by a PSE, the PSEcould withdraw, cancel, or early terminate the tag by using the CANCEL message. PSE may opt to use the REPLACE functionality of the SUBMI143message, which enables PSEto link the issued cancellation of a tag with the acceptanceof another tag. In an early version, PSEs were allowed to revise existing tags, but under newFunctional Specification, PSEsare not allowed to do that. That meansa PSEwishing to revise a tag should first cancel the existing tag and submit a newone, and maylink the new tag to the tag being cancelled using the REPLACE function. The linking process can be requested in the SUBMITmessage, which contains optional fields for Replace Tag ID and Replace Tag Keyto refer to the tag to be cancelled. PSEsmayview the approval or the refusal status of their transactions either by simple polling14 or throughother 12 Sometimes,it is alternatively called Sink Control Area. z3 SUBMIT message is used to request a newtag. ~4 Simplepolling is performedby querying the Authority Service at periodic intervals.

TaggingElectricity Transactions


agreed upon notification mechanismssuch as receiving notifications at certain times; otherwise, the authority service maydeliver unsolicited notification messages[Ner99b, Ner00a,Ner00b]. Tag Authority Service: This service is the central point for all interactions with a tag. Also this service "maintains the single authoritative copy of record15’’ for each tag forwardedfrom any Tag AgentService to this authority service. EveryLCAis responsible for maintainingthis service directly by itself or indirectly by assigning a third party as an agent to provide this service. It should be mentioned that a Tag Authority Service is provided by LCAfor each tag, i.e., for each tag there is one Tag Authority Service. Whenthe Tag Authority Service receives tags from the Tag AgentService, it would validate the information and forward all tags to the Tag Approval Service associated with each entity that would have approval rights for the transaction. If the tag passes the check, the Tag Authority Service would produce its ownunique Tag Keys to be associated with the tag on the initial transmission of the tag to each of the appropriate Tag Approval Services. On the other hand, if the tag under study fails validation, the Tag Authority Service wouldnotify the PSEthat issued the failed tag, via the PSE’sAgentService. The Tag Authority Service would also provide the PSEwith the apparent cause of the failure in the form of a coded error message[Ner99b, Ner00a, Ner00b]. The Tag Authority Service would then collect approvals and refusals issued by Tag ApprovalServices. The Tag Authority Service wouldarbitrate and sendthe final status of the tag to the tag agent, all Tag Approval Services and to the LCA’s security coordinator associated with the tag, based on time and/or the messages received from the tag approval services. The Tag Authority Service would enable both tag agent and tag approval services to request and know the current approval status of their tags. The Tag Authority Service would work as a mechanismto partially curtail transactions during TLR. TransactionInformation SystemWorking Group,NorthAmerican Electric Reliability Council,"ElectronicTagging - FunctionalSpecifications,"Version1.4, April23, 1999,



The Tag Authority Service would maintain two types of status, whichare ApprovalStatus and CompositeStatus. The approval status would refer to the individual approval status values. The Tag Authority Service maintains the individual status value for each Tag Approval Service. On the other hand, composite status values would reflect a combinedstatus of all current individual approval status values. The compositestatus of a tag is madeavailable to the agent service whenthe agent service wouldrequest this status, or whenthis status would be updated. Tag Approval Service: As illustrated in Figure 4.2, the Tag Approval Service provides a user and/or programmatic interface between an approval entity and the Tag Authority Service. The interface would enable the approval entity to communicateto the Authority Service the entity’s approval or denial decision taken on the tag. This service wouldreceive all transaction tags submitted by agent services through the appropriate authority service, and provide a mechanism for the approval entity to send a response of approval/refusal to the authority service, where the tag approval service maintains a master copy of tag and its status. An approval entity wouldbe a control area or transmission provider as identified on the transaction’s scheduling path of a tag. The service could also be provided by any of the entities (or by a third party assigned by these entities as agents) that would have the right to verify the contents of and approve or deny a tag/transaction. These entities include CA, TP, PSE, and SC. The Tag Approval Service would use 1NVALIDmessage to communicate any data validation or internal consistency errors to the Tag Authority Service [Ner99b, Ner00a, Ner00b].




Figure4.2 An Illustration of the TagApprovalService

TaggingElectricity Transactions


Whena Tag Authority Service generates a composite status of a tag, it would send the composite status to all approval entities involved in the transaction. Therefore, each Tag Approval Service would maintain an up-to-date composite status for the tag and provide the capability to question the Authority Service for updated status on demand. Once the tag has passed the validity check, it would then be evaluated by each of the approval entities, i.e., by control areas and transmission providers identified in the tag that have approvalrights. To verify the content of a tag and to approve/denya tag, the control area wouldassess the transaction’s start and end time, energyprofile, and scheduling path~6. The TP would assess valid OASISreservation number or transmission contract identifier, proper transmission priority, energy profile accommodation~7, OASISreservation accommodation of all interchange transactions, and loss accounting. The E-tagging process is shownin the simplified illustration of Figure 4.3. The Tag Agent Service would pass on tags to the Tag Authority Service associated with the sink control area for the interchange transaction. The Tag AgentService provides the format of the tags that would correspond with the NERC specifications. The agent also provides the PSEwith the meansto view the status of the interchange transactions whether binding or in progress and the means of canceling an interchange transaction. Oncethe Tag Authority Service receives the tags from Tag Agent Service in the proper format, it would forward the tags to the Tag ApprovalService and the related entities such as TPs, CAs, SCs or ISO. Once the Tag Approval Service has approved or denied the interchange transactions based on operations security criteria, the Tag Authority Service would collect the information from the approval service and provide them to PSEs, Tag Approval Service, SC of the sink and CA. If the SC requests the Tag Authority Service to submit the tag ID~8, the authority wouldenter the tag ID into the ilDC. 16Verifying the properconnectivity of adjacentControlAreas. 17 Theenergyprofile accommodation is to checkwhetheror not the energyprofile fit OASIS reservation. 18Interchange transactionis uniquelyidentifiedby a TagID anda TagKey.Later, we willillustratethisissue.




SinkControlArea I


TreasmtsdonProviders ControlAreaon scheduling path

Tag transmitted by agent service

Transaction approved by approval service

Figure4.3 Illustration of the E-TagProcess

Figure 4.4 shows the tagging process for a case whenthree TPs and two CAsare the entities with approval rights on a certain transaction initiated by a certain PSE. 4.4.2 Sequence of Tagging Process. It should be mentioned that the transmission reservation comes before tagging can take place [Ner00b]. Here, the information included in the tag should take into account that the parameters of the proposed energy transaction must encompassparameters of transmission reservation. As Figure 4.5 shows, before a tag agent would submit a tag, it must have confirmed transmission reservations on OASIS,or alternatively must have attained the required transmission rights. Whentransmission paths are acquired thorough OASISreservations, the acquired paths turn out to be the

TaggingElectricity Transactions


energy paths identified in the tag. The parameters of the transmission reservation associated with the acquired paths such as MW,duration, and time will be the boundaries of the tag. The amount of MW proposed to be delivered - as shownin the tag - should be equal or less than the MW transmission capacity reserved over the OASISor the existing rights that the entity holds.




CA, Ii_ Approval__ .-- --. I.~

~" ~" Agent

~( ~/ CAz

A..""r°vaL TP3

[ Approval .................

[ ~~__~.1



.... i ............... Approval



Figure4.4 E-TagProcessfor a Casewith Three TPsand TwoCAs



Tagging Process

Figure4.5 Sequenceof TransmissionReservationand TaggingProcess



To maintain the security of each tag, a combinationof unique Tag ID and Tag Key numbersare used from the beginning of the tag submission to the end of the approvalprocess. 4.4.3 Transaction Scheduling. The sequence of events to schedule a transaction between a generation control area (GCA)and a load (sink) control area (LCA)through an intermediary19 control area (Int. CA) shownin Figure 4.6. Initially PSEsubmitsa tag for the transaction to the authority service of the LCA(or CA3). Whenthe LCAreceives the tag, it would request the approvalsof: ¯

Approvalservice of control area where the transaction starts (GCA or CA1),

Int. CA(CA2)





InL CA(C,a~2) ~’..


Approval S~A¢~of TPI Approval S¢~ic¢ oITP../’"

,’" LCA(CA3)

Approval S~wic~of TP3

Figure4.6 Illustration of Sequenceof Eventsto Approvea Transaction ~9 Intermediary control area is a control area on the scheduling path betweenthe source/ generation control area and the load/sink control area.

TaggingElectricity Transactions



Approvalservice of the transmission provider of GCA(TP 1)


Approval service of control area where the transaction through (CA2),


Approvalservice of the transmission provider of CA2(TP2)


Approvalservice of control area where the transaction ends (LCAor CA3),


Approvalservice of the transmission provider of CA3(TP3)


After these entities approve the transaction, CA1,TP1, CA2,TP2, CA3, and TP3would send their approvals to CA3authority service. After that the CA3authority service would send notifications to PSE, CA1, TP1, CA2, TP2, CA3, and TP3. The CA3authority service then sends the tag to the SCs. The SCsenter the tag into the ilDC and then the PSEcan ask the CA3Authority service about the status of the tag or detailed information on the status. If PSEdecides to cancel a Tag, it can request the CA3authority service for cancellation.




In order to maintain the security of tags, the Tag Agent Service initiating the tag produces a Tag ID and a Tag Key. The Tag ID and Tag Keyare used to uniquely identify the tag to the Tag Authority Service. They will be used by both the Tag Agent Service and Authority Service in all subsequent messages between them. The Tag ID is based on four components[Ner00b]: (1) GCAregistered Code, (2) PSEoriginating the tag registered Code, (3) LCAregistered Code, and (4) A unique transaction identifier number. On the other hand, the Tag Key contains two parts of information: (I) 1-6 character codeassociated with the entity initiating the tag, and (2)



unique 12-character alphanumeric (0-9, A-Z, a-z; case sensitive) security token. It should be mentionedthat the Tag ID should continue as unique ID for a period of not less than one year from the stop date and the time associated with the last transaction that wasassigned to that Tag ID. In the case of a faxed tag, the Tag ID is assigned by PSE[Ner99b, Ner00a, Ner00b, Ner00c]. Whenthe Tag Authority Service receives a tag from the Tag Agent Service, it checks the tag’s validity. The Tag Authority Service would then produce its ownunique Tag Keyto be associated with the initial Tag ID. Each assigned Tag Key would contain two parts of information: (1) LCAcode, and (2) a unique 12-character token. The Tag Authority Service and a Tag Approval Service must indicate both the Tag ID and the Tag Key when they exchange messages related to a certain Tag [Ner99b, Ner00a, Ner00b, Ner00c]. Transaction tagging would require specific information to uniquely identify and represent the characteristics of interchange transactions, and requires technical specifications to electronically communicatethe transaction tag information betweendifferent entities. This information, when utilized with functional requirements of the Tag Agent, Tag Authority and Tag Approval Services, will form the core to implement the electronic tagging information system. The interchange transaction is uniquely identified by a Tag ID and a Tag Key. The key is required to electronically communicateand control interactions of a tag amongTag Agent, Tag Authority and Tag Approval Services [Ner99b, Ner00a, Ner00b, Ner00c]. For each transaction, the unique Tag ID specifies a code for each of GCA,code of PSEoriginating the transaction tag, unique transaction identifier, and code for LCA.Anypart of the tagging information system should deal with tag ID as confidential information, because the Tag ID and the contents of the tag reveal commercially sensitive information. The unique transaction identifier is a fixed seven characters of upper alpha or digits 0 through 9. It is the responsibility of the Tag Agent Services to guarantee that each Tag ID is unique. The ID of interchange transaction shall not be repeated for at least oneyear after the transaction is completedto prevent confusion in the implementationof the ilDC.

TaggingElectricity Transactions


The transaction Tag ID is accompanied by unique tag keys to electronically exchange tag information. Both pieces of information facilitate controlling communicationbetweenthe three tag services. The key consists of one-to-six character code associated with the entity initiating the transmission/transfer of the tag, and unique twelve character alphanumeric2° security token. A key is associated with the initial transmission of a tag from the agent service to the appropriate authority service, The creation of this key is the responsibility of the agent service. The key consists of the PSEcode associated with the PSE submitting the tag and a unique twelve character token. For a certain transaction, all exchanged information between the tag agent and tag authority refer to both the tag ID and the tag key assigned by the PSE’s tag agent. UniqueTag Keys are also created by the Tag Authority Service to be associated with the tag on the initial transmissionof the tag to each of the appropriate Tag Approval Services. A Tag Key is composedof the CA code associated with the LCAand a unique twelve character token. All following messages communicated between the tag authority and a certain tag approval related to this tag should indicate both the Tag ID and Tag Key appointed by the LCA’sTag Authority. As we mentioned, the ID of the interchange transaction is assigned by the PSE serving the load or by agreed upon party. The ID format should indicate GCAregistered Code, PSEoriginating the tag registered Code, LCAregistered Code, and a unique transaction identifier number. The ID takes the form shownin Figure 4.7.

Figure4, 7 Formatof TagID

~o0-9,A-Z,a-z; casesensitive



21 4.1 Example A PSEcalled Electric PowerInc. (EPI) needs to tag a transaction souring in the control area of Power Generation Company(PGCO)and sinking in the control area of Chicago Services (CHIS). For this situation, the Tag ID that could be assigned by the PSEcould take the form shownin Figure 4.8, where: GCAregistered


: PGCO(Power Generation Company)

PSEregistered Code

: EPI (Electric PowerInc.)


: Chicago Services (CHIS)


A unique identifier number : 5544332



The following element categories are data elements of a tag that are required (i.e., must be included) on the tag whichare the only elements that maybe used by the CAsand TPs in their tag assessment procedures. The tag will be judged as completeif it includes these items [Ner00b]:

PGCO EPI"5544332 GCA PSE Unique


Figure4. 8 Exampleof InterchangeTransaction(Tag) ID Number

Thenamesin the example are hypothetical.

TaggingElectricity Transactions


Transaction Administrative Information Requirements: The 22, information includes Interchange Transaction ID (Tag ID Number) Transaction Start and Stop Dates, Transaction Days23, Code24 of Purchasing-Selling Entity, PSEContact 24-hour Telephone Number, Source Entity (Control Area or nameof generator, generator zone, or system for intra-Control Area transactions), and Sink Entity (Control Area or nameof load, load zone, or system for intra-Control Area transactions). Energy Profile Information Requirements: The information 27. The Energy Profile includes Start Time25, Stop Time26, and MW section in tag application form represents the energy needed in various time pieces between Start and Stop times. Generally speaking, the EnergyProfile represents a collection of lines that record a time for a flow to start and to stop, and a MW level that the flow should meet. Figure 4.9, depicts a section of the BackupFax Formthat is used to tag a transaction [Ner00a, Ner00b]. In this figure, the fields in the energyprofile include fields for the Start and Stop Dates, Repeating Days flags to describe the energy flow throughout the life of the tag, start and stop times, and MW value. The other fields in the energy profile section which include MWh value and ramping information are optional to be filled out. The followingexampleshowshowthese fields are filled out. Example 4.2 (Representation of energy profile) John Randolph would need to tag a transaction that runs 100 MW from 5:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. every Mondayin December2000. Aswementioned, the TagIDis a uniqueidentifyingnumber assignedto eachtag. Daysof the weekonwhichthe energyprofile mustbe executed. Six-characteridentificationnumber that PSEhas registeredwithNERC andthat is listedin the Master Registry. Specificclocktime(in 24-hourformat)of the beginning of serviceat the Generating ControlArea. Specificclocktime(in 24-hour format)of the termination of serviceat the Generating ControlArea. Amount of MW to be transportedfromthe sourcefor the perioddefinedby Start and StopTimes.



Ener~,Profile at Source SUN O










Figure4.9 EnergyProfile Fields in the TagForm

The first point in time at which the energy would begin to flow is December4, Hour Beginning at 05:00. The last point in time at which the energy wouldflow is December25, HourEnding at 21:00. The Start Date and Stop Date: Start Date = December4, 2000 Stop Date = December25, 2000 The days for which the energy profile needs to be started: every Monday (Repeating Days = Monday). The profile to run every Monday:Energy Profile = 05:00-21:00 100

TaggingElectricity Transactions


In Figure 4.10, the Monflag in the repeating day flag is ticked to represent the day of the weekfor which the Energy Profile should be initiated.

Start SUN 0


Date 12/4/00

I stov Date


Ener[~, Profile at Source THUR MON TUES WED 0 0 0 ~ 21:00




Figure4.10 Illustration of EnergyProfile in Example4.1


Transaction Path Information Requirements: As shown in Figure 4.11, the path transaction information describes the contract path taken by the transaction. This section of information includes fields for references to other documents (e.g., OASISassignment reference) that describe purchase agreements, levels of service, and other details. It also has fields for other componentsthat should be combinedto describe a contiguous path extending from the source to the sink. These components are GCAs,TPs, CAs, PSEs, LCAsand Product Type. The entry in the Product Typefield contains a number between 1-7 that refers to the NERCcurtailment priority plus the type of transmission product. The entry can take any of the following



seven types: 1-NS (Nonfirm Secondary), 2-NH(Nonfirm Hourly), ND(Nonfirm Daily),. 4-NW(Nonfirm Weekly), 5-NM(Nonfirm Monthly), 6-NN(NonfirmNetwork0, and 7-F(Firm). The PSE field in this section is required for the source PSE,load-serving PSE,and those PSEs with transmission reservations. The Product Level is required only when using multiple reservations for a single transmission segment, i.e., several transmission reservations are combined to meet the capacity requirements of the transaction [Ner00b]. Loss Accounting: As shown in Figure 4.12, this section of information specifies the method in which each transmission provider is being credited for the energy lost in the transmission paths. The loss profile describes the segments of time for which losses are to be applied. Types of losses are: In-Kind, Financial (FIN), Internal (INT), and External (EXT).The In-Kind losses out that transmission losses will be compensated by purchasing moreenergy than is required up front. To refer to this type of loss accounting, the Point of Receipt (POR) MWand the Point Delivery (POD) MWvalues are modified to show the loss. The Financial losses are losses that are purchasedwithin the price of the transmission service being used. The Internal losses describe a transaction to provide energywith a third party entity that is directly connected to the TP system. The third party will be paid by the transmission customer to provide the extra energy. The External Loss type describes a transaction to provide energy with a third party entity that is not directly connected to the TP system (the transaction requires interchange to be performed). Supply Reference field describes the transaction with the entity providing the energy to compensatethe energy lost. As Figure 4.12 shows, the loss accounting section in the tag form includes dates for Transmission Provider28, Start Time and Stop Times29, Path, MW at POR,MWat POD,and Loss Supply type [Ner00b].

TPfor whichlossesare beingdescribed. Specifictimesthe lossaccounting willstart andend.


Transaction Path PHONE
















Figure 4.11 The Transaction Path Section in the Tag Form

LossAccounting IvIW POR


Figure 4.12 The Loss AccountingSection in the Tag Form



In this section of information the transmission provider field represents the TP for which losses are being described. The Start Time and Stop Times fields are the specific times whenthe loss accounting will start and end. The MWPORand MWPODfields refer to the MW value at PORand the MWvalue at POD,respectively. They could be different to accountfor losses. TheTypefield refers to loss supplytype. The wholeform required to tag transaction is shownin Figure 4.13. In this chapter we use the Backup Fax Form to illustrate tagging information [Ner00a, Ner00b].


Start Date Tr mtsacllonPalh

I Step Date En~- tw Profileat Source

Figure 4.13 Formof E-TagInformation

TaggingElectricity Transactions


Example 4.3 John Randolphwith the Electricity Services (ELSER)wishes to tag transaction originating in Control Area A (CAA)and sinking in Control Area B (CAB).He wants the energy to flow at 100 MW during the hours 06:00-22:00 every business day (Monday-Friday)for the entire month December2000. He will be using (1) Control Area A hourly nonfirm transmission reserved on the Control Area A OASISby Power Services Company(PSCO)to move the power from Control Area A to its border with Control Area B through Transmission Provider TPA,and (2) Control Area B hourly nonfirm transmission reserved on the Control Area B OASISby ELSERto move the power from Control Area A’s border with Control Area B to the Control Area B through Transmission Provider TPB.Control Area A does not require losses to be scheduled, but Control Area B requires losses to be scheduled at a rate of 2.92%per MW,paid in kind. Figure 4.14 illustrates this transaction and the solution is discussed as follows.




Transmission Provider TP~ Figure 4.14 Illustration

Transmission Provider TPB of Example 4.2



Taggingthe transaction: John gives the Tag ID CAA ELSER 1223344 CAB to this Transaction. For this illustrative example, the EnergyProfile should be identified: The transaction will be repeating on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The energy flow begins every business day at 6:00 a.m. The hours and flows are 06:00-22:00 at 103 MW.The 103 MWis required, as CAB’s transmission losses will consume3 MWeach hour, leaving a net delivery of 100 MW. Electricty JohnPurchasesto accountfor losses =

100 = 103 MW (1- 0.0292)

Thenext step is to identify the beginningdate/time of the first hour, whichis December1, 2000 at 06:00 and the ending date/time of the last hour whichis December31, 2000at 22:00. These dates are the start and stop dates. See Figure 4.15 (section on EnergyProfile).


CAAELSER1223344 CAB Transaction Path

IStart Date12/01/00i Stop Date12/31/00 Energy profile at Source


Figure4.15 TagFormfor Example4.2.


TaggingElectricity Transactions

John’s next step is the documentationof the Transaction Path: John identifies that power is being generated in Control Area A (CAA)on the first line, as nonfirm (G-NF)with an associated generation reference number (say IlAB2). Next, John shows that he is using PSCO’s reservation to move the energy from CAAto CA’s border with CAB (OASISReference Numberis 10001). Following this, he shows that he using a reservation that ELSER purchased to movethe energy from the CAB’s border with CAAto CAB(OASISReference Numberis 12121). Last, he identifies that the sink is in CABand lists an identification of "L" and a reference numberfor the load (say CB112). See Figure 4.15 (section on Transaction Path). Thelast step in tagging the transaction is listing the losses associated with this transaction: TransmissionProvider TPAdoes not ask for losses. John enters TPAand indicates equal PORand PODMWvalues of 103 MW, indicating that losses are not taken in kind. Note that John lets the Loss Supplyvalue emptyto indicate that no other type of loss accounting is being used. Then John enters TPB, whodoes ask for losses, in the table. As we mentioned before, John lists the values in the POR/POD fields as 103 and 100, respectively. Theinequality refers to the fact that losses are being taken in kind. Again, John leaves the Loss Supply value empty. See Figure 4.15 (section on Loss Accounting). 4.7 COMMUNICATION RECOVERY



Whenthe electronic communicationfails between any of three tag services or the failure of services themselves take place, Tag Agent, Authority, or Approval Services mayuse "out of band" communication methods for communicatingtags or market information outside the ETag system [Ner00b, Ner00c]. There are two types of "out of band" communication methods for describing the transaction information: verbal communication via telephone and written communicationvia fax. If written communication is used, the participant should confirmthe tag by telephone. In addition, the reason for the failure of E-Tagand the time that the E-Tagsystem is expectedto be fixed should be indicated.



Whena tag service or a participant receives out-of-band tags, the tags received should be treated in a nondiscriminatorymannerby that tag service or that participant. The NERC Functional Specification mentions that, "should any party seem to be relying excessively on out-of-band communications methods, pertinent data should be collected and supplied to NERCthat would document this behavior." The "out-ofband" communicationmethods are utilized in various failure scenarios such as: ¯

Tag Agentwouldbe unable to do any of the following: - SUBMIT a tag to the Authority, - Issue a CANCEL message, and - Issue a STATUSrequest.

¯ Tag Authority wouldbe unable to do any of the following: - Send ASSESSmessages to the various Approvals, and Send an IMPLEMENT message to the IDC or other forwarding URL. ¯

Tag Approvalentity wouldnot be able to do any of the following: - Issue an UPDATE message, - Issue an ADJUSTmessage, - Issue a STATUSmessage, and - Issue a DSTATUS request.




Starting from the time of its initiation, through the approval cycle, and to the end of its life, the tag (transaction) is given states that specify the status such as approval/denial status and composite status [Ner99e, Ner00b].Theapproval status for the tag refers to the situation of the tag with respect to each individual entity that has approval rights over the transaction.

TaggingElectricity Transactions


On the other hand, the composite status refers to a single combined situation of the tag based on the individual approvals. The cumulative status of all individual approval statuses is termedas the compositestatus of the tag. For each tag there is only one composite status. The individual approval states are set by the approval entities - the entities that have approval rights on the transaction, while the compositestates are set by authority service. Whena Tag Agent Service submits each tag to the corresponding Tag Authority Service, the Tag Authority Service is responsible for providing the approval status value associated with each entity that has approval rights over the transaction. The Tag Authority Service is also responsible for issuing the composite status of the tag based on the individual approval status values. In addition, the Tag Authority Service returns both the set of individual approval status values and the composite status value of the tag when requested by the Tag Agent Service or Tag Approval Service. The Tag Authority Service provides unique approval status values for each entity that has approval rights over a tag/transaction. A time stamp(date and time) that refers to updating the approval status of each entity accompaniesthe approval status. TheAuthority service uses a time stampto refer to the date and time the tag was originally transferred to the Tag ApprovalService of each entity. An approval status is independent to the TP/CAwhohas approval rights. For the same tag, each TP or CAmayhave different approval status, i.e., someTPs/CAsmayhave approval status to the tag under study, and other mayhave denial status to the sametag. The approval status can be categorized as Initial States, Action States, and Problem States. Each of these categories is summarizedin Table 4.1. The State Transitions for ApprovalStatus are illustrated in Figure 4.16. Each tag has only one possible composite state. The possible states are PENDING, LATE, ATTN_REQD, DENIED, CONDITIONAL, IMPLEMENT, WITHDRAWN,CANCELLED, and TERMINATED. These possible compositestates are detailed in Table 4.2.


Chapter 4

Table 4.1 Categories of ApprovalStatus Status



Initial status for all tags received by Authority Service Tag is successfully transferred to each Approval Services. Each Approval has to respond as received, otherwise that entity’s state stays PENDING. Indicates that the ApprovalService is evaluating the tag The ApprovalService has approved the tag The Approval SeA, ice has denied the tag. Comment field must contain a reason



Category of Approval Status Initial State Initial State

Action States Action States Action State


Performedby the submitting PSEto completely cancel a tag

Action State


Failure by AuthorityService to transfer tag to Approval Service

Problem States


Failure by ApprovalService to accept tag

Tag Approval Service not registered on Master Registry. Null not used to evaluate compositestatus.

Problem States Problem States






Figure 4.16 State Transitions for ApprovalStatus


TaggingElectricity Transactions

Table 4.2 Possible

Composite .States

Composite Status I Comment PENDING Initial state for all tags receivedby AuthorityService. LATE Initial state for a tag received by the Authority Service after submittal deadline. Anyone of the Approval Services had either a COMM_ERROR or ATTN_REQD INVALID ta~,,. DENIED



TwoPossible Conditions: One of the ApprovalServices DENIED the tag. If the tag was initially LATEand all of the ApprovalServices did not approve. Tag met the timing requirements Noentity denied the tag Not ALLentities approvedthe tag All Approval Services are all in an APPROVED, QUEUED or STUDYstate and approval time has run out. (Passive Approval) Tag met the timing requirements All entities specifically approvedthe tag PSEcancelled the tag while it’s compositestate was PENDING, L4TE, or ATTN_RE~,D.


Tag was cancelled after it reached IMPLEMENT or CONDITIONAL, but prior to the Start Time. Tag wascancelled after the Start Time.


NewEnd Timewas indicated in Cancel message. Tag was adjusted by an approval entity



4.9.1 Implementation of Interchange Transactions. To show how interchange transactions are implemented, we consider the following example[Ner98].



Example4.4 (Interchange Transactions) Figure 4.17 shows a 4-control area system (CA~, CA2,CA3,and CA4) that has five interchangetransactions: Transaction 1 (T~): CA1--) Transaction 1 (T2): CA~--) Transaction 1 (T3): CA~’-) Transaction 1 (T4): CA3"-) Transaction 1 (Ts): CA4-)

Figure 4.17 Exampleof Five InterchangeTransactions


TaggingElectricity Transactions

Case 1: The four control areas are not parties to a transmission agreement (e.g. Regional agreementor ISO) Table 4.3 shows a summary of the five transactions between different control areas. Let’s take T3 from this table to show how schedules are implemented.For this transaction (T3), CA1is the GCAfor T3 and CA4is the LCA. This transaction should pass through the intermediary control areas CA2, and CA3. T3 can be represented as: CA~-)CA2then CA2-)CA3, and finally CA3-)CA4. The resulting interchange schedules are from sending control area SCAlto receiving control area RCA2,sending control area SCA2to receiving control area RCA3,and sending control area SCA3to receiving control area RCA4. The control areas CA~, CA2, CA3 and CAa calculate the net interchange schedules (IS) given in Table 4.4. The net interchange schedule of any control area i is calculated by adding schedules of this control area that pass through control areas directly connectedto control area i. Case 2: The four control areas are parties to a transmission agreement (e.g. Regional agreementor ISO)

Table 4.3 Summaryof Transactions Transaction Source Sink Intermediary Control Control Control Area Area Area(s) Tt CAt CA2 CAj Tt CAt CA2 Tj CAt, CAj CAt CA4 CAj T4 CA2 CA~ CA2 CA~ T5

J° Descriptionof InterchangeSchedules SCAt -)RCAz SCAt ")RCA~then SCA:’-)RCA3 SCAt")RCAtthen SCAt--)RCAjthen SCAj"-)RCA~ SCAj "-)RCA SCA~")RCAjthen SCAs -)RCAe

In this Column, SCArefers to Sending Control Area and RCArefers to Receiving Control Area.


Chapter4 Table 4.4 Summary of Net InterchangeSchedulesof Case1

Control $ourceContro~SinkControl SendingControl Receiving Area Area Area Area ControlArea CAj

T~, T2, T3

Net lnterchange Schedules With CA2: lS~zn+ IS~zr2+ IS~zr~ WithCAj: -Same lS~zr~+lS~zr2+1Sz2.r~ WithCAs:

TI, T2, T3




WithCAe: lS~.r~+ lS~.r~+ IS~zr~ Same


With CA,: WithCA~: lS, s.r~


~ Same

In this case, the four control areas are called AdjacentControlAreas andthey can schedule transactions directly. In other words, whenthe control areas are adjacentareas, the GCA schedules transaction directly with LCAregardless whether the transaction passes through other control areas or not. Thenet interchangeschedulesof this case are shown in Table 4.5. For example, for the interchange transaction T3 that originates from CA~and ends in CA4even it passes through CAzand CA3,the control areas CA~and CA4can schedule T3 directly with each other.

Table 4.5 Summary of Net InterchangeSchedulesof Case2 Control SourceControl Area Area for Transaction CA~

SinkControl SendingControl Receiving Areafor Areafor ControlArea Transaction Transaction for Trar~action T~,T~,T~















Net Interchange Schedules With CA~:ISjzr~ With CA~:IS~,r~ With CA~:1S~4,rs With CA~:IS~zr~ With CA3:1S~.r~ With CA~:IS~zr~ With CA~: IS~.n With CA~:IS~e.r~ With CAt: IS~,r~ With CA::IS~j~rs

TaggingElectricity Transactions


In this case the net scheduledinterchangefor each control area is: For CA1:IS12,T~+ I913,T2 + IS~4,T3 For CAz:IS~z.T1+ IS31,T4 + IS42,T5 For CA3:IS~3,T~+ IS32;r4 For CAn:IS14,T3

+ IS13,T5

4.9.2 Curtailment and Cancellation of Transactions. Control areas confirm interchange schedules starting from the last receiving control area (LCA)by contacting control areas backwards towards the GCApassing through the adjacent intermediary control areas [Ner98]. Whenan operating security limit is violated or the loss of generation/load happens, and an interchange transaction is to be curtailed, GCAsand LCAsshould respond very fast by contacting each other to confirm the curtailment. Also, they should quickly start modifying or revising their corresponding interchange schedules with other adjacent control areas. The curtailment is either commanded by the security coordinator or by agreementsbetweencontrol areas. If a security coordinator initiates curtailment, the security coordinator should pass a signal to the LCA,and then the LCAwould contact the source control area and PSEthat submitted the tag of the interchange transaction to directly implementand confirm the curtailment. In the case that LCAs and GCAsare not adjacent, they should contact their adjacent control areas on the schedulingpath to adjust the interchange schedules. Whena PSEneeds a cancellation of an interchange transaction that is in progress, the PSEmust contact the LCAto whichit submitted the tag of the interchange transaction, and then the LCAdirectly contacts the GCAand the LCA’ssecurity coordinator. In the case that the LCAand GCAare not adjacent, they should contact their adjacent control on the schedulingpath. Figure 4.18 depicts the process.


Chapter 4

Figure 4.18 Illustration of the Curtailment and Cancellation Process.

CHAPTER 5 ELECTRIC ENERGY TRADING Summary: A powerful electricity

market should be supported and implementedby proper trading tools that take into consideration special circumstances of electricity trading which are different from other commoditytrading practices. A successful implementation of a trading system in electric energy and its derivative markets could fulfill restructuring objectives, whichinclude competition and customer choice, and serve vital needs of electricity market participants. A robust trading system could facilitate the transition from a regulated monopolyto restructured and competitive market environments through well-done managementprocesses and capable risk hedging instruments that could capture the risks associated with price volatility and other unexpected changes. In this chapter, wepresent various characteristics of electric energy trading and focus on key issues in trading systems. A discussion of successful trading tools would be presented. In addition, we would address the qualifying factors of a successful trading system and concentrate on main derivative instruments such as futures, forwards and options. Different categories of traders, trading hubs, price volatility and green power trading wouldbe discussed. The discussion of these topics would be supported by various illustrations and pertinent examples. Green power as environmentally preferred generating technologies to someconsumerswill also be touched on in this chapter. In AppendixB, we will provide electricity contract specifications in the NewYork Mercantile Exchangeand the Chicago Board of Trade.






After FERCissued Rules 888 and 889, electric power companies initiated the implementationof these Rules in order to trade electric energy based on a non-discriminatory and fair access to transmission systems. The objective was a price-based competition that would bring efficiency to both supply and transmission sides, in addition to supporting the customer choice. The basic issue in this process was to unbundle the three components of vertically integrated utilities. Separating the componentswould necessitate efficient and powerful energy trading mechanisms that connect buyers to sellers in power systemsand support competitive price discoveries. The challenge facing different energy traders would remain to be dealing with an extended range of energy resources, various types of electricity products and different alternatives of geographical regions, while maintaining adequacy, fairness, competition, security, timely feedbackto participants and motivating the liquidity ~ of energy markets. A well-managedtrading system would smoothly facilitate the transition from a regulated monopolyto a restructured and competitive market environment. Efficient trading tools would take into consideration physical and financial trading and special circumstances of electricity trading that are different from other commodity practices. In a restructured power system, customers would have more opportunities, which also meanmore risks. Price swings are a source of fear to manymarketparticipants as well as a source of richness to others. The market competition is good as far as there are trading tools that could take into account traders’ vulnerability resulting from newbom entities and practices. Managingrisk is a primary task of any trading system. This task is perceived harder for electricity, as a non-storable Liquidity is the ability to convert an asset into cash equivalent to its current market value. Aninstitution is said to have liquidity if it can easily meet its needs for cash either because it has cash on hand or can easily convert assets into cash. Assets can be convertedto cash either throughan outright sale of those assets or by using the assets to secure a loan. A marketis said to be liquid if the instruments, whichare traded in that market, can easily be sold approximatelyat current market prices. In a liquid market, large blocks of assets can be sold rapidly without significantly affecting marketprices. The liquidity of a market is often measuredas the difference betweenthe bid and offer prices on assets within that market.


Electric EnergyTrading

commodity,that is correlated with other volatile commoditiessuch as natural gas and other types of fuel. However,electricity as a 2fungible commodity is easier to trade and hedgeits risks if implementedproperly. Electricity trading would enable customers to choose providers, support non-discriminatory access to transmission and distribution systems and prevent formingbarriers for participants in trading operations.





3 started for the first time in Electricity trading throughan exchange 1996 where electricity futures were traded on the NewYork Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). NYMEX declared, "electricity is a $200 billion year market, one of the largest in the U.S. economy.4 " The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGE)and NYMEX are examples of large exchangesin the Unites States. Wewould define trading as an activity in which transactions would take place directly betweentwo participants (i.e., over-the-counter, OTC) or indirectly through an organized marketplace or exchange. Electricity trading has two main components, i.e. physical trading and financial trading. In physical trading, supply would be balanced against demand and price wouldbe either determined in advance of trading (ex-ante) or after trading (ex-post). In financial trading, financial contracts wouldtake place betweentraders as agreementsthat wouldgive certainty to traders. Physical trading is usually done through an energy spot market or power pool while financial trading is through a financial market or exchange such as NYMEX or CBOT. In a nutshell, restructuring brought to us newentities and trends in trading procedures. Unbundlingof different services wouldnecessitate the trading of electricity on exchanges or bilaterally, purchased in Fungible commodities:Commoditieswhich are equivalent, being in the same class and issued by the same issuer, and are therefore substitutable and interchangeable. A product is said to be fungible (interchangeable)when it can be substituted by its equivalent for purposesof shipmentor storage. A centralized trading operation whichrequires the use of its clearing accountservices. See



advance, hedged, and optioned like any other commoditythat is exposed to price movementsand uncertainties. A trading system should provide market participants with flexibility to react to changing market conditions such as weather and outages. To guarantee payment and delivery, a trading system should makesure that participants would have credibility by asking them to meet a set of financial requirements. Any qualified participant wouldbe required to provide a cash deposit or letter of credit with an adequate value to cover his/her transactions. Any trading system should assure that its employeeswouldnot be involved in trading activities and not be allowed to take any position in market operations. Instead of tracking prices over the phone, it would be advantageous to use a computerizedsystem so that trading participants could continuously monitor and update their information on prices. The trading system should satisfy a few requirements in order to be useful to various users with different resources and needs. A successful trading system should ownsomeessential elements including: Stability in price (liquidity). It withstands large volumesof trades with slight changesin price. ¯

Considerable numberof traders. To motivate competitive operations and mitigate market power.


Price discovery and feedback. All traders should be dealt with fairly in seeing bids, offers and other trades issues that should be made available to different traders at the sametime.


Confidence. Traders wouldneed certainty in transactions to perform as signed.


Deliverability. Trading system should ensure that the delivery system is physically capable of handling large volumesof energy trades.


Financial Capability. Trading system should be financially stable to backstop large volumesof transactions.


Hedging. Trading system should utilize instruments.


risk hedging

Electric EnergyTrading



Models. It should support a variety of trading market models. It should facilitate bilateral contracts in addition to spot market and forward market operations.


Implementation of different .users’ strategies. Efficient trading models must include negotiation mechanisms and transaction managementtools that support partial transactions, transaction approvalor cancellation of transactions.


Security. Trading entries should be processed securely, especially whenelectronic trading systems are implemented.


Diversity. It should support diversity of energy participants’ geographicallocations.


Speedof processing. It is a vital element for motivating different marketparticipants.


Real-time. A trading system should support real-time events for traders, e.g. trades are to be postedinstantaneously.


Automation. It would be an advantage for a trading system to have an automated electronic interface such as OASISto request transmission reservations and related services.


Impact. A trading system must be capable of analyzing the effect of proposed trades on existing entities, such as transmission components,ATC,congestion relief procedures and others.


Information. A trading system should provide a comprehensive source of information to traders, where they reach the pertinent information5 without a need to use other means.


Charges. To motivate participation in a trading system, trading charges should be reasonable otherwise subscription could drop.

Restructuring in electricity markets could cause generators to competein attracting customers, which meansthat customers would have morechoices. As opportunities rise, risk possibilities wouldalso increase 5 Information includespostedATC, availability of marketindices, price signals and congestion relatedtopics.



proportionally. In addition, sources of risk wouldincrease whenmarket participants are not sure of future electricity trading. Restructuring has brought in newterms, participants and derivatives that maynot exist in other commodities.Dueto these uncertainties, a market participant could enter trading contracts (agreements) with other parties to hedgepossible risks. Hedgingis defined as having a position in a security6 or asset to counterbalancethe risk associated with another security or asset. Hedgers woulduse historical prices, current prices and market liquidity to hedge against risk and get better returns. Wewoulddiscuss these issues further in the followingchapters.

5.3 ENERGY TRADING FRAMEWORK: THE QUALIFYING FACTORS Keyelements in qualifying a trading system include, ¯ good design, ¯ effective rules, ¯ independent administration, ¯ adequate standards for market participants, ¯ " comprehensivetrading opportunities and ¯ availability of market information. Trading in electricity markets is a risky task becausethe electricity is muchdifferent from other commoditiesdue to reasons that are listed below. ¯

Electricity is non-storable - once produced, it should be consumed,


End-users’ demand is typically electricity wholesaleprices,


from movements in

6 Common or preferredstock; a bondof a corporationor government.

Electric EnergyTrading



Tradingoperation is directly related to the reliability of the grid and transmission limitations,


Demandand supply should be in exact balance on a moment-tomomentbasis,


Electricity prices are correlated with other volatile commodities.

Theabove factors wouldcause morevolatility in electricity markets. Hence, the primary objective of an energy trading system would be to create an accessible facility that wouldenable: ¯

Participants to discover future prices


Generatingunit ownersto allocate supply to feed the demand


Sellers to deliver electricity to buyers


Participants to forecast supply and demand"


Participants to hedgepossible risks.

To implement these objectives, the main trading system should be composed of many functional blocks or subsystems, where each subsystem has functionality different from other subsystems’, and all subsystems are coordinated or interconnected such that a feedback from each subsystem is passed on to other subsystems. The main trading system mayinclude information function (subsystem), analysis function, risk management function, decision-makingfunction, etc. Fromparticipants’ viewpoint, trading participants wouldbe required to complywith trading rules that include credit verifications and legal enforcementprocedures. All traders wouldbe required to showthat they are able to satisfy financial obligations in a high degree of certainty. Trading system’s governance 7 should be independent of market participants. A successful trading system should combineclear-sighted and blind market operations 8, and if both types of operations are 7 Theentitythat facilitatesandmanages tradeoperations. s When a participantselling (buying)a productdoesnot knowthe counterparty who buying(selling)its productsor the pricethat theywill settle on, the operation describedas blind operation;an example is the spot marketwherea generatoris



implemented, risk managementtools should be available to support the operations. An important issue in trading is the certainty factor that could motivate a trader’s confidence. Certainty is guaranteed if trades are completed and delivered as agreed. Certainty is implementedby rules, penalties, failure terms and dispute judgmenttools that wouldgovern the trading system and define proper trading practices and responsibilities of both trading sides. As discussed before, one of the trading system priorities is to treat all participants in a fair manner.If this priority is not taken into consideration, participants will no longer trust the trading systemand in turn will look for other alternatives that could lead to less competitivesituations. 5.4 DERIVATIVES TRADING



Derivative9 by definition is a financial contract (instrument), written on an underlying asset, whosevalue dependson the values of more basic assets. A derivative is not a security, but an agreement between two parties, with opposite views on the market, whoare willing to exchange certain risks. Ahedger woulduse derivatives as insurance against market swings, price increases and funding costs while getting better exchange rates in financial markets. As wewill learn in this chapter, the basic derivatives are called plain vanilla which include forwards, futures, options and swaps. Derivatives mayalso represent a combinationof basic derivatives such as options on futures, options on a swap, and others. Manyderivative instruments are used in electricity trading, but the most common ones applied to energy risk management strategies are futures, forwards, and options. A forward or futures contract wouldinclude an obligation to buy or sell a specified quantity of an asset at a certain future time for a certain price. An options contract wouldinclude a right (not obligation) to buy unableto identifya certainpurchasing party. Thisis in contrastto a clear-sighted operationin whichbuyersandsellers are identified andwouldagreeon certain conditions. Sometimes calledcontingentclaims.

Electric EnergyTrading


or sell a specified quantity of an asset at a certain future time for a certain price. Swaps are the other type of derivatives that market entities could use for hedging. A price swap is defined as an agreement between two l°) markets to participants that would negotiate in over-the-counter (OTC exchange (swap) certain price risk exposures over a certain period time. Swaps are also used to hedge geographic price differences. In a spot market, electricity is traded for actual physical delivery to the transmission grid, while in forwards, futures and options contracts, ~1 electricity is settled either physically or in Contract for Differences (CFDs). A general picture for financial instruments is shown in Table 5.1. NYMEX was the first exchange that initiated two electricity futures contracts, one for the delivery at the California-Oregon Border (COB) and the second at the Palo Verde (PV) switchyard. Each of them has size of 736 MWh/monthand defined on 23 peak delivery days starting from Monday and ending on Friday with a rate of 2 MW/hour for 16 peak hours 12 (i.e., 2x16×23=736). Other new contracts have been introduced by the NYMEX for delivery at the PJM-Interconnection in the Mid-Atlantic region, the Cinergy transmission system in Ohio, and the Entergy transmission system in Louisiana. Electricity contract specifications for NYMEX and CBOTare given in the Appendix B.

1o A marketwhereproductsare traded by telephoneand other meansof communications. t~ Thesecontracts are long-termprice hedgingbilateral contracts betweengenerators and the distribution utility or retail customers.Thesecontracts allow a physical dispatch of individual generating units by their ownersand allow individual consumers to establish prices overlongperiods.When used,generationseller is paid a fixed amountover time that is a combinationof short-term marketprice and an adjustmentwith the purchaserfor the difference. CFDs are established as mechanisms to stabilize powercosts to customersandrevenuesto generators.Thesecontracts are suggesteddue to the fact that the spot price set by Poolcofluctuatesovera widerange and difficult to forecast overlong periods. UnderCFDs,any difference betweenspot price and the contract price wouldbe offset by cashpaymentsbetweenthe generator and the customer. 12 On-Peakhours: between6:00 a.m. - I0:00 p.m., every day. Off-Peakhours: between 10:00p.m.and 6:00a.m. everyday.


Chapter 5

Table 5.1 Comparison of Spot Commodities and Derivatives Market Spot



Immediate Immediate

Futures In the future In the future Forwards In the future In the future


In the future In the future


Put Options

In the future In the future

In addition to its role sellers, tradable contracts different participants to Balancing is guaranteed by



Obligated to sell Obligated to sell Obligated to sell Issues the call options andis obligated to sell on request Holds the put options and has the right to sell

Obligated to buy Obligated to buy Obligated to buy

Instruments Place of Trading Power Exchange (Spot Market) Exchange Off-Exchange 13 (OTC)

Holdsthe call, options and has the right to buy


Issues the put options and is obligated to buy on request


in balancing the provision between buyers and could generate price signals as a feedback to take .proper actions with more confidence. contracts in the sense that contracts would

include terms such as volume of trade, deliverability terms (such as time and/or location of delivery), failure conditions and obligations terms. On the other hand, price signals are a feedback to participants to change strategies or to take proper economic actions; for example, based on price signals, a generating party may add a new generating capacity, contract with other parties, find risk-hedge means, look for new fuel resources or switch to other energy sources.

5.4.1 ForwardContracts. between two parties

A forward

to buy or sell


a certain



an agreement of an asset

~30TCrarely trades futures and options. Exchangerarely trades forwards.

at a

Electric EnergyTrading


certain future time for a certain price (forward price). Aforwardcontract has a specific expiration at whichthe asset is delivered and paymentis made. Usually, the contract is held between two financial parties or betweena financial party and one of its corporate clients. The buyer of the contract is called long whose purchase obligates him to accept delivery unless he liquidates his contract with an offsetting sale. The seller of the contract is called short. This type of contracts is not normally traded on an exchange. Figure 5.1 illustrates the forward contract concept. Forwardscontracts are used in electricity marketsfor trading in the future and are settled either by cash within the exchangeor by dispatch. Forwards contracts are traded bilaterally or OTCbetween two counter parties. The agreement would include the amount of commodity, delivery price, delivery date and time, and delivery location. The contracted parties wouldusually customize the contract in order to make it fit their needs. CFDs,whichare used widely in manypowerpools, are one form of forward contracts. CFDsare usually indexed on the pool price, where the power seller (e.g., generation company)and power buyer (e.g., distribution company)would agree upon a fixed price trade power. The buyer would pay the seller the fixed price for the consumedenergy and the seller would pay the pool based on the spot price. By using CFDs,the buyer would lock in its price and the seller wouldprofit from a lower pool price.


t=O p(O)

t=T Time p(T) Spot price

At t=Othe two parties agree on delivery price p(O) for a forward delivery at T. At t=T, long (buyer) receives p(T)-p(O)

Figure5.1 Illustration of Forward Contract



Whenan asset is delivered in the forward contract, the pay off is defined in terms of the maturity of the contract. The payoff for a long position~4 (buyer) on one unit of the asset is the delivery price minusthe spot price of the asset at maturity; the payofffor a short position (seller) on one unit of the asset is the spot price of the asset at maturity minusthe delivery price. Based on market movements, these payoffs could be either negative or positive representing profit or loss. Forwardcontracts have somedisadvantages including: ¯ Default risk 15 that is implied in large cash flows and could cause large losses at expiration ¯

Difficulty in liquidating a customforwardcontract prior to expiration

An electronic trading system is an efficient way to trade forward contracts. Anytrading system should first define which participants would use the trading system and which products would be tradable. After that, building componentsof the trading system could be identified. In an outstanding trading system, efficiency wouldbe the first priority, whichcould be guaranteed by considering certain elements in the trading system. The most important element would be the security, while others include procedures for managinga fair trading and efficient financial procedures for processes like clearing, settlement, risk monitoring and hedging.

Example 5.1 Energy spot price is $10.00/MWh (today). Party A agrees to buy MWhfrom Party B, a 6-month forward contract at a price of $11.00/MWh.The value of a forward contract is determined based on the asset’s market price movement.Initially, the contract is worth zero whenparties enter into a contract, but as time goes on, its value would increase or decrease dependingon the asset’s spot price. If at any later time the asset price would increase, the buyer of the contract (long)

Positionrefersto a contracted electricpower. Defaultmeans that seller will nothonorthe contract.


Electric EnergyTrading

would gainx6 and the seller (short) would lose ~7. Here, we distinguish betweenforwardand delivery prices. Thedelivery price is the fixed price at whichbuyers and sellers wouldagree (initially) for a forwarddelivery at expiration. The forward price would be adjustable depending on the asset market. After the start of the contract, the twoprices maycoincide.

Example 5.2 Table 5.2 shows hypothetical electric energy prices for spot and forward markets. The first entry of the table (10.0) points out that the energy can be traded in the spot market at $10.0/MWhfor a virtually immediatedelivery. The second price (10.6) indicates that the forward contract price to trade energy in one monthis $10.6/MWh. Let a Distribution Company(DisCo) enter into a long forward contract at t=-0 to buy 100 MWh in two monthsat a price of $10.8/MWh. This contract would obligate the DisCo to buy 100 MWh for $1080.0 ( 100x10.8=$1080.0).If spot price rises to $14.00/MWh at the end of two months, the DisCo would gain $320.0 (or 100x14.0-1080). Likewise, spot price drops to $8.00/MWhat the end of two months, the DisCo would lose $280.0 (or 1080 - 100.0 × 80.0), i.e., the forward contract would makethe DisCopay $280.0 more than the energy market price.

Table5.2 Spot and ForwardMarketEnergyPrices at t=O Market Spot 1-monthforward 2-monthforward 3-monthforward

Price [$/MWh] 10.0 10.6 10.8 11.0

~6Longpositionin the forward contractbecomes positive. 17Shortpositionin the forward contractbecomes negative.



5.4.2 FuturesContracts.Futures are standardized contracts which are traded on and cleared by an exchange. A futures contract is defined as an agreementbetweentwo parties to buy or sell a certain quantity of an asset at a certain future time for a certain price. A futures contract stands as a firm agreement between two participants to buy or sell a standard block of commodityfor an agreed-uponprice on a given date in the future. Futures contracts are standardized by the exchangeto make them desirable to a large numberof participants, which could in turn motivate liquidity. In these contracts, the exchange would ask participants to showcredit and deliverability requirements in order to limit the risk of contract default. Manyparticipants could use futures in the electric powerindustry. For example, a power producer could sell these futures in NYMEX to lock in a desirable selling price. Large customers could buy NYMEX futures to guaranteethat their cost for buyingelectricity wouldremainat a desirable level. Marketerscould trade futures based on its position and expectations. Eventhough the definition of futures contract is the same as that of the forwardcontract, it differs from a forwardcontract in manyrespects. With a futures contract, a participant could lock in the price of a transaction until its expiration on a future date. The futures price would be the spot price on the expiration date. The futures market would represent a zero sumgamein whichthe profit of buyer (seller) would equalto the loss of seller (buyer). Futures contracts woulddiffer from forward contracts, as futures are moreliquid and less subject to default. The main differences of the two contracts are: It would be less costly, except for the margin 18 and the 19, to enter and exit a futures contract. The commodity commission ¯ would never have to change hands, as long as a participant would payits losses or get paid on the expiration date.

18Financialsafeguards to ensurethat individualswouldperformon their openfutures andoptionscontracts. 19Afee charged bya brokerfor executing a transaction.

Electric EnergyTrading 2.


Unlike forward contracts, future contracts are traded in an exchange. Futures contracts are traded amongbrokers on the trading floor in the exchange, and brokers receive commissions from futures market transactions.

3. A futures contract would have standardized2° terms, and the terms are usually set by the exchange. 4. A futures contract is usually muchsmaller than a forwardcontract. 5.

A futures contract has the characteristic of marking-to-market (daily settling up). The futures price is reset each day and the holder’s profiles or losses are realized every day; for example,if a RetailCo purchased the Mayenergy yesterday and the price of Mayenergy has gone up today, the RetailCo would have money added to its account. This condition would not exist in forward contracts.


Mostfutures positions are closed out prior to expiration - less than 1%of future positions wouldactually result in the delivery of a commodity.


Amarginis required for entering a futures transaction.

8. Somefutures contracts could call for cash delivery. 9. Futures prices wouldconvergeto spot prices at the expiration of a futures contract. 10. A futures contract wouldusually be held betweena participant and the exchange, while a forwards contract would be between two participants or betweena participant and an establishment such as a bank. 11. In a futures contract, two contracted parties wouldnot necessarily knoweach other. 12. The exchange could guarantee that a futures contract would be honored. 20 Standardizedin amount(e.g., 500 MWh per contract) and contract maturity (e.g., first Tuesday of March). Standardization transaction costs.

would increase the liquidity

and decrease



13. In a futures contract, the exact delivery date wouldusually not be specified. Thedelivery date is specified in the delivery monthand the exchange would specify the delivery period during the month. Theholder of the short position wouldhave the right to choose the delivery time during the delivery period. 14. In futures contracts, the exchange would specify the product’s quality and the location of its delivery. Example5.3: (Short Hedge) Short Hedgingis the practice of offsetting the price risk by taking an equal but opposite position in the futures market. Hedgersuse the futures markets to protect their business from adverse price changes. An Independent Power Supply (IPS) could fear that the price of its electricity would drop22. To secure the cash flow, IPS chooses a short hedgingstrategy on the electricity futures market. Let’s assumethat: IPS, on January 1, would expect that 100 MWh would be sold in the March cash market at $15.00/MWh. In the futures market, IPS would sell a Marchelectricity futures contract for the expected exchange price ($15.00/MWh).The futures sale wouldbe at $1,500.0 (or 100x15). On February 15, if prices fall to $13/MWh, IPS would sell 100 MWh for Marchat $13/MWh.This would entitle IPS to receive $1,300.0 (or 100x13) which means that IPS would encounter $200.0 (or $1,500-$1,300)less than the expected (budgeted) value. The best thing to do for not standing for delivery wouldbe that IPS buys back its futures contract. WhenIPS buys back its futures contract for $13.00/MWh, which is worth $1,300.00, it would give IPS a gain in the futures market of $200.0. In this hedgingexample,cash market sale + future gain = budgetedsum (or $1,300.0 + $ 200.0 = $1,500.0).

21 SeeChapter 6 for additionalinformation. 22 Means that the budgeted revenuewill not be metbythe expected inclinedpricewhich in tumwill affectcashflowof IPS.

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5.4.3 Options. The options contract is a contract between two participants in energy markets that gives the holder the right (not the obligation) to trade a designated quantity of an asset or a security at certain future time (i.e., maturity, expiration date) or during a specific period of time for an agreed-uponprice (i.e., strike price). 23, Anoptions contract is usually referred to as a derivative security i.e., a participant with an options contract does not have to exercise its right. This is the main difference betweenoptions and futures/forwards 24 to the contracts. To enter an options contract, the buyer pays apremium seller of the options while in futures and forwards, the buyer does not have to pay any charges. Options on futures would permit entities such as risk managersto define risk and limit it to the cost of the premium paid for the right to buy or sell a future contract plus commissionsand fees. The strike price, specific monthand expiration date are determined by the commodityexchange. Optionsdiffer fromfutures in that if the holder of options finds that a futures price is rising but is not worthexercisingits options or the futures price is dropping, then the holder maychoose not to buy and permit his options to expire. In the case of futures, the contract is either held for delivery or liquidated. In other words, options provide three alternatives: liqu~ity, delivery or allowing the options to expire worthless. Whena trader wouldbuy an options, it is like the case of purchasing an insurance policy where a trader pays a one-time up front premiumand in return acquires protection against a risk that could occur in the designated period. Dual to the case of insurance on a car (if no accident happens the insurance company would make profit), if an options contract is not exercised, the seller (writer) wouldmakea profit equal to the premiumpaid up front. Manyparticipants could makebenefit of holding options contracts; for examplea generation companycould use options to limit its losses in the case that the price of electricity drops, and makeprofits whenprices

23Aderivativesecurityis nota claimto real commodities. It derivesits valuefromother real securitiessuchas stocksandbonds. 24Priceof an optiondetermined competitively bytradersonthe exchange tradingfloor.



rise. A retailer or consumercould take advantage of options for price drops and limiting its exposureto price increases. There are two basic types of options: ¯ Call Options (calls): Give the holder the right to buy the underlying asset by a certain date for a certain price ¯ Put Options (Puts): Give the holder the right to sell the underlying asset by a certain date for a certain price Traders can trade calls and puts on many exchanges based on the trader’s price expectations. If the price (value) of an asset wereexpected to rise, the trader wouldenter the call options of that asset. Likewise,if the price (value) were expected to drop, a trader would look for a put option. For example, if energy price is expected to rise, a DisCowould buy energy call options. In summary,a call options contract is a practice to makeprofit if prices wouldrise and a put options contract is a practice to makeprofit if prices woulddrop. Let’s differentiate between the following three different, commonly used, terms in options:


- in-the-money, - out-of-the-money, - at-the-money. In-the-moneyrefers to an options that wouldrealize a profit if exercised, i.e., in-the-moneyis an options whichhas an intrinsic value25 becausethe market price of the underlying is above(below) the strike price of a call (put). A call options contract is in-the-money whenthe strike price belowthe current futures market price. A put options contract is in-themoneywhenthe strike price is above the current futures market price. Out-of-the-money is an options contract that has no intrinsic value because the price of underlying is below the strike price of a call or abovethe strike price of a put, i.e., out-of-the-money refers to a call (put) options whosestrike price is currently higher (lower) than the current market price of the underlying asset -the options wouldnot be profitable to exercise. At-the-moneyis the point at whichan option’s strike price is Difference between an option’sstrikepriceandthe underlying asset’smarket price.

Electric EnergyTrading


equal to the price of the underlying asset. Theseterms are illustrated in Figure 5.2. The options buyer (holder) would have three options up until the expiration of the contract: (i)

make on offsetting sale (by selling an opposite cash or futures market position) and receive the current premium,or


exercise the right to acquire its long (call) or short (put) position in the futures market, or


let the options expire worthless (do nothing). Rights and obligations of options buyers and sellers are summarizedin Figure5.3.

intrinsicvalue ¢ StdkePrice


Call Option: I l Out-of-the-money

¯t At-the-money

Marketprice of ~.. theunderlyingasset

l [In-the-money]

intrinsic value ~l StrikePrice ¯t PutOpti°n

: I ~ In-the-money J


Marketprice of ~..theunderiying asset ~ Out-of-the-money

Figure5.2 Illustration of In-the-Money,At-the-Money,and Out-of-the-Money






on Futures~


Buyer (Holder) I

Premium ~

Seller (Writer)

¯ Believesthe marketelectricity pricemayrise

¯ Believesthe marketelectricity pricemayfall or staystable

¯ Believesthe marketelectricity pricemayfall

¯ Believesthe market electricityprice mayrise or stay stable

¯ Hasthe right to buy futuresif he/she choosesto exercise (if the buyer choosesto purchase futures)

¯ Obligated to sell futurescontractif optionis exercised (if the buyer choosesto purchase futures)

¯ Hasthe rightto sell futuresif he/she choosesto exercise (if the buyer choosesto sell futures)

¯ Obligatedtu buy futurescontractif optionis exercised(if the buyerchoosesto sell futures)

Figure5.3 Rights andObligationsof OptionsBuyersand Sellers

Anoptions contract is either exercisedat any time up to the maturity (Americanoptions) or only at the maturity itself (Europeanoptions). This is not a matter of geographical location, but a terminologythat refers to the time of exercise. TheAmericanoptions maybe exercised at any time prior to (and including) the expiration date. The European options maybe exercised only at the expiration date. Thebuyerof a call options wouldhope that the price at the expiration time wouldincrease andthe buyerof a put options wouldhopethe opposite.

Example 5.4 A DisCo would buy 200 call options at a price of $2.0/option (transaction or entry cost=200x2=$400.0) at a strike price $15.00/MWh. Let the spot price at t = 0 be $10.00/MWh, the expiration

Electric EnergyTrading


date be three months, and the DisCocould only exercise the options at the expiration time. If the spot price of energyat the expiration time is less than $10.00/MWh (price at t= 0), the DisCowould either exercise buying the contracted amount or not, depending on spot price at the expiration date. If the DisCowouldchoose not to exercise its right, it would lose the entry cost. For this example, weconsider the following three cases: Case 1: Let’s assume that the spot price at the expiration date is $7.0/MWh.In this case, the DisCowouldhave two options: (1) The DisCowouldnot exercise the right and wouldlose $400.00 (2) The DisCo would exercise its right and makea mistake by buying electricity at a price that is higher than the existing price ($7.0/MWh). The DisCo would lose 200×$(10 -7)+$400=$1000.0 Case 2: Let’s assume that the spot price at the expiration date is $12.0/MWh.In this case the DisCowould have two options: (1) The DisCowouldnot exercise its right and lose $400.00 (2)The DisCo would exercise its right and buy 200 shares $10.0/share. If the DisCowouldsell its shares immediately,it would gain 200×$(12-10)=$400.This would compensatefor the entry cost ($400) Case 3: Let’s assume that the spot price at the expiration date is $14.0/MWh.In this case the DisCowould have two options: (1) The DisCowouldnot exercise its right and lose $400.00 (2)The DisCo would exercise its right and buy 200 shares $10.0/share. If the DisCowouldsell its shares immediately,it would gain 200×$(14-10)= $800. This would be in excess of $400 after payingthe entry cost ($400).



26 Call Options) Example5.5: (TCE Utility A would plan to purchase electric powerin a future month. This utility woulduse call options to protect against increasing prices of electricity. Utility A wouldpurchase a TCEcall options from Utility B with a strike price of $16/MWhand a premium of $2/MWh. At expiration, the profit/loss of each utility is illustrated in Figure5.4, where SP stands for the strike price. The negative profit refers to loss. For Utility A, any futures priced at $16/MWh or less wouldresult in a loss equal to the premium,which is $2/MWh.At a futures price of $18/MWh, A’s profit (loss) is zero (in this case wesay that the transaction would break even) and at any price greater than $18/MWh,Utility A would gain up to an unlimited value. Onthe other hand, Utility B wouldsee a mirror image of Utility A’s position. This profit/loss calculation as futures price varies is calculated and shownin Table 5.3.

Profit ISMWhl

Call Option

8 4 FuturesPrice


-4 **

Seller (B)

-8 4










Figure5.4 Profit/Loss Graphof Example5.5 26 TwinCities Electricity (TCE)contracts are traded at the MinneapolisGrain Exchange (MGE). See


Electric EnergyTrading

Table5.3 Profit~lossCalculationsof Utilities A andB Futures price $/MWh 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

Utility A Payment Comment $/MWh -2 Loss -2 Loss Loss -2 -2 Loss -2 Loss -2 Loss Loss -2 -2 Loss -2 Loss 0 Breaks Even 2 Profit 4 Profit 6 Profit 8 Profit 10 Profit 12 Profit

Utility B Payment Comment $/MWh 2 Profit 2 Profit 2 Profit 2 Profit 2 Profit 2 Profit 2 Profit 2 Profit 2 Profit 0 Breaks Even -2 Loss Loss -4 Loss -6 Loss -8 - 10 Loss Loss -12

Example 5.6 In order to meet the customerdemandfor on-peakpowerduring the next August, a DisCowouldhave to purchasemoreelectric powerfrom a supplier. The DisCo decides to purchase on-peak August TCEcall optionsto protect against possible increase in electricity prices. OnApril 1, let’s assumethat the on-peakAugustTCEfutures contract wouldbe trading at $20.0/MWh.A $20.0/MWh on-peak August TCE(strike price =$20/MWh) call options contract would be trading for a premiumof $2/MWh. If the expectedbasis (basis = cash - futures) wouldbe zero, the DisCowouldcalculate its estimated maximum purchaseprice as the sum of the call options strike price, the premiumand the expected basis, which all would add up to $22/MWh(or $20/MWh+ $2/MWh+ O/MWh).


Chapter 5.

In late

July (before

the call


would expire),

the DisCo would

sell them back if the call options would have any value and le~t them expire worthlessly if they would not have any value. A contract for physical power deliveries in August would be negotiated at the prevailing cash price during late July. In late July (when the DisCo’s call options would expire), assume that the cash price would be equal to the futures price (or the basis is zero), then the hedging for various market scenarios would be given in Table 5.4.

Table 5.4 Results of DisCo’s Hedging for Various Market Scenarios Futures price Cash Price $/MWh $/MWh 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18


22 24 26 28 30

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

Value of $20/MWhcall options 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10

Premium $/MWh

Net Purchase Price 2z $/MWh

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 2222 22 22 22

27 Net Purchase Price = CashPrice Paid - Value of Call Option at Expiration + Option Premium Paid


Electric EnergyTrading

The example shows that the DisCo is protected from increasing purchase prices because the call options contract wouldgain in value as prices increase. If prices wouldbe lower than the strike price, the DisCo would only incur a loss equal to the amount of premiumspent on the initial purchaseof the call options. Example5.7: (TCEPut Options) Utility C would sell electric power in a future month because it currently has no sale contracts in place. This utility would use put options to protect itself against a possible decrease in the price of electricity. Utility C would purchase a TCEput options contract from Utility D with a strike price of $22/MWh and a premiumof $2/MWh.At the expiration, the profit/loss of each utility is illustrated in Figure5.5 in whichthe negative profit refers to a loss. For Utility C, any future price at $22/MWh or more would result in a loss equal to the premium,which is $2/MWh.



Put Option

4 -






-4 -8

Seller (D)











Figure5.5 Profit~LossGraphof Example5. 7



Chapter 5

At a futures price of $20/MWh,the Utility C’s profit (loss) is zero (the transaction breaks even) and at any price less than $20/MWh,Utility C would obtain a gain (profit) up to $18/MWh(at a futures price of $0/MWh). On other hand, Utility D would see a mirror image of Utility C’s position. The profit/loss calculation for different futures prices is calculated and shown in Table 5.5.

Table 5.5 Profit~loss Calculations of Utility C and Utility D UtilityC Utility1) Futures price Payment Payment Comment Comment $/MWh $/MWh $/MWh 0 -20 Loss 20 Profit 2 18 Profit -18 Loss 4 -16 Loss 16 Profit 6 -14 Loss 14 Profit 8 12 Profit -12 Loss 10 -10 Loss 10 Profit 12 8 Profit -8 Loss 14 6 Profit -6 Loss 16 -4 Loss 4 Profit 18 2 Profit -2 Loss 20 0 Breaks Even 0 Breaks Even Loss 2 -2 Profit 24 -2 Loss 4 Profit 26 -2 Loss 6 Profit 28 -2 Loss 8 Profit ~0 -2 Loss 10 Profit

Electric EnergyTrading


Example5.8: (Using the off-peak Put Options) This example would show howbuying a put options contract could protect a utility against possible price drops. In July 1, 1999, a utility has off-peal< electric power purchase in excess of sales for the month of November1999. The utility would expect that the average purchase price for the Novemberoff-peak power is $14/MWh.On July 1, 1999, the off-peal< NovemberTCEfutures contract is trading at $20/MWh,and the off-peal< November TCE $20/MWh (strike price = $20/MWh) put options contract is trading $2/MWh (premium= $2/MWh).The utility would decide to purchase the off-peak NovemberTCEput options to hedge the possible drop in electricity prices of November.Assumingthat the expected basis is $0/MWh,the estimated minimumselling price for the utility is calculated as the put options strike price minus the premiumplus the expected basis, which all would add up to $18/MWh(or $20/MWh $2/MWh+ 0). In late October 1999 (before the Novemberput options expire), the utility wouldsell the put options back if they wouldhave any value, and let themexpire worthless if they wouldnot have any value. Also, in late October, a contract for physical power deliveries in Novemberwould be negotiated at the prevailing cash price during late October. In late October (when the utility’s Novemberput options would expire), assumethat the cash price wouldbe equal to the futures price (i.e., the basis is zero), Theresults of the hedgefor different possible marketscenarios are given in Table 5.6 and illustrated in Figure 5.6.



Table5.6 Profit/Loss Calculationsof using Off-PeakPut Options Futures price $/MWh

Cash Price $/MWh

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Value of $20/MWhput options 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

[] 22 24 26 28 30

Premium $/MWh

28 Net Selling Price $/MWh

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 20 22 24 26 28



28 24 20

Saplue Priceof t Option

16 12 8 4 0





20 SP





~ Futures~Cash 40 v Price [$/MWh]

Figure5.6 Put Optionsof Example5.8 28 Net Selling Price = Cash Price Received + Value of Put Option at Expiration - Option Premium Paid

Electric EnergyTrading


5.4.4 Swaps. The swaps are the other type of derivatives that market participants would use for speculation 29 or hedging contract risks. A price swap is defined as an agreement between two participants that wouldnegotiate in the OTCmarket to exchange(swap) certain price risk exposures over a certain period of time. Swaps were proposed for electric energy markets in 1995 to economically function as futures contracts. In a swap, two types of payment are defined, i.e., fixed payment and variable payment. The buyer of the swap would agree to pay a fixed paymentstream, while the seller of the swap wouldagree to pay a variable paymentstream. As in the case of futures contract, the buyer of a swap would make money when prices rise and lose when prices drop relative to the fixed payment. Anyswap agreementwould be expectedto cover the following terms wheninitiated: 3°, the fixed price - the determinant of the variable price, - the time period covered by the swap, and - at. the notional size of the swap Example 5.9 (Swap) A GenCo(seller) and a DisCo (buyer) negotiated an agreement 50 MWh (on peak) that was initially settled against the DJ index electricity prices at the California-Oregon Border (COB).DisCoagrees to pay a fixed price and receive a price equal to the simple average of a given month’s non-firm, on-peak, COBindex price published in the Wall 32. Street Journal. The total notional volumeis equal to (50× 16x6)

29 SeeChapter6. 3o Negotiated at the timeof transaction. 3~ Typicallytradedin increments of 25MW on-peak. 32 Assuming that peak hours are 16h/day(6:00 AM-10:00 PM),six days a week (Monday-Saturday), the total notional volumeis equal to the numberof MWs multipliedby the numberof daysin a month(excludingSundaysand holidays) multipliedby16.



Whenthe average of on-peak DJ COBprices would exceed the fixed price, DisCo (buyer) would receive a positive cash flow from the transaction. Whenthe average of on-peak DJ COBprices is below the fixed price, the GenCowould receive a positive cash flow from the transaction. 5.4.5

Applications of Derivatives in Electric Energy Trading. Derivatives such as options, forwards, futures and swaps are tradable financial products that play an important role in providing the price certainty for buyingand selling electricity. Electricity can be traded as a commodityin the derivatives market like other commoditiessuch as wheat, coffee, gold, natural gas and crude oil. 33 i’s one of the largest derivative markets in the world. It NYMEX initiated trading in two electricity futures contracts on March1996. The first contract is basedon the delivery price of electricity at the CaliforniaOregon border (COB).The second contract is based on delivery at the Palo Verde switchyard in Arizona. After that NYMEX has added Entergy and Cinergy futures and options contracts, based on electricity transmission systems in central and southwestern United States. Electricity options were started on NYMEX in April 1996. A NYMEX options contract is for one NYMEX Division COBfutures contract, or one NYMEX Division Palo Verde futures contract, of 736 MWh delivered over the period of a month sometimein the future. Example5.10: (Energy ForwardContract) A forward contract was defined as a contract that is madetoday to exchange a commodity and supply money at a predefined exchange rate 34 at somepredefined date in the future. Moneywould change hands at the forward price at the contract’s expiration date. Consider the following:

33 34In this case,forward contractallowsparticipant(holder)to lockin a pricefor a future transaction


Electric EnergyTrading

An IPS wouldbe interested in eliminating the price risk associated with selling its energy production. IPS, today (Jan. 1), enters into forward contract with a retail company (RetailCo) to sell 80 MWh energy at $10/MWh in three months (expiration date is April 1). This situation is shownin Figure 5.7. Spot price of electricity, interest rates, storage costs, and future supply and demandconditions are the mainfactors that steer up the price of futures contracts. The current price of the underlying cash commodity is the leading factor that could impactthe price of a futures contract. Example5.11: (A Futures Contract) A generation company(GenCo) on January 1 (today) plans to 200MWh in three months (on April 1). Let’s assume that 1 futures contract of energy is 100 MWh,the spot price of energy is $14/MWh, the April futures price is $16/MWh and the GenCowould like to lock in the $16/MWh for its April sale. Let’s assumethat a distribution company (DisCo) plans to buy the April energy futures. In April, two equivalent commoditieswould be traded: April energy futures (which is about to expire and hence wouldobligate the participant to purchase or sell the physical energy), and physical energy (spot energy). At the expiration futures contract, these two commoditieswouldbe the same, (i.e., April energy is the same as the spot energy in April) so they should be traded at the sameprice.

Today(Jan 1)

Expiration(April 1)

IPSsigns a contract No moneychanges hands

IPS sells 100 MWh to RetailCo RetaiiCopays $800to IPS

Figure5. 7 Illustration of Forward Contract



This is why we say that the futures price of a commoditywould converge with the spot price of the commodityat the expiration of the futures contract. This is an important issue if wewoulduse the futures contracts for hedging. The futures contract wouldobligate the GenCoto sell 200 MWh of energy at the prevailing spot price in April. If the spot energy price would drop to $10/MWh by April, the future price of April energy would also drop to $10/MWhand the GenCowould sell its energy at $10/MWh. But what did happen to the April futures price of $16/MWhthat presumedthe GenCoto sell the April futures for energy? Whywould the GenCosell the energy at the spot price if it had planned to sell for $16/MWh? The story is as follows: If the futures price would rise, the GenCo (short) would lose money and the buyer (long) would money; the opposite would happen when the futures price would drop. This is the hedging mechanismthat would make the hedge works. See Table 5.7. In this example, the GenCowould enter into a short April energy futures contract at $16/MWh,and the next day April energy futures would close at $20/MWh.Since the GenCois short contract, GenCo would lose moneyif the price would rise. Here, the GenCowould lose 200 MWh at $4/MWhfor a total of $800. This money would be taken from the GenCo’smargin account that the GenCohad established with " its broker. Over the life of the contract, moneywouldbe deposited to or withdrawnfrom the margin account of the GenCo.On any given day, the GenCo’stotal profit or loss, starting from the date that the GenCo(short) entered into the contract, wouldbe:

Table5. 7 Effect of FuturesPriceChanges FuturesPosition GenCo(Short) GenCo(Short) DisCo (Long) DisCo (Long)

FuturesPrice change CashFlowEffect Loss Increase Decrease Profit Increase Profit Loss Decrease

Electric EnergyTrading


No. of Contractsx I00 x (CurrentFuturePrice- Initial FuturePrice Likewise,on any given day, the DisCo’stotal profit or loss, starting from the date that the GenCo(short) entered into the contract, the DisCo (long) entered into the contract wouldbe: -No. of Contractsx 100x (CurrentFuturePrice- Initial FuturePrice At expiration,the GenCo’stotal profit or loss wouldbe: No. of Contractsx 100x (Spot Price- Initial FuturePrice Whenthe GenCosells its energy at the spot price at the expiration of the futures contract, it wouldrealize that the initial $16/MWh as its futures contract would make up the difference. The following steps illustrate the process: Jan 1. The GenCosells 2 contracts of April energy at $16/MWh: (No money would change hands, except for margin, since the commissionwouldbe paid after the contract is closed out). The GenCowould post a 10%margin (or 10% of ($16.00/MWh)x (200 MW)= $320 ). The GenCowould be short 2 contracts of April energy. The margin would be the GenCo’smoneyand not a paymentfor the contract. The GenCo would get any left over margin and pay the commissionat the end. Jan 2. April energy rises to $17/MWh.The GenCowould lose $1/MWh for a total of ($1.0/MWh)x(200 MW)= $200. $200.0 would be taken from the GenCo’smargin account and the account nowstands at $120 (or $320-$200). Jan 3. The April energy drops to $15/MWh.The GenCo would gain $1/MWhwith a total of $1.0/MWh×(200MWh) $200. The GenCowould makethe $200 that it lost yesterday which would be added to the GenCo’s margin account. The GenCo’saccount nowstands at $320 (or $120+$200).



April 1, the spot price is at $10/MWh. The future contract is about to mature and the future price has convergedto the spot price of $10/MWh.The total amount of moneythat would be added to the GenCo’s account is $1,200 (or ($16.0/MWh$10.0/MWh)x200MWh),which is the GenCo’s profit from the futures contract. That meansthe GenCo’smargin account would stand at $1520 (or $320 +$1200). The GenCowould sell the energy on the open market at $10/MWhand get $2000 for the energy plus the $1520 profit for the futures contract. This would net $3,200 for GenCo’s 200 MWh, which is exactly the $16/MWh that the GenCohad locked in on Jan 1. The GenCowouldalso get back its initial margin of $320.0 minusthe round trip commissioncost. Example 5.12 An IPS has entered into a contract to provide the GenCowith 100 MWh in three monthsat $15/MWh. At the expiration date, electricity spot price is: Case 1 : $17/MWh Case 2: $12/MWh Considerthe following settlement: Alternative 1: GenCowould pay IPS $1500 (or 100×15) Alternative 2: GenCowould pay IPS: Case 1:100 × (17-15)= $ 200 Case 2:100 × (12-15) = - $ 300 (the IPS pays GenCo).

For a certain month, contracts would be traded between counterparties through brokers announcing the bid price at which they would be willing to buy, and the offer price at which they would be

Electric EnergyTrading


willing to sell. Oncea contract is finalized, i.e. buyer and seller would agree upona price, a recorder wouldpost the price of the contract. In this process, a broker would either be trading contracts for his ownor on behalf of his clients. A position is either closed financially or physically. The first type (financial) whichrepresents the majority of closing positions (more than 90%)is liquidated prior to delivery whena party with a long position woulddecide to sell, and a party with a short position woulddecide to buy, a futures contract. In the second type (physical), a holder of a long position wouldwait until the contract expiration whenthe contract would end with physical delivery. At maturity, a holder of a short position wouldbe obligated to deliver the energyto the holder of a long position. An energy derivatives market would require a diverse and large number of participants (buyers and sellers). An increased number participants wouldimprovethe liquidity and help prevent market power, where it would be difficult for any one entity to drive market prices. Marketparticipants should receive timely feedback on electricity price changes for derivative contracts and the spot market, and it would be beneficial if participants would have on-line access to real-time and historical price information through links with an electronic trading system. Example5.13: (How can a GenCouse futures?) On January 1, the GenCois expecting to sell 500 MWh into the energy spot market in April (GenCois long electricity). Assumethe GenCois producing power at a cost of $12/MWh.The energy spot price on January 1 is $12/MWh and the futures price for delivery in April is $8/MWh.To hedge the risk of price drops, the GenCowouldsell futures contracts for $8/MWh.In April, the GenCowould then sell energy at spot price and buy futures contracts to close out its financial position. If the futures price converges with the spot price as the delivery time arrives and if the futures price is equal to the spot price whenthe position is closed, the GenCowouldbe totally hedgedagainst price risks.



If the spot price rises to $15/MWh, the GenCowould: - Receive$15/MWh for its electricity, to close its futures positions, and - Pays 15/MWh for its original futures positions. - Receive$8/MWh If the spot price drops to $6/MWh,the GenCowould: - Receive $6/MWh for its electricity, Pay $6/MWh to close out its futures position, and Receive$8/MWh for its original futures position.

Wenote that in both cases, the GenCofinally obtains $8/MWh for energy delivery and price movementswill not affect the GenCo,so the price risk is hedged. The situation and the payoff diagram are shownin Figures 5.8 and 5.9.

Market ~(4)t=T, Futures ~(1) t=0, Buyfuture Sell Futures for fixed price~-~ (2) 1=% sell power s ~’ "( GenCo ~< at spot price ~// (3)t=T, receive spot price

Energy MSaPr°~t

Figure5.8 Illustration of HowGenCoCanUseFutures

Electric EnergyTrading


Gain I$/MWhl


from financial position

from physical position

~ /~


~,~ 2 4



.~ 14

~.. Energy Spot Price 16







~ ....




Figure 5.9 Payoff DiagramDescribing "HowCan GenCoUse Futures"

The payoff diagram would tell us how much the GenCo would profit or lose physically and financially as spot price changesduring the contract period. For example, if in April, the spot price rises to $14/MWh,the GenCowould gain $2/MWh,and if it drops to $8/MWh the GenCowould lose $4/MWh.This is the GenCo’sphysical position in this example. Financially, if the spot price in April drops to $4/MWh,the GenCo would gain $4/MWh because it had sold its futures for $8/MWh (or 8-4 = $4/MWh).To close out this position, the GenCohad bought futures for $4/MWh.On the other hand, if the spot price increases to $11/MWh, the GenCowould lose $3/MWh(or 8-11 = -$3/MWh). The hedgedgain is the sumof gains from both physical and financial positions. For this example, the GenCohas locked in a price of $8/MWh and a loss of $4/MWh.



Example 5.14: A GenCo Uses a Short-Hedge (Using the NYMEX Futures Contractto Protect itself against Price Decline) It would cost a GenCo$8 to produce each MWand this GenCo expects that the cost wouldstay the sameduring the next six months. On November1, 1999, the GenCoexpects that it would sell 1472 MWh in March 2000 in the cash market at $10/MWh.The GenCo’s potential revenue from that sale would be $14,720 (or $10/MWh× 1472 MWh). Meanwhile,the GenCofears a decline in electricity prices, becauseif the GenCo would enter into a firm contract for March 2000 and the electricity price turns out to be declining belowthe production cost, the GenCowouldsuffer a significant loss. Assume each NYMEX contract covers 736 MWh,which means that the two contracts (or 2 × 736 = 1472 MWh)are equivalent to what the GenCowould expect to sell. The GenCocan enter into the futures market and sell (i.e., the GenCotakes a short position) two NYMEX electricity futures contracts for March2000, at $10/MWh. The GenCo’s total revenue from the two contracts would then be $14,700 (or $10/MWh x 1472 MWh). Let’s study the outcomeof the two situations: Situation 1: Cash marketprices decline, as GenCoexpected By February 21st, cash market prices have fallen to $7/MWh.The GenCosells the electricity for March physical delivery at the cash market price of $7/MWh.This would give the GenCoa revenue of $10,304 (or $7/MWh × 1472 MWh).In the cash market, the situation as follows: November1, 1999: Expected Cash Price = $10/MWh,total $14,720

revenue =

February 21, 2000: Cash Market Price = $7/MWh,total $10,304

revenue =

Difference = $3/MWh,and total revenue = $4,416. Therevenueis $4,416less than expected, whichis a loss. The GenCocan now buy back its two NYMEX futures contracts at $7/MWh,with a total cost of $10,304 (or $7/MWh× (2contracts×


Electric EnergyTrading

736/MWh/contract)). In the futures market, the situation would be follows: Previously, the GenCosold 2 futures contracts for $10/MWh for a total $14,720. Now,it wouldbuy back 2 futures contract for $7/MWh for a total $10,304. The profit from futures contracts is at $3/MWh for a total of $4,416. The profit would compensate the loss in the cash market. From both transactions, the financial (futures market) and physical (cash market), the net revenue wouldbe: Net Revenues = $10,304 + $4,416 = $14,720 This net revenue would be equal to the GenCo’srevenues expected on November1, 1999. Situation 2: Cashmarketprices rise despite the GenCo’sexpectation By February 28 th, cash market prices have risen to $12/MWh.The GenCowouldsell the electricity for Marchphysical delivery at the cash market price of $12/MWh.This would give the GenCoa revenue of $17,664 (or $12/MWh × 1472 MWh).In the cash market, the situation would be as follows: November1, 1999: Expected Cash Price = $10/MWh,Total revenue = $14,720 February 28, 2000: Cash Market Price = $12/MWh,Total revenue = $17,664 Difference = - $2/MWh and Total revenue = - $2,944 The revenue wouldbe $2,944 morethan expected (i.e.,

a profit).

The GenCocan now buy back its (two) NYMEX futures contracts $12/MWh,at a total cost of $17,664 (or $12/MWh x (2contractsx 736/ MWh/contract)).In the futures market, the situation wouldbe as follows: Previously, GenCosold 2 futures contracts for $10/MWh for a total of $14,720. Now, GenCowould buy back 2 futures contracts total of $17,664.

for $12/MWhfor a



Loss from futures contracts is at $3/MWh for a total of $2,944. The GenCo’sprofit from cash market would compensateits loss in the futures contracts. Fromboth transactions, the financial (futures market) and physical (cash market), the net revenuewouldbe equal Net Revenues= $17,664 - $2,944 = $14,720 This net revenue would be equal to the expected revenues that the GenCo expected on November1, 1999. Figure 5.10 shows revenues, profits and losses of the GenCoat different prices. Thetwo situations are markedon this figure.

Revenue from Cash Market 29,440 20,608 ~ ~.~1~"~ Profit from Cash Market 14,720 8,832

Expected Revenues

Lossin Cash Market ,~

2,944 2,944


4 ~


6 T 8 I I









Price in $/MWh

8,832 Revenues from selling Futures

14,720 ~"~ Loss in Futures Market 23,552



I Situatiou 1

Situation 2



~ ~


Paymentto buy back Futures

E~ected Price FuturesSelling price

Figure5.10 Profits, Losses, and Revenuesof the GenCo’s Short Position

Electric EnergyTrading


Example5.15: A RetailCo Uses a Long-Hedge On November1, 1999, a Retail Company(RetailCo) expects to buy 736 MWh in March 2000 in the cash market at $10/MWh.The RetaiCo’s potential paymentfor that purchase will be $7,360 (or $10/MWh x 736 MWh). TheRetailCofears an increase in electricity prices, becauseif the RetailCo enters into a firm contract for March2000, and the electricity price turns out to be decreasing, the RetailCocould suffer a significant loss in its revenues. One NYMEX contract is equivalent to what the RetailCo is expecting to buy (Ix736 = 736 MWh).Nowlet’s see what is going happen if the RetailCo goes into the futures market and buys (the RetailCo takes a long position) one NYMEX electricity futures contracts for March2000, at $10/MWh.The RetailCo’s total payment to the one contract will be $7,360 (or $10/MWh× 736 MWh).Wewill study the outcomeof two situations: Situation 1: Cash market prices declines, despite the RetailCo’s expectation By February 21st, cash market prices have fallen to $7/MWh.The RetailCo buys for the Marchphysical delivery at the cash market price of $7/MWh.This will make the RetailCo incur a payment of $5,152 (or $7/MWh × 736 MWh).In the cask market, the situation is as follows: November1, 1999: Expected Cash Price = $10/MWh,total $7,360

payment =

February 21, 2000: Cash Market Price = $7/MWh,total $5,152

payment =

Difference = $3/MWh,$2,208. The paymentis $2,208less than expected, whichis a profit. The RetailCo can nowsell back its (one) NYMEX futures contract $7/MWh,with total revenue of $5,152 (or $7/MWh x (lcontractsx736/ MWh/contract)).In the futures market, the situation is as follows: Previously, RetailCo bought 1 futures contract for $10/MWh, a total of $7,360.



Now, RetailCo sells back 1 futures contract for $7/MWh,a total of $5,152. Loss from futures contracts $ 3/MWh for a total $ 2,208. The RetailCo’s profit from the cash market would compensateits loss in the futures market. The revenue from both transactions (the financial (futures market) and physical (cash market)) is equal Net Payments= $5,152 + $2,208 = $7,360 This net revenue is equal to the expected RetailCo’s revenues on November1, 1999. Situation 2: Cashmarketprices rises, as RetailCo expected By February 28th, cash market prices have increased to $12/MWh. The RetailCo buys for the Marchphysical delivery at the cash market price of $12/MWh. This will let the RetailCo incur a paymentof $8,832 (or $12/MWhx 736 MWh).In the cash market, the situation is follows: November 1, 1999 Expected Cash Price = $10/MWh,Total payment = $7,360 February 28, 2000 Cash Market Price = $12/MWh,Total payment = $8,832 Difference -- $2/MWh,$1,472 The paymentis $1,472 more than the expected amount, which is a loss. The RetailCo can nowsell back its (one) NYMEX futures contract $12/MWh,with a total revenue of $8,832 or $12/MWh × (1 contractx 736/MWh/contract). In the futures market, the situation is as follows: Previously, RetailCo bought 1 futures contract for $10/MWh for a total of $7,360. Now,RetailCo sells back I futures contract for $12/MWh for a total of $8,832. Profit from futures contracts $2/MWh for a total of $1,472.

Electric EnergyTrading


TheRetailCo’s profit fromthe futures marketwouldcompensateits loss in the cash market. Revenuefromboth transactions (the financial (futures market)andphysical (cash market)is equal Net Payments= $8,832 - $1,472 = $7,360 This net paymentis equal to the expected RetailCo’s paymenton November1, 1999. Figure 5.11 showsrevenues, profits and losses of the RetailCo at different prices. Thetwosituations are marked on this figure.

$ selling back Futures


13,248 10,304 I .k

7,360 4,416

! i..’"

Loss from [ .L ¯ °" Futures Market .~"" T




Profit fromFutures

.~ ~ .k /

Payment to buy Futures

1,472 Price in 1,472




1 8

4,416 CashMarket








7,360 10,304



I Situation 1

! Situation

Loss from Cash



Expected Paymentto Cash Market

° 2

Payments to Cash Market

Expected Price FuturesSelling price

Figure5.11 Profits, Losses,andRevenues of the RetailCo’sLongPosition



Example5.16: (Howcan a DisCouse futures?) On January 1, a DisCois expecting to use 300 MWh in three months and planning to buy it from the spot market in April (the DisCois short electricity). Energyspot price on January 1 is $14/MWh, and the futures price for delivery in April is $9/MWh.To hedge the risk of price changes, the DisCo would buy futures contracts for $9/MWh to lock in its energy price. If spot price wouldrise beyondthe current spot price, the DisCowould pay more for electric energy. In April, the DisCowould then buy energyusing spot price and sell futures contracts to close out its financial position. If the futures price convergeswith spot price as the delivery time arrives and if the futures price is equal to spot price when the position is closed, the DisCowouldbe totally hedgedagainst price risk.

If spot price increases to $16/MWh, the DisCowould: pay $16/MWh for its electricity, receive $16/MWh to close its futures positions, and pay $9/MWh for its original futures positions. If the price drops to $7/MWh,the DisCowould: - pay $7/MWh for its electricity, - receive $7/MWh to close out its futures position, and - pay $9/MWh for its original futures position. Wenote that in both cases, the DisCowould finally pay $9/MWh for energy delivery, price movementsdo not affect the DisCoand the price risk is hedged. The payoff diagram of this example is shownin Figure 5.12. The payoff diagram depicts howmuchthe DisCo would profit or lose physically and financially as spot price would change during the contract period.


Electric EnergyTrading Gain , _ ~ from physi.calposition ~ .....................

2 4 6 ,~

¢ ~ fromfinancialposition .~,e. ............. V~ from hedged position ., / "~ ~ Energy Spot Price [$/MWh] ~’ 10 12 1 4~6 18 20 ~


Figure5.12 Payoff Diagram of the Example5.16

Example 5.17:


In January 1, a DisCo has an agreement with a large customer to provide 736 MWh of electricity during April. To guarantee that it would not over-pay a power provider in April, the DisCo would purchase one NYMEX April futures contract. If as of January 1, the April futures contract is at $10/MWh, the DisCowould pay $10/MWh for the contract, for a total of 736MWhx$10/MWh or $7,360. By March 26, the last trading day for April futures or four business days before the first day of the trading month, the spot price of electricity has increased to $13/MWh.The DisCo would purchase 736 MWhfrom the spot market for a total cost of 736MWhx$13/MWh or $9,568. The DisCo then would sell its futures contract, whichhas also increased to $13/MWh for a total of 736x13 or $9,568. The DisCo has paid out a net amount of $7,360, which would guarantee that the DisCo would receive electricity in December at $10/MWhrather than $13/MWh.





A portfolio is defined as the overall collection of commoditiesand financial positions on these commodities owned by a person or a company.The purposeof a portfolio is to reduce risk by diversification. In the electric power industry, portfolio managementis an aggregation and managementof a diverse portfolio of spot-market purchases, contracts-for-differences, futures contracts and other market-hedging contracts and mechanisms.As we discussed before, electricity markets . possess high price volatility, which would necessitate the ability to design and implementhedges for price risks related to predicted and unpredicted volumes not covered through contracts. The structure of a portfolio would differ from one participant to another; for example, an IPP wouldhave a different portfolio than that of a generating utility or a distribution company. In this section, weexplain portfolios in electricity markets, discuss their necessity and present examplesof their use by market participants. Figure 5.13 showsan exampleof a simple portfolio of power generation and contracts over eight weeks; let’s say Mayand June 199935. The figure showsa collection of generation resources (assets) and contracted power(financial positions) ownedby a GenCo;this GenCo’sportfolio a collection of a set of positions. The portfolio shownin Figure 5.13 is the GenCo’ssupply and demandof electricity in MWh for the first eight weeks of Mayand June 1999. Let’s assume that the GenCohas purchase contracts with IPPs. In this figure, the total supply is the self-generation (production) plus contracted purchase, which have negative values, and the energy sold (demand)with positive values. The GenCohas firm sale contracts 36, spot price-base contracts 37 and open positions38. As the figure shows, the GenCo’sportfolio has net short position 39 (as in week2), net long position 4° (as in week1) or closed 35 CALPOL MarketReport,Issue no. 2, August1998. 36Salesto residentialcustomers. 37Partlydepending onthe spot price, limitedbya maximum anda minimum price. 38Quantity of theportfoliois exposed to spotpricevolatility. 39Supplyis less thandemand (under-covered position). 40Supplyis greaterthandemand (over-covered position).

Electric EnergyTrading


position 41 (as in week7) in each weekof the month. A portfolio could have many positions, and each position could exhibit volatility or uncertainty, whichwouldmeanthat each position wouldhave a risk. The risk of bunchof positions is not the sumof individual risks, but the risk of correlated positions. Bymanaginga participant’s portfolio, we could observe variations in the behavior of positions as compared to one another.

Sale (MWh)

100 50 0


-50 -100 ¯ "" Net short position 1 2 3 4 Production/Purchase (MWh)









Production FirmSalesSalesonSpotContracts Open Position

Figure5.13 An Eight-WeekPortfolio of Contractsand ProductionResources

4~Supply anddemand arein balance (balanced position).



The elements of a successful portfolio managementwould include the following: The first element is defining the trade-off level between risk (security) and the participant’s perceived profit, i.e., the level which the portfolio should be hedged. A complete security of a portfolio could be implemented by total hedging which could be accompaniedby reduced profit opportunities. The second element is defining the optimal timing of taking short or long position in the portfolio which would depend on experience with market moves(e.g., whenthe price is going to rise or drop) and dependon reliable analytical tools and trustable price forecasts. The third element is finding the optimal distribution or mix of different positions of the portfolio in order to balance the portfolio, i.e., howmanyfirm contracts, futures contracts, options contracts, swaps, or others should be includedin the portfolio. 5.5.1 Effect of Positions on Risk Management. To measure the effect of individual positions on risk and analyze the potentials for profit of a portfolio with a set of positions, a probability platform and standard deviations are used. As the probability distribution function of a portfolio gets more dispersed, the risk of portfolio increases, and vice versa. The cumulative probability for profit distribution of a certain portfolio is anothertool for analyzinga portfolio. Figure 5.14 shows probability distribution functions of two portfolios, whereportfolio 1 indicates greater risk than portfolio 2. Zl and Z2 represent meanvalues of portfolios 1 and 2, respectively. The meanvalue of a portfolio indicates the expected value of profit. In the figure, portfolio 2 has a higher expected value of profit than portfolio 1. So, we are facing a trade-off betweenrisk and profit. Since portfolio 1 has a moredispersed probability distribution than portfolio 2, the profit potential of portfolio 1 is muchlarger; in other words, choosingportfolio 1 has the possibility of earning more moneythan the risk of choosing portfolio 2.


Electric EnergyTrading


/ ~ Portfolio


Profits in $

Figure5.14 ProbabilityDistributionof TwoPortfolios

Figure 5.15 shows the cumulative probability of profits for two different portfolios, A and B. Let’s assumethat portfolio B represents portfolio A but with a hedging instrument such as a futures or a forward contract. In other words, the portfolio managerhas chosen to close parts of open positions of portfolio A by entering a futures or a forward contract (i.e., futures or forwardfor the purchaseof electricity for the desired period); the net result of portfolio A plus the new contract is represented by portfolio B.


270 CumulativeProbability (2900,1)

1.00 Portfolio A f .........

(3200, l)


0.75 /..../"’~ortfolio


0.50 0.25


0.00 ............... ~ .~ 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200"pr~C’tin$uj,

Figure5.15 Cumulative Probabilityof Profits of TwoPortfolios

A zero cumulative probability meansunlikely levels of profit. For example,in Figure 5.15, the profit for portfolio Ais unlikely to go below $2,200 and the profit for portfolio B is unlikely to go below$1,900. The same reasoning wouldapply to a cumulative probability of 1; where the profit for portfolio A is unlikely to go over $2,900 and the profit for portfolio B is unlikely to go over $3,200. The cumulative probability is a tool to analyze how likely a budgeted level of profit is. Assumethat a portfolio manageris looking for an acceptability level of budgeted profit $2,700 and a profit below $2,400 is unacceptable. The probability of achieving the budget for portfolio A is 20%(or 0.2) as the cumulative probability of the result being lower than $2,700 is 80%(or 0.8, whichis 1 minus0.2). Portfolio A represents a 0.15 probability that its profit wouldbe below$2,400.


Electric EnergyTrading

In Figure 5.15, since portfolio B exhibits a less steep cumulative probability, it has a broader probability distribution as comparedto that of portfolio A (portfolio B’s standard deviation is larger than that of A). Portfolio B has a higller maximum profit potential than A’s by $400(or $3200-$2900,see Figure 5.15). Also the probability of not achieving the budget will increase with portfolio B. With portfolio B, the budgeted profit ($2,700) would be met with a 40%(i.e., 0.4) probability (or minus 0.6). In addition, with portfolio B, there would be a higher probability of not meeting the minimumrequirement (rememberthat profit below $2,400 would not be acceptable), where the probability of the profit being below$2,400 is 15%(or 0.15) for portfolio A and the probability of the profit being below $2,400 is 25%(or 0.25) for portfolio B.




Electric energy traders are concernedwith price volatility and risk management.Electric energy like other industries such as crude oil, petroleum products and natural gas is increasingly focusing on liquidity at certain geographical locations (hubs) for supporting the price discovery and implementinga higher efficiency in the marketplace. A hub is a commonpoint for commercial energy trading contracts that is formed as an aggregation of representative buses grouped by region. Contracts are either settled financially or ended with physical delivery. The main aim of proposing hubs is to create price signals for geographical regions of the control area and to reduce the risk of delivering to one particular bus whoseprice is more volatile during a contingencythan a collection of bus prices at a weightedaverage. Energytrading could represent a large numberof hubs, where each utility or control area would act as a hub or more than one hub, depending on the configuration of the transmission system. Table 5.8 showsthe main trading hubs in the United States.


Chapter5 Table 5.8 MainTradingHubsin the UnitedStates West COB Four Corners Mead Mid Columbia Palo Verde

Central Ameren ComEd ERCOT Into Entergy MAINnorth MAPP SPP

East Cinergy Florida-Georgiaborder Into TVA NEPOOL north ECAR NYPP PJM-west southernFlorida

An energy trading hub should possess several elements that would makeit a successful trading location. Theseelements wouldinclude: ¯

A natural supply/demandbalancing point


Reliable contractual standards for delivery and receipt of energy commodity


Price transparency


Absence of market power


Similarity of pricing across the hub


Robust trading tools to execute large numbers of trades and aggregate transactions

¯ Liquidity Homogeneityof prices across the hub is required to insure that sellers will not always seek to deliver energy at the cheapest location, and buyers will not always seek out the most expensive point when prices across the hub would vary. If the similarity of prices is not supported across the hub, the trading location wouldsuffer from the lack of traders as well as the confusion for traders. Trading tools that deal with hubs include electronic trading systems and futures exchanges in addition to scheduling mechanismsto adjust a portfolio of supply to a

Electric EnergyTrading


portfolio of demand.Liquidity on a trading hub is implementedby the presence of a considerable numberof buyers and sellers.





A broker is an entity that plays the role of a middlemanbetweentwo participants (buyers and sellers) that arranges and disseminates information to, both participants until an agreementis finalized. With restructuring in the electricity industry, brokers’ role is enlarged in wholesale electricity trades whenthe market liquidity and the volumeof transaction increase. The broker aggregates bids from buyers and sellers which makesthe market more definable, and prices becomemore visible whichenables the broker to offer better bids and ask spreads on deals as they continue to get market information through deal flow. In addition to helping traders managetheir deals, the broker may give advice to its clients either on risk management or on what might be happening in the market. Furthermore, the broker may provide information on weather, transmission and generation, conduct training and provide educational services to its clients. Usinga broker wouldsave time when traders would not have to communicate much in order to agree on a deal. A broker could substitute for muchof the groundworkin trading whenthe broker acquires price offers and bids from manyclients. A well-established brokering service should provide clients with the timely market information to let them revise their positions and analyze newopportunities-



Some trading systems would favor environmentally preferred generating technologies for operating hourly electricity markets. Resources such as geothermal, biomass, wind, small hydro and solar generating technologies could sell their powerproduction into the green energy market, or directly to consumerswith a higher price. In California, an example of trading system that operates a green power market is the Automatic Power Exchange (APX). APXwould operate a green power market for up to 168 hours ahead of delivery.



Whengreen power is most attractive amongconsumers, green power producers would use forward prices to schedule their production. Customersin California would have an incentive for buying green power since the California Energy Commissionis providing customers with a 1.5 cent per KWhcredit for purchases from in-state renewable generators. Using a trading system, renewable energy producers would be matched with customers who would prefer green power. Usually, the usage of green power would require customers to pay a premiumprice for environmentally preferred resources, and these prices should be posted by the trading system. A summaryof major renewable sources of electricity is given as follows: ¯

Geothermalenergy: Geothermalenergy is the heat transferred from the inner part of the earth to underground rocks or water located relatively close to the earth’s surface. Moltenrock (magma)which located several miles below the earth’s surface produces heat or steam which heats a section of the earth’s crust and warms underground pools of water (geothermal reservoirs). By making opening through the rock to the surface, the hot undergroundwater mayflow out to form hot springs, or it mayboil to form geysers. Geothermalreservoirs mayprovide a steady stream of hot water that is pumpedto the earth’s surface by drilling wells deep below the surface of the earth. Geothermal energy may be used to produce electricity, where steam is either conveyed directly from the geothermal reservoir or from water heated to makesteam and piped to the power plant. The Geysers Geothermal Field located in the northern California is one source of geothermal power where this power plant is considered the largest source of geothermal energy in the world and produces as muchpower as two large coal or nuclear power plants.


Hydropower - converts the energy in flowing water into electricity. The quantity of electricity generated is determined by the volumeof water flow and the amountof head, the height from turbines in the powerplant to the water surface created by the dam.The greater the flow and head, the more electricity is produced. With a capacity of more than 92,000 MW - enough electricity to meet the energy needs of 28 million households the U.S. is the world’s leading

Electric EnergyTrading


hydropower producer. Hydropowersupplies 49%of all renewable energy used in the U.S. ¯

Biomassenergy - the energy contained in plants and organic matter is one of the most promising renewable energy technologies. Instead of conventional fuels, the technology uses biomass fuels agricultural residues, or crops grown specifically for energy production - to power electric generators. Today, biomass energy account for nearly 45%of renewable energy used in the United States. Biomassis used to meet a variety of energy needs, including generating electricity, heating homes,fueling vehicles and providing processheat for industrial facilities. In the last few decades, biomass power has becomethe second largest renewable source of electricity after hydropower. Hydropowerand biomass plants provide baseload powerto utilities. Biomasspowerplants are fully dispatchable (i.e. they operate on demandwheneverelectricity is required). About350 biomass power plants with a combined rated capacity of 7000 MW feed electricity into the nation’s power lines, while another 650 enterprises generate electricity with biomass for their ownuse as cogenerators. National renewable energy laboratory (NREL) researches have helped lower the cost of ethanol fuel from these sources to $1.22 per gallon. The target of current researches is 70¢ per gallon.


Photovoltaic (PV) systems - most commonlyknownas solar cells convert light energy into electricity. PVsystems are already an important part of our lives. They power manyof small calculators and wrist watches. Morecomplicated PVsystems provide electricity for pumping water, powering communications equipment, and even lighting our homesand running our appliances. In a surprising and increasing number of cases, PV power is the cheapest form of electricity for performing manytasks. Costs have dropped from 90¢ per KWh in 1980 to 22¢ today. Photovoltaics are cost competitive in rural and remote areas around the world. The National Photovoltaics Center at NRELis leading federal efforts to improve performance and lower costs.


Windenergy projects provide cost-effective and reliable energy in the U.S. and abroad. The U.S. wind industry currently generates about 3.5 billion KWhof electricity each year, which is enoughto



meet the annual electricity needs of 1 million people. Windenergy installations are going up across the country as generating companies realize the benefits of adding clean, low-cost, reliable windenergy to their resourceportfolios. Solar thermal electric (STE)technologies - parabolic troughs, power towers, and dish/engine systems - convert sunlight into electricity efficiently and with minimumeffect on the environment. These technologies generate high temperatures by using mirrors to concentrate the sun’s energy up to 5000 times its normal intensity. This heat is then used to generate electricity for a variety of market applications, ranging from remote power needs as small as a few kilowatts up to grid-connected applications of 200 MW or more. Solar-thermal electricity is the lowest cost electricity for gridconnected applications available today, and it has the potential for further, significant cost reductions. Whilenot currently competitive for utility applications in the United States, the cost of electricity from STE can be competitive in international and domestic niche applications, where the price of energy is higher. The goal for advanced STE technologies is to be below 5C/kWh. The U.S. annually uses more than 71 trillion BTUsof solar energy (1 million BTUequals 90 pounds of coal or 8 gallons of gasoline). The residential and commercial sectors use 60 trillion BTUs, the industrial sector 11 trillion BTUsand utilities 500 billion BTUs. Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC),is an energy technology that converts solar radiation to electric power. OTEC systems use the ocean’s natural thermal gradient - the fact that the ,ocean’s layers of water have different temperatures - to drive a powerproducing cycle. OTECsystem can produce a significant amount of power as long as the temperature between the warmsurface water and the cold deep water differs by about 20°C (36°F). The oceans are thus a vast renewable resource, with the potential to help us produce 1013 of watts of electric power. The economics of energy production has delayed the financing of OTECplants. However, OTECis very promising as an alternative energy resource for tropical island communitiesthat rely primarily on imported fuel.

CHAPTER 6 HEDGING TOOLS FOR MANAGINGRISKS IN ELECTRICITY MARKETS Summary: Competition in wholesale restructured electricity markets has created new financial and physical risks whichcould include price risk, volumerisk, counterparty risk, and others. Even though a numberof electricity risks are originated from sources that exist in other commoditiesas well, these sources could pose more severe consequences in electricity marketsdue to typical differences betweenelectricity and other commodities such as non-storable nature of electricity and transmission flow implications. In addition, risks associated with electricity markets would need more attention due to the fact that the electricity market, whichis more than $200billion per year, is one of the largest commodity marketsin the United States. Duringthe short period that electricity restructuring has undergone, many additional concerns have been magnified which are considered as wake-upcalls for restructuring researchers and market participants. These concerns are essential in determiningpriorities when designing and implementing reliable and adequate hedging tools and hedgingstrategies for electricity markets. The market experience in the past short period highlighted the issue of risks, especially the risk of counterpartydefault (i.e., failure to deliver on contract), implementationof weather-related derivatives in electricity markets, portfolio management,needs for accurate long-dated forward prices, and others. Thelack of electricity marketparticipants’ experience, especially hedgers’, with proper hedgingtools for electricity has resulted in large trading errors at somelocations in U.S. markets. These errors have occurred due to applying certain pricing models that would not 277



consider the major differences commodities.

between electricity

and other

This chapter will discuss hedging issues in a restructured electric power industry. The chapter will present the major challenges for electricity market participants as they becomeinvolved in restructuring, give a detailed overviewof sources of financial risks that could lead market participants to panic, give an overview of howplayers of energy markets could use electricity financial derivatives to hedge different risks. It will present the basic hedging tools in electricity markets, new derivatives that are especially created for electricity markets, types and sources of risks, and motiveforces that could lead to risks in electricity markets. The chapter will discuss weather-related derivatives. In addition, the Midwestcrisis of June 1998 - the unforgettable markin the U.S. electric industries - will be addressed to exhibit the importanceof hedging in electricity markets. It will showvarious shortcomingsin the electricity derivatives pricing model.Moreover,it will present illustrative examples for implementinghedging tools.



Reshaping of the electric power industry has launched new dimensionsin electricity markets. In addition to traditional players, many new competitors have emerged in electricity markets with different strategies that wouldreflect the competitors’ projection of electricity economics and its competitive dynamics. Whatmakes the subject more intriguing is that the competitors have to deal with three separate electricity linked businesses: generation, transmission and distribution. In this environment, a market participant could be forced to deal with both electric energy and non-electric commodities. The increase in the number of participants and opportunities in restructured electricity markets would make it more difficult for participants to implementhedging strategies that could protect their operations and revenues from emerging risks. The short experience with electricity markets showsthe vitality of hedging tools to participants’ survival. Supply-demanddynamics, for example, if not hedgedin proper ways could cause prices of replacement energy to rise to thousands of dollars per MWh.



Different from other commodities, electricity prices are highly unpredictable and are expected to remain as such in the near future which can be attributed to weather-driven factors., problems with fuel and equipment transportation over long distances, correlations with other commodities, and operational factors in transmission and generation of electricity. Hedgingis described as a large challenge to electricity markets. In electricity markets, hedgingstrategies differ widelyfrom one participant to other, based on the participant’s objectives and market forces that are correlated with that participant’s operation. Hedgers and other participants find the problem more sophisticated in electricity markets due to the fact that electricity is a non-storableasset and affected directly by other commodities.A wide range of hedging instruments is getting to be available since the electric power industry is exposed to different types of risks, and participants must understand the nature of complications before deciding on proper hedging tools and strategies. Different participants in electricity markets, especially investors, are exposed either directly or indirectly to different types of financial fluctuations in foreign exchangerates, interest rates, commodityprices and equity~ prices. For examplea rise of the Canadiandollar maylead to large losses for marketparticipants in the UnitedStates that trade energy with Canada. Price fluctuations present risks and this is one of the motivationsthat let participants make an effort to hedge risks in order to protect themselves from unexpected changes or events. This is similar to a situation whena person takes out insurance for his car against its exposure to an accident or a theft. Improving or maintaining the competitiveness of an entity is another motivation for hedging the exposureof the entity to financial risks. As in any other industry, power entities interact and exist jointly, and every party wouldcompetewith others to reach customers in order to makemore profits and to attract investments. Educated personnel, experience and managementapproach are the main factors that define best strategies to hedge risks. It is conceivable to find two power generating companies with similar Equityis the differencebetween the marketvalueof a propertyandthe amount owed onthat property.See:



exposure to fluctuations in the financial market; one wouldmakeprofits while the other suffers from losses due to completelydifferent policies and hedging strategies. Participation of financial traders in electricity marketsis expectedto increase the liquidity of electricity markets and improve market efficiency. Financial traders wouldpredict price changes (volatility) the electricity, makegains by trading electricity derivatives such as options and futures based on their price projections, and trade their future positions 2 before a contract is expired or delivered. If their price projections are in the right direction, they earn profits and lose otherwise. On the other hand, buyers, sellers and hedgers use these financial instruments to removeprice risks and lock in their desired price for the electricity whetheror not the marketprice increases. Futures and options could provide market players with more flexibility than long-term fixed bilateral contracts. Price risk managementinstruments are often developed either by a power pool, a security exchange, bilaterally (OTC)or by financial intermediaries. Regardless of the environment where they are formed, these instruments are usually derived from price discoveries in powerpools and exchanges. The Midwest crisis of June 1998 was a shock to restructuring researcher and considered as a wake-up call to them to find proper instruments to hedge risks of creditworthiness of counterparties in electricity markets. This crisis showedhowrisky 3sleeve transactions were and howthey could cause market instability. It also showedthat a participant whodid not properly hedge its transaction risks could be forced to buy powerin hourly markets with very high prices. This chapter will show numerous examples for using different hedging tools such swap transaction, caps, floors, swaption, swing contracts, and weather-related derivatives. In addition, manyother

Net total of a trader’s open contracts in a particular underlyingcommodity. Sleeving in electricity markets describes the situation whena participant for a fee (commission) acts as an intermediary between two other participants whenone of them has bad credit or does not have creditability that the other requires; in other words,the intermediary takes title to the poweron behalf of the two participants and guarantees the performanceof the contract whena default occurs.



examples are presented on related issues. The examples are supported with graphical illustrations as required.



Risk is the exposure to uncertainty, i.e. the degree of uncertainty of future net returns. A commonclassification of risks is based on the source of underlying uncertainty. The classifications could include operational risk, marketrisk, liquidity risk, or credit risk. Thesetopics are discussed as follows. Operational risk could result from errors madein instructing paymentsor settling transactions. ¯

Market risks would represent the potential for changes in the value of a position resulting from market price changes.


Liquidity risk is a financial risk resulting froma possible loss of liquidity; liquidity risk is reflected in the inability of a finn to fund its illiquid assets. There are two types of liquidity risks: specific liquidity risk and systematic liquidity risk. Specific liquidity risk is the risk that a particular institution wouldlose liquidity, and this mayhappenif the institution’s credit rating falls or somethingelse happens such that counterparties avoid trading with or lending to the institution. On the other hand, systematic liquidity risk is the risk that the entire market would lose liquidity and this risk affects all participants in a market. Markets have a tendency to lose liquidity during periods of crisis, high volatility or major unpredictedevents. Liquidity risk has a tendency to compoundother risks and is mostly harmful to institutions that are experiencing financial difficulties with an instant needfor cash.


Credit risk would estimate the potential loss because of the inability of counterpartyto meetits obligations, i.e., it is the risk in the counterparty’sability or willingnessto meetits contractual obligations. Anexampleof credit risk is the situation of a bank that would makeloans to customers. If the customers fail to



maketimely principal or interest payments, the bank could face credit risk.




Hedgeis a transaction that mayconsist of cash instruments or derivatives and is used to offset risks associated with certain positions by establishing opposing positions. A hedge could offset an exposure to changes in financial prices of other contracts or business risks. In general, hedge is defined as a position or combination of positions, which could reduce some types of risk. Hedgeoften indicates partially offsetting a long position in one security with a short or short equivalent position in a related security. An exampleof a hedge is the purchase or sale of futures contracts to reducethe interest rate risk by offsetting cash markettransactions at a later date. Hedging is the process of reducing uncertainty of future price movements.Hedging is an operation undertaken by a trader or dealer whowishes to protect an open position, especially a sale or a purchase of a commodity,currency, security, etc., that is likely to fluctuate in price over the period that the position remains open. This process could be implementedby a purchase or a sale of derivative securities, such as options, to reduce or neutralize all or part of the risk of holding another security. For example, undertaking forward sales or purchases in the futures market, or taking out an option whichwouldlimit the exposureto price fluctuations is regarded as hedging. I-Iedger 4 is a participant whowould enter the market with the specific intent of protecting an existing or anticipated physical market exposure from unexpectedor adverse price fluctuations. For example, a generation companymaycontract to sell a large quantity of energy for delivery over the next six months. Electricity products woulddependon raw materials such as natural gas that could fluctuate in price. If the generation companywould not have sufficient raw material in stock, an open position could result. The generation company may hedge the open position by purchasing the required natural gas on a futures contract, and

4 Formoreinformation on hedgerssee section6.8.



if the companyhas to be paid for the natural gas in a foreign currency, the company’scurrency needs could be hedgedby other contracts. Two-way hedge and one-way hedge are hedging contracts which are dependent on the contract’s strike price and spot price. In a two-way hedge contract, buyer and seller would agree on a paymentfrom one to the other whenthe strike price is either higher or lower than the spot price. For example, whena power generating participant would agree with a retailer for a two-wayhedge contract, the generating party would pay the retailer the difference betweenthe spot price and the strike price whenthe spot price wouldget to be higher than the strike price, and the retailer would pay the generating party whenthe spot price drops below the strike price. In a one-wayhedge, only the generating party wouldpay the retailer whenthe spot price is higher than the strike price, and nothing wouldbe paid to generating parties whenthe opposite occurs. In this type of contract, a retailer wouldpay an annualfee. The energy that is traded by means other than hedging contracts wouldbe through the spot price market wherethe spot price is calculated . by balancing supply with demandusing a bidding system. Even though the volumeof trades in the spot price market is low comparedto other types of markets, spot price is usually used as an index to strike price in hedging contracts, and market participants would devote a considerable attention to spot price for redirecting their movements. Marketparticipants can use insurance packages offered by insurance companies to hedge risks such as hedging the expensive cost of replacement power whenan outage takes place, hedging counterparty risks or hedging extreme price spikes due to unexpected weather conditions or due to similar reasons. Weather-related derivatives are implementedin electric industry restructuring as risk hedging tools to hedge risks associated with unpredictable weather conditions. Weather derivatives are the only contracts that offer energyproviders a procedure to hedge volumetric risk. As an example, a weather derivative can be used in the form of an options contract with a strike point set at a specified number of degree-days (DDs) or set based on maximum minimum temperatures. Wewill discuss this issue later in this chapter.







6.4.1 SupplyShortage. A supply shortage could cause electricity prices to increase sharply, where a shortage in supply could be created due to unpredicted high temperatures (that could increase the load) generation outages. Whensupply is in shortage, market participants wouldcompeteto reach scarce resources, utilities woulddo their best to fulfill native peak load obligations, marketers wouldtry to secure power to avoid defaulting on their contracts with market participants, and suppliers would try to avoid blackouts. These reasons along with pressure from state regulators and politicians are all significant factors that motivateprices to increase sharply in a volatile electricity market.

6.4.2 Defaults. The default of participants could cause traders to doubt the creditworthiness of their counterparties and their ability to deliver the contracted power. A major default maylead to widespread effect and severe price run-up. In electricity markets, participants could engage in a series of contracts, for example, A with B, B with C, C with D and so on. WhenA (seller) defaults on call options contracts with B (i.e., the contract ~vould not be honoredby A, becauseAhas no ability to fulfill the contract if the contract is exercised by B), B may default on its commitments or contracts with participant C and so on. Cascadeddefaults in electricity markets maycause severe losses to some participants, large and unfair rewards to others, bankruptcy and lawsuits, which could damage reputations and decrease the level of trust betweenmarket participants. Because A (sellers) would not be able to cover the contract, A would probably be obligated to pay liquidated damages. Theseissues are against competition- the core topic of restructuring. Whena chain of defaults would happen, nervousness and fear of more contract defaults could control market operations, whichwoulddefinitely lead to more run-up in prices. Creditworthiness associated with energy derivatives markets should be one of the priorities for hedging risks in electricity markets. Creditworthinessof counterparties should be rated or classified by approvedcredit rating agencies or, alternatively, should be regulated by FERC.Participants in electricity market operations should



recognize the potential risks and disseminate their resources among available hedgingalternatives to increase their chancefor survival in this competitive and restructured market.

6.4.3 TransmissionConstraints. Another considerable factor in designing hedging strategies is transmission constraints. Under constrained situations, transmission line loading relief and curtailments could cause run-up in prices. In addition, a constrained situation could reduce the ability of transmission providers to transfer power, whichin turn could force market participants to request more power from the hourly spot market, and contribute to price spikes. A constrained situation could be caused either by line outages because of weather conditions or by heavily loaded lines. A constrained situation could be tied to the supply-demand balance in a region. Whena region would suffer from supply shortages, powerwill be importedfrom other regions, which could cause congestion. On the other hand, transmission loading relief actions mayrequire participants to reschedule large sumsof power, which could also contribute to price run-ups. The loss of a generating unit could cause participants to contract power from other regions to replace the loss; if the transacted poweris not feasible due to line relief actions, increase in price could be expected.

6.4.4 Price Information.Inadequacy in realistic

and timely price informationis another source of risk in electricity markets, especially at times when markets have major events such as outages of large generation units, defaults and other factors that could cause price spikes. If a participant (buyer) is under pressure to find a replacement power, and does not have any adequate information on what others are paying for power, the participant mayget overchargedfor its purchase of power. This fact wouldnecessitate price signals in electricity markets to help reduce risks associated with price volatility. See Chapter 7 for more information.

6.4.5 Lackof Experience.Market participants’ lack of experience with hedgingtools could be another source of risks in electricity markets. Hedging tools would reduce or alleviate risks, while insufficient



experience could increase risks. The inexperience maylead participants to pay higher prices than necessary; for example,a successful trader or a buyer whowould need energy during the next monthcould decide either to buy later from the spot market or to sign a bilateral contract now. Success would only be guaranteed by good experience in applying hedging tools and in future market movements. Another point to be highlighted in this regard is that market participants should understand the terms of their contracts, such as ensuring that their contracts have liquidated damagesprovisions in case of defaults by counterparties, curtailment provisions for firm transactions, and the price of emergency powerto prevent counterparties from taking advantage of the emergency situation to manipulatethe market and increase prices sharply.

6.5 VALUE-at-RISK(VaR) A reliable hedging strategy is not the one that would hedge the exposure of an individual risk, but the one that is designed based on a comprehensive analysis of various risks in a portfolio. For example, entering a futures contract mayreduce the impact of a particular risk on a portfolio or aggravate the impact on the portfolio; this could happen because the futures contract would be related to other positions or 5. contracts in the portfolio Before designing hedging strategies to manageexposures to risks, a participant should identify exposuresto several risk factors and quantify these exposures. The next step is to analyze interactions amongthese exposures. A participant has to define whichexposures contribute to the risk and whichexposureshave positive impacts on its portfolio. Building hedging strategies is based on certain measures. The main measure is called Value-at-Risk (VaR). VaRis a number(an estimate) that tells a market participant, due market movements, how muchits portfolio or position may lose in a particular time period (horizon) for a given probability of occurrence. The given probability is called confidence level, which represents the degree of certainty of the VaR estimate. The commonvalue of confidence level is 0.95 (or 95%)which meansthat 95%of the time the Valueat Riskfor Energy,http ://



participant’s losses will be less than VaR,and 5%of the time the losses will be more than VaR. Figure 6.1 shows the idea of confidence level. Using VaRwouldenable participants to minimizethe variability in their revenues. VaRis also a decision tool that tells the participant whichrisk is worth taking and to what extent each risk should be hedged. In addition, VaRgives a participant the diversification benefits for having different positions in the portfolio. Example6.1 (a) Horizon: one week Confidence level: 95% VaR: $1 M Explanation: 1-0.95 = 0.05 = 5/100=1/20 This meansthat losses in excess of $1 Mwill occur about once in every 20 weeks.


Expectedprofits andlosses in $ Figure6.1 Illustration of Value-at-RiskandConfidenceLevel



(b) Horizon: one day Confidence level: 96 % VaR: $1 M Explanation: 1-0.96 = 0.04 = 1/25 This meansthat losses in excess of $1 Mwill occur about once in every 25 days. Example 6.2 If a portfolio’s 1-week,95%value at risk is $:2 M, then the portfolio would be expected to lose less than $2 Mover 95 weeks out of 100. This estimate is based uponthe portfolio’s current structure and recent market conditions. Various methods for calculating VaRinclude: Closed form VaR, Monte Carlo VaR, Historical VaR and Delta-gamma VaR. Each methodology has its ownstrengths and weaknesses. Value at risk is sometimesreferred to as capital at risk, earningsat risk or dollars at risk.





Exposureto the risk of fluctuating prices in electricity marketswould necessitate adequate and reliable hedging tools. Financial exposure should be quantified and trading parties should owntools for credit checks and strategies to reduce the counterparty risk. A reliable and stable electricity market would have credit requirements to directly address the counterparty risk. Before restructuring, electricity wastraded betweenlarge utilities in a bilateral form, i.e., buyers and sellers wereusually located in the same geographical region, trading was largely regulated and price behavior was steady. However,under restructuring, a large numberof non-utility power marketers have entered the electricity market and unregulated trading is an acceptable mode.In addition, trading is not restricted to a specific geographical region but extended to include manygeographical



markets. As a result, credit risk concerns are raised now.Traditionally, credit risks have been addressed using corporate/parent guarantees or letters of credit. Dueto price volatility in electricity markets, bilateral powertrading would have a higher chance of unexpected financial losses. Defaults in electricity markets could leave a wide impact on manyif not all market participants. A stable power market is a market that would not be affected by a default or series of defaults. In the California PX(CalPX), the risk of default is pooledover the entire exchange. To hedge a market participant from a counterparty risk, the market may: ¯ require each participant to place a security deposit for covering a possible default ¯

observe trading activities to ensure that the exposure would not exceeda participant’s deposit.

The exampleis the case in the CalPX,wherethe pool is the counterparty for both buyers and sellers. Whena security deposit is not adequate to cover losses from a default, the PXdistributes uncovered losses among all participants over an entire month’s trading volume. That meansthe risk of default is pooled amongits participants. The CalPX would provide the electricity market with a stabilizing effect, by creating a liquid market, where prices would not be considerably affected by transient events. This market wouldhave, ¯ a wide range of participants from all states, ¯ high volumeand binding credit requirements, ¯ a one-time single-price auction. In the next section, we will discuss the disaster that happenedin the Midwestand the Eastern power markets, in June 1998, where wholesale prices increased to an unpredicted level of more than $7,000/MWh. The default caused a sequence of events that reached many regions throughout the North America through trading operations of power marketers. The event of Midwestresulted in price spikes in the Western market whena power marketing firm could not cover its contracts, and a few electricity traders incurred losses in hundredsof millions of dollars.



Analyzing this event is important for entities that seek hedging strategies. The event highlights somemajor factors that lead to extreme price spikes in electricity markets and shows howa default would be transferred from a regional market to other markets. Thelosses attributed to this event urged counterparty risk evaluations in manyparts of the United States¯ In these series of events it wasreported that energyprices at the CaIPXwere kept stable. 6.6.1 What Did Happen in the Midwest? In the fall of 1997, Federal - a small marketer - had sold manycall options to other market participants. In the period of 22-24 June 1998, more than 20 Midwestern and Canadian nuclear and coal units were downeither due to planned maintenance/returning to service later than expected or due to forced outages caused by storm. In this period, unexpectedhot weather hit the Midwest and the Eastern United States. As a result, load demandwas higher than the level of all available generation. During this period, prices in the Into Cinergy 6 hub rose to a range of $290/MWhto $550/MWh. Somemarket participants had previously bought call options for energy at low prices around $50/MWh,and when prices rose to much higher levels those parties wereexercising their options contracts to meet their needs. Unfortunately, someof the sellers did not meet their contract obligations by not providing physical capacity or by generation contracts to other parties. As a result, Federal - a sellers of options - defaulted with a buyer (FirstEnergy). In an electricity market, if market participant A is seen to be undercapitalized and exposed to counterparty risk, participant B would not be willing to deal with A directly. Instead, B would deal with a middleman C that would have a strong generation availability and financial reputation and would accept to makea deal with A. In other words, B would buy contracts from C where C would earn a margin on ¯ 7 the transaction. This process is defined as sleeving, where C would accept to take a position (such as call options) on contracts that would 6 Into Cinergyis a tradingarea in OhioandIndianawheretraders can makefutures contracts. 7 Seefootnoteonsleevingin Section6.1.



not be supported by physical capacity. In the case of the Midwest, A represented Federal, B represented FirstEnergy and C represented Springfield. On June 25, prices hit the limit of $1500/MWh due to an unfortunate and unexpectedly loss of a nuclear unit of FirstEnergy caused by tornado damage. Whenthe default news spread, some participants who were expecting prices to increase to muchhigher levels, rushed to buy as muchpower as they could, and what madethe situation worse was that Springfield announcedthat it would not perform on the options that it had sleeved for Federal, which led prices to increase sharply to $7,500/MWhin real-time trading and $4,900/MWhfor pre-scheduled power. In this process, man3/entities were severely affected. Manyfactors accumulatedand caused wholesale prices for electric energy to run-up in several Midwestern states for the three-day period where hourly spot prices of electricity jumpedfrom an average of ~$30/MWh to more than $7,000/MWh. Thesevere price spikes caused several utilities to lose tens of millions of dollars on replacement power in order to keep their reputation during those hot days. During this crisis, customers were unaffected by price run-up due to the fact that retail rates were regulated in the Midwesternstates. Without any rate regulation, a small customer or a family wouldhave paid thousands of dollars for electricity on those three days. This crisis was a lesson on howvital hedging strategies are and howmucha major event in electricity market could impose severe consequenceson participants. 6.6.2 Factor Contributing to Counterparty Risk. Experts in the electric power industry have agreed-upon several factors that contributed to the Midwestcrisis. Thesefactors are weather, insufficient generation, insufficient transmission, and inexperience. The first two factors are not related to restructuring (i.e., might happen without restructuring), and the others are related to restructuring practices. Understandingthe effect of these factors on restructuring wouldclarify the importance of hedging strategies and provide guidance on howand whenthe best strategies should be implemented. The contribution of each factor is detailed in the following:



(1) Weather: Unseasonably high temperatures, that accompanied the heat wavein late June 1998, caused people to stay inside and turn on their air conditioners, whichincreased the demandbeyondforecast. (2) Insufficient Generation: Scarcity in generated powercould occur at inconvenient times due to equipment forced outages. Forced outage of a numberof generating plants could cause cascaded price spikes in electricity markets. (3) Insufficient Transmission: Transmission constraints, caused by congestion or insufficient transmission facilities, could cause price increases when power cannot be transmitted into areas with generation shortages. As restructuring proceeds, the transmission problem could be resolved by additional investments in the transmission grid. Outagesin transmission facilities with high traffic are also expected to cause price spikes. Planned outages, if not scheduled properly, mayalso lead to similar impacts. (4) Inexperience: Oneof the main reasons for price spikes wouldbe the lack of experience of market participants, especially traders, with electricity market conditions. Participants may lack necessary resources and experience to protect their consumers, whenpower marketers default on their obligations. In the summerof 1998, defaults on power sales led to unusual short-term trades which caused severe pressures on electricity markets and severely impacted those power companies that were relying on defaulting trading companies. Federal Energy Sales (Ohio), Power Company America(Connecticut) and the city of Springfield (Illinois) defaulted on supply contracts because of the price explosion. 6.6.3 Managing Counterparty Risk. Responding to the Midwest crisis, FERCissued a report that discussed factors resulting in the Midweststates’ events and highlighted various strategies and tools to managerisks in powermarkets. The report pointed out that the following risk management tools are essential for wholesaletrading in restructured power markets: (1) Over-the-counter tools.

(OTC) options:

most commonlyused hedging



(2) Futures trading: commodities ex-changes offering futures for electricity, including contracts sponsored by NYMEX, CBOT,and the Minneapolis Grain Exchange. (3) Insurance: new policies for traders help reduce risk by protecting against the expensive cost of replacement power in the event of generating unit outages, managingcounter party risks and protecting against extremeprice fluctuations. (4) Weather-related derivatives: a small numberof trading companies offer contracts based on a certain number of degree-days s or maximum/minimumtemperatures. Electricity price spikes and supply shortages in the Midwestin late June, 1998served as a reminderto restructuring participants that restructuring would necessitate effective risk-management strategies. One way of hedging against the Midwestsituation is to increase the supply, which maytake a while to study and implement. In addition, maintenance decisions should not be based on old powerplant operation models, and economicsof maintenancedecisions should not be the only factors to be taken into account. Since replacing the lost powerduring price spikes or peak periods is an expensiveoption, the volatility of electricity markets would necessitate the operation of power plants with more reliable information in real-time and adequate knowledgein projecting future prices. As wediscussed, an unplannedoutage is a critical factor in price, which would necessitate hedging against forced outages. To do that, market participants mayuse OTCderivatives to offer call options that would guarantee backup power at a reasonable price in the case of outages. Other alternatives would include issuing weather-outage-based derivatives with paymentor power replacement whenhigh temperatures and unit outages occur. 6.6.4 CalPX and Counterparty Risk. The CalPX stands as a one-time, single-price auction whenparticipants submit bids for loads and generation for the day-aheadmarket. Bilateral trading for the nextday power is conducted over several hours each morning in small transactions that are sensitive to fluctuations in demandor supply. In a SeeSection6.9.



bilateral transaction, if A buys from B, then B is the counterparty of A, while if A buys from a pool, the pool is the counterparty of A. In other words, all buyers and sellers dealing with the pool are the counterparty of A, and if any default happens by an individual party whois unable to cover its default by security deposits, the risk of default is spread among pool participants. The California’s PXrequires all participants to post a security deposit - a corporate or a parent guarantee qualifies for the CalPXApprovedCredit Rating - that would cover the expected level of business with the PXthrough one billing cycle including the lag time between close of the month and the time when payment is due. If a CalPX’sparticipant does not qualify for an ApprovedCredit Rating, the participant must post a security deposit in the form of letter of credit issued by a bank, a security bond issued by an insurance companyor a cash deposit in an escrowaccount. In the CalPX,if the buyer’s default is not fully covered.bythe required security deposit, the resulting liability would be spread across all participants, over all MWh traded in the billing cycle in whichthe default occurred. Example 6.3 Assumethat the average daily volume of energy in the CalPX is 500,000 MWh and the CalPX’s average price is $20/MWh.Also, the period that would cover transactions for the billing monthplus those incurred during the following monthprior to whencash paymentwould be received is 46 days. The default situation: Participant A is a buyer of 500 MWfrom the CalPX.Let’s assumethat A has default with liabilities of 10%in excess of its security deposit. Calculations: Monthlyvolumeof energy traded in PXis (500,000 MWh/day)x (30 day) = 15,000,000 Buyer’ssecurity deposit is: (500 MW/day)x (24 hours) × (46 day) x ($20/MWh)=$11,040,000. The participant Ahas default with liabilities of (10%)× ($11,040,000) $1,104,000 in the whole period. Sellers would bear a reduction of $1,104,000/15,000,000 = $0.0736/MWh.



On a daily basis, the CalPXwouldobserve trading operations of its participants by comparingeach participant’s cumulative 46-day trading operation with the security deposit and notify the participant if the cumulativevalue has reached 80%of the security deposit. In this case, a participant should increase its deposit within one day if it woulddesire to trade at or above the level of its secured exposure. The CaIPXwouldnot permit a participant to trade once its cumulativeexposureis equivalent to its security deposit. The price in a pool is a reliable indicator that would measure the impact of forces that could influence supply and demandconvergence. Wecould record that the effects of manyforces on the competitive price of electricity would help market participants create proper financial instruments for hedging price risks, makefinancial investment, take optimal marketing decisions, and understand and compare prices for bilateral contracts (OTCtrades) against pool prices. To fulfill this, the pool should implementliquidity, have a standardized unit of trade, a delivery period, a specified quality and locations of delivery and receipt. These specifications wouldin turn help market participants hedge price risks using electricity derivatives such as futures and options. Smallparticipants, whocould not withstandprice risks in bilateral trading, might hedgeprice risk by participation in a pool. In California, the PX would reduce the risk of delivery default for buyers and the paymentdefault for sellers, which would hedge price risks for newand small participants. In the case of delivery default, the PXwouldstand as an alternative supply; in the case of paymentdefault, the liability would be pooled. 6.6.5 Lessons Learned in Risk Management. discussion welearn the following lessons:

From this

Defaults are caused by either a failure to physically deliver poweron existing contracts or a failure to pay for supplied power. The Midwestevent was caused by the first type. Taking a position on contracts (such as call options) that wouldnot be supported by physical generation or dealing with undercapitalized participants is a risky practice andcould harm the reputation of a participant if contracts wouldnot be honored. Default in a certain



region by a participant could transfer and cause secondaryeffects in other regions. ¯

During market defaults, participants might sustain severe trading losses or large trading profits. This dependson their understandingof what wouldhappenafter default.


Exercising market poweris a concern during a default.


Defaults are highly expected at times of extreme loads or forced outages.


Counterparty risk is more eminent in bilateral-based pool-based trading.

trading than

Credit policies and instruments should be re-evaluated by different participants, especially marketers to take into consideration the risk associated with a seller’s failure to deliver and the resulting cost of replacement power. As restructuring wouldreach maturity, market conditions should be qualified to reduce the possibility of severe price fluctuations and its impact on market players. To reach this level, considerations should be given to adequate administration or control, encouraging more investments in generation capacity and transmission facilities, and implementingreliable hedging strategies. For example, main interfaces or transmission facilities that would usually be congested every summer or located in critical periods should be given more consideration to improvetheir capabilities, and consideration should be initiated before the major spikes re-occur. Nobodycould guarantee that similar price spikes would not re-occur, especially whensome of the conditions that led to the Midwestprice spikes are to be present during the next several years until restructuring would reach maturity and somefactors such as unexpected weather conditions and unplanned outages could occur at any time. Onewayof hedgingrisks in electricity would have diversified supply portfolios; should not depend on a single supplier providers in different locations. This is suppliers wouldnot force a participant to

marketsis that a participant in other words, a participant and should consider several to guarantee that the loss of buy replacementpowerin large



quantities from hourly markets, and to facilitate additional power transfers whena supplier’s transaction wouldbe curtailed or constrained due t O outages. Oneother option for hedging the risks of price spikes is involving retail customers in mitigating risks by adjusting their powerusage in peak times. If customers could obtain the information on real-time price signals, they could respond accordingly by modifyingtheir consumption profile at times. This would be done by implementing proper demand side managementprocedures, such as interrupting the consumptionbased on contractual agreements between customers and providers, or requesting large retail customersand certain industrial customersto sell their firm powerback to their providers whenloads are at their peak or in emergencyconditions. 96.7


Derivative instruments could provide manyrisk exposures based on time and market movements. In order to select and adjust hedging strategies in an optimal manneror to enter newpositions, it is necessary to know specific exposures to each source of risk in the market. Correspondingly, the Greek letters: Delta, Gamma,Theta, Vegaand Rho are used for representing various sensitivities of derivatives. TheGreeksare sensitivities that analyze exposuresof a portfolio or a position; for exampleif a portfolio is composedof manypositions, then it will have a delta for each position. The market variables that have impact on the Greeksare time, implied volatility and the position of the underlier1° in relation to strike prices. TheGreeksare used by derivative traders to hedge their positions. A perfectly hedgedposition is the one for whichall the Greeks- with the possible exceptionof theta - are zero. Hedginga derivatives position would be possible by maintaining the Greeks within reasonable bounds and obtaining a balance or trade-off betweentheir respective exposures. 9 ~oUnderlier is a delivery-settledderivativeinstrument or commodity whichis delivered underthe contract.Forexample, if a futurescontractrequiresthe futuredeliveryof 100MWh of energy,thenthe underlieris energy.



Delta and Gammawould measure changes in the value of an underlier. Changesin the value of an underlier are a mainsource of risk in portfolios. Deltais the first-order measureof sensitivity to an underlier and Gamma is the second-order measure of sensitivity to an underlier. Delta captures the magnitudeand direction ofa portfolio’s sensitivity to the underlier and Gamma is a measure of convexity, i.e., Gamma would capture the curvature’s direction (downwardor upward) and magnitude of a position or a portfolio. WhenGamma is positive, the curvature would open upward and a negative Gamma means that a curvature would open downward.It illustrates howquickly a portfolio or a position becomes unhedged when the underlier would change. For an option, Gamma is the change in an option’s delta for a one-point change in the price of the underlier, or gammais the delta of delta. The gammaof a long calls or puts option position is alwayspositive - the delta increases as the underlying price increases and falls as the underlying price falls. For an option, Delta is a measureof howsensitive an option’s price is to changesin the underlying, for that reason Delta is useful as a hedgeratio. Example 6.4 Afutures option that has a Delta of 0.5 implies that the option price increases 0.5 for every l point increase in the futures price. For small changes in the futures price, the option worksas one-half of a futures contract. Constructinga Delta hedgefor a long position in 10 calls, each with a Delta of 0.5 wouldrequire selling 5 futures contracts. To illustrate the meaning of the Greek variables Delta, consider Figure 6.2 whichshowsa relationship betweenthe value of portfolio and the underlier. Theslope of the curve at any value of underlier is the Delta at this value, which tells us whether the portfolio value increases or decreases with an increase in the underlier. At the value 105 of the underlier, the portfolio Delta (slope) is 0.0714, whichmeansan increase of $0.0714 Min the portfolio value for each unit increase in the underlier. So, the Delta captures the magnitude and direction of a portfolio’s sensitivity to the underlier. For this portfolio (see Figure6.2), the Gamma is negative (curvature opens downward).




Slope = 0.0714

2.3 2.2 2.0




106 107




Figure6.2 Relationshipbetweenthe Valueof Portfolio and the Underlier

Example 6.5 Suppose that a GenCo’sportfolio is exposed to the NYMEX futures contract and has the NYMEX futures Delta of 1.0 million, this means that the portfolio will gain about $1 Mif the futures price rises $1, and lose $1 Mif the futures price falls $1. Vegais a price or sensitivity of a derivative or portfolio to implied volatility and usually is used in hedging instruments which entail optimality as in the case of put options, call options, caps and others. For an option, Vegarepresents the change in the value of an option for a 1 percentage point increase in implied volatility. The Vegaof a long calls or puts option position is always positive. Figure 6.3 gives the response of call option’s price to changesin implied volatility. The option’s Vega in this figure is 0.0333.


Chapter 6

$M 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0


~x, x Slope = 0.03333

0.0 0

4% 8% 12% 16% 20% Implied Volatility

Figure 6.3 Relationship betweenValue of Portfolio and Implied Volatility

Rho measures sensitivity to interest rates, where interest rates affect the price of a derivative instrument- today’s price of a derivative should be the discounted mean of its future cash flows, and interest rate would determine the rate at which discounting is performed. Rho is also a linear risk measure that represents the slope of a tangent line to the portfolio’s price as a function of interest rates.



Derivatives can be used in electricity trading by two different approaches: a trader can hedge by off-loading risk or a trader can speculate by taking on risk. Hedging is locking in prices to control exposure to volatile markets for risk management or revenue loss minimization. On the other hand, speculation is venturing (gambling) for one objective that is increasing the profit by anticipating market movements.



In general, traders of derivatives (forward contracts, future contracts, options and others) may be classified as hedgers, arbitrageurs and speculators: ¯

Hedgers would look into reducing a presumedprice risk, i.e., they are interested in eliminating the exposureto changes in the price of an asset. To do that, hedgers woulduse derivatives to reduce the risk or alleviate it totally. Mostderivatives used for hedging are zero-sumgames, i.e., for each winner, there would be a loser, and what is won by someone would be lost by another. For example, whenmarket participant A sells a future with a loss of $100to participant B, participant B gains $100. Arbitrageurs would look into a riskless profit by entering simultaneously into two or moremarkets that have contrariety in prices. The futures price and spot price should converge on the delivery date to totally hedge the risk in price movements.The main risk that would accompany futures is the difference betweenfutures price and the spot price at the delivery date. This difference is called basis and the risk associated with basis is called basis risk. Factors that maylead to occurrenceof basis are differences in time, location, or quality of the commodity.If a basis could exist, an arbitrageur would secure its profit; for example, if the energy futures price was $11/MWh,but spot price was $8 near the delivery date, then an arbitrageur would buy electricity in the spot market for $8/MWh,sell a futures contract for $11/MWhand guarantee a $3/MWhprofit. When the demandin the spot market of energy wouldincrease, the spot price could go up, and whenfutures contracts to be sold increase, the price of futures could drop and cause the two prices to converge. However, the two prices may not converge due to complications in energy delivery. Basis risk mayalso occur as a result of transmission line constraints and differences in transmission costs. Speculators would take a position in the market by gambling (betting) on the price of an asset. Speculators use derivatives their speculations to reduce the risk of price movements.GenCo, DisCo, customers, marketers or brokers may speculate using


Chapter6 futures contracts to make a profit. If any of these market participants expects that the energy spot price would rise, it would buy energy futures and if the opposite is expected, the participants would sell energy futures. For example, if a marketer expects an increase in spot price, it wouldreceive the future spot price whenit sells a futures contract to close out its position and wouldpay a lower price for the futures contract that was originally bought. See Figure 6.4. Risk mayalso appear whenan entity over-estimates the amount of energy that it generates or consumes. Suppose that a GenCo was expecting to have an excess of 500 MWh in three months, so it would sell a futures contract for this amountat $12/MWh. Whenthe delivery time came, the GenCodiscovered that it would need the excess generation to serve its owncustomers due to an increase in demandor a forced outage of a large plant. In this situation, the GenCowould be speculating in the energy futures market. The GenCowould lose moneyif the price of electricity increases and makemoneyif the price of electricity decreases.

(1) t=0, BuyFutures for fixedprice Futures Market ( CBOT, NYMEX,or GME

(2) t=T,Sell futuresat spotprice

GenCos Marketers Brokers DisCos End Users

Figure6.4 Speculationusing FuturesContracts



Example 6.6 Let’s assume that a portfolio managerof a GenCohas the portfolio shownin Figure 6.5. Theportfolio has the net short positions in second, third and fourth weeks as shownin the figure. The managerhas three alternatives: keepthe short position (sell contracts), take a long position (buy contracts) or close the position (buy contracts to balance the supply and the demand.)

Demand [MW]



....-. ,-, , . . , . ./r’l

Supply Demand


I-Ir’l r’l 1




3 4 5

8000 9000 12,000 12,000

I1,000 12,000 12,000 12,000

-3,000 -3,000 0 0

short short closed closed



O~Weeks "lO’O00


~U 1 1 ~ Short


1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 6.5 A Portfolio of Six Weeks



Alternative strategies: ¯

The portfolio manager was speculating on price increase and entered a purchase contract of 300 MWh/Week (fiat) for the three weeks at a price of $20/MWh.


The portfolio manager was speculating on price decrease and decided to take a short position (no change).

Supposethat the average energy price of the three weeksturned out to be $23/MWh,what is the outcomeof each strategy? For the first alternative, the managerchose to enter the contract, alleviate the risk and secure a level of profit equal to $27,000(or 3000 MWh/Week)x(3 weeks)× ($23/MWh-$20/MWh). For the second altemative, the managerchose to maintain a net short position, so the GenCowouldlose $27,000on this individual position. Comment:Choosingone of the two alternatives should not be based on a hunch or personal feeling, but on analytical tools and price forecast modelsthat could predict the future condition to a large extent. 6.8.1 Swap Transaction as a Hedging Instrument. One of the simplest and most commoninstruments in designing hedging strategies for electricity price risks would be a swap. A swap can be used to hedge the risk of spot price fluctuations. It is a financial and negotiable OTC tool in which two participants (with different expectations about the direction of price movements) would agree to exchange (swap) 1~ a certain price risk exposures over a pre-determined period of time; in other words, swapis an exchangeof cash flows. Swap transactions are classified as short-term and long-term transactions, where the first one would be valid from one monthto six months and the second one for a period from six months to manyyears. Swaption is an optionona swapthat givesa participantthe optionto eitherincreaseor decrease the periodof the swapor givesa participantthe optionto eitherincreaseor decreasethe volumeof the swap.Swaptions give morecertainty to the marketand reducethepricevolatilityof the option.



The two counterparties would agree to pay each other the difference between an agreed-upon fixed price and a specified fluctuating price index that would follow the volatility of the market during the period covered by their agreement. Thefixed price is usually the average market price. Any of DowJones Indexes, Index of McGraw-Hill’s Power Markets Week,Indices of NYMEX or others can be used as a price index in a swap transaction. Whenthe index price is greater than the agreeduponprice, the seller pays the buyer; otherwisethe buyer pays the seller. Swaptransactions are costless (do not need any up-front payment) and not standardized, but participants can customize their contractual terms to meet their particular needs. Throughthis contract a participant could swap exposureto floating prices in return for an agreed-uponfixed price. Swapcontracts would include terms that refer to fixed price, settlement period and a floating price reference, wherethe fixed price maydiffer in each time step of this period, and the amountof electricity (volume in MW)in each time step of the period is covered by the contract. The quantity to be hedged is chosen by the two participants involved in the swaptransaction. The majority of swap transactions would involve an exchange of periodic paymentsbetweentwo participants, in which one of them would pay a fixed price and the other would pay a variable price. When participant A ownsa swapcontract with participant B for hedginga price risk, the swap contract would enable A to isolate himself from price risks. Here, A would pay the agreed-upon fixed price and receive the floating price. Whencombinedwith customer’s floating payments, the financial contract could convert an unpredictable cost to a knownfixed amount. Undera swap transaction, the settlement wouldbe in cash against an agreed-uponmarket price index, and the notional 12 quantities of power would not be exchanged. A buyer of a swap would make profit when prices increase above a fixed payment level, and lose when prices decrease belowa fixed paymentlevel. An important note here is that the

Thenotionalquantity(amount)for a derivativeinstrumentis the quantityof the underlierto whichthe contractapplies.Forexample, a futurescontracton500MWh of electricity has a notionalamount of 500MWh.



contracted parties can customizetheir terms in order to have a provision for credit risk or the risk of counterpartydefault. Swap-basedtools are useful for both powersuppliers and consumers. A supplier that would use swaps coupled with a physical position could lock in the specific price for the product it wouldsell, and a customer could use swaps to lock in the specific price for the product it would purchase. Locking in prices would be the main idea by which suppliers and consumers would acquire more control over variable revenues and costs in their businesses. Anelectricity supplier whowouldfear the instability in its revenue, which depends on volatile fuel markets, could use swaps to attain revenue stability. Also, a customerwhowould fear an increase in energy prices could enter into swaptransactions to hedge expected high prices. Figure 6.6 showscash flows of a swaptransaction in electricity market.


[ Spot Market(PX) I Electable

~’~Electricity Producer


FixedPrice Variable Pric~


FixedPrice Swap Provider

~ VariablePrice



Figure6.6 CashFlowsof a SwapTransactionin Electricity Market


HedgingTools Example 6.7

Consider a large customer that has a constant demandfor 100 MWh of energy per monthand is concernedwith volatile electricity prices. The customer wouldenter into a three-year electricity swapwith a marketer (an intermediary, a swap dealer, a swap provider or market maker). The current spot price of electricity is $20.0/MWh.The customer would agree to makemonthly payments of $20.2/MWhto the marketer. The notional principal is 100 MWh.The marketer would agree to pay the customer, the average daily price of electricity during the preceding months. Figure 6.7 shows the situation. Remember that in a swap transaction, no exchangeof physical electricity would take place between counterparties. The customer has reduced (not eliminated) its exposureto volatile electricity prices based on a difference betweenthe spot price and the average spot price in the market. The customer would pay the spot price and receive the last month’saverage spot price from the marketer. It wouldalso pay the marketer $20.2/MWh over the life of the contract.




Average spot price

Spot Market[ .( PX

Figure6. 7 Illustration of Example 6. 7



6.8.2 Additional HedgingTools. ¯

Spread is used by a participant whowould simultaneously buy and sell options or futures in the same market (electricity) another related market (such as natural gas) in order to make profits from price differential between contracts. Furthermore, whenthere is a seasonal variation in demandfor electricity, the participant wouldbuy a contract in the expiration of a futures contract while selling a contract in a different expiration.


Caps and floors are other hedging tools that would be used in energy marketsagainst price risk. A cap wouldset an upper limit on price (ceiling price or maximumprice) to protect electricity consumeragainst rising prices and, at the same time, allow him to benefit from falling prices. On the other hand, a floor wouldset a lower limit on price to protect an electricity suppliers against price declines and, at the sametime, allow him to benefit from price increases. Swing contract 13 (take-or-pay contract, or variable base-load


factor contract) is a contract in whicha participant wouldhave the option to change (swing) the contracted amount to a new amount, for a limited number of times. In a swing contract, buyers of electric energy would be inclined to have extra flexibility for an additional amount of electricity over the contracted load, which maybe needed on a certain number of delivery dates (these dates may not be exactly known). The change maybe required because of demandfluctuations which could be due to weatheror spot price changes. Collar is a supply contract between a buyer and a seller of electricity, wherebythe buyer is assured that he wouldnot have to pay more than a maximum price, and the seller is assured of receiving a minimum price.




~4 Example6.8: (Using an option collar as a hedgingtool) Supposethat a participant (purchaser of electric energy) would interested in cappingfuture rising prices. The participant mayuse a call option to limit (cap) the increase, but if the cost (premium)of this option is larger than the level that the participant is willing to pay, then the participant mayuse an option collar as a hedgingstrategy. For this situation, supposethat a distribution company(DisCo) has 40 MWbase load during on-peak hours of on-peak days. Assumethat on May15, 1999, DisCo would desire to cap the increase in electricity prices for July 1999. As a hedging strategy, DisCowould buy a COBcall options from participant Pt (DisCo would pay a premiumto Pt) and simultaneously sell a COBput options to participant P2 (P2 wouldpay premiumto DisCo) with the same expiration. The call option would cap the price of the electricity for DisCo,while the incomefrom the sale of the put option would reduce the premium. For a 40 MWon-peak day, DisCo will need 14,720 MWhin July 1999, a month with 23 on-peak days (40 MW × 16 hours/day × 23 days). The 14,720 MWh is equivalent to 20 futures contracts (14,720 MWh ~5. DisCo can create a collar for July by buying 20 July COB 736 MWh) calls and selling 20 July COBputs. On May 15, DisCo would buy the $28/MWhJuly COBcall at a premium of $2.5/MWh and sell the $22/MWhJuly COB put at a premiumof $2.00/MWh.Also assume that on June 27, July COBfutures is traded at $33/MWh,July COBcalls at $5.0/MWhand puts expire valueless. The calculations are summarizedin Table 6.1. The results in the table showthat using the collar wouldreduce the premium(the cost of protection) from $36,800 to $7,360 ($2.50/MWh $0.5/MWhor (7360/(20×736)=$0.5/MWh). The call alone would limit the DisCo’s upward price exposure at $30.50 ($28/MWh+$2.50/MWh), but the collar would reduce that to $28.50/MWh($30.50/MWh $2.00/MWh).The DisCo would obtain a higher margin of protection for less net premium. 14CBOT ElectricityFuturesandOptions, is Remember that the size of oneNYMEX futures contractsis 736MWh.


Chapter6 Table6.1 Summary of the Results of the Example

Time May 15


Result in $

Options Results in $ Buy 20 $28/MWh July COBputs at 20 x 736 x 2.5 = $2.50/MWh - $36,800 premium Sell20 $22/MWh July COBputs at 20 x 736 x 2. 00= $2. O0/MWh $29,440 Premium Net Premium Paid - $ 7,360

June 27

Cash cost Option gain Net Cost Net Price


Buy 14, 720 MWh14, 720 x33 = at $33/MWh $ 485, 760

Sell 20 $28/MWh 20 x 736 x 5 = July COBcalls at $ 73, 600 $ 5. O/MWh Option Gain $66,240

$ 485, 760 $ 66,240 $ 419,520 $419,520/(14,720 MWh) $28.5/MWh


The changing weather could cause changes in cash flows and earnings of various electricity marketparticipants, wherechangesare uncertain andsometimestotally unexpectedevents could take place. The uncertainty or volatility in weatherconditions could cause financial uncertainties for participants; this uncertainty is referred to as the weather risk. Weatherrisk is a business risk caused by temperature volatility which could cause every day uncertainty in cash flows, expenses and earnings faced by electricity business; in other words weathervolatility could create volatility in expensesandrevenues. In a regulatedmonopoly,electric utilities wouldadjust energyrates that are imposedon customerswhenweatherchanges wouldincrease the utility’s costs. Butthis philosophyis no moreworkingor acceptablein a restructuredenvironment,wherea customer’schoice is supported. Here, a buyer wouldchoose the supplier frommanyalternatives and the price



is a main factor in this process. This evolution wouldnecessitate new techniques for hedging weather risks. Instead of transferring the extra costs stemmingfrom weather changes to customers, hedging approaches should transfer the risks and associated costs to counterparties. Considerationof weatherrisks is an important task in the competition for electricity business, i.e., reasonable revenues and smaller volatility in earnings. It is expected that the cost of weather hedgingproducts wouldbe low as comparedwith that of other commodities. Another advantage is that customized weather hedging tools or indices could be built based on an individual customer’s needs. Weather hedging is the only means of managingthe volumerisk in electricity markets. Weatherhedging is also described as reliable, safe and fair, since weather data is accurate and more objectively collected than that of any other major commodityor financial index. Official weather data for manyyears is provided by government sources. Electricity market players should have a position in weather changes during their trades or transactions. Weather derivatives should be integrated with other derivatives in order to totally hedge risks in electricity markets. Here, it is not required to predict the weathervery accurately in order to protect a business fromweatherrisk, rather the aim is to find counterparties whowould be able to absorb weather-related risks. The subject of weather derivatives in restructuring electricity marketsis still at its initial stages, has very few accessible literature resources and wouldrequire morelearning especially by traders. Weather is one of the main factors in determining the market participants’ earning performance, and in some cases, drastic weather changes could causes participants to have a sluggish net performance. Cool summer weather could reduce the electricity consumption by residential and commercial customers and in turn reduce sales of electricity. As electricity sales woulddecrease, the demandfor natural gas and coal would drop as well. Similarly, when the average temperature in winter would rise above expectation, it wouldreduce the consumptionof electric power and natural gas for space heating. Also, sudden changes in weather could cause run-up in fuel supply costs, which could affect independent power producers with fuel supply contracts. Excessively dry seasons would reduce hydropower



productions and increase the price of electricity. Weatherchanges would certainly impact the performance of electricity markets and its participants. In the past, market players in other industries have dealt with weather risks by either absorbing the risks or managing risks with inefficient hedgingtools. Electricity marketparticipants should introduce a new class of weather risk managementinstruments combined with price risk managementtools that could effectively hedge volume-related risks caused by volatility in average temperatures over specified time periods. 6.9.1 Background. Different market participants modify their cash streams by using weather hedges. Hedgingis usually based on variables, such as Degree-Day (DD), Heating Degree-Day (HDD), and Cooling Degree-Day (CDD). Degree-Day is a unit that would measure the deviation of a day’s average temperature from the arbitrary standard temperature (in US, usually 65 degrees Fahrenheit). DDis a way calculating heating or cooling value; in other words, it wouldrecord how hot or howcold it has been over a 24-hour period. The day’s average temperature would be found by adding a day’s highest and lowest temperatures, and then dividing it by 2; DDis found by subtracting this average temperature from the standard temperature. HDDis a commonly used measure for the relative coolness of weather in a given region during a specified period of time. Usually, CDDwould be used to estimate air-conditioning usage during a warmweather, and HDDis used to estimate heating needs during a cold weather. CMEhas exchange-traded, temperature-related weather derivatives, which are HDDand CDDfutures as well as options on futures. Many business sectors mayuse these contracts to either protect their revenues when the demand would drop or hedge excessive costs due to unfavorable weather conditions. CME futures and options on futures are traded based on indices of HDDsand CDDsfor selected population centers and energy hubs with significant weather related risks throughout the United States, where selected cities are chosen based on specific



factors such as population, variability in seasonal temperatures and OTC 16. trades of HDDand CDDderivatives The CMEHDDIndex is an accumulation of daily HDDsover a calendar month, with $100 attached to each HDDfor final cash settlement, as shownin the following examples. The CMECDDIndex is also an accumulation of daily CDDsover a calendar month, with $100 attached to each CDDfor the final cash settlement. The final settlement price for each monthly contract is based upon the calculated HDDor CDDIndices. Figure 6.8 shows the HDDand the CDDcorresponding to each daily average temperature. OTCrefers to trading in financial instruments transacted off organized exchanges,wherethe transacted parties negotiate all details of the transactions or agree to certain market conventions. In the OTC market, months of October through Marchare usually covered by HDDs and months of Maythrough August are usually covered by CDDs.The other two months (April and September) are referred to as shoulder months.








40 50








Temperature 130 ~ [Fahrenheit]

Figure 6.8 HDD and CDDCorrespondingto Daily AverageTemperature 16Weather Futures&Options,Chicago Mercantile Exchange,



Example 6.9 (a) Assumethat the highest and lowest temperatures on Saturday 14, June 1999 are 72° and 68° degrees, respectively. The average temperature on that day is 70° (or (72°+68°)/2). Assumealso that standard temperature is 65°. Since the average is higher than 65° by 5°, then there would be 5 cooling degree-days (there would be no heating degree-days). (b) Assumethat the highest and lowest temperatures on Tuesday 12, June 1999 are 63° and 61°, respectively. The average temperature in that day is 62° . Assumealso that the standard temperature is 650. Since the average is lower than 65° by 3°, then there are 3 heating degree-days (there would be no cooling degree-days).

Example 6.10 An electricity producer must purchase an adequate quantity of natural gas to cover its production for a heating season in order to meet the customer demand. If average winter temperatures are warmer than expected, the sales volumeof energy will decrease, whichwill result in excess gas and associated storage expenses to the producer. On the other hand, if the winter is colder than expected, the producer will not have sufficient gas to cover the customerdemandand in turn will be forced to pay relatively expensive spot prices. This producer could utilize weather derivatives to hedge unexpectedfuture risks. Example 6.11 temperatures for (a) Let’s assume that the daily minimumand maximum the City of Chicago in the monthof January are as shownin Table 6.2. With 31 days in the month of January, the daily average temperatures and the corresponding HDDand CDDindices are also calculated in this table. The accumulated HDD and CDDindices are 1361 and 0, respectively. With an HDDindex of 1361 for January, the nominal value of a futures contract for Chicagowill be $136,100 (or 1361 HDDindex x $100).



temperatures for (b) Let’s assume that the daily minimumand maximum the City of Chicago in the monthof June are as shownin Table 6.3. With 30 days in the monthof June, daily average temperatures and the corresponding HDDand CDDindices are also calculated in this table. The accumulated HDDand CDDindices are 0 and 205, respectively. With a CDDindex of 205 for June, the nominal value of a futures contract on Chicago will be $20,500 (or 205 HDD index x $100). A possible electric power usage versus temperature is shown in Figure 6.9. The illustration shows how consumer demandfor power wouldrise and fall whentemperatures deviate from 65 o Fahrenheit. An electric power utility or a power provider mayuse CMEweather contracts to hedge their volumetric risk resulting from a winter that would be warmerthan expected or a summerthat would not be very hot. Utilities and power providers fear lower consumerdemandswhenwinter or summertemperatures are close to the 65° Fahrenheit baseline. The volumetric risk mayseriously impact a utility’s or a provider’s revenue stream when HDDsand CDDsare unseasonably low. For example, when there is less need for summerair conditioning, a powercompany’sfuture revenue stream would be affected, and the company could consider selling CMECDDfutures or purchasing CDDput options to hedge possible drops in prices. As another example,if historical CDD data for a city would showsummertemperatures in the 70’s, but a recent forecast shows the next month’s temperatures in the 90’s, the companymay choose to hedge with a purchase of an out-of-the-money CDDcall, because a warmer than expected summerweather maynecessitate more costly and less efficient generating units to operate during the peakusage periods. A long position in CDDcalls (buying call options) would compensate for unexpected expenditures due to warmer than expected temperatures. Likewise, a cooler than expected or a warmer than expected winter mayseverely impact a company’srevenues.


Chapter 6

Table 6.2 HDD/CDD of January in the City of Chicago Day

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Day’s Minimum Temp. 22.0 25.0 16.0 18.0 12.0 21.0 12.0 16.0 16.0 12.0 20.0 16.0 18.0 12.0 11.0 12.0 16.0 16.0 12.0 18.0 19.0 19.0 12.0 11.0 12.0 16.0 16.0 12.0 15.0 16.0 16.0

Day’s Daily Maximum Average HDD Temp. Temperature 29.0 25.5 39.5 34.0 29.5 35.5 30.0 23.0 42.0 26.0 43.0 22.0 24.0 18.0 47.0 35.0 28.0 37.0 26.0 19.0 46.0 28.0 22.0 43.0 26.0 21.0 44.0 18.0 15.0 50.0 33.0 26.5 38.5 42.0 30.0 23.0 26.0 22.0 43.0 24.0 18.0 47.0 26.0 18.5 46.5 26.0 19.0 46.0 28.0 22.0 43.0 26.0 21.0 44.0 18.0 15.0 50.0 26.0 22.0 43.0 32.0 25.5 39.5 28.0 23.5 41.5 24.0 18.0 47.0 17.5 47.5 24.0 26.0 19.0 46.0 29.0 22.5 42.5 26.0 21.0 44.0 18.0 15.0 50.0 22.0 18.5 46.5 30.0 23.0 42.0 25.0 20.5 44.5 Accumulated HDD/CDD1361.0

CDD 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


Hedging Tools

Table 6.3 HDD/CDD of June in the City of Chicago Day

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Day’s Minimum Temp. 65.0 68.0 64.0 72.0 60.0 69.0 74.0 66.0 63.0 68.0 57.0 70.0 65.0 69.0 65.0 68.0 64.0 62.0 60.0 59.0 64.0 66.0 63.0 68.0 67.0 60.0 65.0 69.0 55.0 54.0

Day’s Daily Maximum Average HDD Temp. Temperature 80.0 72.5 0.0 77.0 72.5 0.0 77.0 70.5 0.0 84.0 78.0 0.0 77.0 68.5 0.0 83.0 76.0 0.0 80.0 77.0 0.0 0.0 79.0 72.5 84.0 73.5 0.0 80.0 74.0 0.0 80.0 68.5 0.0 80.0 75.0 0.0 75.0 70.0 0.0 84.0 76.5 0.0 80.0 72.5 0.0 77.0 72.5 0.0 77.0 70.5 0.0 78.0 70.0 0.0 77.0 68.5 0.0 78.0 68.5 0.0 80.0 72.0 0.0 79.0 72.5 0.0 81.0 72.0 0.0 76.0 72.0 0.0 77.0 72.0 0.0 75.0 67.5 0.0 75.0 70.0 0.0 84.0 76.5 0.0 80.0 67.5 0.0 77.0 65.5 0.0 Accumulated HDD/CDD O. 0

CDD Z5 7.5 5.5 13.0 3.5 11.0 12.0 7.5 8.5 9.0 3.5 10.0 5.0 11.5 7.5 7.5 5.5 5.0 3.5 3.5 7.0 7.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 2.5 5.0 11.5 2.5 0.5 205.0



Load [MW]

Average daily Tetnperature

Figure6.9 Electric PowerUsageversus Temperature

CMEHDD/CDD Index futures contracts are cash settled and legally binding agreements to buy or sell the value of the HDD/CDD Index at a specific future date. The full value of the contract would not be transferred, rather there would be a final marking-to-the-market based upon the HDD/CDD Index, with the final gain or loss applied to the customer’s accounts. HDD/CDD futures have a notional value of $100 times the CME HDDor CDDIndex and contracts would be quoted in HDD/CDD Index points. For example, an HDDIndex of 500 would meanthat the futures contract have had a notional value of $50,000 (500 HDD× $100). The tick ~7 size would be 1.00 HDDor CDDIndex points with each having a value of $100. Example 6.12 On September 10, 1999, an IPP sold the November 1999 HDD futures (i.e., IPP took a short position) on the City of Chicagoat a price 17 Aminimum changein price, either upor down.



of 800. If, on October11, 1999, the IPP closed out the position by buying the futures contract back at a price of 690, that would meanthe IPP would have a gain of $11,000 ($100 x 110 HDDIndex points) on the position the IPP took in September.See Figure 6.10. At any given time, CMEwould list twelve consecutive contract months of HDDand CDDfutures and options. For example, on June 10, 1999 there would be twelve consecutive months of HDDand CDD futures trading with expiration months listed from June 1999 through May 2000. CMEwould list twelve consecutive months to quickly accommodateany market makers whowould like to increase the number of months employed to create HDDor CDDseasons to suit their own needs. The buyer (the holder) of a call or put option on CMEHDD/CDD futures mayhave an unlimited profit potential with the risk limited to the price (premium)paid for the option. The option seller would accept the potentially unlimited risk in return for the option premiumat the time of sale. An HDD or CDDcall option wouldgive the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy one HDD/CDD futures contract at a specific price (strike or exercise price). Also, an HDD/CDD put option wouldgive the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to sell one HDD/CDD futures contract.


Sell the November HDDfutures at a price of SO0


Closing out the position: Buy the futures contract back at a price of 690

Figure6.10 Illustration of Example6.12




These rights can be exercised at the buyer’s choice but not before expiration. Options on CMEHDD/CDD futures are European Style they maybe exercised only at expiration. Alternatively, the option itself can be resold (offset) on the Exchange.To offset a call purchase, a trader may sell the same call (with same expiration and same strike price); likewise, to offset a put purchase, a trader maysell the sameput. At the expiration, open option positions maybe automatically exercised and assigned if the options are in-the-money(they have intrinsic value). The underlying instrument for each CMEHDD/CDD Index options contract would be one HDD/CDD futures contract, where an option contract wouldbe valued at $100 x the premiumprice of the option. For example, a quote of 4.00 would represent a premiumof 4 price ticks (or $100 × 4 = $400). Example 6.13 futures are trading at 750, an at(a) The underlying October 1999 HDD the-money750 strike HDDcall might be trading at 8.00 and have a value of $800 ($100 x 8 HDDIndex points). (b) The underlying November1999 HDDfutures are trading at 800, an out-of-the-money 800 strike HDDcall might be trading at 4.00 and have a value of $400 ($100 × 4 HDDIndex points). Example 6.14 The CMEDegree Day Index is the cumulative total of daily HDDs or CDDsover a calendar month. If we refer to the daily average temperature by T, then the daily HDDand daily CDDare given by: HDD= Max ( O, 65° - T ) CDD=Max( 0 , T-65 ° ) In CME,the futures contract and options on futures contract trading terminate and contract wouldsettle at 9:00 a.m. Chicagotime on the first exchange business day which is at least 2 calendar days following the last day of the contract month.



Let’s assume that a DisCo would sell electricity in the City of Chicago. The retail price that the DisCowouldcharge in the winter is locked in at $80/MWh. With a normal winter, the sale quantity wouldbe forecasted as 1,000,000 MWh.The projected revenue for the forecasted value would be 1,000,000 MWh× $80/MWh=$80 million The DisCo would fear that the coming winter could be relatively mild and the sale quantity would be decreased below the forecasted value, as customers would need less electricity for heating. The DisCo would observe that the sale quantity is positively correlated with the CMEChicago HDDIndex with a weather risk sensitivity of 0.8, as shown in Figure 6.11. For example, a 2% decrease in the CMEHDD index would result in a 1.6%(0.8 × 2%)reduction in sale quantity (or 0.016 x 1,000,000 = 16,000 MWh,which would reduce the sale to 984,000 MWh).Therefore, the DisCo would use the Chicago HDD Index future as a cross hedgefor the DisCo’srevenueoscillations.

Increase in sale quantity

Sale quantity in Million MWh 1.064

in%3.21.6~jReducti°n~S~~ 1.032 0.0












-2 Increase




in CMEHDD in %

Figure 6.11 Change in Sale Quantity versus

Change in CMEHDD



In order to stabilize the revenue in the winter, the DisCo would consider selling the Chicago HDDIndex January 2000 futures that are valued at $1,250~s. In order to discover the numberof HDDcontracts to sell, or what is referred to as the hedge ratio, the DisCowouldknowthat a 1%decline in the HDDIndex corresponds to a 0.8 % fall in revenue. A 1%decline in the HDDIndex, at current price levels, would be worth $1,250 (0.01 x 1,250 HDDprice x $100 per HDDtick). A 0.8% decline in revenue would be worth $640,000 (0.008 × $80,000,000 projected revenue). Hedge Ratio = Change in Revenue / Change in Contract Value 512 contracts = $640,000 / $1,250 On October 1, 1999, the DisCo shorts 512 of the January 2000 HDD futures at a price of $1,250. So, let’s study two scenarios:

(a) Case 1: winter turns out to be mild (as it wasexpected) On February 2, 2000, the January 2000 Chicago HDDcontract would settle at 1,150. As a result, the DisCo’ssales quantity wouldbe reduced by 64,000 MWh,which is calculated as follows: Change in HDD = (1,250 - 1,150)/1,250 = 0.08 or Reduction in Sale = Change in HDDx Sensitivity x forecasted Sale = 0.08 x 0.8 x 1,000,000 = 64,000 MWh. DisCo’s sale

= forecasted sale - reduction in sale = 1,000,000 - 64,000 = 936,000 MWh(or 0.936 million MWh)

(See point P~ in Figure 6.11). A reduction of 64,000 MWh in sales would lead to a reduction in the DisCo’s revenue of $5.12 million (or ~aHedger usuallyusesseasonalhedgethat involvesthe sale of a strip of HDD contracts, for exampleOctober1999throughMarch2000.In the exampleweare assumingthe entire hedgeis placedin the Januarycontract,whichis typicallythe coldestmonth of the yearin Chicago.



$80/MWhx64,000 MWh).However, the DisCo would realize that the revenuereduction wouldbe offset by the gain from its futures position of $5.12 million, whichis calculated as follows: Futures contract size

= $100 x the CMEDegree Day Index

Gain from futures position = ($100 per tick x (1,250 - 1,150) × contracts) = $5,120,000

(b) Case 2: winter turns to be very severe (to the opposite of what was expected) On February 2, the January 2000 Chicago HDDcontract would settle at 1,325. As a result, DisCo’s sales quantity wouldbe increased by 96,000 MWh,whichis calculated as follows: Change in HDD

(1,325-1,250)/1,250 = 0.06 or

Increase in Sale

Changein HDDx Sensitivity x forecasted Sale 0.6 × 0.8 x 1,000,000 = 48,000 MWh.

DisCo’s sale

forecasted sale + increase in sale 1,000,000 + 48,000 1,048,000 MWh (or 1.048 million MWh).

(See point P2 in Figure 6.11). An increase of 48,000 MWh in sale would lead to an increase in the DisCo’s revenue of $3.84 million (or $80/MWh × 48,000 MWh).The increase in the DisCo’s revenue would be offset by the loss from its futures position of $3.84 million ($100 per tick (1,325 - 1,250) x 512 contracts). This exampleillustrated howhedging with HDDfutures can be used by the DisCo to eliminate revenue fluctuations caused by changes in winter weather.



Example6.15: (Using a CDDWeatherCollar to Stabilize Earnings) A power marketing company (PMC) is located in the City Chicago. The PMCis concerned with revenue fluctuations as a result of poor weather, especially in summermonths. The PMCwould like to avoid possible cash flow problems during the next 12 months and is looking to protect itself from a cold summer and avoid a premium payment. The PMCwould decide to use a weather collar to stabilize its earnings. The PMCasked a weather derivatives company(WDC)to help it find a seller of a collar to achieverevenuestability and avoid payingan upfront premium. The WDCprovided the PMCwith a study which carried out a regressive comparison between revenues and temperature during the last few years. The WDC observed that each CDDvariation from the average for the period April to September would affect the PMC’srevenue by $8,000. Historical data would produce an agreedupon average cumulative CDDof 320 with a reference temperature of 65° F. The WDC selected a seller (a writer) of the collar that provided the PMC with revenue protection below 300 CDD (i.e., (320300)/320=0.0625, or 6.25% below the average) at $8,000 for each CDD. For example, if the index at the end of September was 280 CDD,the writer of the collar would pay $160,000 to the PMC(or (300-280) $8,000 = $160,000). Thecost of this protection is offset by agreeing to ceiling of 340 CDD((i.e., (340-320)/320=0.0625or 6.25%) above the PMCwould pay the writer of the option $8,000 for each CDD.For example, if the Index at the end of September was 360 CDDthen the PMCwould pay $160,000 to the writer (or (360 - 340) × $8,000 $160,000).Figure6.12 illustrates this situation. The exampleshowedthat, at no initial cost, the PMChas guaranteed protection for a cold summerin return for whichit has agreed to give up someof its profit during a hot year.



Payment in $

640,000 ~


Option writer pays PMC $8,000 for each CDD below 300. At 280 CDD= $160,000 ~

320, 000

~ ~





~ ~Maximum revenue capped above 340 ~ ~’ CDD

0.0 Minimumrevenue protected below ~ 300 CDD~ ~

320, 000 640, 000 ¯

~ 220


~ ~Sales revenues fall $8,000 each CDD 240




~ "




~ PMC pays option writer $8,000 for each CDD above 340. At 360 CDD= $160,000 320





" ~ ¯ ~




Figure6.12 Usinga CDD WeatherCollar for EarningsStability

Thereare somefactors that are to be consideredwhendesigning or implementinghedging tools for weatherrisks. Firstly, weatherhas no physical marketsandit is impossibleto store a cold Januaryuntil July or to transport a rainstormfromone state or region to others. Secondly, weatherrisk is localized, and no indices in weatherhave commercial meaningto broadmarkets. Different fromother commodities,weatheris physically uncontrollable by human,marketdynamicsor regulations. Finally, changesin weatherin a certain regionare fairly available to all participants. Weather cannot be forecasted beyond a few days with enough accuracy, which would makeweather-related commercialdecisions at risk. But good knowledgeand experience in weatherdata wouldhelp, to a large extent, hedgeweather-sensitivecommodities by transferringrisks to counterparties.

6.9.2 Weather Hedging Tools. Weather risk management tools include caps, floors, collars and swaps with payouts defined as a



specified dollar sum multiplied by differences between the HDDlevel specified in the contract (the strike) and the actual HDDlevel which occurred during the contract period. The first type of weather derivatives is the Cooling and Heating Degree-Day Option. The option would provide a one-sided hedge towards the downside, while preserving upside potential. Options on DDswould include puts and calls, and the buyer would have to pay an up-front premiumfor the hedge. Whena market participant, such as a generation company,would be interested in hedging a very hot summer or a very cold winter, the participant can reduce weather risk by buying DDcalls or puts (floors). Thestrike price is a pre-specified level of DDs and the settlement price is the actual DDlevel for a set time period. Purchasing a DDcall by a participant would meanthat the participant (buyer) is planning a protection against higher than normal HDD’s CDD’s.Purchasing a DDput would meanthat the buyer is planning a protection against lower than normal HDD’sor CDD’s.Purchasing or selling a DDoption would entail paying or receiving a premiumfor the right to exercise the option at somefuture expiration date. The second type of weather derivatives is Cooling and Heating Degree-DaySwap. This is a swap that would receive (pay) a floating payment proportional to a change in Degree-Days over the accrual period, and pay (receive) a fixed payment. Swapswouldentail setting fixed (an agreed-upon) CDDor HDDlevel (for example 8000 CDD’s 1000 HDD’s)and then comparing that level with the actual level of HDD’sat a certain time and place, e.g., the monthof Marchin Chicago, Illinois. Theactual level is called the floating level since its value is not knownuntil the actual information is available, for that reason wewould refer to swapsas fixed for float tools or instruments. Swapscan be used to stabilize cash streams associated with cooling and heating energy. Swapsare used as reliable hedges of heating costs, because whenDD over the accrual period under study is a negative number,it wouldgive a positive numberof HDD.This would lead to a negative floating payoff, whichis a hedgefor the resulting positive heating costs, becausea large numberof HDD implies a large volumeof energy and a high price for it. There is no premiumpaid for a swap transaction. The third type of weather derivatives is .collar. Collars wouldput boundaries on natural outcomes,limiting them to a desired range. Collar



is built using a combinationof put and call options to limit both weatherrelated risk and potentially reduce premiumrisk. Using collars would provide a zone of comfort in which a participant can operate to limit risks. The swap is seen as a special case of a collar where the cap and floor strikes are the same. The fourth type is digital product (structure) whichis used to cause lump sum cash transfers between contract parties whenever specified conditions are met. These structures are useful in situations whererisk and associated costs come in discrete amounts and not in variable amounts. Digital structure would provide a paymentto a companyif a pre-specified level is obtained; it differs from standard option productsas it would not pay a cash flow until the agreed- upon level has been reached. A power company that would like to be compensated if a certain temperature is achievedmaychooseto use a digital structure. For example, a power companyin Chicagocould use a digital product in July if the temperature in Chicago(i.e., a specific location) wouldbe above 90° (e.g., a specified level). This type of derivative wouldbe suitable for both heat wavesand cold snaps. Hybrid products or Embedded Weather Agreements: Different combinations of weather derivatives can be used to hedge weatherrelated risk and a combination can be modified or designed to fit individual participants’ needs. These products can be used particularly for electricity market participants to combine weather hedges and physical energy delivery in a single transaction, or to combineweather hedging instruments with price hedges and physical energy supply. Participants mayuse cap agreements, floor agreements, and costless collar as hedging tools. Undercap agreements, the seller wouldpay the buyer whenever a defined weather index would fall above the strike level. The paymentwould be equal to the number of weather units the index deviates from the strike level times a notional~9 dollar amountper unit. The buyer would pay the seller an up front lump-sumpremiumfor the transaction. On the other hand, under floor agreements, the seller would pay the buyer whenevera defined weather index would fall below the strike level. The paymentwould be equal to the numberof weather Notional Amountper HDD is the dollar amountto be paid per HDD levels above/below HDD strike level(s).



units the index deviates from the strike times a notional dollar amount per unit. The buyer would pay the seller an up front lump-sumpremium for the transaction. For costless collar agreement, seller wouldpay the buyer whenevera defined weather index would fall above a cap strike level and the buyer would pay the seller wheneverthe weather index would fall below a floor strike level. The paymentin either case would be equal to the number of weather units the index deviates from the strike times a specified dollar value per unit. The transaction wouldnot have an up front lump-sum premium. Weather Index is usually the cumulative HDDin the contract period(s). 6.9.3

2° Examples

Example6.16: (Degree-Day Swaps) An IPP would sell a swap to a DisCo and in return the IPP would obtain a compensation as a pro rata/DD wheneverDDsis less than the agreed-upon strike level. On the other hand, wheneverDDsis above the strike level, the IPP wouldpay the DisCo. The sumof the swap and the IPP’s revenue from the operations would be a more stable revenue stream. The DisCo would see a mirror effect. The DisCo would be looking to stabilize his total cost of energy consumption. Figure 6.13 illustrates this example.

Example 6.17: (Degree-Day Options) A GenCowould buy a put option from a participant P, where P would pay the GenCoa pro rata per DDif DDsis less than an agreedupon strike level. This would compensate the GenCo’slower revenue from operations, and makea minimumfloor on GenCo’stotal revenues. On the other hand, whenever DDsis more than the strike level, the GenCoswould pay P nothing but the option premium. The GenCowould makebenefits from increased operating revenues. Figure 6.14 illustrates the DDoptions.

2o See Jack Cogen,"Whatis WeatherRisk?" PMA OnlineMagazine,05, 98, www.


Hedging Tools

Total Revenue in $



~ Degree-Days

Figure 6.13 Degree-Day Swap

Total Revenuein $


Figure 6.14 Degree-Day Options



Example6.18: (Rainfall Collars) To hedge a rainfall, an IPP would buy a rainfall put option from participant P~ with a low strike level (X1) and sell a call option participant P2 with a high strike level (X2). If the rainfall settles between XI and X2, no payout wouldtake place betweencontracted parties. If the rainfall settles belowX~, the IPP wouldreceive pro rata paymentper inch of rainfall from P~. If the rainfall settles abovethe high strike, the IPP would pay P2. Whencombined with the producer’s natural revenues from operations, the total revenue pattern outside X~and X~would be stabilized by the hedge. However,between X~and X~, the total revenue would follow the unhedgedtrend. See Figure6.15.

Total Revenue in $

Unhedged Revenu

ov2o7 ....

CollarRevenue "’.o,

A ~ "o-.. LowStrike Hlg]~Strlke

Figure6.15 Rainfall Collar

~ Rainfall equivalent [inch]


HedgingTools Example6.19: (Digital Structures)

Suppose that a GenCois subjected to a fixed cost of bringing a peakingfacility on line whenevertemperatures exceed a Tt degree. In the example shown, a two-tier cost structure occurs from normal unhedged operations. The GenCobuys a digital hedge whichmirrors this condition, thus compensating for the costs whenthey occur. The digital hedge ensures a fixed cost of operations regardless of the weather outcome.See Figure 6.16.

Total Cost I$l

Unhedged Cost

Hedged Cost




Revenueof digital hedge

Figure6.16 Digital Structure

~ Degree



Example6.20: (Degree-Day Collar) Assume that the revenue of participant A would increase as temperature wouldrise (i.e., its revenue wouldcorrelate with the total numberof CDD).Participant A would enter into a DDcollar transaction 2~ with . participant B to hedgeits weather e×posure First, the revenue loss (gain) of participant A caused by a 1 CDD decrease (increase) from the meanis calculated and denoted as "r". r the rate of change in revenue for a change in temperature. Participant A would then specify a floor in revenue, which would correspond with a floor in total CDDs.Participant A would purchase this floor to lock in the revenueprotection. If the total CDDsfall belowthe degree-dayfloor by X, participant B would pay participant A an amountequal to X × r. This payment would approximately compensate the Participant A’s revenueloss beyondthe predefined floor level. To finance the purchase of the floor, participant A would sell participant B a cap. Byselling the cap, participant A wouldgive up some of its upside if the temperature (total CDDs)wouldexceed the cap level. Figure6.17 illustrates the situation.



Reshaping the electric power industry has given new scopes to electricity markets, where manynew competitors have emerged with a wide array of strategies to deal with generation, transmission and distribution and their associated risks. In this reshapedenvironment,it is not uncommon to see a participant that woulddeal with both electric and non-electric commodities.

2~Thefirst thingthe counterparties woulddois to calculatethe number of coolingor heatingdegree-days in a normalyear for the area whereparticipant’srevenueis affectedbythe temperature. Datais availablefromthe NationalWeather Service.



A’stotal in S


~ ., Normal

W eather

A pays B


B pays A ~

Degree-Days Floor level

Cap level

~ Normalweather


Figure 6.17 Degree-Day Collar

The involvement of a huge number of market participants in the operation of wholesale powermarkets has increased the competition and the volumeof trades, which in turn have increased the market risk and the physical size of the electricity market as the largest commodity market in the United States. The additional numberof participants and more opportunities in restructured markets have put more burden on participants for implementinghedgingstrategies that wouldprotect their operations and revenues from emerging risks. The short period of experience in restructuring in the United States gives a clear picture on howvital hedging tools are to participants to survive, howelectricity is different from other commoditiesand howits factors drive up electricity prices. The newrisks created by competition



in restructured electricity markets such as price risk, volumerisk, and counterparty risk have unique consequencesin electricity markets due to non-storability of electricity and transmission implications. Duringthe short period of restructuring, manyconcerns have been magnified which are considered as wake-upcalls to restructuring researchers and market participants to determine their priorities when designing and implementingreliable and adequate hedging tools and hedging strategies. The market experience in the past short period highlighted issues of counter-party default, implementationof weather-related derivatives in electricity markets, portfolio management,needs for an accurate longdated forwardprices, and others. The short period of restructuring also showedthat inexperience of marketparticipants, especially hedgers, in hedgingtools resulted in large errors during their operations. Newtrends in electricity restructuring necessitate creation of robust hedging tools to help market participants overcomerisks. Developing these tools in the right direction as time passes is also an important issue until restructuring reaches maturity. Successful hedging strategies and hedging tools, in addition to maintaining reliability of the power system, help market participants guarantee a margin of profits in a volatile and competitive market. Before designing a hedging strategy, a participant should acquire an adequate knowledge in the basics of the hedging tools, should have accurate projections for future market movements,and should take into account future unexpectedevents. Hedgingis described as a large challenge that is uneasy to apply to electricity as in the case of other commodities. In power markets, hedging strategies differ widely from one entity to another based on the entity’s objectives and marketforces that are correlated with that entity. Improving or maintaining the competitiveness of an entity is another motivation for hedging the exposureof the entity to its financial price risk. As in any other industry, powerentities interact and exist jointly, and every party competes with others to reach customers in order to make more profits and to attract investments. Experience, educated personnel and managementapproach are the main factors that define best strategies to hedgerisks. If these factors are integrated in the best manner it may enable an entity to hedge risks and know competitors’ movements.Market participants, to reduce exposure to unforeseen price



fluctuation, use hedging instruments where they buy financial instruments to form a position that is equal and opposite to a position in the cash market. These hedging instruments, if implementedproperly, will efficiently help participants managethe risks of price fluctuations and counterparty uncertainty. This chapter presented a discussion on sources of risk in electricity markets followed by a discussion on the Midwestcrisis that happenedin June 1998. The crisis has been detailed as it is related to defaults of counterparts and to illustrate howhedging strategies play an important role for participants of electricity markets. After that the chapter mentioned the considerations that should be taken into account in hedging risks of electricity markets. A discussion on value-at-risk and volatility in electricity markets has been detailed to show the mathematical meanings.The maindriving forces that cause volatility in electricity prices such as load uncertainty, fuel price, and irregularity in hydro-electricity production, unplanned outages, constrained transmission (congestion), and market power have been presented where weshowedthe contribution of each to price volatility. Counterparty risk and a discussion on how California’s PXdeals with counterparty risk have been presented in this chapter. Meaningsof portfolio managementand the Greeks are illustrated in the chapter and we showhowthe Greeks are used to analyze exposures of a portfolio or a position. In addition to that, the chapter presented a discussion on hedging tools of weather risk. The chapter shows numerousexamples of using different hedging tools and the examples are supported with graphic illustrations wheneverwehad the chance to do that.

CHAPTER 7 ELECTRICITY PRICING Volatility, Risk, and Forecasting Summary:This chapter reviews some of the essentials of electricity pricing. Electricity prices are strongly related to physical characteristics of a powersystem such as loads, meteorological conditions, fuel prices, unit operating characteristics, emission allowances, and transmission capability. Electricity has a distinct characteristic since it cannot be stored economically and transmission congestion may prevent free exchange of electricity amongcontrol areas. Thus, electricity price shows the greatest volatility amongvarious commodities and if we simply utilize available algorithms used for forecasting prices of other commodities,wecould expect fairly low accu~racy. Themaindriving forces that cause volatility in electricity prices such as load uncertainty, fuel price, and irregularity in hydro-electricity production, unplannedoutages, constrained transmission (congestion), and market powerare discussed in the chapter. This chapter also discusses the major challenges to electricity derivatives, which include ,-implementing reliable forward curves, inadequacy of existing price indices, basis risk, and inadequacy of traditional pricing models. The chapter presents a discussion on hedging tools for weatherrisk, volatility and risks involvedwith price forecasting, and a practical approach for calculating the short-term price of electricity.






Withthe introduction of restructuring to the electric powerindustry, electricity price forecasting has been the key to operating a power market. Electricity is a non-storable commodityand its supply and demandmust be matched at all times. Otherwise, maintaining the steady state frequency would become a serious problem. Since supply and demanddynamicsare forced to play out constantly, price of electricity is often determinedfor short-time periods. The demandfor electricity could vary significantly according to the time of day. Electricity demandis generally higher during day-time hours, knownas the peak period, and lower during night-time hours, knownas the off-peak period. Withoutthe possibility of storage, i.e. an essential feature in other commoditymarkets, it is impossible to smooth out electricity prices between peak and off-peak periods. Regionally, electricity demand will also vary seasonally, with some areas experiencing their peak demandduring the summerwhile others would peakin the winter. Thedemandfor electricity can be very uncertain, as it is largely weatherrelated and, in manycases, not very sensitive to prices. Because of the limited available information, the accuracy of price forecasting for a generating company (GenCo) may not be high. However,an accurate estimation of price could help a GenCodetermine its bidding strategy or set up bilateral contracts more precisely in electricity market. A GenCocould exert market powerif it could predict the price moreaccurately. Engineers in the electric power industry have been familiar with short-term load forecasting for some time. However, applying the existing load forecasting algorithms mayresult in erroneous price forecasting. Morespecifically, the existing simulation methodswouldbe too complex to implement and modular time series analysis with heuristic logic would be too simple to generate accurate results. The artificial neural network (ANN)method, on the other hand, would be simple and powerfultool for forecasting electricity prices.





In the restructured electric powerindustry, it is common to read or hear expressionssuch as "the volatility of electricity prices has beenhigh during the period o f Januaryand February% "the PX market will create an environmentwith volatile pricing - very low at times of low demand, high at times of high demand,and very high at times of high demandand limited supply ", "annualized volatility of on-peak prices ", "annualized volatility of off-peak prices ’; "electricity marketsare highly volatile", and similar expressions which point out the volatility of electricity market. This section provides a detailed explanation of volatility and its impact on electricity pricing. In addition, the section gives a brief mathematical background on volatility, shows some examples and discusses the main motive forces for causing volatility in electricity markets. Price volatility is a measure of instability in future prices or uncertainty in future price movements. For example, when we plot a histogram of the spot price of energy between January-March, the dispersion of the spot price provides an indication of the volatility. In electricity markets, volatility is used to analyze different hedging strategies and portfolios. Volatility is time dependentand could reflect the value of electricity derivatives such as futures and options; whenspot price is highly volatile, the value of the energy option wouldbe high. Figures 7.1 shows the price curves for PJM,which is non-homogeneous, and its variations showa little cyclic property. Althoughelectricity price is very volatile, it wouldbe possible to identify certain patterns and rules pertaining to market volatility. It is also possible to use historical price movements to forecast future prices. Comparedto non-energy commodities, electricity price is the most volatile. A study released in 1997 [Web45], pointed out that the annualized volatility of WTIoil future contracts is about 28%,while it is 54%for NYMEX Henry Hub natural gas future contracts, 62%for COB and 57%for Palo Verdeelectricity future contracts, respectively. In the electricity spot markets, the annualized volatility in the sameperiod for COBis about 180%, while it is 300%for MAINand 450%for the Power Pool of Alberta.




PliesCu~e of PJM power Market (1/1Rg-U14/99)

Figure 7.1 Price Curve of PJMPower Market from 1/1/99 to 1/14/99

Practicing market power by dominant generators could cause volatility, in addition to raising prices over competitive levels 1. Load forecasting error is an important factor in price volatility and when forecasting errors exist along with market power, the volatility in price could be more severe. In UK, for example, prices are high because the two largest generators dominatethe market by practicing market power. In Scandinavia and New Zealand, the state owns the dominant generators, which stabilize the price, but, in tum, prices are above

Tim Mount, " Market Power and Price Volatility in Restructured Markets for Electricity," Proceeding of the HawaiiInternational Conference on System Sciences, January 5-8, 1999, Maui, Hawaii.

Electricity Pricing


competitive levels. Anotherreason for price spikes could be the forced outages of power system components. In response to this problem, different techniques have been proposed, which include limiting the ownershipof dominant generators. Analysts debated recently on two auction modelsfor pricing the electricity in spot markets: a uniform price auction and a discriminatory price auction. In the first type, all generators are paid the samebasedon the marginalunit (the highest acceptedbid), while in the latter one the generators are paid what they offer in their bids. Someanalysts concluded that both approaches would lead to a competitive situation and the mitigation of market power to a large extent wouldbe reached if the numberof market participants weresufficiently large. Others indicated that price volatility is muchlower in the case of discriminatory price auction. In electricity, volatility has three mainsources: supply, demandand unexpected outages. Demanddepends on factors such as weather, seasonal occasions, time of day and others. Supply depends on factors such as fuel in addition to weather that has an impact on supply. Fuel price is a main factor in volatility of prices as caused by supply; for example, natural gas prices are volatile which in turn leave a direct impact on electricity prices. Outages are caused by many factors, including weather conditions, overloadedlines and faults imposedon the transmission system or generating units. Thefact that the cost of generating electricity is based mainlyon the cost and the availability of the fuel used in generation does not changeby switching from regulated monopolyto open access restructured markets. Utilities used to average their fluctuating hourly costs of electricity (which were based on economic dispatch) and come up with a single cost-based rate, and users on the other side were mandatedto accept this rate. Somelarge customers were buying electricity on an hourly-based price. In a restructured environment,hourly prices are expected to swing as they used to, with a main difference that a competitor should be competingwith a large numberof other competitors. In this environment, competitors bid into the market, not necessarily based on their costs but on anticipated price that takes into account movements of other competitors, market situation and supply-demand condition. This behavior wouldcause increased price volatility and motivates customers to take proper actions. A customer for examplemayseek other providers



with low rates or change its consumptionpattern whenelectricity price rises in certain hours of the day or in seasonal occasions. If a provider continues to provide a customer with volatility-free hourly prices, the provider should take the risk and find proper hedgingstrategies. In order to reduce price volatility in the energy market, a trading system mayallow customers to sell electric energy back through the trading system in certain hours. In the following, we further discuss the factors whichcould contribute to volatility in electricity markets.

7.2.1 Factors in Volatility. Every electricity

marl~et is expected to have variable price patterns while proceedingfrom one stage to the next. This .procession could be due to many factors such as entry of new players to the market, destructive gaming, bidding behavior, and availability of generation units and transmission components. As time passes, the marketcould correct itself to reach a final phase whereprices would be predictable to a large extent and adequate rules could be implementedin modeling the whole marketing process. During transient stages of restructuring in Britain, the electricity market experienced less price volatility due to the existence of what is called vesting contracts2, but market participants suffered considerably from increasing uplift costs associated with ancillary services. As time passed, market rules were modified to correct the market behavior and stabilize prices. The Nordic Power Exchange (Nord Pool) has a large price volatility because of its dependenceon hydroelectric generation, which is in turn dependent on weather conditions, whether it is dry or rainy. In Victoria, Australia, electricity average prices decrease over time, but with high volatility whichat times reached an order of 1,000%. Variousfactors resulting in volatility include:

2 Vestingcontractsare usedbyparticipantsenteringa competitive market- especiallya marketin whichthere is excesscapacity- to hedgethe risk of price volatility by controllingthe pricepathduringtransitionto a fullycompetitive wholesale electricity market.Thecontractsapplyonlyin the wholesalemarketandare written between retailers or large customers andgenerators.See:, and

Electricity Pricing


LoadUncertainty: The power generation required to meet the load is directly correlated with weather conditions, whichare sometimes unpredictable. Due to unexpected temperature changes, especially from low to high, the actual load could be at times very different fromthe forecasted load. If the weatherforecast is uncertain, the load forecast could be uncertain. One option is to consider a higher demandthan predicted, which possibly could commit higher cost units, whichwouldin turn cause electricity marketprices to increase. Errors in load forecasts and load scheduling are major reasons of price swings. Whenthe ISO forecasts the load, based on historical information and meteorological data, and receives load schedules from market participants, it comparesthe two entities to determine the generation required to serve the load in addition to generation reserve required to maintain reliability. Considerableerrors in load forecast maylead to sever conditions for system operation and increase in prices. Whenthe actual load is considerably more than the forecasted load, on-line generation maybe inadequate to serve the load whichnecessitates the generation reserve to be called upon; this action will in turn reduce the amountof reserves available to support the power system during a severe disturbance, aggravate the system performanceor generation deficiency, and motivate prices to increase unexpectedly. Fuel Prices: The fuel used by generating units to produceelectricity is a volatile commodity with its price depending on market conditions such as demand-supply convergence conditions, transportation, storage expensesand other factors. Fossil fuel, hydro, nuclear and unconventional sources of energy could be used in generating electricity, with different costs, whichare reflected on electricity prices. Whenmarginalgenerating units use a certain type of fuel with fluctuating price, the electricity price could fluctuate as well. For example,it is perceivedthat natural gas is the maintype of fuel for generating electricity in California, and marginalgenerating units use natural gas nearly 80%of time to produce electricity. Natural gas is also used in winter to heat residences, which could increase natural gas prices for producingelectricity. Hence,volatility in natural gas prices could reflect electricity prices. Onthe other hand, other types of fuel maynot have a similar impact on electricity



prices; for example, costs of coal and nuclear fuels are generally steady and would only change considerably on a long-term basis. Generatingunits with these types of fuel will usually be dispatched first. Irregularity in Hydro-Electricity Production: In some regions, hydro-electricity is producedrather inexpensivelyin certain times of the year due to the availability of water resources; in the remaining times of the year, thermal units are used whenwater quantity is reduced, which could impact electricity prices. In states like Washington, Oregon and California, a rainy winter would enable hydroelectric resources to generate abundant electricity in the following spring and early summer.In other times of the year, more expensivegenerating units that usually use either natural gas or coal wouldreplace these resources. This in turn could cause the price of electricity to rise. Unplanned Outages: The imbalance between the supply and demandcould cause large fluctuations in prices: Whensupply is less than demandor whendemandis changing rapidly, price spikes could arise and whenthis is accompaniedby a generation outage at peak hours, price spikes could be very high. Whenthe system load increases, the marginal cost of generation increases and more expensive peaking units (such as gas-fired units) would be brought on line whichcould lead to large price spikes. Constrained Transmission (Congestion): When transmission capability is insufficient to withstand scheduled flows, the price of electricity on the load side of a congestedpath could be increasingly volatile and uncertain because smaller low-cost generation cannot be transmitted to loads during hours when transmission congestion exists. Market Power: Exercising market power by electricity market participants could manipulate prices and cause price volatility. In California, the PXmonitors market operations, and trading rules would be altered to prevent market manipulation when these practices could arise. Marketparticipants mayuse financial contracts

Electricity Pricing


to hedgeprice volatility risks. At the sametime that the volatility in prices could cause large losses, it could also cause large profits if predicted earlier. Financial contracts wouldenable participants to adjust exposuresto volatility and to limit the level of risk. Themost commonlyused electricity contracts are futures and forward contracts. Market Participant: Market participants themselves may cause price volatility in one of two ways: either by misrepresenting the actual amountof their loads or by performing gamingpractices. In the first type, participants either under-schedule or over-schedule their loads. Both cases wouldrequire a response from the ISOin the imbalance energy market. Under-scheduled load may significantly change the price of energy in the imbalance market whenreserves are inadequate. Market participants maytend to go for a gaming process whenthey submit insufficient load schedules to hedge high prices in the PX energy market. They presume that it would be possible to save moneythrough the imbalance energy market by submitting insufficient load schedules to the PXto get cheaper imbalance energy from the ISO. The net result of this behavior would be an unreliable situation in the operation of the power system.

7.2.2 Measuring Volatility. Historical volatility

is defined as the annualized standard deviation of percent changes in futures prices over a specific period. It is an indication of past volatility in the marketplace.In historical volatilityl a financial variable’s volatility is directly estimated fromrecent historical data for the variable’s value. Historical volatility gives an indication of howvolatile the variable has been in the recent past for which historical data is tracked. Implied volatility is a measurement of the market’s expected price range of the underlying commodityfutures based on market-traded options premiums3. Implied volatility is a timely measure, which reflects the market’s perceptions today. Implied volatility can be biased, especially if they are based upon 4. options that are thinly traded Glossary of Terms, ContingencyAnalysis,



Weuse standard deviation (ty), which measures the uncertainty or dispersal of a random variable. Whena financial variable (random variable) such as electric energyprice is described as highly volatile, it meansthat it has a high standard deviation. In other words, standard deviation is a measureof the volatility of a randomvariable such as spot price. Figure 7.2 illustrates howstandard deviation would measure the high volatility (Figure 7.2.a) and lowvolatility (Figure 7.2.b). Probability distribution functions in both cases are given in Figures 7.2.c and 7.2.d. As shownin Figure 7.2, standard deviation for a specific range of a random variable X is a measure of the width of the probability distribution of the variable X. Standard deviation (i.e., square root of variance) is a measureof risk. Onthe other hand, the variance (expected value of squared deviations from the mean) is a measure of the dispersion of a probability distribution. As weall know, Standard deviation = cr -- ~ Expected valueof [ X2 ] _ (Expected valueof [ X]) = ~E[X2 2] -(E[X]) Variance

= 0. 2 2=] -(E[X]) E[X

Volatility5 = v = cr/~/~ ; t=1/2526

Volatilityis the standarddeviationnormalized by time, wheretimeis expressedin annualterms. In electricitymarkets, 252is the number of businessdaysof a year


Electricity Pricing

a. Random variable with high volatility


c. Highstandard deviation

b. Randomvariable with low volatility

Random Variable

d. Lowstandard deviation

Figure 7.2 Volatility-Standard Deviation Relations

Example 7.1 Assume that in January 25, the volatility of the PX’s price PX’s price is expected to be $[25.5,34.5]/MWh in 68%7 of the

the PX’s spot price is $30.0/MWh, and is calculated to be 0.15 (15%), then the within the range of 30 + 0.15x30 or next year.

The annualized percent volatility is the percent volatility that would occur over a one-year period. It is found by scaling the daily volatility by

68% corresponds to one standard deviation, i.e., 68% of the time, observations will be within one standard deviation of the mean, and the other 32% of observations lie more than one standard deviation away from the mean.



~/numberof market daysin a year. In electricity markets, annualized volatility is found by multiplying the standard deviation of daily price changes with the square root of 252 (i.e., the numberof business days of a year). Figure7.3 illustrates the example. Example 7.2 A participant in electricity markethas 1%daily volatility estimate for his investment. This implies that the daily returns for his investmentare expected to vary (in average) about 1%from day to day. The annualized volatility is: Crannualized = O’daily× ~ =

O. 1 X15.874= O. 15874or 15.874%



Figure7.3 Illustration of the Example







To analyze price volatility, DowJones (D J) price indexes are used. DowJones publishes volume-weightedprice indexes for the following locationss (as was available on January 13, 2001): ¯

California Oregon Border: The DowJones Califomia Oregon Border (D J-COB)Electricity Index is the weighted average price electric energy traded at the California-Oregon and Nevada-Oregon Borders, quoted in dollars per megawatt hour. Volume is in megawatthours.


Palo Verde: The DowJones Palo Verde (DJ-PV)Electricity Index the weighted average price of electric energy traded at Palo Verde and West Wing, Arizona, quoted in dollars per megawatt hour. Volumeis in megawatthours.


PJMSellers’ Choice: The DowJones Pennsylvania-New JerseyMaryland (DJ-PJM) Sellers’ Choice Electricity Index is the weightedaverage price of electric energy traded for delivery in the Pennsylvania, NewJersey, Marylandmarket, quoted in dollars per megawatthour. Volumeis in megawatthours.


PJMWestern Hub: The DowJones Western Hub Electricity Index is the weighted average price of electric energy traded at PJM Western Hub quoted in dollars per megawatt hour. Volumeis in megawatthours.

¯ Mid-Columbia: The DowJones Mid-ColumbiaElectricity Index is the weightedaverage price of electric energy traded for delivery at Mid-Columbiaquoted in dollars per megawatt hour. Volumeis in megawatthours. ¯ Four corners (4C): The Dow Jones Four Corners (DJ-4C) Electricity Index is the weightedaverage price of electricity traded

EnergyOnline, DowJonesIndices,, and Explanatory Notes,



for delivery at Four Corners, Shiprock and San Juan, NewMexico, quoted in dollars per megawatthour. Volumeis in megawatthours. NP-15: The DowJones NP-15 Electricity Index is the weighted average price of electric energy traded for delivery at NP-15 quoted in dollars per megawatthour. Volumein megawatthours. ¯

SP-15: The DowJones SP-15 Electricity Index is the weighted average price of electricity traded for delivery at SP-15quoted in dollars per megawatthour. Volumeis in megawatthours.


Cinergy: The DowJones Cinergy Electricity Index is the weighted average price of electricity traded into the Cinergy Control Area quoted in dollars per megawatthour. Volumeis in megawatthours.


Mead~MarketPlace: The DowJones Mead/MarketPlace Electricity Index is averageprice of electric energy traded for delivery at Mead, Market Place, McCullough and Eldorado quoted in dollars per megawatthour. Volumeis in megawatthours.

DJ on-peak price index for COBmaybe compared with the on-peak PX day-ahead prices. Likewise, DJ on-peak price index for the Palo Verde (PV) maybe comparedwith the on-peak PXday-ahead prices. analyzing different trade operations, somespecific factors are compared such as average prices, volumesof trades and volatility. The analysis can give an indication of price stability during a time period, trends in prices either declining or inclining and comparisons of volumes of trade between different locations. For example, in California, a comparison could be made for volumes traded on PX, COBand PV. In electricity markets, DowJones indexes work as benchmarksfor price discovery. As an illustration of these indexes, Table 7.1 and Figure 7.4 show the May1999 DowJones Palo Verde Electricity Index, as was available in May25, 1999, where9: - Finn energy’. Electric energy that meets the minimum criteria of being financially firm and backed by liquidating damages. -Non-Finn: Electric energy that it is subject to interruption for any reason at any time. 9 EnergyOnline, Explanatory Notes,


Electricity Pricing

Table 7.1 WeightedAveragePrice of Electricity traded at Palo Verde and West Wing, Arizona

DATE 5/18/99 5/17/99 5/16/99 5/15/99 5/14/99 5/13/99 5/12/99 5/11/99 5/10/99 5/09/99 5/08/99 5/07/99 5/06/99 5/05/99 5/04/99 5/03/99 5/02/99 5/01/99

NON-FIRM OFF-PEAK ON-PEAK Price Volume Price Volume 13.69 21.76 1050 750 24.71 1298 14.05 440 21.14 575 13.06 930 19.71 350 13.00 100 14.00 21.77 956 100 21.29 425 19.69 80 22.96 15.61 84 265 21.51 13.76 844 1338 11.01 20.47 2060 590 15.17 825 11.18 855 18.05 12.34 1185 1130 14~95 23.98 1164 215 22.66 916 12.80 750 22.91 12.12 2250 835 19.80 2180 11.95 1075 21.30 445 10.67 150 18.00 10.63 150 735 10.62 13.02 2915 1734

FIRM ON-PEAK OFF-PEAK Volume Price Volume Price 18.36 30.09 20976 720 28.92 18.50 13840 200 16.75 28.75 0 200 27.47 16.37 21600 760 16.37 27.55 20800 760 28.21 16.05 19600 1000 14.82 26.60 26800 760 25.19 13.00 19840 400 28.34 17.50 400 17840 24.50 15.75 400 0 27.26 15.56 18000 320 27.26 15.00 18000 200 28.36 14.42 15200 2360 26.57 13.60 16032 496 25.71 11.75 19040 200 26.73 13.93 25200 1000 20.00 13.50 240 0 23.11 12.00 29200 600

DJ-PVElectricit Index, May1999


35 30

.E 15 I~. 5 0 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10









Daysin May1999 "-~--Non-Firm,OmPeak"e’-Non-Firm,Off-Peak "-~--Firm,On-Peak +Firm-Off-Peak

Figure 7,4 Price Index



- On-PeakHours: Between6:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m., every day, prevailing time. -Off-Peak Hours: Between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. every day, prevailing time. 7.3.1 Case Study: Volatility of Prices in California. In California, the ISO’s average ex-post price and the PX’s average dayahead price were very different in each day between April 1- May27, 1998. During this period, prices were extremely volatile at sometimes. The large changes in the ISO’s ex-post price were due to over/under generation which were caused by: increased temperature beyond the expected value, ISO’s forecasting errors, and excess hydroelectric generation. During April 1998, somefactors caused electricity prices to go up in the Westernregion of California. These factors were constrained transmission at certain times on the California-Oregon inter-tie and disruption in coal and nuclear generation. In physical contracts, a seller has an obligation to deliver the electricity that buyer and seller have agreed-uponat the predefined future time. In contrast to physical contracts, financial contracts do not include the delivery of electricity. Financial contracts are either cash settled based on the contracted future price, or cash settled based on the difference betweenthe contracted future price and a reference price. In both alternatives, the contracted electricity quantity wouldbe used for the settlement calculation. The difference between the reference price (such as the ISO’s ex-post price) and contract price are settled daily for future contracts utilizing margincalls, in whichmarket participants pay the margin to a clearinghouse (exchange). In Califomia, physical contracts of electricity that are scheduledfor delivery to buyers on a future expiration date, must be scheduledwith the ISObefore the delivery date. Figure 7.5 illustrates the idea of financial contracts. For example,two parties (e.g., IPS and GenCo)agree initially (in January) on a price Pcon with an expiration date in July. The two parties will settle based on the difference betweenthe price at whichthey confirmed the contract and the ISOex-post price. On a monthly basis, each party pays or is paid by the counterparty based on the difference betweenthe two prices.


Electricity Pricing

~ISO ex-post ...................... Ill

~h/ ....


~ Seller


Strike (C°ntract) L~ ~ [~ /" ~P~K]~’x ¢ypays _~b M~ ~ May Jan J ul..~ ~er?;;


Figure Z5 Financial Contracts

To analyze the volatility of prices in Califomia, four prices are usually comparedduring the analysis. The prices are the annualized volatility of Cal PX, COB,PVand Cal ISO. For each price either onpeak or off-peak prices are used. Hypothetical data that illustrates this issue are shownin Table 7.1. Also, price differential between Cal ISO and PVis usually comparedwith price differential between Cal ISOand COB.Likewise, price differential between Cal PX and PV is usually compared with price differential between Cal PX and COB. A hypothetical figure illustrates this comparisonin Figure 7.6. In addition, the Cal ISO and Cal PXprices are usually compared.

Table7.1 AnnualizedVolatility of Off-PeakPrices January


900 200 100 120

February 1700 1000 210 190

March 3800 800 220 570

April 800 400 480 250



Price [$/MWh]

-15 Feb Mar --- PX price - PV price

Apr May Jun ~ PX price - COBprice

Figure7.6 HypotheticalOn-Peak Price Differentials of Five Months

A typical analysis of electricity price indicates that the price of Cal ISO is muchmore volatile than the Cal PXprice, the COBprice is less volatile than that of PVand the Cal PXprice movements would track Cal ISO price movements. All these examples are hypothetical which represent the set of conclusions that an analyst could obtain from price analysis and comparisonsbetweenprice differentials. Anotherissue that is of concern during the analysis is the daily volume of trades on different markets. The following section discusses a means of measuring the risk involvedin electricity price volatility.

7.3.2 BasisRisk.The difference betweenthe electricity spot price and the price of the nearest futures contract for the electricity at any given time is called basis. Basis risk represents the uncertainty as to whether the cash-futures spread will widenbetween the times a hedge position is implementedand liquidated.


Electricity Pricing Example 7.3

The NYMEX COBfutures contract is designed for delivery in the western United States. Whena participant such as a consumerfrom the eastern U.S. tries to hedge price risk and uses NYMEX COBfutures contracts, the participant could exposeitself to a large basis risk. Prices differ from region to region and even though, under normal circumstances, prices in any two regions could show a reliable correlation, the same prices under other circumstances could swing in opposite directions. This is due to the fact that there is not a single, interconnected electricity market in the U.S., and electricity prices are affected by regional supply and demandconditions, the technology and the type of fuel used in generating power. In addition, NYMEX futures offer only one set of contract terms specifying on-peak power, creating another source of basis risk where the market demonstrates large price swings between on-and off-peak load times. The same problem happens in CBOT contracts. Basis contracts are used by market participants to hedge changes in differential price between any two locations (for example, NYMEX futures at the PVtrading point and a different location.) Byusing these contracts, participants wouldlock in price differences betweenthe two points. Example 7.4 A power producer would like to lock in electricity price in city C, California. The producer sells a 10,000 MWh futures contract to a participant through NYMEX for $20/MWhfor a delivery in three months. Also the producer sells a basis swap to a marketer (basis swap counterparty) such that the producer agrees to pay the C spot price (in three months) in exchange for the COBprice (in three months) plus premiumof $1.0/MWhreceived from the marketer. Assumethat in three months, the C’s spot price is $25/MWh and the COBspot price is $30/MWh. In three months: - The producer sells electricity

in C



Receives the C’s spot price ($25/MWh):25x 10,000 = $250,000 Pays the C’s spot price ($25/MWh)to the marketer: 25x100 $250,000 Receives the COBspot price ($30/MWh)plus a fixed premiumfrom the marketer: 30x 10,000 + 1.0x 10,000= $300,000+$10,000. Buys a futures contract 30x 10,000 = $300,000

for the COBspot price ($30/MWh):

Results: Theproducer $250,000


$300.000 +Premium


Total = $550,000 + Premium



$550,000+ $10,000


--) Net: producerreceives a premium of $10,000 Here, all transactions cancel out and the producer would expect to receive the fixed price for the original futures contract ($20/MWh) plus the premiumreceived from the marketer. The cash flows of this example are shownin Figure 7.7.

Marketer (basis swap counterparty)


Pay spot price ($25/MWh), t=- 3 months Sell futures Contractfor fixed price, t= 0 (now)

Sell powerat ($25/MWh),t= 3 months Producer

Receivespot price ($25/MWh), t=3 months

Buyfutures Contractfor spot price ($30/MWh), t= 3 months

Figure7. 7 CashFlowsof a Producer’sBasis SwapTransaction


Electricity Pricing



7.4.1 Pricing Models. One of the major problems facing market participants, especially hedgers, in restructured electricity marketsin the U.S. is the problem of large errors caused by using unsophisticated versions of the Black-Scholes1° model to price physical power options. This modelwas originally derived as a pricing model to value European securities options and futures options. In addition to other assumptions, this model assumesthat the price volatility is constant and the price series is continuous. Somealternatives to pricing physical poweroptions have been proposed based on this model to take into consideration the nature of electricity that is different fromother commodities. Somemarketparticipants insist on utilizing pricing modelsother than the Black-Scholes model. It is claimed that using the Black-Scholes modelto price electricity options wouldresult in large errors due to the assumptions that this modelapplies to electricity without taking into account the market’s special circumstances. The Black-Scholes proposes the following price dynamics: dF(t,T) - b dW(t) F(t,T) where, F(t,T)

Price at time t for future delivery of powerat time T


Constant Volatility

dW(t) Process)

Standard Brownian motion ~ (also

known as


Whenthis model is used to price the hourly or daily delivery of electric power, someproblemscould arise. These problemsare:

Named after FischerBlackandMyron Scholeswhoderivedthe model Brownian motionis a Markovian process,i.e., it has nomemory andthe changein the processoverthe nexttimeintervalis independent of whathappened in the past.



(1) Customer loads are following complex daily pattems and are sensitive to weatherfluctuations whichimplies high volatility: The classical Black-Scholesmodelassumesa constant volatility, does not take into account the weatherimpact on volatility over the period of the option and does not discriminate between on-peak and off-peak conditions. (2) Electricity is a non-storable commodity:The short-term supply is largely affected by physical system dynamicssuch as generation and transmission outages that would result in large price spikes. The Black-Scholes model assumes smooth price changes under these circumstances. (3) Generating units could be forced out in unplanned manner during peak-demand summermonths. Unplanned outages cause electricity prices to increase dramatically in the marketdue to the fact that more expensiveunits will be neededto serve the load. In a nutshell, any frameworkto price physical power options should take somefactors into consideration. These factors include the physical nature of electricity, generation availability, dynamicvolatility, transmission limitations and changeableload. 7.4.2 Reliable Forward Curves. A forward curve of electricity presents a set of forwardprices for electricity, i.e. it determinesa set of current marketprices for the sale of electricity at specified times in the future; the curve determines the present value of electricity to be delivered in the future. For other commoditiesthat have been traded for a long time, forwardcurves are readily established, but for electricity in a restructured environment, muchof the appropriate market information is not yet available due to the short experience. The challenge is to construct and use forwardcurves based on limited available data. Forwardcurves in electricity markets work as benchmarkor index of value. Whenthe curve shows higher future prices, current values of production facilities and purchase agreementswill increase. Onthe other hand, a decreasing forward curve meansthat the value of existing sales agreements and a utility’s customer base are decreasing. In the next section, wewill elaborate on forwardcurves.

Electricity Pricing


Constructing forward curves should take the risk explicitly into account: incorporate estimates of market uncertainty in ways that will be most useful for decision-making and integrate forward curves into participants’ ownanalytical models. To build a forward curve for midterm prices, futures and options prices should be analyzed coupled with the probabilistic system modeling. Even though the load growth and fuel price shifts affect long-term electricity prices considerably, long-term electricity prices are driven by performance improvements such as improvements in new generation technology. For long-term prices, market data provide little guidance in constructing forward curves and building the curve is mainly based on the probabilistic system modeling, asset investmentand retirement analysis.



7.5.1 TimeFramefor Price Curves. Constructing a forward curve depends mainly on a time frame, which maybe for a few months (short-term), a few years (medium-term)or over several years (longterm). In short-term, the price of electricity changesmainlywith changes in weather conditions, supply outages, and interregional powerflows. In short-term, guidanceis offered by historical spot price data coupledwith deterministic system modeling. Load growth, shifts in fuel price, and customer response to retail price changes would determine medium-term price fluctuations.

7.5.2 Typesof ForwardPrice Curves.As was mentionedin the preceding section, one of the major challenges facing market participants is the lack of reliable long-dated forward prices. In restructured power markets, suppliers are competing to reach end-use customers with the lowest possible price that wouldguarantee profits. Wininga customer’s contract is generally based on pricing strategies that would take into account electricity market trends and the information on the true cost of serving customers. The forwardprice of electricity is the key in pricing retail and wholesaleelectricity. Forwardcurves represent a goodstarting criterion to price electricity and, if utilized with experience in knowing variations in customercharacteristics and supply/demandsituations, they



produce hedging strategies for different market participants such as suppliers, marketers, independent power suppliers and others. In this section, wehighlight this topic whichis very important in restructured electricity marketsand the resources on this topic are very rare. Eventhough the age of restructuring is still short, historical spot prices can be used to modelforwardprice projections or forecasts, and as time passes, modelingforward prices will be improvedby incorporating current market data, acquiring experience in market movementsand effects of large transactions. A consideration should be given to interactions betweenelectricity and other economicvariables that drive electricity prices such as fuel cost, weather patterns, supply outage, transmission outages, regulatory developmentsand any other factors that 12. affect electricity prices To construct reliable forward curves and predict volatility for a specific period of time, estimates should be based on analyzing the supply and demandbalance in the electricity markets, and by utilizing uncertainties in fuel prices andload. Forward curves take on three behaviors: Backwardation, Contango, and a combinationof the two.

Baekwardation. It is a market situation in which futures prices are lower in each succeeding delivery month. In other words, backwardation refers to markets where shorter-dated contracts are traded at a higher price than that of longer-dated contracts. Backwardationis also called the inverted market, and it is expressed by plotting the price variation with time as shownin Figure 7.8, where electricity price curve slops downwardsas time increases. Backwardationgives a forward/spot market relationship in whichthe forward price is lower than the spot price. The cause of backwardation in electricity markets is that it is necessary for forward prices to trend upwardtowards the expected spot price in order to attract speculators (buyers) to enter into trades with hedgers (sellers). Theopposite of backwardationis contango.

Electricity Derivatives, http://www.schoolfp.cibc.corn/yb98/ m





Figure7.8 Illustration of Backwardation (Inverted MarkeO

Contango.Opposite to the case of backwardation, contango is a term often used to refer to electricity markets whereshorter-dated contracts traded at a lower price than longer-dated contracts in futures markets. Whena market situation exists such that prices are higher in the succeedingdelivery monthsthan in the nearest delivery month,wesay contangoexists. It is expressed by plotting the prices of contracts against time, whereelectricity price curve slops upwards as time increases as shown in Figure 7.9. Contango gives a forward]spot market relationship in which the forward price is greater than the spot price. Often, the forwardprice exceedsthe spot price by approximately the net cost to carry/finance the spot electricity or security until the settlement date of the forward contract.

Combination. Figure 7.10 shows a combination of the two previously mentioned behaviors of forward curves. This is an exampleof a situation whenthe forward curve takes a backwardation form in the short-term part of the curve and a combinationof two in the long-term part of the curve. The behavior of the curve depends on expectations regarding the supply/demandbalance in the market in addition to other seasonal factors that drive prices.


Chapter 7

Price [$/MWh]


Figure 7.9 Illustration of Contango

Price [$/MWh]

Time Figure 7,10 A Forward Curve Combines Backwardation and Contango


Electricity Pricing

In the following, wewill discuss the forecasting process for the shorttermprice of electricity.





There are many physical factors that would impact short-term electricity price. In practice, it wouldbe impossibleto include all these factors in price forecasting, becauseeither the factors are unknown or the related data are unavailable. The sensitivity analysis is a good wayof selecting the prominentfactors in price forecasting. Givena factor, if the price is insensitive to this factor, wecould claim that the factor is not impacting the price and could be ignored with minute error in price forecasting. 7.6.1 Factors Impacting Electricity Price. An analysis of price movementspresents a conceptual understanding of howfactors could affect the price. For simplicity, weonly discuss variations of spot price, or marketclearing price (MCP),in this section. After an auctioneer (ISO or PX)receives supply and demandbids, aggregates the supply bids into a supply curve (S) and aggregates the demandbids into a demandcurve (D). The intersection (S) and represents the MCP,as is illustrated in Figure 7.11. Accordingto this figure, we wouldpresent the following discussions. (1) Basic Analysis of Price Movements -

Case BI: S curve is shifted upward: MCPincreases and quantity decreases.


Case B2: S curve is shifted quantity increases.


Case B3: D curve is shifted upward: MCPincreases and quantity increases.

downward: MCPdecreases and






MCP ¯ Quantity Figure 7.11 Calculation of MCP

Case B4: D curve is shifted quantity decreases.

downward: MCPdecreases and

Case B5: S curve is shifted to the left: quantity decreases.

MCPincreases and

Case B6: S curve is shifted to the right: quantity increases.

MCPdecreases and

Case B7: D curve is shifted to left: decreases.

MCPdecreases and quantity

Case B8: D curve is shifted to right: MCPincreases and quantity increases. (2) Actual Cases Pertaining To The AbovePrice Movements - Case A1: Supplier woulddecrease the price. This is case B2. - Case A2: Demandwould increase the price. This is case B3. - Case A3: A generator would be force-outaged withdrawn). This is case B5. -

(or a bid is

Case A4: A new supplier would enter the market. This is case B6. Case A5: A generator would be restored. This is case B6.



Case A6: A new demandwould enter the market. This is case B8. Case A7: Gas (or oil) price would decrease. Suppliers wouldthen decreasetheir prices. So, it is case B2. Case A8: Gas (or oil) price would increase. Suppliers would then increasetheir price. So, it is caseB 1. It is vital to performthe aboveseeminglysimple analysis, as it would exhibit the variation of price in practical markets. For example, we wouldlearn, from the aboveanalysis, that the price of gas (or oil) could affect MCP.

7.6.2 Forecasting Methods. ¯

Simulation Method: Usually the analysis of price volatility is based on the probability distribution for each of a series of key drivers. The users can determine the distribution of input variables using historical data. For example providers could use a beta distribution, which requires the estimation of the maximum, minimum and the most likely value of input variables. To capture the effects of uncertainty, samplesare drawnfromthe distribution of the input variables using MonteCarlo methodsand a scenario is created. For each scenario the tool is used to simulate the market prices. Running a sufficient number of scenarios then produces a stable distribution of long-termmarketprices. Thevolatility indices and all the traditional measures are then developed from the statistical distribution of the variable. In addition to the forwardprice volatility calculations, the distribution of generator revenues under various outcomes for the drivers must also be determined. This provides information relating to the risk associated with participation in the supply market. Artificial Neural NetworkMethod:Theartificial


network method has received more attention in the field of forecasting because of its clear model, easy implementation and good performance. The method was applied before to load forecasting in electric power systems. Here, we use the MATLAB



for training the artificial neural network in short-term price forecasting, which provides a very powerful tool for analyzing factors that could impactelectricity prices. 7.6.3




Let Va be the actual value and Vf the forecast value. Then, Percentage Error (PE) is defined PE = (Vf

- a )/ a ×



and the Absolute Percentage Error (APE)



then, the MeanAbsolute Percentage Error (MAPE) is given u MAPE : -~1 ~", e APE


MAPEis widely used to evaluate the performance of load forecasting. Howeverin price, forecasting, MAPE is not a reasonable criterion as it maylead to inaccurate representation. The problemwith this MAPE is that if the actual value is large and the forecasted value is small, then APEwill be close to 100%.In addition, if the actual value is small, APEcould be very large if the difference between actual and forecasted values is small. For instance, whenthe actual value is zero APEcould reach infinity if the forecast is not zero. So, there is a problem with using APEfor price forecasting. It should be noted that this problem does arise in load forecasting, since actual values are rather large, while price could be very small, or even zero.

Alternate Definition of MAPE: One proposed alternative

is as

follows. First wedefine the averagevalue for a variable V: 1 ~v ~=~-.i~:~ V~ Then, we redefine PE, APEand MAPE as follows:



Electricity Pricing Percentage Error (PE): PE = (V f - a )/ V x 100%


Absolute Percentage Error (APE):

A I ,E=Im


MeanAbsolute Percentage Error (MAPE): 1 N MAPE= ~ .= i~.4 zPei


The point here is that wewoulduse the average value as the basis to avoid the volatility problem.

7.6.4 PracticalDataStudy.In this section, we use artificial neural networksto study price forecasting based on the practical data. Wewill study the impact of data pre-processing, quantities of training vectors, quantities of impacting factors, and adaptive forecasting on price forecasting. Wewill also comparethe artificial neural network method with alternative methods.The newdefinition of MAPE is illustrated with practical data and its advantagesare discussed. Weuse the data for California power market in our study, mainly including system loads and unconstrained MCPs,from 1/1/99 to 9/30/99. The curves are given belowin Figures 7.12 and 7.13. Additional data can be obtained from: In the following, we present a few of our observations based on using artificial neural networkfor price forecasting.



x 104

LoadCurveof California PowerMarket(1/1-9/30)


= 1.,



3000 4000 Time(Hour)




Figure7.12 Loadin California PowerMarketfrom 1/1/99 to 9/30/99 Impact of Data Pre-Processing. First we do not preprocess the data. Figure 7.14 showsthe forecasting results for practical data in Figure 7.13 from 05/29 to 06/04, in whichthe curve with asterisk shows the forecasted price. The new MAPEis about 50% which is unacceptable. MAPE is very large since the actual prices are zero in someoccasions. (6:00 AMin 05/29 for example, hour 6 in Figure 7.14) or close to zero (6:00 AMin 06/04 for example, hour 150 in Figure 7.14). In this case, the traditional MAPE would have failed severely to provide a reasonable index to measurethe quality of forecast.

Electricity Pricing


Price Curveof California PowerMarket(1/1-9/30)



3000 4000 Time(Hour)




Figure 7.13 Price Curve in California PowerMarket from 1/1/99 to 9/30/99 Price Forecasting 35 [ ~,ctual




10 5




6o ~ 1~o 1~o




Figure 7,14 Application of NewMAPEon Forecasting




Now,we study the impact of data pre-processing for artificial neural network. Figure 7.15 showsthe actual prices of Figure 7.13 from 7/1 to 8/4 with spikes in 7/1, 7/12, 7/13, 7/14 and 7/15. Thetraining period is from 7/1 to 7/28 and the testing is for a period from 7/29 to 8/4. Two data pre-processing methodsfor eliminating price spikes are considered: limiting price spikes or excludingprice spikes. If welimit price spikes (i.e., if the price is larger than 50 $/MWh, we set it to 50 $/MWh),the training and testing performanceswill both be improved (training MAPEwill be 7.66% and testing MAPEwill be 13.82%). If we exclude the days with price spikes, the training and testing performanceswill both be improvedmore significantly (training MAPE is 5.35% and testing MAPE is 11.43%).

MCP 7/1/1999-8/4/1999

160 140. 120 100

o_ 60 4O 2O 0 0




400 600 7 0 800 Time(Hour)

Figure Z15 Impact of Data Pre-processing

on Forecasting




The improvementin training MAPE is due to the disappearance of price spikes (excluded or limited). Consequently, without price spikes, network training can find a more general mapping between input and output. Thus, testing MAPE will also be improved. Since price spikes are the indicative of abnormalityin the system, we do not intend to delete themfrom the training process. Hence,we adhere to the option of limiting the magnitudeof spikes, rather than eliminating themtotally. Impactof TrainingVectors. In this section, we use the data in Figure 7.13 again and study the impact of the quantity of training vectors on forecasting performance. In Table 7.2, the study period is from 2/1 to 4/4. The testing period is fixed, from 3/29 to 4/4 (1 week). The training period could be varying from 1 week to 8 weeks and the Case No. corresponds to the numberof weeks in training. In Case l, the training period is from 3/22 to 3/28 (1 week). In Case 2, the training period is from 3/15 to 3/28 (2 weeks). In Case 8, the training period from 2/1 to 3/28 (8 weeks). The training periods of Case 3, 4, 5, 6 and are defined similarly. Since the weights of neural network are initialized randomly, every time we train and test the neural network, we will get a somewhat different result. To decrease the effect of randomerrors, we repeat the training and testing procedure five times for each case with the results shown in Table 7.2, and Figure 7.16 compares the testing MAPEs for different cases. FromFigure 7.16, we see that testing MAPEs would first decrease with the increase in the quantity of training vectors (from Case1 to Case 4), then remain flat (from Case 4 to Case 6), and finally increase as further increase of quantity of training vectors (from Case 6 to Case 8). The reason is discussed as follows.


Chapter 7

+ Table 7.2 Impactof the Quantity of Training Vectors Case No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Training Vectors 3/22 thru 3/28(7) 3/15 thru 3/28(14) 3/8 thru 3/28(21) 3/1 thru 3/28(28) 2/22 thru 3/28(35) 2/15 thru 3/28(42) 2/8 thru 3/28(49) 2/1 thru 3/28(56)

Testing Vector 3/29 thru 4/4(7)

Testing MAPE(%) Average Minimum Maximum 12.77 12.59 12.96 12.21 11.68 12.56 11.88 11.64 12.13 11.19 11.11 11.25 11.21 11.13 11.45 11.26 11.14 11.48 11.63 11.57 11.70 11.80 11.40 12.09

In "training vectors" and "testing vectors" columns, "3/22thru3/28" means "from 3/22 to 3/28" and "(7)" means"7 vectors", and so on.

Impactof Quantity of Training Vectors


13.5 13 12.5

--e--Average + Minimum ~ Maximum

11.5 11 lO.5 lO 1




5 Case




Figure 7.16 Impact of Training Vectors

Electricity Pricing


At first, by introducing more training vectors, we present a more diverse set of training samples, which would result in a more general input-output mapping. Thus, the forecasting performance, measured by the testing MAPE,would improve. However, as we keep increasing the numberof training vectors, the diversity of training samples wouldno longer expand and the additional training would not improve the forecasting results. Thus, the forecasting performancewouldremain fiat. Weshould point out that by further increasing the numberof training vectors, (Cases 6 through 8), the artificial neural networkcould be overtrained. In other words, the artificial neural networkwouldhave to adjust its weights to accommodatethe input-output mappingof a large number of training vectors that maynot be similar to the testing data to a large extent. Thus, the forecasting performance could get worse with further increasing the numberof training vectors. Fromthe above analysis, the training quality could depend on both diversity and similarity of training vectors. In our study system, Cases 4 through 6 represent a reasonable compromise between diversity and similarity. On the other hand, Case 4 wouldrequire a smaller training time than Cases 5 and 6. So, Case 4 would be the best choice since it can get a good forecast (a smaller testing MAPE here) with smaller effort (less training time). This is not to say that Case 4 is the best for all systems. For other systems, wemayfirst performa test similar to that described in this section to find the best choice. Impact of Adaptive Forecasting. We can either use the fixed training weights or upgrade the weights frequently and adaptively according to the test results. Werefer to the latter case as our adaptive forecasting method. Studying the profile of price curves, we would expect that the adaptive modification of network weights would provide a better forecast. In Table 7.3, results are shownfor comparingnon-adaptive and adaptive cases. Here, welearn that, in most cases, adaptive forecasting would provide more accuracy. The reason is that adaptive forecasting takes the newest information into consideration.


Chapter7 Table 7.3 Comparison of Non-adaptiveand AdaptiveForecasting

Case No. 1 2 3 4

Training + Vectors 2/1 thru 2/28(28) 5/1 thru 5/28(28) 7/1 thru 7/28(28) 8/1 thru 8/28(28)

Testing Vectors 3/1 thru3/7 (7) 5/29thru 6/4 (7) 7/29thru 8/4 (7) 8/29thru 9/4 (7)

Testing MAPE non-adaptive adaptive 14.04 8.71 52.94 25.81 12.53 12.59 11.59 10.23

÷ In "training vectors" and"testing vectors"(28) means"28 vectors"

In Table 7.3, Case No. 2 deserves more attention whenthere are zero prices in 5/29, ~ e5/30 and 5/31 (see Figure 7.14) and non-adaptiv forecasting wouldnot identify this information. In comparison,adaptive forecasting can identify this information and modify network weights accordingly. In essence, adaptive modification of network weights could be critical for getting a goodforecasting.



The demandfor price transparency increased ever since the restructuring process began and the number of participants and marketing operations increased. This is due to the need to enhance the financial stability of electricity markets, whichis in turn due to changes in strategies or approaches to buy and sell electricity, which is completely different from the traditional methods under the regulated monopoly. Addto that is mergers of new financial tools and entry of non-electricity participants in electricity markets. All these facts motivated participants to demandefficient tools for price discovery in order to hedgetheir risks and survive in a competitivemarket. In this chapter, wehave reviewedsomebasic concepts in electricity price forecasting, such as price calculation and price volatility. Because of its importance, we also discussed the issue on factors impacting electricity price forecasting, including time factors, load factors, historical price factor, etc. Weused the artificial neural networkmethod



to study the relationship betweenthese factors and price. Weproposed a morereasonable definition on MAPE to avoid the demerits of traditional methods on measuring forecasting in the context of electricity price forecasting. Practical data study showedthat a good data pre-processing was helpful, i.e., using too manytraining vectors or considering too manyfactors is not good for price forecasting. Practical data study also showed adaptive forecasting could improve forecasting accuracy. We concluded that the artificial neural network methodis a good tool for price forecasting as comparedto other methodsin terms of accuracy as well as convenience.

CHAPTER 8 RTO: REGIONAL TRANSMISSION ORGANIZATION Summary: Even though many changes have happened to the electric power industry since the two fundamental Orders 888 and 889 were issued, FERCobserved that there remained significant barriers to participate in competitive electricity markets and to reach the greatest possible economy.Inefficiencies in the reliability, operation, planning, and expansionof transmission grid, in addition to discriminatory conduct practiced by transmission owners against market participants motivated FERCto introduce the concept of Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs)[Hoe99, Hog99,Mer00]. This chapter will review the essence RTOsand bring together manytopics that were discussed earlier in this book.



Under Federal Power Act (FPA), FERChas the authority to ensure that rates, terms and conditions of transmission and sales for resale in interstate commerceby public utilities are just, reasonable and not unduly discriminatory or preferential. FERCalso has the authority to promote and encourage regional districts for the voluntary interconnection and coordination of transmission facilities by public utilities and non-publicutilities for the purposeof assuring a sufficient supply of electric energy throughout the U.S. with the greatest possible economy. Since FERCissued its Order 888 and Order 889 in 1996, which contain the foundation required for competitive wholesale power markets, the electric power industry has experienced a wide range of restructuring activities that involve a movementby manystates to form 377



retail competition, the divestiture of generation plants by traditional electric utilities, mergersamongtraditional electric utilities and among electric utilities and gas pipeline companies,the growthin the numberof participants such as power marketers and independent power suppliers entering the marketplace, and the establishment of ISOs to administer large parts of transmission system. Since that time, trade activities in bulk power markets have considerably increased and the transmission grid has been loaded heavily and in new fashions. Later, FERCcited several reasons for issuing the final rule on RTOs.Among those reasons were the following: ¯

Opportunities for unduediscrimination continue to exist that maynot be remediedadequately by functional unbundling,


Improperinformation sharing with respect to somepublic utilities, i.e., non-compliancewith (violations of) the standards of conduct. For example, unauthorized exchanges of competitively valuable information on reservations and schedules between transmission system operators and their ownor affiliated merchant operation employees. Likewise, a transmission provider could quickly confirm requests for firm transmission service by an affiliate, while service requests from independent marketers would take much longer to approve.


Somemarket participants are reluctant to share operational real-time and planning data with transmission providers because of the suspicion that they will be providing an advantageto their affiliated marketinggroups, whichin turn impair the reliability of the electric systems.


Lack of market confidence maydiscourage generation expansion and results in higher consumerprices.


Fears of discriminatory curtailment may discourage access to existing generation or discourage entry by newsources of generation that wouldotherwisealleviate electricity price spikes.


Suspicion about ATCcalculations by participants would let market participants see transactions involving regional markets as more risky transactions, which could constrain the market area and consequently reduces competition and raise electricity prices for consumers.


RTO:FERCOrder 2000

Hence, on May 13, 1999, FERCissued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) on RTOs. In the NOPR,FERCproposed a set minimumcharacteristics and functions for RTOs,and asked different electric power industry sectors to commenton the NOPRas a feedback to makeany changes before a final order could be issued. Someof the commentsreceived by FERCwere agreeing with the FERC’sproposal, while the others were against the proposal. Every market participant was trying to protect its owninterests, whichcreated conflicting objectives and interests. The main debate was on whether or not the formation of RTOsshould be voluntary, whether or not FERChad the authority to require the formation of RTOs,whether the RTOwould be a for-profit entity or not-for profit entity, whether or not RTOshad an independent authority to set transmission tariffs, and whether or not RTOshad the authority to have the function of market-monitoring. Based on its views and the inputs from different sectors, FERC issued a final rule, called FERCOrder No. 2000~, in which FERC adopted most of the proposal in NOPR in addition to new requirements for RTOs.



FERCOrder No.’ 888 and FERCOrder 889 introduced the ground required to develop and motivate competitive bulk power markets in the U.S., which were issued in April 1996. These rules required public utilities to provide non-discriminatoryopen access transmission services and included stranded cost recovery rules that would provide a fair transition to competitive markets. The two orders were accomplishing much of the objectives they asked for. But, they were not ideal to solve the additional problemsthat arose since powermarkets started to develop competitive markets. Major changes that occurred between the years 1997 and 2000 include: Federal EnergyRegulatoryCommission,DocketNo. RM99-2-000: Regional TransmissionOrganizations, Order No. 2000, FINALRULE,December20, 1999



have divested some or all of their (1) Many integrated utilities generating assets. FERCreported that more than ten percent of the U.S. generating capacity waseither sold or under contract to be sold. Buyersof this capacity included traditional utilities with specified service territories and independentpowerproducers with no required service territory. (2) Mergeractivities amongelectric utilities or betweenelectric utilities and natural gas utilities increased. (3) The numberof newparticipants in the electric power industry such as independent and affiliated power marketers, generators, and. power exchanges increased. (4) Thevolumeof trade in electricity market increased. (5) Efforts weremadeat state levels to introduce retail competition. (6) Adoption of new and different considered.

uses of the transmission grid was

Due to these major changes in the electric power industry, the transmission grid was being used more intensively (i.e., more transmission system loading), whichcaused transfer limitations and lead to powercurtailments. Furthermore, in different waysthan in the past, power was being flown in unprecedented amounts and in unexpected directions. These major changes impacted the ability of powersystems to maintain security in operating the transmission system under conditions for which it was not planned or designed. As FERCmentioned, the increased use of TLR procedures and the growing number of TLR incidences are an indication that the increased and different use of the transmission systemis stressing the grid. After restructuring was proposed and competition increased, even though the demand was increasing on the transmission system, the planning and construction of transmission and transmission-related componentsand facilities were not kept with the competition. It was noticed that most of the planned projects were for local system support, and the tight coordination of generation and transmission planning was decreasedas vertically integrated utilities divest their generationassets. It was also perceived that most of the new generation was being proposed and developed by IPPs.

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In addition to the increased stress on transmission grid, the transition to the new market structure resulted in new challenges and circumstances, such as experiencing manyevents that led to abnormal (very high) spot prices. These challenges led to calls for price caps, accusation of market power, and a questioning of the effectiveness of transmission open access and wholesale electric competition. A major reason for these negative consequenceswas cited as the lack of regional coordination in areas such as maintenanceof transmission and generation systems and transmission planning and operation. These facts necessitated major changes to reliability procedures that traditionally functioned properly to ensure that the power flow was maintained in a competitively neutral fashion. Bulk power systems can and should be operated reliably and efficiently whencoordinated over large geographic areas, though these systems could be regionally independentin nature. Since the evolution of competitive electricity markets, ISOs have been developed in manyregions of the U.S. to ensure system security and reliability and to maintain a competitive behavior in generation markets. It is argued though that larger ISOs could help the system acquire advantageousfeatures over smaller ISOs. Firstly, a larger ISOis capable of better identifying and addressing reliability issues. Secondly, loop flows that are encountered due to the growing number of transactions are absorbed internally whenlarger ISOs are adopted. Thirdly, a larger ISO could conceivably promote transmission access across a larger portion of the network, and thus improve market efficiencies and promotegreater competition. Finally, a larger ISOcould eliminate the possible pancaking of transmission rates, which in turn allows a greater range of economicenergy trades across the network.

8.3 FERC NOPRON RTO NOPRon RTOs, proposed and issued by FERCon May 13, 1999, recognized and discussed FERC’sconcerns with the means of managing the transmission grid. NOPR also included a discussion on the traditional managementof transmission grid by vertically integrated electric utilities. FERCcategorized into two main groups the remaining difficulties that prevent full competition in wholesale electric markets. Thesedifficulties are:



The operation and expansion of the transmission grid suffer from engineering and economic inefficiencies: Since the transmission facilities of any single utility in a certain region are part of a larger and integrated transmission system, engineering and economic inefficiencies take place wheneach separate operator or transmission provider makesindependent decisions about the use, limitations and expansion of its piece of the interconnected grid. The independent decisions are usually taken based on incomplete information, which in turn have major and instantaneous consequences on the transmission facilities of all other neighboring systems and transmission providers. This problem was magnified whenincreased demandswere placed on the transmission grid due to increases in bulk power trade, large shifts in power flows, and an increasingly decentralized competitive power industry. These changes impacted trade pattems and industry structure, and consequently certain operational problems became more significant and difficult to resolve. Transmission owners continued, unduly, discriminating in the operation of their transmission systems by favoring their ownor their affiliates’ power marketing activities: Utilities that have monopoly control of transmission facilities and at the same time have power marketing interests, the utilities have poor incentives to provide equal quality transmission service to their power marketing competitors. Thoseutilities act in their ownself-interest, whichmay hurt others. They act in their own self-interest by refusing transmission and/or providing inferior transmission to competitors in the bulk power markets to favor their own generation. FERC mentions that functional unbundling does not change the incentives of vertically integrated utilities to use their transmission assets to favor their owngeneration, but instead attempt to reduce the ability of utilities to act on those incentives. FERCreceived numerous comments in response to the RTOs’ NOPR. The Final Rule on RTOsis adopted by FERCbased on these comments, even though there were opponents to RTOs. Participants who are opposing RTOshave claimed benefits of RTOscan be realized without RTOs, the NOPRdoes not attempt to quantify any of the claimed benefits of RTOs, ISOs have saved ratepayers moneyin those areas

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whereISOs have been established, and the costs of. establishing RTOsis high and must not exceed the benefits.




In Order No. 2000, FERClisted twelve goals for RTOs,including four characteristics and eight functions. The minimum characteristics and functions proposed by FERCfor a transmission entity to qualify as an RTOare designed to ensure that any RTOwill be independent and able to provide reliable, non-discriminatory and efficiently priced transmission service to support competitive regional bulk powermarkets. The minimumcharacteristics that an R.TO must satisfy include independence from market participants and scope, regional configuration, operational authority, and short-term reliability. The minimum functions that an RTO must satisfy include tariff administration and design, congestion management,parallel path flow, ancillary services, OASIS,TTCand ATC,marketmonitoring, planning, and inter-regional coordination. The inter-regional coordination was not proposed explicitly in the NOPR,but in the final rule, FERCadded this function explicitly. , FERCOrder 2000 gives the industry participants flexibility in structuring RTOsthat satisfies the minimumcharacteristics and functions. As FERCmentions in this order, its does not propose to obligate or prevent any one form of organization for RTOsor obligate or prevent RTOownership of transmission facilities. The minimum characteristics and minimum functions spelled out by FERCin the order could be accomplished by different organizational forms, such as ISOs, TransCos, combinations of the two, or even new organizational forms not yet discussed in the industry or proposed to FERC.The FERCstates in its order that it is not proposing a certain organizational format for regional transmission institutions or the establishmentof fixed or specific regional boundaries. FERCencourages an open architecture policy related to formulation of RTOs,where any proposed formulation of RTOshould give the RTO and its membersthe flexibility to refine their organizations in the future in terms of structure, operations, market support and geographicscope to meet market needs. In the same time, FERCwill offer the regulatory flexibility to assist these improvements.



In the Order, FERCestablishes guidance on flexible transmission ratemaking that may be proposed by RTOs, including ratemaking treatments that will address congestion pricing and performance-based regulation. FERCwill consider on a case-by-case basis incentive pricing that maybe appropriate for transmission facilities under RTOcontrol. ByOctober15, 2000, all public utilities that own,operate or control interstate transmission facilities were required to file with the FERCa proposal for an RTOthat complies with the minimum characteristics and minimumfunctions set by the order to be operational by December15, 2001. Otherwise, utilities that did not propose RTOsshould provide FERC with a description of efforts to participate in an RTO,any existing obstacles to RTOparticipation, and any plans to work toward RTO participation. Public utilities that are participating in an approved regional transmission entity that agree with the FERC’sISO principles are excused from this requirement. Proposals for RTOsinclude the transmissionfacilities of public utilities as well as transmissionfacilities of public power and other non-public utility entities to the extent possible. 8.4.1 Organization of an RTO. To form RTOs, FERC allows flexibility in the type of RTOstructures or forms. In the final rule, FERC does not prescribe either a Transco, ISO or someother structures. FERC will accept an ISO, a TRANSCO,a hybrid form, or any other organizational form as long as the proposed RTOmeets FERC’s minimumcharacteristics and minimum functions and other requirements. FERC believes that, at this time, it should follow a voluntary approachto participation in RTOs.A voluntary approach will be able to achieve FERC’sobjective, which is for all transmission-owning entities to put their transmission facilities under the control of RTOsin a timely manner.Even though FERC has decided that it is in the public interest to provide for a voluntary approach to RTOformation that is based on encouragement, guidance, and support from the FERC,this does not implythat all aspects of the final rule are voluntary, but public utilities must file either an RTOproposal or a report on the obstacles to participate in RTO.FERCexpects that all transmission owners will participate in goodfaith in the collaborative process to form RTOs.


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Regarding the organizational form of an RTO, some market participants claim that an ISO is the better form of RTOthan ISO, because an ISOhas no incentive either to favor transmission solutions to solve congestion constraints or to preserve congestion, while others claim that TransCoare better because they introduce a profit motive for efficient operation and expansion. FERCoffers flexibility in the organizational form of RTOs,to take the differing conditions facing various regions into consideration. Anyinnovative structures and forms that meet the needs of the market participants while satisfying the minimumrequirements of the final rule are welcome by FERC. As FERCstates, some may propose to start operation in one form and transform to another form at a future date, and final rule does not necessarily require that a single organization performall of the functions itself. Regarding its structure, RTOcould act as an ISO (non-profit institution), stand-alone transmission companies(for-profit Transcos), hybrids or any other form that could accomplish the aims of Order No. 2000. The flexibility in determining the future structure of RTOsis one of the appealingadvantagesof the final rule.



FERCestablishes minimum characteristics whichinclude:

OF AN RTO that an RTOmust satisfy,

1. Independencefrom market participants 2.

Scope and Regional Configuration


Operational Authority


Short-term Reliability

Characteristic 1: Independencefrom MarketParticipants. Without this fundamentalcharacteristic, the threat of vertical discrimination in acquiring access to transmission services could weakenthe effectiveness of RTOs. Characteristic 2: Scope and Regional Configuration. The RTO’s scope ought to be large enough in order to achieve the regulatory,



reliability, operational and competitiveobjectives of the FERC final rule. A satisfactory scope is determined by factors such as geographic distance, the numbers of buyers and sellers covered by the RTO,the amount of load served, and the number of miles of transmission lines under hierarchical2 control. As FERCstates in the rule, RTOshould operate all transmission facilities within its proposedregion. RTO’sboundaries are recognized as follows: ¯

Facilitate essential RTOfunctions,


Encompassa highly interconnected and contiguous geographic area,


Deter the exercise of market power,


Take into account existing regional boundaries (e.g., NERC regions)


Encompassexisting control areas and regional transmission entities,


Take into account international boundaries.

Characteristic 3: Operational Authority. RTOshould have operational authority in a non-discriminatory mannerfor all transmission facilities under its control and must be the security coordinator for its region. The authority to control transmissionfacilities includes, but is not limited to, functions which are switching transmission elements into and out of operation in the transmission system such as transmission lines and transformers, monitoring and controlling real and reactive power flows, monitoring and controlling voltage levels, and scheduling and operating reactive resources. Whenan RTOacts as a NERCsecurity coordinator, it will be responsible for: Performingload-flowand stability studies to anticipate, identify and address security problems, Exchangingsecurity information with local and regional entities, Monitoring real-time operating characteristics such as the availability of reserves, actual powerflows,

Hierarchical controlis a formof powersystem controlthat relies ona master-satellite controlstructure,which establishesa singlecontrollingauthoritywithout requiringthe construction of a single,consolidated controlroom.In a master-satellitehierarchical controlstructurethe RTO operatesonecentralandmultipledistributedcontrolcenters.

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interchange schedules, system frequency and generation adequacy, and Directing actions to maintainreliability, including firm load shedding. FERCsuggested that the personnel of existing control centers might become employees of the RTOor remain as employees of the control center owner, while being supervised by RTOpersonnel. FERCleaves it optional to the region to choose the combinationof direct and functional control that fits its circumstances,but the RTOmust have clear authority to direct all actions that affect the facilities underits control, including the decisions and actions taken at any satellite control centers. Characteristic 4: Maintaining the Short-term Reliability. RTOis given exclusive authority by FERC to maintain the short-term reliability of the grid. As FERCmentioned, there is no time gap between what is included within short-term reliability and the RTO’s planning responsibilities. FERCwill not require the RTOto rely on market mechanismsin every instance to maintain short-term reliability. Maintainingthe short-term reliability involves: ¯ Interchange scheduling, ¯ Redispatch authority, ¯ Transmission maintenance approval, ¯ Generation maintenance approval, ¯ Facility ratings, ¯ Liability,


Reliability standards. As related to interchange scheduling, FERCdecides that the RTO must have exclusive authority to receive, confirm and implement all interchange schedules. This function will automatically be assumedby RTOsthat operate a single control area. If the RTOstructure includes control area operators whoare market participants or affiliated with market participants, the RTOwill have the authority to direct the implementationof all interchange schedules. If the RTOfiling includes a structure in which non-RTOcontrol area operators receive sensitive information, FERCwill require the RTOto monitor for any unfair competitive advantage, and report to the FERCimmediately if problems



are detected. FERCwill require the RTOor any entities whooperate control areas within the RTO’sregion that require access to commercially sensitive information to sign agreements that separate reliability personnel and the relevant information they receive from their wholesale merchant personnel. Regarding redispatch authority, FERCdeclares that the RTOshould have the authority to order the redispatch of any generator connected to the transmission facilities the RTOoperates if the redispatch is neededto maintain the reliability of the transmission system. Each RTOis to develop procedures for generators to offer their services and also to compensategenerators that are redispatched to maintain reliability. In order to maintainthe reliability of the transmissionsystem, the entity that controls transmission must also have somecontrol over somegeneration. This control should be in general based on competitive basis (through market) where the generators compete by submitting offers for their services and the RTOchooses the least cost alternatives. Also, FERC makes it clear that RTOauthority does not extend to initial unit commitment and dispatch decisions for generators. However, for reliability purposes, the RTOshould have full authority to order the redispatch of any generator, subject to existing environmental and operating restrictions that maylimit a generator’s ability to change its dispatch. In addition, RTOhas authority to redispatch generation if it is required to prevent or manageemergency3 situations, such as abnormal system conditions that necessitate automatic or immediatemanualaction to prevent or limit equipmentdamageor the loss of facilities or supply, whichcould endangerthe reliability of the electric system, or to restore the system to a normaloperating state. Regarding transmission maintenance approval, FERCexplained that when the RTOoperates transmission facilities owned by other participants, the RTOhas the right to approve and disapproveall requests for scheduled outages of transmission facilities to guarantee that the outages can be accommodated within established reliability standards. RTOis given this right of controlling maintenance of transmission facilities due to the fact that outages of transmission componentsimpact When all constraintsandloadsare satisfied,the system is in its normal state; when one or more’physicallimits are violated,the systemis in an emergency state; andwhen partof the system is operating in a normal state yet oneor more of the loadsis notmet (partialortotal blackout), thesystem is in a restorative state.

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the overall transfer capability of the transmission grid, where if a componentis taken out from service, the power flows on all regional facilities will change, which in turn may lead other transmission componentsto be overloaded, which finally leaves negative impacts on the system reliability. RTOmay coordinate individual maintenance schedules with other RTOsand with expected seasonal system demand variations. It is an advantage for RTOto have access to extensive information, which help it have more accurate assessments of the reliability effect of proposedmaintenanceschedules than individual, subregional transmission owners. On the other hand, if the RTOis a transmission companythat owns and operates transmission facilities, these reliability assessmentswill be an internal companymatter. However, if there are several transmission owners in the RTO region, the RTOwill need to review transmission requests madeby the various transmission owners.4For this situation, transmission owners . submit their requests of preferred maintenanceoutage schedules to the RTOfor authorization, then RTOreviews and test these schedules based on reliability criteria, then approves specific requests for scheduled outages, requires changes to maintenance schedules whenthey do not pass the reliability criteria, and finally updates and publishes maintenance schedules as necessary. In the case that planned maintenance of a transmission owner is rescheduled by the RTO,the transmission owner is compensatedby the RTOfor any costs incurred by the required rescheduling only if the previously scheduled outage had already been approved by the RTO. FERCencourages the RTOto establish performance standards-for transmission facilities under its direct or contractual control, wherethese standards could take the form of targets for planned and unplanned outages. FERCmentions that the reasoning behind this requirement is that two transmission ownersshould not receive equal compensation if one owner operates a reliable transmissionfacility while the other operates an unreliable facility. Regarding generation maintenance approval, even though there are reliability advantages to the RTOto hold the authority over proposed generation maintenance schedules, FERCexplains that the RTOis not Sincesomeof these transmission ownersmayalso owngeneration,they mayhavean incentiveto scheduletransmission maintenance at timesthat wouldincreasethe prices receivedfromtheir powersales. Atransmissioncompany, not affiliated with any generators,would not havethesesameincentives.



required to have this right. Because of the close relevance between generation and maintenance of system reliability, it is essential for generator owners and operators to provide the RTOwith advance knowledgeof planned generation outage schedules so that the RTOcan use this informationin its reliability studies and operations plan. If such information is provided to the RTO,the RTOis prohibited from sharing the information of the generation maintenance schedule with any other marketparticipants, or affiliates of marketparticipants. Regardingfacility ratings, FERCexplained that RTOis not required to establish transmission facility ratings, even though FERCencourages such ratings to be determined, to the extent practical, by mutual consent of the transmission owner and the RTO,taking into account local codes, age and past usage of the facilities. Initially, as FERC recognizes, the RTOmayuse existing values for equipment ratings and operating ranges to ensure reliable system operation. Later, whenan RTOhas experience in operating or directing the operation of the transmissionfacilities in its region, FERCexpects this responsibility to transfer to the RTObecause, as FERCsays, facility ratings have at least an indirect effect on the ability of the RTOto perform other RTOminimumfunctions such as planning and expansion, ATCand TTC. Regardingliability, FERCwill determine the extent of RTOliability relating to its reliability activities on a case-by-casebasis. Regarding reliability standards, FERCdeclares that the RTOmust perform its functions in a fashion that agrees with established NERC (or its successor) reliability standards, and notify the FERC immediatelyif implementationof these or any other externally established reliability standards will prevent it from meetingits obligation to provide reliable, non-discriminatory transmission service.




FERChas set eight minimumfunctions that an RTOmust perform. An RTOmust: (1) Administer its owntariff and employa transmission pricing system, (2) Create market mechanismsto managetransmission congestion, (3) Developand implementprocedures for parallel path flow issues,

RTO:FERCOrder 2000 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)


Serveas a supplier of last resort for ancillary services, Operatean OASIS site for transmission facilities under its control, Monitor markets to identify design flaws and market power, Plan and coordinate transmission additions and upgrades, and Adoptinter-regional coordination.

Function 1: Tariff Administration and Design. RTOis the sole authority for evaluating and makingdecisions related to approving all requests for transmission service and requests for newinterconnections. This function is granted to RTOto ensure a non-discriminatory service within the region. RTOhas the independent authority to file tariff changes, and the RTO’stariff must not result in transmission customers paying multiple access charges. Function 2: Congestion Management.RTOis required to ensure the development and operation of market mechanisms to manage transmission congestion seen as superior to curtailment procedures which do not take into account the relative value of transactions. The market mechanismsmust provide all transmission customers with efficient price signals regarding the consequencesof their transmission usage decisions. Function 3: Parallel Path Flow. The formation of RTOs,which cover large geographic scope of transmission scheduling and expanded coverageof uniformtransmission pricing structures, could internalize the effect of parallel path flow in their scheduling and pricing process within a region. Each RTOshould have measures in place to address parallel path flow issues within its ownregion and between RTOregions. FERC will allow up to three years after start-up to address parallel path flow issues betweenregions. Function 4: Ancillary Services. RTOhas the authority to decide the minimumrequired amounts of each ancillary service and, if necessary, the locations at which these services must be provided. Ancillary services must be included in the RTOadministeredtariff for transmission customers. If a participant chooses self-supplying or acquires ancillary services from a third party, the RTOmust determine if the transmission customer has adequately obtained these services.



RTOmust promote the development of competitive markets for ancillary services and real-time balancing operated by either the RTOor anotherentity that is not affiliated with any marketparticipant. Function 5: OASIS,TTCand ATC. As related to this function, final rule mainly involved the following issues:


OASIS: An RTOis the single OASISsite administrator for all transmission facilities under its control. It is seen that a single OASISsite for each region instead of multiple sites will enable transactions to be carried out more efficiently. FERCgives an RTO the flexibility to contract out OASISresponsibilities to another independent entity. An RTOmay participate in a super-OASIS jointly with other RTOs. -

ATCCalculation: The RTOitself is required to calculate ATCvalues based on data developed partially or totally by the RTOin order to ensure that ATCvalues are based on accurate information and consistent assumptions. In the event of a dispute over ATCvalues, RTOvalues should be used pendingthe outcome of a dispute resolution process.

Function 6: Market Monitoring. In its NOPR,FERCintroduced the concept of market monitoring to be performed by each RTO. This function is vital to guarantee that regional markets do not result in wholesale transactions or operations that are unduly discriminatory or preferential or provide opportunity for the exercise of market power. In addition, market monitoring could provide information regarding opportunities for efficiency improvements.In this function, every RTO would be required to monitor markets for transmission service and the behavior of transmission owners and propose appropriate actions and recommendations on market power abuses and market design flaws to the FERC affected regulatory authorities. Function 7: Planning and Expansion. FERC gives the RTO an absolute responsibility to plan and expandtransmission within its region in order to provide efficient, reliable and non-discriminatory service. This responsibility should be in coordination with the related appropriate state authorities. RTO,as a single independententity, would coordinate regional actions, in order to guaranteea least cost outcomethat maintains or improvesexisting reliability levels. In essence,

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Since the RTOwill have ultimate responsibility for planning the entire transmission system within its region, FERCexpects that the functions of an RTGwill ultimately be assumedby an RTOto avoid unnecessaryduplication of effort. Anypublic utility will still haveits existing obligation under the pro forma transmission tariff to expand or upgrade its transmission system upon request. Because an RTOmay not own all of the facilities it operates, FERCshall evaluate each RTOproposal to ensure that the RTOcan direct or arrange for the construction of expansion projects that are needed to ensure reliable transmission services. The pricing mechanismsand actions used by the RTOas part of its transmission planning and expansion program should be compatible with the pricing signals for shorter-term solutions to transmission constraints (i.e., congestion management) so that market participants can choose the least-cost response. Otherwise, their choices may reflect less efficient outcomesfor the marketplace. Function 8: Inter-regional Coordination. Whether or not another RTO exists in other regions, FERCrequires each RTOto build mechanismsto coordinate its activities with other regions and address inter-regional problems concerning.seams between RTOs. The standardization of transmission transactions is required because many transactions will cross RTOboundaries, and large number of customers will do business with multiple RTOs.Without standardized communicationsprotocols and business practices, the costs of doing business will be magnified because market participants will need to install additional software and add personnel to transact with different RTOsand regions. As such, to promoteinter-regional trade, standardized methodsof movingpowerinto, out of, and across RTOterritories will be needed. In addition, standards for communicationsbetween customers and RTOs must be developed to permit customers to acquire expeditiously commonservices amongRTOs. The integration of reliability practices involves procedures for coordination of reliability practices and sharing of reliability data among regions in an interconnection such as procedures that address parallel path flows, ancillary service standards, and TLRprocedures.



The integration of market interface practices involves developing somelevel of standardization of inter-regional market standards and practices such as coordination and sharing of data needed to evaluate TTCand ATCvalues, transmission reservation practices, scheduling practices, and congestion managementprocedures.




Based on the conclusions of FERC in the final rule and discussions on RTOs,we summarize the main benefits of establishing RTOsin the following points: of the transmission grid, (1) Improvingefficiencies in the management (2) Improvinggrid reliability, (3) Feweropportunities for discriminatory transmission practices, (4) Resulting in improvedmarket performance, (5) Facilitating lighter-handed governmentalregulation, (6) Improved congestion management, (7) Moreaccurate estimates of ATC, of parallel path flows, (8) Moreeffective management (9) Moreefficient planning for transmission and generation investments, (10) Increased coordination amongstate regulatory agencies, (11) Reducedtransaction costs, (12) Facilitation of the success of state retail access programs, (13) Facilitation of the development of environmentally preferred generation in states with retail access programs,and (14) Help improve power market performance, which will ultimately result in lower prices to the Nation’s electricity consumers. Efficiencies in the management of the transmission grid are improved through the following: use of regional transmission pricing, accurate estimation of ATC,efficient planning for grid expansion, facilitating state retail access programs, creation of reasonable

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transmission rate with unified regional loss factors, eliminating transmission pancaking, eliminating incorrect calculations of ATCand TTC, providing unbiased ATCinformation, help identify the best place on the grid to locate newgeneration and provide more efficient planning for transmission and generation investments Regional grids through the formation of RTOsin all regions of the nation is very important for both electric marketsand natural gas markets for the manyreasons: amongthem, RTOswill: Removethe artificial boundaries that are nowrestricting marketsand raising prices.


Guaranteethat the grid is operated in a non-discriminatory,efficient fashion. Promoteimprovedpricing for electric grid services. ¯

Help get newelectric transmission facilities built through planning and arranging transmission expansions, coordination with the appropriate state authorities, and finally through the market based congestion managementtechniques the RTOwill utilize, which will send accurate price signals about the true cost of congestion, which in turn will induce transmission capacity investment.


Attract newgeneration participants.


Provide a morepowerfuland effective regional tool for reliable grid management through eliminating the current schemeof scattered and balkanized grid management, regional planning for loop flow, dealing with the seams amonggrid managementregions, improved regional congestion management,and facilitating necessary grid expansions,


Have positive impacts on the natural gas industry. For example, makingthe electric grid function more efficiently and reliably will spur newgas-fired electric generation units. Under RTOstructure, these facilities will be able to sell their power to a muchlarger market, and entrepreneurs will be encouraged to site the new gasfired generation in areas that now suffer from transmission bottlenecks. The increased demandfor natural gas-fired electric generation will also require an increase in pipeline construction.



Summary: Wereviewed major market models as related to the ISO in the United States in chapter 2; these models include California, Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland (PJM) interconnection, NewYork Power Pool (NYPP), Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), NewEngland ISO and Midwest ISO (MISO). Here, we present in this chapter the experience of some other countries with restructuring. We discuss someof the shortcomings and advantages of these models, focus on restructuring process, and discuss someof the proposals in a detailed manner; these models include Nordic Power Exchange, Australia National Electricity Market, Power Pool of Alberta, the Independent Electricity MarketOperator (IMO), and electricity Industry in England and Wales.






Nordpool was the first international powerexchangein the world. It is responsiblefor facilitating electricity trade in the Nordicregion. It has an hourly-basis physical spot market for electricity and a financial futures market for trading contracts up to a duration of three years. In addition, Nord pool has a clearing service. Market participants, who wouldlike to buy or sell certain quantities of powerfor each hour of the following day, submit their bids to the spot market in each morning. In the afternoon, the pool decides exchangequantities and electricity prices for all 24 hours of the day. Svenska Kraftn~it and its Norwegian counterpart Statnett SF own the Nord pool [Abb98, Chr98, Myr99, Nat98b, Nor98a, Nor98b, Nor99, Pen96, Tab96, Web55]. 397



In Norway,the installed capacity is estimated to be about 27 GW with an annual consumption of 120 TWh. Most of the power plants (nearly 650 plants) are hydroelectric plants. The generation sector highly competitive. There are 30 major players, wherethe largest player in generation sector is a state-owned companycalled Statkraft SF which owns30%of the capacity. Manydistribution companieshave generating plants. Statnett SF - a state-owned company- operates the 11,000 kmline central transmission grid (132-420 kV) and the Norwegianpart the inter-connectors with Sweden, Finland and Denmark.Statnett owns 80%of the facilities and leases the rest from other companies.Regional companiesand local distribution companiesrun low voltage distribution networks. In Norway, some extremely small distribution companies, each with few employees,retain a retail sales function. Norwayand Swedenhave established a wholesale electricity market, implemented in January 1996, and recognized as Nord Pool (The Nordic Power Exchange). To sell or buy electricity in the Nord Pool marketplace, participants would trade in a daily spot market, concluded at the day-ahead stage, and in a weekly financial contract market [Abb98, Chr98, Myr99, Nat98b, Nor98a-b, Nor99, Pen96, Web55]. Starting in January 1996, the Norwegian-SwedishExchange opened the door to trade electricity on a competitive basis across national borders. In this market, there is a market operator (Nord Pool), two system operators (Statnett in Norway,and Svenska in Sweden), and two regulatory institutions i.e. the NorwegianWater Resources and Energy Administration (NVE) in Norway, and N/itmyndigheten (NUTEK) Sweden. At the end of each year, the system operator, in coordination with grid ownersand market participants (generators), validates transmission and distribution tariffs to be valid for the next year. Thesystemoperators establish the so-called price areas for the total supply area based on congestion possibilities on the transmission grid. The numberof price areas does not exceed three. Information regarding the price areas are passed onto the market participants to start their bidding1 in spot market, whereeach bid has to be related to one price area, and in the case that the

Unitowners or operatingagentsperform thesebids

MarketsOutsidethe UnitedStates


system is announcedto be one price area, each operation agent or unit owner provides one bid [Nor98b]. NordPool is composedof three organized markets in addition to the bilateral trade system. TheNordPool, whichacts as a marketoperator, is responsible for the clearing process in the three organized markets. In 1996, around 30%of generation in Norwaywas traded thorough the pool, and the rest was traded as bilateral contract engagements. The three organized markets are: 1- Spot Market: This market is a day-ahead market operated by the power exchange (Nord Pool). In spot market, traders submit offers to sell or bids to buy electricity they expect to produceor consume. Trading in this market is non-mandatory.Spot price is set equal to the marginal offer to supply or bid to buy accepted by the Exchange. Electric poweris traded in the spot on a daily basis for delivery on the following day, where participants are obligated to pay. Participants set bids for purchases and for every hour during the day, where each contract is composedof one-hour duration, one load in MWh/h,and one price (NOK/MWh) in which NOKrefers Norwegian Kroner. The pool determines the price of the market equilibrium (the balance price for the aggregated supply curve and aggregated demandcurve). This price is called the system price. Systemprice is used for settlements of energy, and participants use area prices as price signals for future planning and other purposes, because they indicate participants’ total costs and income for purchasesand sales of electricity [Nor98b]. 2- Regulating (imbalance) Market: It is a single-buyer model for purchase of networkfrequency support. This physical market stands for short-term adjustments. Imbalancesbetween trades in the daily spot market and the actual amounts produced or consumed by traders are settled in this market. Tradingin this marketis also nonmandatory.The price for this market is set as follows: if total gross demandexceeds total demandin the spot market, the price for imbalance market is set equ~l~’ to the highest accepted offer to supply; and if total gross demandis less than total demandin the spot market, the price for imbalance market is set equal to the lowest accepted bid to buy [Nor98b].



3- Futures Market: It is an over-the-counter (OTC)forward trade energy, a financial market that has effects on moneyflow and does not have any physical effects on the system. The weeklycontracts are purely financial commitments[Nor98a, Nor99]. The grid operator runs the powerexchange,for ancillary services and energy balancing. Bilateral contracts are handled outside the market, but contract parties are charged for energy imbalances based on their contribution to an imbalance. Network constraints are modeledin the Nord Pool using a simplified model, which results in zonal prices. Ancillary services are provided by the network operator and recharged on a pro-rata basis to suppliers. In the balancing market, a system operator buys power daily or demandreduction as required, and recharges market participants as a capacity fee on a pro-rata basis. If overload (congestion) is discovered, the market-clearing price in each area is adjusted to create enoughimbalances in each area to relieve the congestion. In Sweden, grid operators may use the concept of counter trades to mitigate the congestion, where energy supply bids that would cause counterflows in congested paths are selected by the operator and are paid their asking prices [Nor98b]. Among the advantageousfeatures of this market structure is that it involves direct bilateral contracts between participants, which would eliminate contract for differences, which in turn would reduce risk and save moneyfor some transacted parties. This market would promote customerchoice since trading in the market is optional. In addition, the responsibility of dispatching and managinggenerating units remains with owners. Whengenerating capacity hits its limit in the central grid, the Norwegiansystem operator (Statnett SF) wouldpartition the country into bidding areas whereparticipants must bid in balancing sale obligations with contractual purchase rights, including owngeneration and demand. On a weekly basis, Nord Pool would announce information of bidding areas for the following week to all participants, based on system operator’s data in Norway (Statnett SF). Based on Norwegian participants’ Connectionpoints in the central grid, each participant would knowlocations for bids and offers. Swedenand Finland are always in one area.


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Each participant would determine its ownproduction pattern, its contractual rights and obligations in each bidding area for each hour of the next day, and sales or purchases in the spot market. Based on this planned portfolio, a price-differentiated bid and offer for each bidding area and each hour will be prepared for the bidding process in NordPool. The bid/offer prepared for a certain day and a certain hour shows purchase and/or sale quantities with different prices. Participants send their bid/offer data to Nord Pool in Norway and Sweden either electronically or via fax. The price of a participant’s trades will be knownonly whenall the participants have submitted their bids and the price has been determined for all participants. Whenthe final price is determined, each participant will receive an exchange quantity correspondingto participant’s price-differentiated bid or offer. Example9.1: (bid/offer structure in the NordPool) Figure 9.1 gives an illustrative exampleof the bid/offer structure in Nord Pool. Participant should indicate area, day, week, and time information for the bid/offer to be submitted [Nor98b]. Price


Oo Purchase on the spot mar~t

Sale on the ~°°°° spot market 100

MV¢ -60

Price MW

-40 -20

Time: 0 50 100 100 40






Day: Week: Area: 51 100 101 125 126 151 151 175 40 20 20 0 0 -20 -40

Figure9.1 Participant’sBid~OfferCurve

176 -60

800 -60



9.1.1 Congestion Management. Transmission constraints within Norwayand between Norway and Sweden are treated by dividing the market into areas (zones). The network operator (Statnett) defines areas based on its information on the possibility of flows. These zones are usually defined and declared on a weekly basis, and zones maybe revised within the week such as between the day-ahead stage and delivery. In this market, Swedenis treated as one zone [Chr98, Gla97, Nor98b]. After defining the zones, the Nord Pool first establishes a system price, which matches offers and bids without considering transmission constrains. Then NordPool determines prices for each zone whichreflect the marginal cost of meeting demandin that zone, given the respective transmission constraints. On a daily basis, system operators (national grid companies) in Sweden, Norway and Finland determine maximum available transmission capacities for trades in spot market between countries and zones, while giving priority to transmission between countries. Then, for a possible congestion betweenbidding zones, system operators use a certain pricing process in the spot market to modify power flows, where the price is decreased in (deficit 2) zones and increased in (surplus 3) zones until the flows on congested paths are reduced to their capacity limits. Market participants would incur the costs of removing the congestion through the concept of capacity fee [Chr98, Gla97, Nat98b, Nor98b]. To solve the problem of congestion in Norway,the spot price would be adjusted so that power transfer between any two zones would fall below the respective line limits. Figure 9.2a demonstrates a system composedof two zones 1 and 2. The total demandand generation in zone 1 (G~ and Dl) and in zone 2 (G2 and D2) are aggregated to form the total system generation (G~÷2)and total system demand(Dl÷2). System price (Ps) at the equilibrium point of G~÷~and D~+~is as shownin Figure 9.2.b. Initially, (Pt and P2) were prices at equilibrium points of the zone’s aggregated generation and demand,as shownin Figures 9.2.c and 9.2.d. These prices are modified to zone prices (PI’ and P2’) as follows: sales are charged in surplus zones, while purchases receive a credit. Likewise, in deficit zones, sales receive a credit, while purchases are charged. The 2 Thedeficitareahashighersalesandlowerpurchases. 3 Thesurplusareahashigherpurchases andlowersalessurplus.

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net effect is a zonal price for all trades of spot market and regulating market within that zone. The wholeprocess is explained as follows: OnceNord Pool receives offer/bid data from each participant, the Pool aggregates the bids and offers together on an offer graph (sale) and a demandgraph (purchase). The price at the intersection of offer and demandgraphs (i.e. the balance or equilibrium point) is the systemprice, or Ps. This price is the unconstrainedsystem price, whereconstraints in the national grid are neglected initially. The next step is checking whether the power flow between any two bidding zones would exceed the respective capacity limits. Physically, electricity always flows from the low-price zone to the high-price zone, as shownin Figure 9.2.a. If the capacity limits are exceeded, the price is used in the market to restore flow between two zones to capacity limit. The price in the low-price (surplus) zone increased and is reduced in the high-price (deficit) zone. The adjustment in each zoneis doneby first determiningthe point wherethe capacity fee is zero (point P~ for zone 1 in Figure 9.2.d and at point P2 in zone 2 in Figure 9.2.c) based only on zones’ bids and offers. Theprice curve in the surplus zone is shifted for an additional purchase, whichcorrespondsto a value equal to capacity (see the figure) and a correspondingshift is done for the sales graph in the deficit zone. This process wouldresult in the calculation of zone prices P~’ and P2’. Thenthe capacity fee in each price zone is calculated as the difference between the system price and the zoneprice. Thecapacity fee in the surplus zoneis Ps - Pl’ and P~- P2’ in the deficit zone. In the surplus zone, sellers pay capacity fee and buyers get credits, while the opposite happens in the deficit zone [Gla97, Nor98b]. If flows showthat the capacity limits betweenbidding zones are not violated, the system wouldonly have one price zone, and the capacity fee would be zero. If any constraints arise during delivery, constrained 4. situations are handledthrough the imbalancemarket

4 Imbalances are handledby the regulatingpowermarketon the Norwegian side andby the balanceserviceonthe Swedish andFinnishside.



Area 2

Area 1 Pmax

Deficit Area (hi~,h-oricearea)

Surplus Area (low-pricearea) GI+2=DI+~


¯ Power




¯ Power Capacity

~ Power Capacity


(d) Figure9.2 Determining Ps, PI and P2

Intemal congestion is handleddifferently in the different countries. In Norway, congestion is resolved through adjusting the spot market trades. Swedenand Finland, whichare treated as one bidding zone in the spot market, have different methodology. Swedenand Finland use the concept of counter purchase to relieve internal bottlenecks. The concept is that the grid operators in these countries (Swedish National Grid Company (Svenska Kraftn~it) in Swedenand Fingrid in Finland) pay the downwardregulation in the surplus zone and the upwardregulation in the deficit zone. Marketparticipants in these countries are chargedfor counter purchases through tariffs for powertransmission. The concept of counter purchase is not related to the spot price or the spot market operations.

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The costs of losses are recovered through the energy Chargewithin transmission tariffs. These are based on the point of the customers connection to the transmission grid and could vary by region, season, time of day and for different load situations. 9.1.2 Bilateral Contracts. Bilateral contracts are treated differently in two cases. The first case is whencontracts are between Norwegian parties, and the second case is whenbilateral contracts are conducted between Norwayand Sweden.In the first case, the Nord pool recognizes two situations: contracts with one connectionpoint of sale and contracts with two different connection points of sale. In the one connection point contract, there is one point of sale for contract fulfillment, wherethe seller is obligated to deliver in the zonespecified by the contract5 and the seller should take the contractual quantity into consideration in its bids and offers of the sale (delivery) zone, i.e., if the delivery point is the buyer’s zone, the seller must bid the delivery as a purchasein the buyer’s zone. If the sale point is the seller’s zone, the buyeroffers it as a sale in seller’s zone. In a two-connectionpoint’s contract, there are two points of sale (i.e. the buyer’s connection point in one zone and the seller’s delivery point in other zone), where the seller and the buyer must take the contractual quantity into consideration in their bids and offers 6. We note that in both situations, transacted parties should consider the exchangeon bilateral contracts in their bids and offers to the spot market. In both cases, bilateral contracts that are included in spot market operations are treated as spot transactions and used as other transactions to removeany congestion [Gla97, Nor98b]. In the second case whenbilateral contracts exist between Norway and Sweden, two mechanismsare used to deal with contracts based on 5 Thecontractshouldindicatewhetherthe deliveryarea (sale area wherethe seller is obligated to deliver)is theseller’sareaor thebuyer’s area. 6 Thecontractshouldindicatethe twopointsof sale: the buyer’sconnection pointin one areaandthe seller’s deliverypointin otherarea. Forthis situationbothparticipants considerthe contractual quantityat their bidsandofferssubmitted to the spotmarket, wherethe seller offersthe agreed-upon contractual volume as a salein seller’sdelivery pointandthe buyerbidsonthe samecontractual quantityas a purchase in buyer’sarea. Thismeans that bothparticipantsimplement their bilateral contractdeliveriesin the bidsandofferssubmitted to the spotmarket.



whether the contracts are arranged under the so called 5-TWh 7, or the contracts are agreements to hedge the price. The arrangement bilateral contracts that are not given priority in the transmission between the two countries are delivered as price hedging contracts. A pricehedging contract is an agreementthat buyers and sellers use to hedge a price against the spot market’s price [Nor98a]. The agreementindicates a contractual price and includes one volume. Whenthe spot price rises over the contractual price, the seller pays the difference betweenthe two prices to the buyer and payment is reversed when the spot price decreases belowthe contractual price. See Figure 9.3 for illustration. Example 9.2 Asillustrated in Figure9.4, a seller in Norway (in zoneD) anda buyer Sweden(in zone A) signed a bilateral contract to exchangea 100 MW at contractual price of 50 NOK/MWh.

Spot Price

Sellerpaysto buyer


Contract Price

Buyerpaysto seller ~,- Time

Figure9.3 Illustration of Price-Hedging Contract

7 These are contracts on export from Norwayto Sweden, where quotas at a total of 5TWl~yrwere given to and divided between Norwegian producers and companies to export electric power.These contracts were given priority for transmission betweenthe two countries. Nord Pool stopped dealing with contracts under this agreement on December 31 1998.


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Figure9.4 illustration of Example9.2

If the two parties convert this bilateral contract to spot market transaction, they shouldinclude this transaction in their bids/offers, i.e., the seller must follow the balance requirement according to Norwayand the buyer must follow the balance requirement according to Sweden.The seller offers the contract as a sale in zone D and the buyer (counterpart) bids on the contract as a purchase in zone A. If the system spot price is determined as 70 NOK/MWh, the seller pays the difference (70-50= 20 NOK/MWh) to the seller for each MWh exchanged.


Marketplace for Electric

Power Options

Nord Pool has an organized financial marketplace for electric power options. Electric poweroptions are traded at Eltermin, the Nordic Power Exchange’s Futures Market [Nor98a, Nor99]. Participants in electric industry use these contracts as instruments or hedging tools to manage risk and forecast future income and costs related to power trading. Market participants use a combination of forward, futures and options electric powercontracts to spread and reduce risk and improvethe yield in their electricity trading portfolios against unexpected changes in prices.



The options contract pre-specifies an agreed-uponprice (the strike price or exercise price), and agreed-upondate (the exercise date). options contracts there are two parties, the seller and the buyer. The seller is called writer, and the buyer is called holder. Thebuyers pays a premiumto the seller to have the right to exercise the contract. Theseller is obligated to completethe transaction if the buyer wants to exercise the contract. If the buyer does not exercise his right within the predefined period (the option lapses), he loses the premiumhe paid, and the seller’s profit is the premium. Figure 9.5 illustrates the options contract’s concept. Nord Pool has standardized its electric poweroptions to improvethe functionality of power derivatives market [Nor98a, Nor99]. A standardized options contract has the following fixed terms and conditions: specification, volume,expiration, and strike (exercise) price. Specification contains the ticker symbol,a description of the underlying product, and other conditions correspondingto the electric poweroption. Volumerefers to the numberof trading units in MWh.Nord Pool sets 1 MW as a contract size of electric power options. Volumeof an options contract varies according to the underlying futures or forward contract. For the expiration term, an options contract maybe traded starting from the dayit is first listed until its expirationtime.


obligated to complete the transaction if the holder exercises the option

Seller (writer)


Buyer (holder

whether to exercise the option and complete the transaclion at no later than the exercise date.

Figure9.5 OptionsContract’s.Concept


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A participant may trade in the option or exercise the rights accompanyingit before its expiration. On the last trading day of an option (the closing day), all rights related to the contract lapse and the option becomesvalueless, wherecontract’s buyer (holders) loses its right to exercise the option, and option seller (writer) has no obligations. The exercise price of an options contract (in NOK/MWh) is the amount moneythat an options buyer (holder) pays if and whenit uses its right. Nord Pool has two types of electric power options: European-style (EEO)and Asian-style (AEO).Both types are differently standardized and are traded and cleared at Nord Pool. The two types have the same exercise price and exercise price interval, while each has a different specification, volumeand premiumquotation [Nor98a, Nor99]. 9.2 AUSTRALIA MARKET



Before 1990, in each state or territory of Australia, the electricity industry (production, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity to final end customers) was controlled and managedby a single vertically integrated state owned authority or a combination of state owned authorities. In addition, state governmentsand their authorities were mainly driving investments in new generation. State governments, as shareholders, set electricity rates to cover the industry’s costs in addition to returns. State governmentsin Australia started in 1991 to establish rules and reforms for the new restructured and competitive electricity industry. The newform of this industry would be composedof separate s. elements: generation, transmission and distribution, and retail supply The National Electricity Market (NEM)was initiated in December 1998 to represent the wholesale market for the supply and purchase of electricity in five Australian states and territories 9 in addition to a administration of open access to transmission and distribution networks in those states and territories. The main objectives of the NEMare competitivemarket, customer’sability to choose its supplier for trading, Sellingelectricityto endusersfor a tariff basedontheir metered consumption. TheAustralianCapitalTerritory,NewSouthWales,Queensland, SouthAustralia,and Victoria



customer’s ability to gain access to the interconnected transmission and distribution network,and equitable treatment of those participating in the market. In addition, no particular energy source or technology should be treated more favorably or less favorably than another energy source or technology, and provisions regulating trading of electricity in the market should not treat intrastate trading morefavorably or less favorably than interstate trading of electricity. In May1996, the governmentsof the five Australian states and territories formed two companies to implement NEM.The first companyis the National Electricity Market Management Company Limited (NEMMCO) that manages and facilitates the wholesale electricity market. The second one is the National Electricity Code Administrator Limited (NECA)that supervises, administers and enforces the National Electricity Code(the Code). The Coderepresents procedures and rules for wholesale electricity tradingand access to electricity networks. The aimed results of NEMare promoting a more flexible, cost effective and efficient electricity industry while delivering lower electricity prices to end users [Abb98,Nat98a, Nat99, Web53-54]. The Code defined the main functions of NEMMCO as: registering new code participants, managing the power system to keep supply and demandin balance based on the generating capacity available to the wholesale market, keeping security of power system, administering the spot market including calculation of spot prices, metering, and spot market settlements, registering meter providers in accordance with the Code, arranging adequate ancillary services, and coordinating global power system planning in conjunction with network~° service providers and in consultation with market participants. In the wholesale electricity market, the electricity output from all generators is centrally pooled and scheduled to meet the electricity demand. The pool managedby NEMMCO has two main ingredients: the centrally coordinated dispatch process and the spot market. In the centrally coordinated dispatch process, electricity supply and demand requirements are continually balanced by scheduling generators to produce sufficient electricity to meet customer demand. Generators compete by providing dispatch offers (prices for different levels of generation) to NEMMCO. Market customers1~ may submit dispatch bids, 10Transmission anddistributionnetworks. 11Retailersandenduse customers whoare wholesale Market Participants.

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comprising prices and associated quantities of demandthey wish to be scheduled in the dispatch process. NEMMCO dispatches the scheduled generation and demandwith the objective of minimizing the cost of meeting electricity demandbased on offers and bid prices. The spot market is the market wheregenerators are paid for the electricity they sell to the pool, and retailers and wholesale end use customers pay for their electricity consumption.A spot price for wholesale electricity is calculated for each half-hour period during the day and is the clearing price to match supply and demand. NEMMCO calculates this spot price using the daily price offers and bids. In general, all electricity must be traded through the spot market [Abb98, Nat98a, Nat99, Web53,Web54]. The spot market movements can be seen as price signals to generators, customers, and network service providers to help them participate in future investment options for newgeneration, demandside management,and network expansions. Generators and retailers also trade in financial instruments such as hedge contracts outside the pool to hedge the fluctuations in spot prices whichvary every half hour in response to electricity supply and demand. These hedge contracts do not affect the operation of the powersystem in balancing supply and demandin the pool and are not vertically integrated under the Code. The Codedefines an open access regime that furnishes a set of rules and standards to ensure generators and customershave a fair and nondiscriminatory access and connection to electricity networks. To ensure that electric energyis delivered to customersin a safe and reliable manner and meets the suitable quality of supply standards, the Code includes and defines technical requirementsfor the electricity networks, generating plant and connection equipmentat customer side. The pool operation, managed by NEMMCO,covers the interconnected powersystem including the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria. NEMMCO also manageda separate pool that coverd the Queenslandpower system until a planned electricity interconnection with NewSouth Wales was established. In addition to managingthe operation of the wholesale electricity market and security of the power system, NEMMCO is responsible for developing the wholesale electricity market with the objective of



improvingits efficiency, and coordinating powersystem planning for the wholesale electricity market. In addition to NEMMCO, Code Participants include network service providers, generators, market ~2, and special participants~3. Figure 9.6 illustrates the structure customers of NEMMCO’s electricity market [Abb98, Nat98a]. Generatorsare classified into four different categories based on their size and whether they are required to participate in the wholesale electricity market. The first type is the scheduled generator, whichis a generator or group of generators with an individual or aggregate nameplaterating at or above30 MW at one site. This type of generator is required to have its output scheduled by NEMMCO. The second category is the non-scheduledgenerator,whichis a generator or group of generators with an individual or aggregate nameplaterating of less than 30 MWat one site. This type of generator is not required to have its output scheduled by NEMMCO. The third type is the market generator, which is a generator whoseproduction is bought partially by a regional retailer or by a customer located at the same network connection point [Nat98a].


~ [ Generator Electricity setll ~


L°adBids s

I Energy Bids.AncillaryServices



NEMMCO (spat Market.Ancillar~ Services) ~

I M~eori~dgerD;ta ] State Control Centers I


[ Purchaser


~ispatch Orders

Network Service Providers I

Figure 9.6 NEMMCO’s Market Structure

Retailersandenduse customers. TheSystemOperatorandDistributionSystemOperator.

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This type is obligated to sell all of its sent out output through the spot market. The last type is the non-marketgenerator, whichis a generator whoseproduction is bought completely by a regional retailer or customer located at the same network connection point. This type of generator does receive payment from NEMMCO for electricity sent out at its connection point. Marketcustomerrefers to a retailer or end-usecustomer.A retailer is the entity whichbuys wholesale electricity on behalf of their franchise customers. A retailer mayalso provide electricity to non-franchise customers whoopt not to buy electricity from their retailers. End-use customers are those market customers 14 who are registered with NEMMCO and meet NEMMCO requirements. Market customers buy and consume energy directly from the wholesale market. As an additional advantage to those customers, they have the choice of submitting demandbids in the pool if they install the needed tools to automatically permit adjusting their demandaccording to their demand price bids. Networkservice provider is that entity which is registered with NEMMCO, own (or lease), and operate a transmission or distribution network. Networkservice providers are required by the Codeto maintain their networks secure to enable participant in the NEMsuch as generators, retailers, and customers trade electricity in an open access manner.It is the responsibility of networkservice providers to plan for the expansion of their network, operate their networkand provide access to a generator or customerthat needs connection. The system operator and distribution system operator are registered with NEMMCO and called special participants. NEMMCO has designated an agent (person) for itself called a system operator, with the responsibility of carrying out someof NEMMCO’s activities to manage the operation of the power system. The other agent (person) is distribution system operator whose responsibility is to managethe operation of a distribution network, direct its operations during a power system emergency, and managethe transfer of electricity through the distribution networkto the end-use customers.

Suchas industrial(factories),commercial (offices)andhomes.



NEMMCO has the responsibility of managingthe power system on a daily basis and keeping its supply and demandin balance. NEMMCO uses a centrally coordinated dispatch process to balance the short-term supply and demand for the electricity pool. NEMMCO matches its forecasted demandwith the generating capacity declared available by scheduled generators to estimate whether adequate capacity is available to meet the daily peak demandin addition to adequate reserves to maintain the system reliability at times whenfailures in generating units or the transmission network take place. Whenreserves are inadequate during certain failure situations, NEMMCO mayobligate customers to shed~5 their loads to ensure a balance betweensupply and demand. NEMMCO uses its forecasted demand and plant availability information provided by generators to supervise the future adequacy of generating capacity. This process is called a Projected Assessmentof System Adequacy(PASA)[Nat98a]. PASAprojections are published NEMMCO to market participants. Generators use PASAprojections to determine the optimal timing of unit maintenance, and market customers use PASAto plan for their consumption patterns. Twotypes of PASA are published by NEMMCO, one is long-term (two-year) projection and the other is short-term (seven-day)projection. Thefirst type of projection is updated at least weekly which shows daily generating capacity comparedto the forecasted peak demand,and the second one is a sevenday-ahead projection which is updated at least daily and to showthe generating capacity comparedto the forecasted demandat each half hour in seven days [Nat98a]. NEMMCO uses a centrally coordinated dispatch process to schedule generators to meet the forecasted demand.Scheduledgenerators submit a daily dispatch offer to NEMMCO in each day. The dispatch offer indicates to NEMMCO how muchelectricity a generator is prepared to sell and at what price abovethe minimum level of generator output (selfdispatch level) at each half hour of the next day. In addition to the selfdispatch information, the offer includes information on increments of generating capacity above and below the self-dispatch level with their associated prices. On the other side, each market customer informs NEMMCO of the available capacity of its scheduled load. In addition, a market customer may provide dispatch bids to NEMMCO, showing Reduceelectricity


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prices and associated quantities of demand.For each half hour during the day, market customers show howmuch energy they prefer to buy for their scheduled loads, in different increments of consumption, with associated prices. NEMMCO uses this information of offers and bids to determine the winning generators to be scheduled to meet the forecast. Here, NEMMCO schedule generators sequentially starting from the lowest price offer up to more expensive ones until enoughgeneration is obtained to meet the demand[Nat98a]. It is also the responsibility of NEMMCO to contract the required ancillary services for maintaining the power system security and ensure acceptable levels of supplies quality. Amongthese services are maintaining reactive power resources to control bus voltages and contracting back-up generators to restore the system in case of a blackout. 16, Oneof the key issues in this marketis to determinethe spot price the price at whichall market generators and market customerssettle their sales and purchases of electricity. NEMMCO uses the price offers and demandbids to calculate the spot price, where NEMMCO uses a twostep process. In the first step, NEMMCO determines the marginal cost of supply to meet demandfor each five minute interval in a half hour after adjusting the offers andbids for electrical losses (this price is called the dispatch price which is the offer price of most expensive generator (the last generator) brought into operation to meet the demand).In the second step, NEMMCO calculates the spot price as a time-weighted average of six dispatch prices in a half hour (five minute intervals). After determining spot prices, they are published by NEMMCO at the end of each half hour during the current trading day. The following example illustrates these concepts[Nat98a].

Example 9.3: (Calculation of Spot Price in NEMMCO) Figure 9.7 shows the load profile for the time period [1:00-1:30 p.m.] where points PI-P6 represent loads at the ends of 5-minute 16Thespotmarket is the market where marketgenerators are paidfor the electricitythat they shouldhavesold to the pool andmarketcustomersare chargedfor their electricityconsumption.



intervals. The generator offers (bid price and maximum capacity) in this 30-minuteinterval are shownin the figure. The generators are arranged in an economicorder from the cheapest to the most expensive. For Pl, two generators are dispatched totally (G1 and G2) with a dispatch price of $15/MWh (i.e. bid price of the most expensive generator in G~and G2). For P2, three generators (G~, G2 and G3) are dispatched totally with a dispatch price of $18/MWh (i.e. bid price of the most expensive generator in G~ , G: and G3). For P3, generators G~, G: are dispatched totally and G3is dispatched partially to meet.the demandwith a dispatch price of $18/MWh (the bid price of the most expensive generator in G~, G: and G3). P4 is the same as P~. For each of P5 and P6, G~ , G2 and G3 are dispatched totally and G4 is dispatched partially with a dispatch price of $25/MWh (i.e. bid price of the most expensive generator in G~, G2, G3 and G4). The spot price of the 30-minuteperiod is calculated as the average dispatch price of the six sub-intervals, i.e., spot price = (15+18+18+15+25+25)/6= $19.33/MWh.

Pool Demand 1000 t

P6 300 MW,, $25/MWh

800 I



G~. 100 MW,, $18/MWh



G2." 300 M~, $15/MWh

200 GF 200 M~, $10/MWh 1:00

1:05 1:10




i..3 ~l~ r~me

Figure 9. 7 Pool Demand from 1:00 PMto I: 30 PM

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NEMMCO uses the concepts of regional reference node and intraregional loss factors relative to the regional reference node to represent transmission losses for transporting electricity from generators to the market participants’ connection points. Loss factors are pre-calculated using a historical analysis of electrical losses within a region. These factors are used during the central dispatch to modifyoffer and bid prices in the dispatch of generators for balancing the demand. NEMMCO first determinesthe regional reference node for each region, and then uses the intra-regional loss factor betweenthe market participant’s connection point and the regional reference node to calculate the local connection pricet7 for each participant’s. During calculations of spot prices, NEMMCO also considers the flow limits of the interconnectors across the States and Territories. At times when an interconnector limit is reached, NEMMCO may bring more expensivegenerators into operation in a state, whena lower priced generation from another, state causes overload of interconnector. It uses interconnector capacities between geographical areas to determine how manyelectrical regions are required in the National Electricity Market, and calculates a regional reference node price for each region. The Code specifies a value for the Value of Lost Load (VoLL) $5000/MWh. VoLLis used as a maximum limit to which the spot prices mayrise when involuntary load shedding is required at times when generation is inadequate to balance the demand. NEMMCO obligates every market participant to install, in arrangementwith an appropriate and registered metering provider, an appropriate meter to register and store half hourly electricity readings. Amarket participant should also have a communicationsmethod capable of uploading meter data to the NEMMCO metering database for settlement purposes. Data forwarding ~s. service to NEMMCO is done through a metering data agent Billing and settlements of transactions related to the spot marketare the responsibility of NEMMCO. NEMMCO is the administrator of all spot market transactions. In the case of paymentdefault by a market Whata participantpays(receive)equalsthe spot regionalspot price timesintraregionalloss factor.Theproduct is calledconnection price. Theseare agentsaccreditedby NEMMCO for the purposeof data forwarding,anda market participantshouldselectoneof theseagents.



participant, NEMMCO does not have any exposure. Market participants are required to use an electronic settlement system to settle payments with the pool and for the collect.ion and payment of market 19. fees Paymentsrelated to generators include paymentfor electricity generated, paymentfor ancillary services provided, and market fees. Paymentsof customers include charges for electricity consumed,charges for ancillary services consumedand market. NEMMCO has two centers to manage the pool and the operation of the power system: National Dispatch and Security Centers. Each of the two centers operates computer systems to managethe power system and market, and in the case of a failure of one of the centers, the other center maytake the responsibility of managingthe power system and market. NEMMCO’s computer systems consist of the Market Management system (MMS),and Scheduling, Pricing and Dispatch System (SDP). MMS includes bidding and reporting system and settlements system. In addition to providing market information reports, the first system receives offers from scheduled generators and bids from market customers. The second system prepares invoice accounts for participants based on their metered generation or consumption. On the other hand, SPDincludes dispatch system and spot price calculation system. The dispatch system schedules generators to meet electricity demandbased on offers and bids submitted to MMS.The spot price calculator determinesthe spot prices of regional reference nodes. In addition to the two centers, two data communicationsnetworks are implemented to support the NEM: NEMnet, and CONTROLnet. NEMnetis used by participants to capture offers and bids information and disseminate reports, while CONTROLnet connects each of the 20 regional control centers to NEMMCO s , National Dispatch and Security Centers, and is used to remotely control generator productions by transmitting electronic signals from NEMMCO’s dispatch system to generators. Without any intervention or knowledge21 of NEMMCO, buyers and sellers of electricity mayhold long-term or short-term contracts tO Owedto NECA/NEMMCO to recover their costs. Control centers of NewSouth Wales, Queensland,South Australia and Victoria. Unless contracted parties have decided to register the contract with NEMMCO as part of a reassignment agreement.


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managerisks associated with price volatility. These bilateral contracts are financial hedging instruments, which set an agreed-upon price for electricity, have no impact on the physical electricity flows and are not standardized or vertically integrated by the Code.The financial contract requires the two parties exchangecash against the spot price. Participants mayuse two types of hedge contracts: the two-wayhedge (swap) and the one-way hedge contract (option), see Figure 9.8 for illustration. participant that uses these contracts could be generators, retailers, and customers. The contracts mayconsist of bilateral and negotiated deals, and over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives provided by brokers derivative exchanges. The following example shows howcash against the spot price is exchanged whena two-wayhedge is used for hedging spot price risks. Example9.4: (Swap or 2-way hedge) A GenCoand RetailCo signed a contract for 200 MWh of electricity at a strike price of $25/MWh.Assumethat the GenCoproduced 200 MWhand the RetailCo’s electricity consumption was 200 MWh.The variation of spot price versus time is shownin Figure 9.9. The payment for two cases is studied:

Spot Price[$ht,tWh]

Spot Price [$/MWh]

generatorpays customer

generator pays customer

Strike Price

Strike Price

cux~omer lx~ys generator Time

a- Two-Way HedgeContract


b- One-Way HedgeContract

Figure9.8 HedgeContractto ExchangeCashagainst Spot Price



Spot Price[$/MWh]

4O 30 Strike Price 20 10 0

Figure9.9 Spot Price versus Time

(a) Case 1: Theexpiration date is T4 (i.e. spot price is greater than the strike price) At time T4, spot price is $30/MWh. Thespot price is greater than the strike price, which means that the GenCopays to the (RetailCo). This payment is 200 MWh x ($30 - $25)/MWh= $1,000. Thenet effect on the GenCo’sfinancial position is: 200 MWh x $30 = $6,000 - 200 MWh x $5 =- $1,000 $5,000

Spot market revenue Hedgepayment Net revenue

Thenet effect on the RetailCo’sfinancial position is: 200 MWh x $30 = $6,000

Spot marketprice

- 200 MWh x $5 = - $1~000



Net payment

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Note that the net revenue and net paymentare equivalent to 200 MWh × $25/MWh. (b) Case 2: The expiration date is T3 (i.e. spot price is less than strike price) At time T3, spot price is $17.5/MWh. Thespot price is less than the strike price, which means that the RetailCo pays to the GenCo.This payment is 200 MWh × ($25 - $17.5) = $500. The net effect on the GenCo’sfinancial position is: 200 MWh × $17.5 = $3,500

Spot marketrevenue

200 MWh × $ 7.5 = $1,500



Net revenue

Thenet effect on the RetailCo’sfinancial position is: 200 MWh x $17.5 = $3,500


200 MWh x $7.5


= ~ $5,000

Net payment

Also, note that, in this case, the net revenue and net payment are equivalent to 200 MWh× $25/MWh. Network pricing (charges) includes connection charges and use of system charge. Each market participants pay these charges to local network service provider. The use of system charge covers paymentsfor using the local distribution network and the use of the transmission network. Participants pay network charges regardless what spot price or trading arrangements are made by a participant. Networkcharges are designed in a way that would provide incentives to economically and efficiently expand and maintain the transmission and distribution networks. Participants are entitled to acquire a satisfactory level of network service for paying charges. Marketparticipants maynegotiate the level of networkservices with the networkservice provider based on a suitable adjustment to networkcharges [Nat98a].







9,3.1 Power Pool of Alberta. In 1982, the Electric Energy Marketing Act (EEMA)was established in Alberta to average the costs of generation and transmission of the three utilities: Alberta Power Limited, EdmontonPower, and TransAlta Utilities. Later, Stakeholders and the Govemmentof Alberta started discussions to develop a replacement for EEMAto make a transition from the government vertically integrated electrical market to an open and competitive electricity marketplace. The discussions ended with recommendationsin October 1994, followed by legislation and decisions in May1995. The decisions are included in the new Electric Utilities Act (EUA),which replaced EEMA,which would encourage a movefrom the old vertically integrated market to competitive pool market. The legislation established a powerpool, whichis a not-for-profit corporation that wouldpermit the developmentof an efficient electricity marketplace based on fair and open competition. In addition to creating competition, the newpool was seen as a way to decrease administrative costs of providing and generating electricity in Alberta. The newEUAseparated the old system, for regulatory purposes, into three separate elements: powergeneration, power transmission, and powerdistribution. The EUAhas been in effect since January 1, 1996and EUAestablished two newentities to create the required open access to enable competition. The two entities are a power pool and a transmission administrator (TA). Fairness and open competition, efficiency and independenceare the principles for both the pool and the transmission grid work [Alb96, Alb99, Alb00, Lon98, Nat98b, Pow99, Pow00, Web50]. The pool was seen as a system that would increase the humber of participants in the generating sector, especially with the entrance of independent power producers (IPPs), which in the past had to negotiate with the existing utility generators to sell power.Withthe creation of the pool, those IPPs and the importers have the opportunity to competewith existing utility generators in both the market to supply power and the market to supply new generating capacity. The advantage in the new marketplace belongs to generators that can produce power at a lower cost. This fact will necessitate all marketparticipants to steadily discover

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newwaysto improvetheir operating efficiencies and cut their production costs [Alb96, Alb99, Alb00, Pow99, Pow00, Web50]. Underthe EUA,the TAis responsible for the overall coordination of the transmission system in the province of Alberta and responsible for setting tariffs for system access. Since 1996, the Grid Companyof Alberta Inc (GridCo) has been assigned the role of the TA. GridCowas formed through a shareholders’ agreement amongThe City of Calgary Electric System, EdmontonPowerInc., TransAlta Utilities and Alberta Power Limited, which are the four utilities in Alberta that own 22 became transmission facilities. In June 1998, ESBIAlberta Ltd. (EAL) Alberta’s TA. The transmission facilities are still ownedby the four utilities and the wholesystem is managedand vertically integrated as a single entity. Buyers and sellers which trade electricity through the Power Pool should arrange for transmission through the TA. Any participant that pays a common rate acquires a non-discriminatory access to the transmission system. The TA agrees and contracts with each transmission owner to provide transmission service. The TAalso stands as the clearinghouse for financial settlements betweenthe transmission ownersand buyers23 of transmission services. It is responsible for setting province-wide tariffs for transmission access and coordinates with the powerpool in topics such as the generation neededfor operating reserve, regulation, and voltage support. Distribution companies buy system access and pay for it basedon the province-widetariff. Bydoingthis, all transmission users would pay a common,postage-stamp charge for transmission regardless of their locations in Alberta [Alb96, Alb99, Alb00, Lon98, Pow99, Pow00, Web50]. The Power Pool of Alberta, which started operating on January 1, 1996, does not buy and sell electric energy itself, but is the market for electricity that is boughtand sold in the province of Alberta. Generators (including independent power producers), marketers and importers are the entities in Alberta, whichsell energy through the Pool. Distributors, retailers 24, marketers, direct access customers, and exporters are the 22EAL is owned bythe ElectricitySupply Boardof Ireland;whichis responsible for the generation, transmission, distribution andsaleof electricityin Ireland. 23Buyersof transmission serviceincludegenerators,distributors,industrialsystems, directaccessbuyers,importers andexporters. 24Independent retailersare eligibleto participatein the Power Poolas of Dec.31,2000.



entities that buy energy through the Pool. Since the time that the Pool started operating, all of the wholesaleelectric energy boughtand sold in Alberta, in addition to energy imported and exported through Alberta, has been traded through the PowerPool of Alberta. The Pool carries out two main functions: operation of the energy market and real-time coordination of the Alberta’s power grid. The Pool operates the market by receiving offers 25 to sell and bids to buy from marketparticipants, and then establishes an hourly market price for electricity by matchingsupply with demand. EUAallowed six distribution companiesto buy electric energy from the Pool for sale to customersin distributors’ service areas. Recently, in 1998, the Alberta government revised the EUAto promote more developments in the Alberta’s competitive electric industry. The amendedlegislation brings terms for the introduction of customerchoice, such that consumersmayeither continue to buy electricity from their traditional suppliers or find other new suppliers. The first phase of customer choice started on April 1, 1999, where the distribution companiesin Alberta were required to have direct access tariffs ready by April 1, 1999. A customer under the newlegislation mayopt to purchase its electric energy directly from the Pool, while continuing to purchase transmission and distribution services from its existing distribution company. A customer should meet some requirements to be an eligible direct access customer. The requirements are: customers should have time-of-use meters, should receive electricity from the Alberta interconnected system at a voltage level equal or greater than 25kV, should be able to increase/decrease its consumptionor system support services within 1 hour of receiving a dispatch, and should satisfy the requirements set out by the regulations [Alb96, Alb99, Alb00, Pow99, Pow00, Web50]. Figure 9.10 illustrates the mainplayers in this electricity Market. 25Suppliers of electricityplaceoffersto supplyhourlyblocksof energyat specificprices. Supplyoffers maycomefromutility-ownedgeneratingcompan!es, independent power producers,or marketers importingpowerfromother provinces or the U.S.Electricity purchasers placebidsto buyblocksof energyat specificprices.Bids,like offers, are placedfor eachhourof the nextdayandfor the following six tradingdays,withprices fixedfor the nextday. Demand bids are submittedbyAlbertadistributioncompanies andbymarketersbuyingpowerfor export.


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Existing Generation *Alberta Power *TransAIta * Edmonton Power

Other Generation *IPPs * Cogeneration

Transmission Administration

6 Entitled Distributors

Direct Access Customers

Transmission Owners

Figure9.10 PowerPoolof Alberta

The independent Power Pool Council oversees the operation of the PowerPool of Alberta. The Council is responsible for ensuring that the Pool is operated as a fair, open and efficient electricity marketplace.The governmentof Alberta assigned independent individuals with no interest in the electric industry to the Council. The Council predeterminedrules to guarantee that market entities competeon a fair basis and that no one entity can drive the long-term pool price or imposehowmuchconsumers



pay for electricity. In addition, the Councilapprovesthe annual budgetof the Pool. To managePool operations, it is also the responsibility of the Council to assign a PowerPool Administrator and a System Controller. The Pool administrator is the entity that receives energy supply offers and demandbids, sets the schedule for dispatching generating units, reports the Pool price for each hour and accomplishes financial settlement for the electric energy traded through the Pool. The System Controller dispatches offers of generation and imports additional generation to balance the system, ensures the safe and reliable operation of the system, and arranges for system support services. In addition to maintaining an open access and a non-discriminatory competitive market for electricity, and establishing an hourly market price for which all power is bought and sold, the Pool determines and coordinates whichunits run to produce electric powerin any given hour, based on the prices offered by generators to sell energy. In the Pool, at any hour, the lowest-price units are selected first. The Power Pool of Alberta deals with two types of loads: price responsive loads and non-price responsive loads. Anyload in Alberta is one of the two types. Electricity for non-price responsive load is currently forecasted by the Pool Administratoron a daily basis and is not bid-in by participants. Participants can bid-in for the price responsive load. In the case of price responsive load, the distributor or exporter is willing to take energyfrom the Pool if the Pool price is less than its bid price. All bids and offers provided by participants to the Pool are automatically applied against curtailable loads [Alb96, Alb99, Alb00, Pow99, Pow00, Web50]. The Power Pool of Alberta works on a day-ahead basis, where the Pool’s participants submitoffers to sell and bids to buy electricity for the following day, and then the Pool determines a market price for electric energy by matchingsupply with demand.Offers and bids are received by 10:00 a.m. The Pool uses offers,, bids and calculated prices to publish forecasts of electricity supply, demand,and Pool price for the next day. In addition to the price determinedin the day-ahead, the Pool determines the real-time price of electricity and publishes both prices on the Pool’s website.

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On the day-ahead, the Pool participants would submit their hourly offers and bids for a 7-day trading period. Theoffer prices and bid prices are fixed for the first day (participants maynot changeor modify), while they have the option to alter offers and bids for the other days, and bid quantities (volumes) can be re-declared at any time. Participants would establish offers and bids for each hour of the next day and for the following six days. Each offer is to supply hourly blocks of energy at particular prices, and each bid is to buy blocks of energy at particular prices. To schedule generators and loads and determine market prices, the Pool ranks offers and bids starting from the least expensive and ending with the most expensive and then publishes a schedule for the next trading day. The schedule includes forecasted generation offers being accepted, demandbids scheduled to be accepted, import and export amountsand forecasted Pool price. In real time, the Pool dispatches the required generation and processes import offers and demandbids to serve the system demandand exports. The Pool uses the actual dispatch to calculate the hourly Pool price. The Pool then uses the Pool price to settle with buyers and sellers each month,whereall participants whoare producingelectricity wouldreceive the hourly Pool price for electricity generated and all participants whoare buying electricity pay the Pool price for the electricity [Alb96, Alb99, Alb00, Pow99,Pow00,Web50]. It is the responsibility of the Pool to maintain a safe and reliable operation of the Alberta’s electric system. To do that, the Pool is obligated to maintain supply and demandin balance, by Commanding suppliers and buyers to adjust their amountof energy. To accomplishthe system control functions, the Power Pool of Alberta has a System Coordination Center. The Pool requires a candidate participant to sign a participation agreement26, pay a participation fee, pay a trading charge27, sign a transmission agreement with TA, and meet Pool’s technical control and communication requirements. In addition, participants that are 26Aparticipationagreement is a contractto comply withpoolrulesandpoolcode. 27Tradingchargesare usedto recoverthe pool’soperatingcosts. Atradingchargeis a fee per MWh on energyvolumetraded throughthe Pool.Eachparticipant paysthe tradingcharge.Thepoolwill postanychanges to the tradingchargeonthe Power Pool Web site. Thetradingchargeis set bythe PowerPoolAdministrator andapproved by the PowerPoolCouncil.



purchasing from the Pool must satisfy prudential requirements2s, and participants that are supplying generation must meet the PowerPool’s Generation Connection Requirements. The Alberta transmission system is joined to a wide network that is extending through the western United States and connected to the system in British Columbia. During emergency situations, the neighboring systems could help one another. In general, the existence of these systems could improve the reliability of the entire interconnection. In addition to the rules of the Pool and TA, the Alberta’s transmission system follows standards and rules created by regional organizations such as the Western Systems Coordinating Council (WSCC)and the 29. Northwest Power Pool (NWPP) To maintain the frequency at 60 Hz whenthe Alberta’s daily demand for electricity would fluctuate, the System Controller dispatches generating units in order to keep energy supplied to the system in balance with the amount of energy taken out of the system. In addition, the System Controller would ensure that the system keeps a certain amount of additional generating capacity (operating reserve) to deal with demand increases and possible supply disruptions.. The SystemController deals with the operating reserves either through automatic controls in the case that a spare capacity is required to keep supply-demandbalance, or instruct participants whoare providing this service to manuallycontrol the operating reserve. The System Controller is always operating in coordination with TAand the distribution companiesin Alberta. Customers that buy electric power from distribution companies in Alberta fall into two categories. Thefirst category is for customersthat buy firm power,3° such as residential consumers. The second category is

28 Prudentialrequirements wereestablishedto ensurethat participants couldmeet financialobligations associatedwithtradingin the pool.Participantsmaymaintain at least an"A"bondrating,provide a letter of credit,or needto provide a line of credit, which the poolwouldhaveaccessto in caseof defaultpayments. ThePoolitself is not requiredto maintaina credit function. Utilities, municipalitiesandTAwould automatically meetthe Pool’sprudentialrequirements. 29 TheNorthwest PowerPoolis a voluntaryorganizationcomprised of majorgenerating utilities servingthe Northwestern U.S.,.BritishColumbia andAlberta. 30Distributors supplythis power at all times.


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for interruptible load customers,3~ such as industrial customerswith fuelswitching capability. Whenthe supply is disrupted suddenly due to a line/generator outage or damage, an imbalance between supply and demand would happen which may disturb the system frequency, and maylead to widespread outages and interruption of services. To keep system frequency within acceptable limits, the Alberta’s power grid utilizes both automatic32 controls and manual33 procedures. For underfrequency si~ation, the powersystem in Alberta is directed to reduce a predetermined amount of demand automatically and in stages until system frequency is restored and the system regains a balance between supply and demand. Whenthe system is restored, the SystemController provides distribution companieswith directions to restore service to interrupted customers. In other situations such as in the case of gradual shortages 34 in supply or when the power system is being restored following an emergency,the SystemController instructs participants to manuallycontrol (curtail) firm loads rather than using automatic controls to restore the balance. The System Controller would determine how muchthe total system demandmust be reduced to restore the balance and instruct distribution companiesto curtail their demand. Each distribution company would decide on the amount of load curtailmentthat it could handle in its service territory. This situation may arise whena generating unit is forced out of service, while other units are already downfor planned maintenance. The System Controller follows TA’s policies and the Pool’s rules in both under-frequencyload shedding and firm-load curtailment. The TA’s policies are originally developedin coordination with the transmission system owners, generating units ownersand distribution companies. The Pool orders participants’ offers and bids for each hour based on their prices into a merit order. The merit order is established for every 3~ Customers that buy power from distributors

under agreements that permit their

electricity supplyto be interrupted. 32 Automaticcontrols such as automatic generation control (AGC)and under-frequency load shedding schemes. Under-frequencyis the situation whensystem frequency drops below 60 Hz, such as when supply is disrupted suddenly and the Alberta grid is separated from British Columbia. 33 Manualprocedures such as load curtailment directives. 34 For example,if a generating unit is forced out of service, while other units are already downfor planned maintenance, supply mayfall short of demand.



hour of the next day and is used by the SystemController in the dispatch of energy. The merit order for an hour is composedof many (maybe hundreds) blocks of energy. The Pool then matches energy supply with 35 for electricity, demand, establishes a minute-by-minute SMP and determines an hourly market price, which is posted on the Pool’s Web site. The hourly operating schedule considers some factors such as transmission constraints and unit operating constraints. The steps used to calculate the price are as follows [Alb96, Pow99]: ¯ Participants would submit energy supply offers and demandbids to the Pool. ¯

For each hour of the trading day, Pool schedulers order offers and bids based on their prices, into a stacked merit order.


The merit order produced for each hour is passed into the System Controller.

¯ To keep supply and demandin balance throughout the day whenthe demandfluctuates, the System Controller would dispatch the next offers or bids in the merit order. ¯ Every minute, the last 36 energy block dispatched sets the SMP. ¯

SMPis published on the Pool’s Website and updated every five minutes.

¯ The time-weighted average of the 60 one-minute SMPsis calculated at the end of the trading hour. This is published as the official Pool price at whichall energytraded during the hour is cleared.

Whenthe demandfor electricity fluctuates around the balanced point, the Pool restores the balance between supply and demandby issuing dispatch instructions to powersuppliers and purchasers regarding the amount of energy that is to be supplied into or taken out of the system. The Pool’s instructions are based on supply offers and demand bids available in the merit order. Whensystem demandincreases, the SystemController movesup the merit order by operating more expensive 35System Marginal Price 36Marginal unit

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offer (supply) and decreasing supply to buyers whoare willing to pay (as reflected from in their bids). On the other hand, whensystem demand declines, the System Controller moves down the merit order, by instructing somegenerators to decrease their output and serving more demand bids. The following example illustrates how the System Controller dispatches on and off supplies and purchases and calculates SMPfor some situations [Pow99]. Example 9.5 For this example,at a certain hour, let’s assumethat there are five suppliers and two purchasers of electric powerthat wouldsubmit offers and bids to the PowerPool of Alberta. Each bid or offer is assumedto be one block. Figure 9.11 shows the offers and bids. The offer/bid quantities andprices are: Offer


: 40 MW,$7.50/MWh



: 50 MW,$12.5/MWh



: 30 MW,$15.0/MWh



: 40 MW,$20.0/MWh



: 40 MW,$30.0/MWh



: 20 MW,$10.0/MWh



: 20 MW,$25.0/MWh



30 25 ~




¯_ ¯ 20






: ¯

¯ :

100120 140 160


I" Offer ~1"O~r2 "l"offer’.~r"offer ~’l" offer TI Figure 9.11 Example of Alberta’s Pool Calculations

(a) The system demandin this hour is 90 MW.Offer 1 and offer 2 are fully dispatched to meet the demand, because the demandis 90 MW,and the total dispatched generation of both offer 1 and offer 2 is 40 +50=90 MW.Offer 2, which is the most expensive offer dispatched last, sets the SMPat $12.5/MW.The balance point is P~ in the figure. (i.e. (b) Starting from P1 in part (a), the demandincreases by 40 MW the total demandnowis 130 MW),then the Pool will fully dispatch offer 3 and partially dispatch Offer 4. In this case, Offer 4 sets the SMPat $20/MWh. See P2 in the figure. (c) Starting from P2 in part (b), the demandincreases by another MW(i.e. the total demandnow is 170 MW.See point P3 in the figure). In this case, a person maythink that the Pool woulddispatch Offer 5 (as seen from P3 in the figure). This wouldincrease the SMP

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to $30/MWh,which is beyond the limit of bid 2 (remember that participant of bid 2 is willing to pay up to $25/MWh). So, to meet the increase in demand,the Pool wouldfully dispatch Offer 4 with part of bid 2, i.e. the participant whosubmitted bid 2 and is taking 20 MW,will be dispatched back to 10 MW.In this situation, bid 2 will set the SMPat $25/MWh, because it is only partially served.


Starting from Pl in part (a), the demanddecreases by 70 MW (i.e., total demandnowis 20 MW),then the Pool will fully dispatch-off Offer 2 (as seen from P4 in the figure). There is enoughenergy from Offer 1 available to supply all 20 MW of bid 1, then bid 1 will be dispatched-on and Offer 1 will set the SMPat $7.5/MWh.

(i.e., (e) Starting from P~ in part (a), the demanddecreases by 60 MW the total demandnowis 30 MW),then the Pool will fully dispatchoff offer 2. Since the system demandnow is 30 MW,there is an extra 10 MW from offer 1, i.e., there is not enoughenergy available to supply all 20 MW of offer 1, and bid 1 will be partially served (10 MW)and will set the SMPat $10/MWh. 9.3.2

The Independent Electricity Market Operator (IMO).The Ontario government’s legislation on competition in Ontario’s Electricity SupplyIndustry foundeda non-profit entity, which had no links to any market participant, and was called the Independent Electricity Market Operator (IMO)to managethe new electric market structure as an essential step for a competitive electricity marketplace. The mainobjective of the IMOis to create electricity markets that give suppliers in Ontario an opportunity to competefor providing power to both wholesale and retail customers, establish a fair system that would allow customersdirect access to the electricity supplier of their choice, produce a reliable and efficient power system, and replace the old vertically integrated rates policy with a competitive price policy set by competitive markets [Ipp99, Imo99]. The IMOis composed of two main components: System Operator and MarketOperator. The SystemOperator is responsible to maintain the security and the reliability of the bulk powersystem, i.e. it administers physical transactions, dispatches resources in real time to keep supply and demandin balance, administers and resolves security constraints to



keep the system secure, administers system emergencyconditions and instructs system resources in case of emergencies. The MarketOperator is responsible for collecting offers (from sellers) and bids (from buyers). It managesmarket trading in electricity and related products, including settlements of associated accounts. It also oversees compliance with market rules and administers performanceof market participants. It also helps ensure that the competition would develop without abuse of market power [Ipp99, Imo99]. ¯ IMO Bidding, Dispatch, Scheduling, and Control: As shown in Figure 9.12, the IMOmanages two types, i.e., physical markets and financial markets. Physical markets include real-time markets and procurement markets. Real-time markets treat energy, operating reserve and capacity reserve. The procurement markets treat contracted ancillary services and must-run contracts. Physical markets include energy forwards and transmission rights [Ipp99, Imo99].

Figure 9.12 An Overviewof lMO’sMarketStructure [Imo99]

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IMOdoes not include a market for bilateral contract energy, but market participants can submit physical bilateral contract data to IMOto makeit involved in settlement processes if participants opt to do that, and also submission of bilateral contract data helps IMOmanageand maintainthe reliability of the grid. If participants conductany bilateral trade within the local grid, they do not need to inform the IMO,while they are obligated to inform the IMOof their traded quantities for any traded energy that goes into the main grid. IMOuses the provided quantity to managecongestion situations. Participants are not required to provide IMOwith their bilateral contracts, but required to submit price bids in order to guarantee that loads will be supplied. To guarantee that the bid will be accepted, the best thing a participant can do is to bid zero. In IMO’sstructure, ancillary services will be procured based on a competitive process. IMOwill not deal with the long-term market. ¯ Real-Time Market Bidding- "Dispatch" Data: Market participants are initially required to submit the physical characteristics of their facilities (generation and load) to IMO,and IMOwould register these data. In a biding process, each participant would submit one offer for each generating facility to supply energy to the market, and each participant wouldsubmit one bid for each load facility to take energy from the market [Ipp99, Imo99]. For each hour of the daily dispatch, an offer or a bid wouldinclude a maximum price and quantity, and maycontain up to 20 price/quantity pairs for each hour. A seller of energy (generator) mayopt to submit negative-priced offer, which meansthat the generator accepts paying up to that price in order to have its energy taken rather than reducing its output. A buyer of energy (load) mayalso opt to submit a negativepriced bid, whichmeansthat the load accepts taking moreenergy than it has bid for. Any energy trades going through the grid (imports and exports) have to be included in the dispatch data provided to the IMO. On the day before scheduling, market participants submit their bids and offers between 6:00 a.m.-11:00 am. At 11:00 a.m., IMOaggregates all offers (of each hour in 24 hours) into one offer graph, and aggregates all bids of each hour (of each hour in 24 hours) into one bid graph. IMO then uses the aggregated graphs to determine the Pre-Dispatchschedule. The pre-dispatch schedule will be issued to all participants by noon of



the day before and is used as a reference for the next day’s actual operations. Theaim of pre-dispatch schedule is to ensure the feasibility of schedules while meeting all security and adequacy requirements, identifying difficulties facing the system, and determiningthe remaining transmission margins for additional trades. The pre-dispatch schedules are not binding to market participants as next-day schedules, but participants maysee themas guidelines for planning to meet the required level of operation. IMO uses a constrained (considering transmission system constraints) model of the algorithm to establish the pre-dispatch schedule. In the pre-dispatch schedule process, IMOstacks offers and bids based on their prices, and then optimizes reserve offers with energy offers while considering the networkconfiguration, expected outages and security requirements. Duringthis process, IMOidentifies specific mustrun bids and calculates the associated payments. In addition to the constrained pre-schedules process, IMOuses an unconstrained model of the algorithm to produce a projected market schedule and market price for each hour in the dispatch day. IMOalso issues the projected market schedule to all participants at noonon the day before. IMOsends information to all market participants. The information includes energy prices and operating reserve prices at each node, total systemlosses, total systemload, regional operating reserve requirements, aggregated load curtailment exercised, aggregated must-run generation scheduled, any regional reserve, shortage, a list of the network and security constraints that change the pre-dispatch schedule, projected uniform market prices of energy and operating reserves in Ontario, projected market prices of energy and operating reserves in each inter-tie zone outside Ontario, and a revised IMOSystem Advisory Report. IMO also sends certain information to each participant. The information includes the pre-dispatch and market schedule for the participant’s facility, security or load constraints affecting the participant’s facility, and any expected use of its facility for must-run or ancillary services contracts [Ipp99, Imo99]. Upto 4 hours before the real-time operation, a market participant has the option to freely modifyits bid/offer. Participants mayalso make~ny changes to bids/offers, not exceeding 10%in MW or price, between 4 and 2 hours before real time. Any change in time or over 10%would

MarketsOutsidethe UnitedStates


require an approval from IMO.IMOdecides whether modified bid/offer results in significant changes to resources or requirements, before reissuing the pre-dispatch schedule. After receiving any modifications on bids/offers, IMOdeterminesthe final pre-dispatch schedules, just prior to real time and forwardsthemto any marginal37 or affected participants. IMOdetermines the real-time dispatch schedule during the hour of operation, where the IMO’s main objective is to keep the load and generation in balance while maintaining system security requirements. IMOuses a constrained-model algorithm for real-time dispatch. The schedule is determined at 5-minute intervals in the hour of operation starting from the beginningof the hour. Thereal-time schedule gives the final dispatch data from the market participants, generation status and security limits, real-time system measurements and the latest projections, and evaluates the most accurate estimates of loads for market participants. Three forms of dispatch instructions wouldcontrol facilities in IMO operations: automatic dispatch instructions, 1MOdirections and orders, and automatic generation control (AGC). The automatic dispatch instructions are the instructions published by IMOto a marginal participant to changeits output or reserve obligation, whichinvolve new energy dispatch, rate of change, expected reserve requirements, must-run requirements and ancillary service requirements. IMOdirections and orders would involve manual ancillary dispatching, manual reserve activation notification, notification for final release of outages and manualenergy dispatch whenrequired. The automatic generation control is the control of generating facilities 3s up to 200-300MW of capacity at any time to manage the system on a moment-to-momentbasis. In the first two types, IMOissues the instructions to participants and the participants control the response. The third type is directly and remotely control by IMO. IMOuses an energy management system (EMS) monitor its performancein real time [Ipp99, Imo99].

37 A marginalparticipant is the participant that is not runningat full capacity. 3a IMOwill contract with suppliers to provide this service.







The United Kingdom (UK) includes four separate countries: England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. The four countries are considered as three regions, whereEngland and Walesare in one region, and Scotland and NorthernIreland represent the other. As related to the electricity industry, Englandand Walesare governedby the same Acts of Parliament and are treated the same in terms of structure. On the other hand, Scotland and Northern Ireland are governed by slightly different Acts of Parliament and have a very different electricity industry structure. In this section, wepresent the electricity industry in England and Wales [Abb98, Ele99, Gre98a, Greggb, Nat98b, New97, Tab96, Zorgl, Web51, Web52]. Before competition started in UKelectric industry, the Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB)ownedmost of electrical power generation and transmission facilities in England, then the CEGB sold its electricity to twelve Area Electricity Boards(AEBs),whichtook the rule of distributing electricity to the customers. The federal Electricity Council - which had representatives for CEGBand for each AEBcoordinated industry policies. Withthis structure, the governmentset the price of electricity and generators were obligated to supply electricity. This system was seen as a government-controlled monopoly. Fewyears before 1990, public opinion and political forces started criticizing this controlled monopolyand invited to privatize the electricity industry, including privatization of nuclear stations. This motion ended with passing the Electricity Act in 1989, which called the transition of electrical industry ownershipfrom governmentto private investors, and would encourage competition, improve efficiency, involve more employee,and reduce prices to customers. In 1990 England started privatization and introduced competition into its electricity industry, where the majority of government-owned electrical power production and distribution were sold off, and main changes taken place in the ownership and management of power generation, transmission, and distribution. This new structure necessitated the formation of the Pool as a meansto trade electricity

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[Abb98, Ele99, Gre98a, Gre98b, Nat98b, New97, Tab96, Zor91, Web51, Web52]. To implement competition, the government-controlled CEGBwas separated, in April 1990, into four parts: National Power company, PowerGencompany, Nuclear Electric companyand the National Grid Company(NGC). The National Power and PowerGen companies were formed from the fossil fuel generation plants of CEGB and the Nuclear Electric companywas formed from the nuclear generation of CEGB. NGCwas formed to take control of the transmission system. Since the National Power and PowerGencompanies were producing most of the electricity, there was a concern that they would exercise market power whichin turn might drive prices up. This fact required regulators to take action to increase competition in generation sector to reduce market monopoly. The action ended by selling some of the National Power and PowerGenplant production 39 to new participants, and new generators entered the market. Competition could not be introduced to the transmission industry, instead NGCwas formed as a vertically integrated natural monopolyto maintain the national transmission system. The role of NGC,as the Electricity Act stated, was "to develop and maintain an efficient, coordinated and economical system of electricity transmission and to facilitate competition in the generation and supply of electricity." The NGCcharges for transmission system usage are divided into two components:connection charges and use of system charges. In the distribution side, the twelve Area Electricity Boards were changed to investor-owned Regional Electricity Companies(RECs) December1990, where each RECprovides electricity to customers in its area. In 1998, customers had the choice to buy electricity from any supplier. Suppliers pay for electricity to be transmitted across NGCand distributed to their customers. Duties of suppliers include publishing prices, reading meters, issuing bills, and processing payments.Anyentity can apply to be licensed as a supplier. Large industrial and commercial customerscan select their suppliers of electricity, but domesticand small 39 In 1990 National Powerand PowerGenaccounted for 78 per cent of total output and together with Nuclear Electric for 94 per cent. By 1998 National Powerand PowerGen together accountedfor 41 per cent of total output and with Nuclear Electric for 58 per cent.



business customers are required to buy their electricity needs from their local public electricity suppliers. The marketplace where all electricity produced or consumed in England is sold and purchased in the Electricity Pool of England and Wales is the wholesale market. On a day-ahead basis, at 10:00 a.m., all generators are required to submit their bids4° and information to the Pool showinggeneration they are willing to produce for each half-hour of the following day, plus any operating constraints such as the minimum generating levels and rate (ramp time) at which a generating unit can increase or decrease its output. It is the responsibility of NGC(Grid Operator) to schedule and dispatch generation daily to meet the actual demand. NGCproduces a forecast of demand(plus reserve) considering weather condition and demandusage patterns for each half hour of the following day and then schedules generators’ offered bids to meet this demand. Generation scheduling is done by NGCthrough pooling all electricity generation together to balance customers’ demands(hourly 4~ based on load projections) for each half hour. NGCselects winning generators based on the lowest bids available to meet the projected demand, and this process will determine the System Marginal Price (SMP)for each half hour (the price of the most expensive generator). The selection of winningbids does not take constraints into consideration (unconstrained schedule). Whenthe actual demandis different from the projected demand, or when some of the low bidding generation is unavailable at the projected time due to transmission constraints or mechanicalfailures, reserves are used to balance generation with demand [Abb98, Ele99, Gre98a, Gre98b, New97, Tab96, Zor91, Web51-52].. Figure 9.13 shows the structure of electricity Wales.

industry in England and

The period from 5:00 am on one day until 5:00 am on the next day is called the schedule day. Each schedule day is divided into 48 half-hour periods, each is called a settlement period. By10:00 am each day, every generator submits its day-aheadoffer into the Pool (the available output 40 Eachdaygeneratorssubmitday-ahead bids into the Poolfor the amount andprice of electricitytheyare willingto generate at everyhalf-hour periodof the following day. 41 This is doneby usinga computersystemcalled GeneratorOrderingandLoading (GOAL), whichhas the objectiveof producing the lowestcost generationschedulefor the wholeday,considering all plantlimitationsandgenerator bids.


MarketsOutsidethe United States

output and the price at whichit is willing to generate electricity from each of its centrally dispatched generating units at its power stations during the following schedule day. The grid operator forecasts the demand, and then uses a scheduling system, i.e. GOAL,which schedules centrally dispatched generating units to meet the demandand a predefined reserve added to the demandforecast. The objective of GOAL is to determine a minimumcost day-ahead schedule, based on offered prices and outputs, but disregarding any physical constraints. This schedule is called the unconstrainedschedule. In each settlement period j, the price of the last flexible centrally dispatched generating unit scheduled to meet the forecast demandfor that period sets the SMPjin £/MWh.SMPjconstitutes the basis of the payments to generators for centrally dispatched generating units scheduledfor generation in the unconstrained schedule [Web51].

National Power RECs Own Generator =



L ~

EdF (France) National Grid Company POWER POOL

National Power

Scottish Grid

Private GeneratorI

Private Generator


Franchise Market (Monopoly < 100 KW)

[ Large Customer I

Second Tier Supplier

Non-franchiseMarket (Competition < 100 KW)

Figure9.13 Structureof Electricity Industryin EnglandandIVales



After calculating SMP,generators are paid at the Pool PurchasePrice (PPP) which is equal to SMPplus capacity payment. Capacity payment is a paymentthat provides an incentive to generators to maintain an adequate margin over the level of demand. Capacity paymentis high at times whenthere is little excess generation available, but decreases down to zero whenthere is a large excess of generation. On the other hand, suppliers buy from the Pool at a price called the Pool Selling Price (psp42), which is PPP plus uplift. Suppliers pay for the amount 43 electricity they actually extract (consume)at each grid supply point magnified by a factor that considers average transmission losses. The uplift pays for a number of additional costs incurred on the day and includes unscheduledavailability payments44, and additional generation costs resulting from unexpected increases of demand, and between generators’ forecast availability and actual availability. In equation form, these prices for any settlement period (half-hour)j, are represented [Abb98, Web51]: PPPj = SMPj+ CPj where; CPj = LOLPx (VLL- SMPj and CP LOLP

Capacity Payment 45 Loss of LoadProbability


46 Value of Lost Load

In this marketstructure, bilateral contracts are possible but through Contract for Differences (CfDs). A CfDdenotes a cash flow based 42 Slightlyhigherthanthe PoolPurchase Price. 43 Thepointwhere electricityentersthe distributionsystem fromthe National Grid. 44 Payments’to generating units that wereavailablebut notrequiredto run. 45LOLP is the probabilitythat demand will exceedthe availablegeneration.It is calculatedafter considerationof forecastdemand andavailability of generation offered. 46Avaluefixedannually.It representsthe priceconsumers are assumed to be willingto payto avoidlossof supply.

MarketsOutsidethe UnitedStates


the Pool price. As we mentioned, transmission constraints are initially ignored in the calculation of the SMP,then costs related to transmission constraints are included in an uplift paymentadded to the purchase price of energy from the Pool. Ancillary services, except spinning reserve, are contracted by the grid operator and are recovered through an uplift charge on the energy purchasers. Spinningreserve is paid through the market, and paid for by purchasers through uplift charges. Other charges, whichare paid as uplift charges, include additional scheduling error costs, administration costs, and losses. Basedon the grid operator’s estimation, reserve is treated by modifyingdemandforecast, wherethe reserve is scheduled by uplifting the demandforecast to consider reserve requirements.




Alternative Dispute Resolution Automatic Generation Control AmericanNational Standards Institute Automatic Power Exchange Available Transfer Capability


California Power Exchange Capacity Benefit Margin Chicago Board of Trade Control Center Application ProgramInterface Cooling Degree-Days Contract for Differences CommonInformation Model Chicago Mercantile Exchange Constrained Path Method CalPXTrading Services California OregonBorder Commercial Practices Working Group


Day-Ahead Market Degree-Days Delivery Factor Distribution Company Dow Jones Domain NameService





Appendix A


East Central Area Reliability Coordination Agreement Electric Energy MarketingAct (Alberta) Electronic Industries Association Energy Management System The National Energy Policy Act Electric Reliability Council of Texas Electricity Service Provider Existing Transmission Commitments Electric Utilities Act


Flexible ACTransmission System Federal Electric Regulatory Commission Florida Reliability CoordinatingCouncil Fixed Transmission Rights


Generation Control Area Generation Company Generator Meter Multiplier Generator Shift Factor GoodUtility Practice


Hour-Ahead Market Heating Degree-Days Herfmdahl-Hirschman Index Hyper Text Markup Language Hypertext Transport Protocol


Inter-Control Center CommunicationsProtocol Integrated Control Center Systems International Electrotechnical Commission Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Interim Interchange Distribution Calculator Intermediary control area Independent Grid Operator Investor-OwnedUtilities Independent Power Producer (Provider) Internet Protocol Control Protocol




Appendix A


Internet Protocol Interchange Schedule Independent System Operator International Telegraph and TelephoneConsultative Committee


Locational Based Marginal Price Load Control Area Load Serving Entity Loss Factor Locational Marginal Price


Mid-Atlantic Area Council Mid-AmericaInterconnected Network, Inc. Mid-Continent Area Power Pool Market Clearing Price


Non-recallable Available Transfer Capability National Electricity CodeAdministrator Limited National Electrical ManufacturersAssociation National Electricity Market ManagementCompany Limited NewEngland Power Pool North AmericanElectric Reliability Council Notice of Proposed Rulemaking The Nordic Electricity Exchange Northeast Power Coordinating Council Non-recallable Reserved Non-recallable Scheduled Network Transmission Service NewYork Mercantile Exchange NewYork Power Pool


Open Access Same-time Information System Optimal Power Flow Open Systems Interconnection Over-the-Counter





Appendix A


Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnection Point of Delivery Point of Receipt Point-to-Point Protocol Purchasing-SellingEntities The Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act of 1978 Public Utility Commissionof Texas Power Exchange


: QualifyingFacilities


Recallable Available Transfer Capability Receiving Control Area Retail.Company Real-Time Information Networks Recallable Reserved Recallable Scheduled Rated System Path Regional Transmission Group Regional Transmission Organization


Scheduling Coordinator Sending Control Area Security Constrained Unit Commitment Southeastern Electric Reliability Council Serial Line Internet Protocol Simple Network ManagementProtocol Southwest Power Pool Secure Sockets Layer Standards and CommunicationProtocols


Transmission Customer Transmission Congestion Contract Transaction Information System WorkingGroup Transmission Loading Relief Ten Minute Non-Spinning Reserve Ten Minute Spinning Reserve



Appendix A



Transmission Provider Transmission Company Transmission RevenueCredits Transmission Reliability Margin Transmission Services Transmission Service Charge Transmission Services Information Networks Transmission Services Information Providers Total Transfer Capability


: VALUE-at-RISK : Value of Lost Load Value-addedTransmission Service Information Provider


: Utility Distribution Company


Western Area Power Administration Western Power Exchange Western Interconnection Coordination Forum West-of-ColoradoRiver transfer path Western Regional Transmission Association Western Systems Coordinating Council



A SAMPLE OF ELECTRICITY CONTRACT 1SPECIFICATIONS Part BI: NYMEX Division: Entergy and Cinergy Electricity Options Contract Specifications Trading Unit Futures: Options:

Futures and

736 megawatthours (MWh)delivered over a monthly period. Either one NYMEX Division Cinergy electricity futures contract or one NYMEX Division Entergy electricity futures contract.

Trading Hours Futures and Options: 9:40 A.M.- 3:10 P.M. for the open outcry session. sM After hours trading is conducted via the NYMEX ACCESS electronic trading system Mondays through Thursdays, 4:15 - 7:15 P.M. NewYork time. Trading Months Futures: 18 consecutive months. Options: 12 consecutive months Price Quotation Futures and Options: Dollars and cents per MWh. MinimumPrice Fluctuation Futures and Options: $0.01 per MWh ($7.36 per contract).

See [Web42,43] 451

Appendix B


Maximum Daily Price Fluctuation Futures: $15.00 per MWh above or below the previous day’s settlement price for the f’u’st two contract months. Initial back month limits of $6.00 per MWh above or below the previous day’s settlement price rise to $12.00 per MWh if the previous day’s settlement price in any back monthis at the $6.00 limit. In the event of a $7.50 per MWh move in either of the first two contract months, back month limits are expandedto $7.50 per MWh from the limit in place in the direction of the move. No price limits in the first nearby monthduring the last half hour of trading. Options: No price limits. Last Trading Day Futures: Tradingterminates on the fourth business day prior to the first day of the delivery month. Options:

Expiration occurs on the business day preceding termination of the underlyingfutures contract.


Exercise of Options By a clearing memberto the Exchange clearinghouse not later than 5:30 P.M., or 45 minutes after the underlying futures settlement price is posted, whicheveris later, on any day up to and including options expiration. OptionsStrike Prices Twentystrike prices in increments of $0.50 per MWh above and below the at-the-moneystrike price, and the next ten strike prices in increments of $2.50 above the highest and below the lowest $0.50 increment. Above $50, strike prices will be listed in $2.50 incrementsexcept for the at-the-moneystrike price. The at-the-money strike price is the $0.50 increment nearest to the previous day’s settlement of the underlying futures contract. Strike price boundaries are adjusted according to the futures price movements. Delivery Location Cinergy Futures: Into the Cinergy Transmission System at any interface designatedby the seller. Entergy Futures: Into the Entergy Transmission System at any interface designatedby the seller.

Appendix B

Delivery Rate TwoMWsthroughout every hour of the delivery period (this amendedupon mutual agreementof the buyer and seller).


can be

Delivery Unit The delivery unit is determined by the numberof days in the delivery month: 23 on-peak days, delivery unit is 736 MWh 22 on-peak days, delivery unit is 704 MWh 21 on-peak days, delivery unit is 672 MWh 20 on-peak days, delivery unit is 640 MWh 19 on-peak days, delivery unit is 608 MWh Thedelivery unit will be equal to or less than the contract unit. Delivery Period Entergy: 16 on-peak hours on each delivery day, beginning with the hour ending 0700 (6 A.M.) and concluding with the hour ending 2200(10 P.M.) Central prevailing time. Cinergy: 16 on-peak hours on each delivery day, beginning with the hour ending 0800 (7 A.M.) and concluding with the hour ending 2300 (11 P.M.) Eastern prevailing time. (These can also be amendedat the time of delivery by mutual written consent of the buyerand seller.) Exchangeof Futures For, Or in ConnectionWith, Physicals (EFP) The buyer or seller mayexchangea futures position for a physical position of equal quantity by submitting a notice to the Exchange.EFPsmaybe used to either initiate or liquidate a futures position. EFPdeadline is 10 A.M.(Eastern prevailing time) on the first business day followingtermination of trading. Scheduling Buyerand seller must follow transmission provider scheduling practices. Position Limits 5,000 contracts for all monthscombined,but not to exceed 350 in the last three days of trading in the spot monthor 3,500 in any one month. Margin Requirements Margins are required for open futures and short options positions. The margin requirement for an options purchaser will never exceed the premium paid.


Appendix B

Trading Symbols Futures: Cinergy Entergy Options: Cinergy Entergy

(CN) (NT) (NO) (OT)

Part B2: Palo Verde and California/Oregon Futures and Options Contract Specifications Trading Unit Futures: Options:

Border Electricity

2. 736 megawatthours (MWh)delivered over a monthly period Either one NYMEX Division COBelectricity futures contract or one NYMEX Division Palo Verdeelectricity futures contract.

Trading Hours Futures and Options: COB:9:40 A.M. - 2:55 P.M.; Palo Verde: 9:40 A.M. - 2:55 P.M. for the open outcry session. After hours trading is conductedvia the NYMEX ACCESSelectronic trading system Mondaysthrough Thursdays, 4:15 -7:15 P.M. NewYork time. Trading Months Futures: 18 consecutive months. Options: 12 consecutive months. Price Quotation Futures and Options: Dollars and cents per MWh. MinimumPrice Fluctuation Futures and Options: $0.01 per MWh ($7.36 per contract ($8.64 *)). Maximum Daily Price Fluctuation Futures: $15.00 per MWh ($12,960") for the first two months. Initial back month limits of $3.00 per MWh rise to $6.00 per MWh if the previous day’s settlement price in any back monthis at the $3.00 limit. In the event of a $7.50 per MWh movein either of the first two contract months, back monthlimits are expanded to $7.50 per MWhin all months from the limit in place in the direction of the move. ~ 2 Beginningwith the October1999contract, the unit waschangedto 864 MWh.

Appendix B


Options: Noprice limits. Last Trading Day Futures: Trading terminates on the fourth business day prior to the first day of the delivery month. Options: Expiration occurs on the business day preceding the termination of the underlyingfutures contract. Exercise of Options By a clearing memberto the Exchangeclearinghouse not later than 5:30 P.M., or 45 minutes after the underlying futures settlement price is posted, whicheveris later, on any day up to and including options expiration. Options Strike Prices Increments of $0.50 (50 cents) per MWh with 20 strike prices above and below the at-the-money strike prices, and the next ten strike prices are in increments of $2.50 above the highest and below the lowest existing strike prices for a total of 61 strike prices. The at-the-moneystrike price is the nearest to the previous day’s close of the underlying futures contract. Strike price boundaries are adjusted according to the futures price movements. Delivery Location The Palo Verde high voltage switchyard for the Palo Verde contract; the interconnection point at the California-Oregon border of the Pacific Northwest/Pacific Southwest ACIntertie, including the California Oregon TransmissionProject for the California/Oregonborder contract. Delivery Rate Twomegawatts (MW)throughout every hour of the delivery period (this can be amendeduponmutual agreement of the buyer and seller). Delivery Unit The delivery unit is determined by the numberof days in the delivery month: 27 on-peak days = 864 megawatt hours delivery...27 days× 16 hoursx2 Mw= 864 26 on-peak days = 832 megawatt hours delivery...26 days× 16 hours×2 Mw= 832 25 on-peak days = 800 megawatt hours delivery...25 daysxl6 hoursx2 Mw= 800 24 on-peak days = 768 megawatt hours delivery...24 daysxl6 hours×2 Mw= 768 Thedelivery unit will be equal to or less than the contract unit.


Appendix B

Delivery Period Sixteen on-peak hours: hour ending 0700 (6 A.M.) to hour ending 2200 Pacific prevailing time (10 P.M.). (These can also be amendedat the time delivery by mutualwritten consent of the buyerand seller.) Exchangeof Futures For, Or in Connection With, Physicals (EFP) The buyer or seller mayexchangea futures position for a physical position of equal quantity by submitting a notice to the Exchange.EFPsmaybe used to either initiate or liquidate a futures position. Scheduling Buyer and seller must follow Western Systems Coordinating Council scheduling practices. Position Limits 5,000 contracts for all monthscombined,but not to exceed 350 in the last three days of trading in the spot monthor 3,500 in any one month. Margin Requirements Margins are required for open futures and short options positions. The margin requirement for an options purchaser will never exceed the premium paid. Trading Symbols Futures: Palo Verde: KV California/Oregon Border: MW Options: Palo Verde: VO California/Oregon Border: WO

Part B3: CBOT ComEd HUB ELECTRICITY FEATURES Trading Unit 1,680 megawatt hours (MWh) Price Basis U.S. dollars and cents per megawatthour Tick Size $0.01 (1¢) per MWh ($16.80 per contract)


Appendix B


Daily .Price Limits The maximum permissible price fluctuation in any one day shall be $7 per MWh above or below the preceding day’s settlement price for any month succeeding the nearby trading month.Price limits are removedfor the nearby trading month.

Trading Hours 8:00 a.m.-2:40 p.m., Chicagotime Contract Months Monthly:numberof listed contracts subject to determination by CBOT Board of Directors Opening/Closing Procedure Simultaneous Position Limits Subject to determination by CBOTBoard of Directors Reportable Position 25 contracts (in any one month) Last Trading Day Trading will terminate on the fourth business day prior to the first calendar day of the delivery month Delivery Location CommonwealthEdison’s Control Area

Delivery Rate 5 MW Delivery Times Every on-peak hour (6:00:01 a.m. through 10:00:00 p.m., Chicago time) for all on-peak days of the delivery month Delivered Power Amountdepends on the numberof on-peak days in the delivery month: 1,520 MWh for delivery months with 19 on-peak days 1,600 MWh for delivery months with 20 on-peak days 1,680 MWh for delivery months with 21 on-peak days

Appendix B


1,760 MWh for delivery months with 22 on-peak days 1,840 MWh for delivery months with 23 on-peak days Scheduling Buyer and seller must follow prevailing Mid-America Interconnected Network(MAIN),ComEdControl Area, and FERCscheduling practices. Ticker Symbol BZ


futures contract

Price Basis U.S. dollars and cents per megawatthour Tick Size $0.005 (½¢) per MWh ($8.40 per contract) Daily Price Limits The maximum permissible price fluctuation in any one day shall be $7 per MWhabove or below the preceding day’s settlement price for any month succeeding the nearby trading month. Price limits are removedfor the nearby trading month.

Trading Hours 8:00 a.m.-2:40 p.m., Chicago time Contract Months Monthly: number of listed Board of Directors

contracts subject to determination by CBOT

Opening/Closing Procedure Simultaneous Position Limits Subject to determination by CBOT Board of Directors

Appendix B


Reportable Position 25 contracts (in any one month) Last Trading Day Trading will terminate at noonon the fifth business day prior to the first calendar day of the delivery month Strike Prices Multiples of one dollar ($1.00) per MWh Exercise Anybusiness day that the option is traded Expiration Unexercisedin-the-moneyoptions will be automatically exercised after the close on the last day of trading Ticker Symbols BZP, BZC Part B5: CBOTTVAHub Electricity

Futures Salient Features

Trading Unit 1,680 megawatt hours (MWh) Price Basis U.S. dollars and cents per megawatthour Tick Size $0.01 (1¢) per MWh ($16.80 per contract) Daily Price Limits The maximum permissible price fluctuation in any one day shall be $7 per MWh above or below the preceding day’s settlement price for any month succeeding the nearby trading month. Price limits are removedfor the nearby trading month. Trading Hours 8:00 a.m.-2:40 p.m., Chicago time


Appendix B

Contract Months Monthly: numberof listed contracts subject to determination by CBOT Boardof Directors Opening/Closing Procedure Simultaneous

Position Limits Subject to determination by CBOT Board of Directors Reportable Position 25 contracts (in any one month) Last Trading Day Trading will terminate on the fourth business day prior to the first calendar day of the delivery month Delivery Location Tennessee Valley Authority’s Control Area Delivery Rate 5 MW Delivery Times Every on-peak hour (6:00:01 a.m. through 10:00:00 p.m., Chicagotime) for all on-peak days of the delivery month

Delivered Power Amountdepends on the numberof on-peak days in the delivery month: 1,520 MWh for delivery months with 19 on-peak days 1,600 MWh for delivery months with 20 on-peak days 1,680 MWh for delivery months with 21 on-peak days 1,760 MWh for delivery months with 22 on-peak days 1,840 MWh for delivery months with 23 on-peak days Scheduling Buyerand seller must follow prevailing Southeastern Electric Reliability Council (SERC), TVAControl Area, and FERCscheduling practices


Appendix B

Ticker Symbol BA

Part B6: CBOT TVAHubElectricity Trading Unit One CBOTTVAHub Electricity

Options OnFutures Salient Features

futures contract

Price Basis U.S. dollars and cents per megawatthour Tick Size $0.005 (½¢) per MWh ($8.40 per contract) Daily Price Limits The maximum permissible price fluctuation in any one day shall be $7 per MWhabove or below the preceding day’s settlement price for any month succeeding the nearby trading month. Price limits are removedfor the nearby trading month. Trading Hours 8:00 a.m.-2:40 p.m., Chicagotime Contract Months Monthly: numberof listed contracts subject to determination by CBOT Boardof Directors. Opening/Closing Procedure Simultaneous Position Limits Subject to determination by CBOT Board of Directors ReportablePosition 25 contracts (in any one month) Last Trading Day Tradingwill terminateat noonon the fifth business day prior to the first calendar day of the delivery month


Appendix B

Strike Prices Multiples of one dollar ($1.00) per MWh Exercise Anybusiness day that the option is traded Expiration Unexercisedin-the-moneyoptions will be automatically exercised after the close on the last day of trading Ticker Symbols BAP, BAC



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A Absolute Percentage Error, 366, 367 Accounting, 18, 114, 122, 181, 207 Accumulated HDD/CDD,316, 317 AC-OPFmodel, 60 Adaptive Forecasting, 373,374 Adjacent Control Areas, 218 Adjustable loads, (see Curtailable loads) Adjustmentbids, 28, 56, 59, 60, 78, 80, 84, 89, 90 Affiliate powerpools, 13 Affordability, 137 Agent Service, 191, 192, 193, 195, 199, 200, 201,213 Aggregated curves, 30, 31 demand, 29, 399 generation, 111,402 supply, 26, 29, 399 Agreed-uponprice, 234, 237, 305, 408, 419 Alleviating constraints, 18 Americanoptions, 240 Analyzinga portfolio, 268

Ancillary services, 6, 7, 14, 16, 17, 25, 26, 76, 77, 78, 79, 82, 83, 84, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 112, 114, 120, 123, 125, 126, 127, 131,134, 138, 139, 145, 146, 148, 150, 342, 383,391,392, 400, 410, 415,418, 434, 435, 436 coordination, 125 bids, 77 markets, 103, 118 pricing, 16 ANN,(see Artificial Neural Network) Annualized percent volatility, 347 standard deviation, 345 volatility, 339, 347, 348, 353 Anti-competitive practices, 38 Approval service, 191,193, 194, 195, 200, 201, 211,213,214, 215 status, 193,212, 213,214 Arbitrageur, 300, 301 Area-control error, 151 Artificial Neural Network,338, 365,367, 370, 373,374 method, 365 489


Asian-style, 409 ATC,27, 114, 115, 123, 127, 129. 134, 137, 139, 144, 147, 148149, 150,158,159,160, 161 162, 163,164,165,166, 168 169, 170,171,172,174, 175 176, 177,178,181,182, 225 378, 383,390,392,394, 445 447, 448 calculations, 123, 144, 160, 172, 378, 392 At-the-money, 238, 320, 451 Auction models, 341 Auctioneer, 363 Auctions, 4 Australia National Electricity Market, 397, 409 Authority Service, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195,200, 201,213, 214, 215 Automaticgeneration control, 13, 82, 118, 122, 429, 437 Automatic Power Exchange, 273,445 Available loading capacity, 170 Available Transfer Capability, (see ATC) Average price, 85, 98 temperature, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315,320

B Backup Fax Form, 203,207 Backwardation, 360, 361,362 Balanced position, 267 schedules, 84


Balancing market, (see real-time market) Basis risk, 301,337, 354, 355 swap transaction, 356 Bidding,7, 11, 26, 28, 84, 87, 92, 94, 158, 283,338, 342, 398, 400, 402, 403, 404, 418, 440 areas, 400 behavior, 342 in hour-ahead market, 85, 92 zones, 402, 403 Bids, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 22,26,28,56,59,60,61,62, 63,64,65,69,77,78,80,82, 83,84,86,88,89,90,92,96, 100,104,105,108,110,111, 117,118,119,120,121,224, 273,293,341,363,397,398, 399,400,401,402,403,405, 407,410,413,415,418,424, 426,427,430,431,434,435, 436,440 Bil~eral model, 3 transactions, 104, 105, 107, 108, 111 Billing, 18, 22, 83, 109, 122, 294 Biomass energy, 275 Black-Scholes, 357, 358 model, 357, 358 Blackstart, 76 Block Forwards Market, 99, 100, 101,102 Bottleneck facility, 39

Index process, 39 Broker, 25, 80, 116, 151,152, 234, 235,252, 2,54, 255,273, 301,419 Brokering service, 273 Brownian motion, 357 Bulk power, 83, 103, 113, 116, 117, 378, 379, 382, 383,433 power systems, 381 power trade, 382

C California markets, 75 Oregon Border, (see COB) Power Exchange, 100, 101, 103,289,290, 293,294, 295, 445 Call options, (see calls) Calls, 230, 238, 242, 277, 298, 299, 309, 310, 315,326, 352, 381 CalPX, (see California Power Exchange) Cancellation of transactions, 215 Capacity Benefit Margin, (see CBM) Benefit Margincalculation, (see also CBMcalculation) fee, 400, 402, 403 markets, 118, 127 reserve, 29, 33, 165, 197, 434 resources, 18 rights, 4 Caps, 33,280, 299, 325, 381 Cascadeddefaults, 284

491 CBM,27, 160, 161,163, 164, 165, 167, 445 calculation, 164 CBOT, 221,223,229, 293,308, 355, 445, 455, 456, 457, 458, 459, 460 CDD,312, 313, 314, 315,316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 324, 325, 326, 332, 445 index, 313,318, 320 Centralized auction, 57 clearing market, 5 market, 5, 105, 106, 107, 108 unit commitment, 106 Centrally coordinated dispatch process, 410, 414 CfDs, 4, 10, 12, 229, 231,443, 445 Chicago Board of Trade, (see CBOT) Mercantile Exchange, (see CME) Cinergy, 157, 229, 250, 272, 290, 350, 450, 451,452 Closed form VaR, 288 position, 267 CME,223,312, 313,315, 318, 319, 320, 321,323,445 COB,229, 249, 250, 272, 309, 310, 339, 349, 350, 353,354, 355, 356, 445,453 futures contract, 250, 355 Cogeneration, 25, 275 Collar, 308, 324, 325,326, 330 Commercial Practices Working Group, (see CPWG)


Commitmentof units, 103 Communicationduring failure recovery, 211 Comparability, 46 Compositestate, (see composite status) Compositestatus, 193, 194, 212, 213,214, 215 Confidencelevel, 286 Congestedzone, 61, 62, 63 Congestion credits, 4 management,4, 28, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 67, 71, 73, 77, 82, 97, 110, 122, 126, 383,393,394, 395 pricing, 53, 54, 55, 56, 384 pricing methods, 56 revenues, 55 zone, 56, 62, 67, 81 Connection charges, 421,439 Constrained flowgates, 186 path, 18, 147, 148, 188, 445 transmission, 17, 39, 56, 124, 335,337, 344, 352 Contango, 360, 361,362 Contingency,19, 58, 59, 124, 159, 163, 170, 186, 271 analysis, 58, 59, 124 Contingency-constrained, 58 Contract for Differences, (see CfDs) Contract path, 46, 47, 48, 144, 146, 185,206 method, 46 Control devices, 57, 58, 60, 162

Index variables, 62, 63 CONTROLnet, 418 Cooling Degree-Day, (see CDD) Cooperatives, 113 Corrective actions, 54 Corridor, 48, 49 Cost-based MWweighting factors, 62 Counter purchase, 404 Counterflows, (see counterflows) Counter-flows, 47, 60, 400 Counterparty default, 277, 306 risk, 277, 283,288, 290, 291, 293,334, 335 CPWG,136, 146, 445 Credit risk, 281,289, 306 Creditworthiness, 280, 284 Cumulativeprobability, 268, 269, 270, 271 Curtail loads, (see load curtailment) Curtailability, 165, 166 Curtailable loads, 62, 63 Curtailment, 54, 115, 124, 149, 166, 185,206, 219, 286, 378, 391,429 Customerchoice, 2, 38, 221, 222, 400, 424 Customer-driven, 137 Customer-nodeinterface, 142

D Data elements of a tag, 203 pre-processing, 368


Index Day-ahead market, 4, 26, 76, 82, 83, 85, 86, 100, 445 commitments, 84 offer, 440 schedules, 83, 119 dc load flow, (see de power

flow) dc powerflow, 61, 62 DDs, 283,293,312, 314, 326, 328, 329, 332, 333,445 Decentralized, 382 bids, 59, 62, 63, 64, 65, 69, 90 Decremental cost coefficient, 64 energybids, 11 Default, 284, 289, 295,296 risk, 232 Deficit zone, 402, 403 Degree-Day, (see DDs) collar, 332, 333 options, 328, 329 swap, 328, 329 Deliverability, 224 Delivery time, 236, 255, 264, 302 Delta, 297, 298, 299 Delta-gamma VaR, 288 Demand curve, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 32, 363 forecasting, 117 Denmark, 398 Derivative, 228, 297 instruments, 228 security, 237 Digital product, (see digital structure)

Digital structure, 331,337 Direct access, 6, 10 access model, 6 Dispatch centers, 418, 419 Dispatching,7, 15, 17, 53, 55, 111,400, 426, 437 Diversification, 266, 287 Diversified supply portfolios, 296 DowJones, 305,349, 350, 445

E East Central Area Reliability Coordination Agreement, (see ECAR) Eastern Interconnection, 187 ECAR,121,152, 157, 272, 446 Economic dispatch, 7, 12, 106, 111,341 efficiency, 2, 46 operation, 33 signals, 18 EEMA,422, 446 Efficient regional dispatch, 54 Elastic, 28, 29, 33 demand, 28, 29 markets, 28 Electric Energy Marketing Act, (see EEMA) Reliability Council of Texas, (see ERCOT) Utilities Act, (see EUA) Electricity pricing, 337, 339, 357 Electronic information network, 16


scheduling, 186 Eltermin, 407 Embeddedweather agreements, 327 Emergency condition, 13, 18, 124, 165, 172, 297, 434 energy schedules, 114 Emission allowances, 337 EMS,144, 151,437, 446 Energy imbalance, 17 imbalance service, 108 ManagementSystem, (see EMS) market, 28, 80, 99, 101,106, 108, 118, 119, 127, 138, 222, 233,237, 249, 273,278, 308, 342, 345,424 profile accommodation,195 profile information requirements, 203 Service Providers, (see ESP) trading framework, 226 trading hubs, (see trading hub) England and Wales, 438 EPAct, 130, 133, 446 EPRI, 122, 135 Equity, 279 ERCOT,75, 112, 113, 114, 115, 127, 152, 157, 181,182, 272, 397, 446 ISO, 112, 113, 114, 181,182 OASIS, 113, 157, 181,182 ESP, 76, 80, 83,446 E-Tag, 188, 191,196, 197, 208, 211,212

Index Functional Specification, 188, 189, 192, 193,212 ETAG,(see E-Tag) ETC, 161,446 EUA,155, 422, 423, 424, 446 Europeanoptions, 240, 409 European-style options, (see European options) ex-ante, 223 Excel spreadsheet-based tag, 187, 190 Exercising Market Power, 42, 43, 44 Existing Transmission Commitments, (see ETC) Expandability, 137 Expectedvalue, 268, 346, 352 Expiration, 231,232, 233,234, 235,237, 239, 240, 241,242, 245,251,252, 253,254, 255, 308, 309, 319, 320, 326, 352, 408, 409, 420, 421,451,454 ex-post, 77, 118, 119, 120, 121, 223,352 energy MCP,119 price, 77, 119, 120, 121,352 External loss, 207

F Facility ratings, 387 Federal Power Act, 377 FERC NOPRon RTO, 381 Order 888, 14, 15, 17, 130, 133, 222, 377, 379 Order 889, 15, 22, 130, 133, 135, 146, 148, 150, 158, 179, 180, 222, 377, 379


Index Financial contracts, 353 losses, 207 rights, 54, 57 risks, 278, 279 transmission rights, 55 Finland, 398,400, 402, 404 Firm energy, 350 power, 297, 429 transactions, 123 Fixed Transmission Rights, (see FTR) Flexibility, 12, 99, 137, 164, 188, 190, 224, 280, 308, 383, 384, 385,392 Floating. level, 326 Floors, 280, 308, 325, 326 Flowgates, 186 Forced outages, 290, 292, 293, 296, 34l Forecast peak load, 112 Forecasting error, 164, 340, 352, 366 methods, 365 Forward contract, 99, 101,230, 231, 232, 233,234, 235,250, 251, 269, 300, 345,359, 361,408 curve, 337, 358, 359, 360, 361 price, 231,233,251,274, 358, 359, 360, 361,365 market, 100 Four comers, 349 FRCC,152, 157, 446 Frequencyresponse, 17, 108, 125

FTR 4,110,127,446 Fuelprice, 335,337,343,359, 360 Fungible, 223 Futures, 230,234,235,243, 244,246,248,251,252,256, 257,258,280,293,302,308, 313,323,399,407,450,451, 452,453,454,455,458,460

G Gamma,297, 298 Gas-fired generation, 395 GCA,122; 123, 124, 125, 198 200, 201,202, 217,218, 219, 446 Generation adequacy, 387 control area, (see GCA) maintenance, 389 Generator MeterMultipliers, 28, 84 Geothermal energy, 274 reservoirs, 274 GOAL, 440 Greeks, 297, 298, 335 Green power, 221,273,274 trading, 273 Grid expansion, 394, 395 operator, 400, 404, 440, 443 GridCo, 423


H HDD,312, 313,314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321,322, 323, 326, 327, 328, 446 index, 313,318, 319, 320, 321,322 Heating Degree-Day, (see HDD) Hedge, 282, 322, 419, 420, 421 definition 282 Hedgers, 226, 236, 277, 279, 280, 282, 300, 301,322, 334, 357, 360 Hedging, 224, 226, 236, 244, 279, 282, 285,297, 300,, 304, 308, 312, 334 instruments, 221,224, 269, 277, 279, 299, 304, 327, 335, 419 strategy, 236, 277, 278, 279, 280, 285,286, 290, 291,296, 297, 304, 309, 333, 334, 335, 339, 342, 360 tools, (see hedging instruments) HHIindex, 40, 446 Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, (see HHIindex) High-price zone, (see deficit zone) Historical VaR, 288 volatility, 345 Horizontal market power, 40 Hour-ahead market, 4, 26, 76, 82, 83, 85, 92, 446


schedules, 94 HowWG,135, 136, 142, 145, 146 Hybrid model,3, 5, 11 products, 327 Hydroelectric generation, 342, 352 plants, 398 Hydropower, 274, 275

IDC, 187, 189, 190, 212 ilDC, 186, 188, 189, 195, 199, 201,446 Imbalance market, 345, 399, 403 IMO, 397, 433,434, 435,436, 437 Implicit bid, 62, 65, 66, 69 Implied volatility, 297, 299, 345 Inc/dec bids, 60, 61, 62, 63, 71 Incremental/decremental price bids, (see inc/dec bids) Independent Electricity MarketOperator, (see IMO) PowerProducer, (see IPP) System Operator, (see ISO) Inelastic demand,28, 29, 32, 33 market, 28 Inexperience, 292 In-kind losses, 207 Installed capability market, 118, 121 Insufficient generation, 292


Index transmission, 292 Interchange Distribution Calculator, (see IDC) schedule, 217, 218, 447 scheduling, 387 transaction ID, 203 Interest rates, 251,279, 300 interim Interchange Distribution Calculator, (see ilDC) Internal losses, 207 Interoperability, 137 Inter-regional coordination, 383, 391,393 Interruptible load, 18, 108, 429 Inter-tie schedules, 77 Inter-zonal, 4, 62, 65, 67, 71, 90 congestion, 57, 59, 60, 64, 67, 7l lines, 56, 60, 61, 63, 64, 81 problem, 60 usage charges, 56 In-the-money, 238, 320,458, 461 Intra-zonal, 63, 67, 68, 73, 74 congestion, 57 congestion Payments, 74 congestion settlement, 68 subproblem,58, 60, 64 Inverted market, 360 Investor-OwnedUtilities, (see IOUs) IOUs, 46, 76, 81,103, 113,446 IPP, 78, 113, 114, 152, 266, 311,380, 422, 424 Irregularity in hydro-electricity production, 335,337, 344

ISO,3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 26,28,32,40, 55,56,57,58, 59,60,61,62, 67,68,69,72, 73,74,75,76, 77,78,79,80, 81,82,83,84, 88,96,102, 103,104,105, 106,107,108, 109,110,111, 112,113,114, 115,116,117, 118,119,120, 121,123,126, 127,181,182, 195,217,343, 345,352,353, 354,363,381, 384,385,397, 447 principles, 384

L Lack of experience, 285 LBMP,105, 107, 108, 109, 126, 447 LCA,192, 193, 195, 198,200, 201,202, 217,218, 219,447 Letter of credit, 224, 294, 428 Levels of service, 206 Line Loading Relief, (see TLR) outages, 53,285 Liquidity, 100, 222, 224, 226, 234, 235,237, 255,271,272, 273,280, 281,295 risk, 281 LMP,4, 55, 56, 57, 110, 127 Load aggregators, 25, 78, 152 Control Area, (see LCA) curtailment, 18, 54, 429, 436 forecasting algorithms, 338 forecasts, 104, 124, 160, 343 growth, 359

498 Serving Entities, (see LSE) shedding, 32, 114, 387, 417, 429 uncertainty, 335, 337, 343 Locational BasedMarginal Prices, (see LBMP) constraints, 18 Locati0nal Marginal Prices, (see LMP) Long position, 232, 255,261, 266, 268, 282, 298, 303,315 Long-datedforward prices, 277, 334, 359 Long-term capacity, 11 projection, 414 prices, 10, 359 Loopflows, 46, 47, 122, 160, 164, 171,185, 187, 381,383, 391,393,394, 395 Loose power pools, 13 Loss accounting, 195,207, 211 compensation, 114, 127 factor, 36, 38, 447 price, 37, 38 Low-pricezone, (see surplus zone) LSE, 104, 105, 108, ll0, ll2, 115, 164, 165,447

M MAAC,152, 157, 447 MAIN,121,152, 156, 272, 339, 447, 457 Maintenance approval, 387, 388

Index of generating units, 12, 125 schedule coordination, 125 schedules, 106, 123, 171,389, 390 Managing counterparty risk, 292 risks, 277 Mandatory pool, 12 MAPE,366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371,372, 373,374, 375 MAPP,121,152, 156, 272, 447 Margin account, 252, 253,254 Marginal cost, 6, 7, 71, 72, 344, 402, 415 generating unit, 5,343,430 losses, 107 offer, 399 participant, 437 Market Clearing Price, (see MCP) Clearing Quantity, 88, 90, 94 generator, 7, 412, 415 ManagementSystem, (see MMS) monitoring, 392 Operator, 433 power,1, 4, 6, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 80, 224, 255,272, 296, 335,337, 338, 340, 341, 344, 381,386, 391,392, 434, 439 risk, 281,333 separation, 62 share, 7, 40 based competition, 45 based price, 45, 109 based rates, 2

Index Marking-to-market, 235 MATLAB, 365 Maturity, 232, 235,237, 240, 255,296, 334 MCP,4, 5, 10, 19, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 78, 79, 81, 83, 84, 85, 88, 94, 117, 119, 120, 121,363,364, 365,367, 400, 447 Mead, 100, 101,272, 350 MeanAbsolute Percentage Error, (see MAPE) Mega-NOPR, 130 Meteorological conditions, 337 Metering data agent, 418 Mid-AmericaInterconnected Network, (see MAIN) Mid-Columbia, 349 Mid-Continent Area Power Pool, (see MAPP) Midwest, 17, 75, 121,155,278, 280, 288, 289, 290, 291,292, 293,295,296, 335 ISO, 17, 75, 121,122, 123, 124, 125, 127 OASIS, 123, 125 Minimumup and down times, 105 Minneapolis Grain Exchange, 223,242, 293 MISO,(see Midwest ISO) MISOOASIS, (see Midwest OASIS) Mitigating constraints, 18 services, 18 MMS, 418

499 Monopoly, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 12, 38, 40, 41, 45, 53, 56, 80, 81, 221,222, 310, 341,374, 382, 438, 439 Monte Carlo VaR, 288 Multi-ownedpath, 171 Multi-settlement system, 118 Municipally OwnedUtilities, 113 Must-run generation, 436 MW-Mile,47, 50, 51, 52 charges, 50 method, 50

NATC,166, 447 National Electricity Code,410, 447 Electricity Market, (see NEM) Grid Company,404, 439 N~itmyndigheten, 398 NECA,410, 418,447 Neighboring Control Area, 16, 160 NEM,409, 413, 418 NEMMCO, 410, 411,412, 413, 414, 415,416, 417, 418, 419, 447 NEMnet, 418 NEPOOL, 13, 75, 116, 118, 121,155,272, 397, 447 NERC,16, 27, 112, 121,122, 124, 135, 136, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 159, 160, 163, 164, 169, 170, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 195,203,206, 212, 386, 390, 447

500 curtailment priority, 206 Interchange Transaction Request Template, 190 Policy 3, 189, 190 NERCtag, 187, 190 Net Revenue, 259, 260 Network frequency support, 399 operator, 400, 402 pricing, 421 response method, 169 service provider, 413 Transmission Service, 110, 447 NewEngland, 13, 75, 80, 116, 117, 118, 127, 155,397,447 ISO, 116 PowerPool, 13, 75, 116, 155, 397, 447 NewYork, 13, 75, 80, 103, 104, 106, 108, 109, 126, 156, 221, 223,397, 447, 450, 453 Mercantile Exchange, (see NYMEX) Power Exchange, 106 PowerPool, 13, 75, 103, 126, 397, 447 NGC,439, 440 Node-nodeinterface, 142 Node-providerinterface, 142 No-load costs, 110 Non-contacted path, 47 Non-discriminatoryaccess, 1, 7, 10, 11, 14, 25, 77, 223,379,¯ 423 Nonfirm daily, 206 hourly, 206

Index monthly, 206 secondary, 206 transactions, 123 weekly, 206 Non-marketgenerator, 413 Non-pancakedrates, 15 Non-profit corporation, 78 entity, 25,433 institution, 385 Non-recallable ATC,(see NATC) Non-recallable reserved, 166 scheduled, 166 Non-scheduled generator, 412 Non-spinningreserves, 76, 82 Non-storable commodity, 223, 338, 358 Non-utility retailers, 78 NOPR,130, 134, 379, 381,382, 383,392, 447 Nord Pool, 342, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401,402, 403,406, 407, 408, 409, 447 5-TWharrangement, 406 Nordic Power Exchange, (see Nord Pool) Northwest PowerPool, (see NWPP) Norway,398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 404, 405,406, 407 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, (see NOPR) Notional size, 249 Notional volume, (see Notional size) NP-15, 100, 350

Index NPCC, 152, 155,447 NRES,166, 167, 447 NSCH,166, 447 NWPP, 428 NYMEX,221,223,229, 234, 250, 258, 259, 261,262, 265, 293,299, 305,309, 339, 355, 447, 450, 453 NYPE, 106 NYPP,13, 75, 103,156, 272, 397,447

O OASIS,3, 15, 17, 22, 103,104, 110, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 123, 125, 127, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141,142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, .150, 151,152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 160, 179, 180, 181,182, 195, 197, 206, 209, 211,225,383,391,392, 447 functionality and architecture, 137 information, 129, 134, 136, 138, 140, 142, 144 network, 129, 132, 137, 138, 139, 140, 143, 144 node, 123, 132, 135, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141,142, 143, 144, 145, 147, 151,152, 153, 179 Phase 1,132, 143, 144, 145, 146 Phase l-A, 146 Phase 2, 143, 144, 146 phases, 144

501 reservation number, 195 Standards and CommunicationProtocols, 135 structural requirements, 141, 150 structure, 134 types of information, 147 users, 147, 151 want ads, 150, 151,180 Oceanthermal energy, 276 Off-peak period, 338 One-way hedge, 283,419 On-peak DJ COBprices, 250 Open Access Same-time Information System, (see OASIS) Operable capability market, 118, 121 Operating cost, 18, 26, 45,427 horizon, 166, 167, 168 reserves, 12, 18, 23, 19, 108, 111,112, 121,125, 151,164, 423,428, 434, 436 Operational authority, 383,385,386 risk, 281 OPF,61, 62, 447 Opportunitycosts, 119, 120 Optionscontract, 229, 234, 237, 238, 240, 243,245, 247, 250, 268, 283,284, 290, 320, 408, 409 OTC,223,229, 230, 231,249, 280, 292, 293,295,304, 313, 399, 419, 447 OTDFs, 124


OTEC, 276 Out of band, 211 OutageTransfer Distribution Factors, (see OTDFs) Out-of-merit dispatch, 55, 56, 107 Out-of-state power, 79 Out-of-the-money, 238, 315, 320 Overflows, 185, 186 Overload, 53, 60, 115, 122, 185, 400, 417 Overloadedlines, 341 Over-the-counter, (see OTC)

P Palo Verde, 229, 250, 272, 339, 349, 350, 351,453,454, 455 futures contract, 250 Pancaking,46, 107, 1.22, 381, 395 Parallel flows, (see loop flows) Parallel path flow, (see loop flows) Participation agreement, 427 fee, 427 Payoff diagram, 256, 257, 264, 265 Performance Index, 58 Phase-shifters, 54, 57, 58, 60, 64 Photovoltaic, (see PVsystem) PJM,13, 17, 75, 80, 109, 110, 111,112, 127, 157, 179, 180, 339, 340, 349, 397, 447 OASIS,157, 179, 180 Sellers’ Choice, 349


Western Hub, 349 Plain vanilla, 228 Planned transactions, 114, 115 transmission maintenance, 125 Planning horizon, 166, 167, 168 POD, 123,207, 208, 211,448 Point of Delivery, (see POD) Point of Receipt, (see POR) Point-to-Point Transmission Service, 123 Pool price cap, 28 Selling Price, (see PSP) PoolCo,3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 27, 114 Model,3, 5, 7 POR, 123,207, 208, 211,448 Portfolio, 59, 66, 83, 84, 266, 268, 269, 270, 271,272, 277, 286, 288, 297, 298, 299, 300, 303,304, 334, 335,401 bids, 83 management,266, 268, 277, 334, 335 Posted paths, 148 PowerExchange,4, 22, 76, 78, 99, 106, 126, 230, 273,342, 397, 398, 407, 445,448, 449 Powermarketers, 25, 76, 78, 113, 114, 116, 288, 289, 292, 378, 380 PowerPool of Alberta, 397, 422, 423,425,426 PowerTransfer Distribution Factors, (see PTDFs) Predefined exchangerate, 250

Index Pre-dispatch schedule, 435,436, 437 Preferred generating technologies, 221, 273 schedules, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 70, 71 Premium,237, 239, 242, 243, 245,247,274, 309, 310, 319, 320, 324, 326, 327, 328, 355, 356, 408, 409, 452, 455 Preventive actions, 54 Price areas, 398 ceiling, 28 discovery, 100, 101,271,350, 374 dynamics, 357 forecast, 268, 304, 337, 338, 363,366, 367, 374 forecasting, 337, 338, 363, 366, 367, 374 index, 305,337, 349, 350 information, 285 movements, 363,364 projections, 280 risk, 99, 224, 229, 236, 249, 251,255,256, 264,266, 277, 280, 295, 301,304, 305,308, 312, 334, 355, 419 signals, 8, 46, 107, 225, 230, 271,285, 297, 391,395,399, 411 spark, 32 spikes, 283,285,289, 290, 291,292, 293,296, 297, 341, 344, 358, 370, 371,378 swap, 229, 249

503 transparency, 272 volatility, 221,266, 271,285, 289, 304, 335, 339, 340, 341, 342, 344, 345,349, 354, 357, 365,374, 419 Price-based competition, 222 Pricing information, 147, 148 model, 277,278, 337, 357 Pro forma tariff, 14, 133,148 Probability distribution, 268, 271,346, 365 function, 268 Procurement markets, 434 Product type, 206 cost, 2, 119, 120, 258, 423 Projected Assessment of System Adequacy, 414 Pro-rata basis, 400 PSEs, 187, 191,192, 195,206, 448 PSP, 442 PTDFs, 124 Public Utility RegulatoryAct, 113 Purchasing-SellingEntities, (see PSEs) Put options, 230, 238, 248 Puts, (see put options) PV system, 275 PX,4, 5, 11, 12, 17, 22, 25, 26, 28, 56, 58, 59, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 84, 99, 103,104, 105, 106, 289, 294, 295, 335,339, 344, 345,347, 350, 352, 353, 354, 363,448


R Rainfall Collars, 330 Ramprates, 105 Rampinginformation, 203 Randomvariable, 346 RATC,166, 167, 448 Rated System Path method, (see RSP Method) Reactive power control, 54, 162 supply, 17 Real-time market, 4, 76, 82, 105, 106, 109, 110, 434 dispatch schedule, 437 Information Networks, (see RINs) reliability, 8 spot prices, 119 Recallability, 165 Recallable ATC, (see RATC) Available Transmission Capability, (see RATC) reserved, (see RRES) scheduled, (see RSCH) RECs, 439 Redispatch, 55, 123, 124, 182, 388 authority, 388 of generation, 54 Redispatching, 15, 55, 58 Reference bus, 36, 37, 51 Regional Electricity Companies,(see RECs) Transmission Group, (see RTG)


Transmission Orginization, (see RTO) Registered Code, 200, 201,202 Regs, 120 Regulated monopoly, 221,222, 310, 341,374 Regulating Market, (see Imbalace Market) Regulation,2, 4, 6, 13, 45, 76, 82, 104, 105, 108, 112, 125, 159, 291,384, 394, 404, 423 Reliability, 3, 16, 27, 75, 112, 117, 121,152, 161,163,189, 193,385,387, 397, 446, 447, 448, 449, 460 standards, 387 Replacement energy, 22, 278 reserves, 76 Reserve offers, 436 shortage, 436 Residual market, 117, 118 Retail Marketers, 76 RetailCo, 235,251,261,262, 263,420, 421,448 Rho, 297, 300 RINs,130, 134, 448 Risk evaluation, 300 management, 25,227, 228, 268, 271,273,292, 295,300, 312, 325 River Authorities, 113 RRES, 166, 448 RSCH,166, 448 RSP method, 169, 170, 171 RTG, 16, 393,448

Index RTO,377, 378, 379, 381,382, 383,384, 385,386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391,392, 393,395, 448 benefits, 394 minimum characteristics, 385 minimumfunctions, 390 organization, 384 Rule 888, (see FERCOrder 888) Rule 889, (see FERCOrder 889)

S Scarcefacilities, 11 Schedule Coordinator, 4, 59, 60, 76 curtailment, 114 Scheduled generator, 412, 414,418 load, 415 outages, 105, 388, 389 Scheduling center, 79 Scheduling Coordinator, (see Schedule Coordinator) day, 26, 83, 105 information, 147, 149 Scheduling, Pricing and Dispatch System, (see SDP) SCUC,105, 109, 448 SDP, 418 Seamlessness, 137 Secondarymarket, 54, 55, 57, 108, 143 Security, 105, 114, 123, 127, 185, 225, 418, 419, 448 analysis, 122, 124


bond, 294 centers, 418, 419 Commitment, (see SCUC) constrained optimal dispatch, 105 Constrained Unit coordinator, 122, 124, 185, 189, 193,219, 386 information, 386 re-dispatch, 62, 63 token, 200, 201 valuations, 186 Self-committed schedules, 84 Self-provision services, 82 self-scheduled resources, 112 Self-supply ancillary services, 109 losses, 107 SERC,152, 155,448, 460 Service discounts, 150 reliability, 2 requests and responses, 147, 149, 179 Settlement,7, 22, 25, 78, 83, 109, 117, 119, 126, 127, 232, 254, 305,313,326, 352, 361, 399, 410, 418, 423,426, 434, 435,440, 441,442, 450, 451, 453,454, 456, 457,458, 460 procedure, 85, 97 Shadowprices, 119 Short hedge, 236, 258 position, 232, 236, 255, 258, 266, 303,304, 318 Shorter-dated contracts, 360, 361


Short-term projection, 414 energy market, 132 load forecasting, 338 price, 337, 363,366 price forecasting, 363,366 reliability, 16, 383,385, 387 supply, 358, 414 Shoulder months, 313 Simulation Method, 365 SimultaneousFeasibility, 4 Single-buyer model, 399 Single-price auction, 289, 293 Single-settlement system, 118 Sink control area, (see LCA) entity, 203 Sleeving, 280, 290, 291 SMP,156, 430, 431,432, 433, 440, 442, 443 Solar thermal electric technologies, (see STE) technologies SoutheasternElectric Reliability Council, (see SERC) Southwest PowerPool, (see SPP) SP-15, lO0, lOl, 350 Special participants, 412, 413 Specific liquidity risk, 281 Speculator, 300, 301,360 Spinningreserves, 17, 76, 82, 443,448 Spot market,3, 6, 7, 18, 19, 22, 76, 78, 109, 110, 111, 117, 126, 127, 223,225,227, 229, 230, 233,255,264, 265, 285,286,


301,339,341,360,361,397, 398,399,401,402,403,404, 405,406,407,410,411,413, 415,418 price, 7,10,22,101,102, 119,229,231,232,233,234, 235,240,241,251,252,253, 254,255,256,257,264,265, 266,283,291,301,304,307, 308,314,339,346,347,354, 355,356,359,360,361,363, 381,402,404,406,407,410, 411,415,416,417,418,419, 420,421 price pool, 22, I 01 SPP, 152, 154, 155,272, 448 Spread, 308 Spreadsheet-based tagging, 187 Stability limit, 63, 145, 160, 161 Stand-alone transmission companies, 385 Standard deviation, 268, 271, 346, 347 Standards of conduct, 131, 133, 378 Start-up costs, 105, 110 State estimator, 22 Statnett, 397, 398, 400, 402 STEtechnologies, 276 Stranded cost, 1, 4, 45,379 Strike price, 237, 238, 240, 242, 243,245,247, 283,297, 320, 326, 408, 420, 421,451,454 Supplemental energy bids, 77, 79, 96 reserve, 17 Supplementary energy, 76 Supply

Index curve, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 29, 32, 33,363 shortage, 284 Supply-demand condition, 341 dynamics, 278 Surplus zone, 402,403 SvenskaKraftn~it, 397, 398, 404 Swaps, 229, 249, 326 Swaption, 280 Sweden, 398, 400, 401,402, 404, 405,406, 407 Swingcontract, 280, 308 System Controller, 426, 428,429, 430, 431 Marginal Price, (see SMP) operator, 5, 12, 53, 185, 187, 378, 398, 400, 402, 413 price, 399, 402, 403 Systematicliquidity risk, 281

T Tag ID, 192, 195, 198, 199, 200, 201,202, 203,210 identifying, 199 Key, 192, 193, 195, 198, 199, 200, 201 validity check, 186, 192, 195, 200 Tagging definition, 186 information requirements, 137, 150 process, 186, 19 I, 195 sequence 197

507 syntactical error handling, 191,197 Tap-transformers, 54, 57, 58, 60, 63, 64 Tariff, 15, 16, 107, 114, 117, 126, 127, 148, 149, 150, 383, 390, 391,393,409, 423 TC, 14, 17,54,56,57, 115,, 116, 122, 125, 129, 132, 133, 134, 138, 141,142, 148, 149, 151,152, 166, 207, 383,391, 392, 448 TCC,1,4, 101,102, 104, 107, 109, 448 TCE, 245 Technological innovation, 39 Temperaturevolatility, 310 Ten-minute non-spinningreserve, (see TMNSR) operating reserve, (see TMOR) spinning reserve, (see TMSR) Testing vectors, 372, 374 PowerPool of Alberta, 339, 424,425,427, 431 Thermal limit, 64, 161,170 Theta, 297 Tie-lines, 81 Tight powerpools, 13 Time-weightedaverage, 415, 430 TIS, 185, 186, 188, 189, 193, 448 TISWG,188, 189, 448 TLR,114, 122; 124, 186, 188, 193,285,380, 393,448 procedures, 124, 380, 393

508 TMNSR,118, 120, 448 TMOR,118, 120 TMSR,118, 119, 448 Token, 200, 201 Total Transfer Capability, (see TTC) TP, 6, 17, 104, 106, 107, 108, 116, 129, 130, 131,132, 134, 137, 140, 141,142, 143, 147, 148, 149, 151,152, 153, 164, 165, 166, 168, 171,179, 191, 194, 195, 198, 206, 207, 208, 213,448, 285,378, 382, 452 Tradable rights, 54, 57 Trade-off level, 268 Trading charge, 225,. 427 hub, 221,271,272, 273 Training Vectors, 371,372 Transaction Administrative Information, 203 approval status, 212 denial status, 212 requirements, 203 identifier number,200, 201 Information System, (see TIS) Information System Working Group, 188, 189, 193,448 path information requirements, 206 scheduling, 13, 114, 125, 146, 198 states, 212 Transco, 384, 385 Transfer capability, 11, 27, 39, 129, 147, 149, 158, 159, 160,


163, 164, 165, 166, 171,172, 181,182, 186, 389 Transmission administrator, 422 bottlenecks, 395 capability, 125, 132, 337, 344 capacity reservation, 132 CongestionContract, (see TCC) constraint mitigation, 17 constraints, 285,292, 402 contract identifier, 195 customer, (see TC) DependentUtilities, 113 efficiency, 103, 109 line LoadingRelief, (see TLR) loss, 28, 33, 35, 84, 102, 115, 150, 207, 210, 416, 442 owner, 14, 39, 45, 46, 47, 57, 67, 73, 109, 115, 121,122, 123, 133, 134, 172, 377, 384, 389,390,392,423 planning, 109,113,114,127, 380,381,393 pricing, l,4,11,45,46,56, 103,122,147,390,391,394 pricing signals, 103 Provider, &ee TP) Reliability Margin, &ee TRM) reserv~ion, 114, 131,145, 187,197,206,225,394 rights, 4,54,55,57,197,434, 446 service, 2,3,14,15,47,54, 55,103,114,115,116,123, 126,127,129,130,131,132,


Index 133, 135, 138, 143, 144, 145, 148, 149, 150, 151,152, 160, 165, 166, 170, 174, 176, 178, 181,191,207, 378, 379, 382, 383,385,390, 391,392, 393, 423 Service Charge, (see TSC) Service Information Provider, (see TSIP) service reservations, 167, 175 services, 165 Services Information Networks, (see TSIN) system security, 123 transfer capability, 27, 131 user, 18, 47, 56, 129, 132, 148, 423 Transmission-OwningEntities, 384 Transmission-related communications, 147, 150, 179 TRM,27, 160, 161,163, 164, 167, 449 calculation, 163 TSC,106, 107, 108, 449 TSIN, 134, 449 TSIP, 140, 141,142, 143,151, 152, 449 TTC,27, 115, 123, 129, 134, 147, 148, 149, 150, 159, 160, 161,162, 163,164, 167, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 182, 383,390, 392, 394, 395,449 calculation, 161 TwinCities Electricity, (see TSE)

Two-wayhedge, 283

U UDCs,76, 78, 82 Unconstrained path, 134, 147, 148 system price, 403 Underlier, 297, 298, 299, 305 Unexpected outages, 341 Unit commitment,13, 103; 105, 109, 111,112, 123, 126, 127, 162, 388,448 commitmentschedule, 103 maintenance, 414 Unnecessarycurtailments, 186, 187 Unplanned outages, 296, 335, 337, 344, 358, 389 transactions, 115, 116 Unscheduledflows, 171, 172 Up-front payment, 305 Usage charges, 56 Use of system charge, 421,439 Utility Distribution Companies, (see UDCs)

V Value-added services, 142, 15 i transmission service information provider, (see VTSIP) Value-at-Risk, (see VaR) Value of Lost Load. 417. 442. 449


Var, 286, 449 closed form, 288 Vega, 297, 299 Vertical market power, 39 Vertically integrated monopoly, 1, 5, 6, 12, 45, 56 Vesting contracts, 342 Volatile commodities, 223,227 Volatility, 100, 221,227, 267, 280, 281,293,299, 305,310, 311,312, 335,337, 339, 340, 341,342, 343,345, 346, 347, 348, 350, 353,358, 360, 365, 367 measuring, 345 Voltagecontrol, 17, 63, 145, 161 Volumerisk, 277, 311,334 VTSIP, 151, 152,449

W Weather hedging, 310, 311,325 hedging tools, 325


risk, 310, 311,312, 321,325, 326, 335,337 Weather-drivenfactors, 279 Weather-related derivatives, 277, 278, 280, 283,293,334 Weightedaverage price, 349, 350, 351 Western Systems Coordinating Council, (see WSCC) What WG,135, 136 Wheel-out, 106 Wheel-through, 106 Wiener process, 357 Wind energy, 275 Writer, 237, 324, 408, 409 WSCC,153, 154, 428, 449

Z Zero sum game, 234 Zonal boundaries, 103 pricing, 46 scheme, 46 prices, 402, 403

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